THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER SERVING THE CMAIN-O L A K E S R E G I O N S I N C E 1 8 7 5 I WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1978 Resume Of News Events In 1977 Highlights Of Past Year In Community mr4 of (he Fwmln handle « -- v* In l»7Mhr III rtpanri rmrrgrfK> service* evrrvnnc mm*m a ^^lnnndftf ivn the Twrnlv liiur hour servicc tor btaMiftanal tchool rlonningw 1.M0. • | Tim mny 0> and the adimniair j Jn m km* v ^•trrasiflnly r INN iHtiwlml pr I m iMm high A «<rf af lk( Famitu handle«-- v-» IniyTithr to rxpjnd rmrrgrnc> service* evrrvnnc said Mr* ^ a •|_AM|n«||,dtorlflllii Twmtv lour hour servicc tor btaMipanjUi A Andrea* curd thr '.T* . • II* pi School Plcmninfl-- ~ _ A|fi||||nsryi?-̂ p.iorendums l»r 5*228 -sf Lorain®. Kerere'i«^v ^M5flr-nrd To/^0' ^uf^,ath'd Fr< OT»f OS "Sei J?78-7a 1. |l the rear end af i*r Af *^-«crr n«ued Thr cemratian P'«r Vs'Sâ rr fen. = End*,-- ... Splice•• Jw- '̂gSgl Override Mayor's Vefp^ n>« n .« ik* E--ahraat IMiMi •• .* _ I #|\/ .. (k. HdiMt (Had Km Mrm wttk a «T«w« W ^^****" I aw Kl 173 » hen --^a* " ""® --- F& f R I .-.J™*"* **" '*> gc^^aatt^afll to DeJSL • -^j^q/cb Gools For R< ^^^^^'^^^•^•catiooal Rehabilitation He warned the budget and the dacline in_pnpvl|linfi in thai ik '"""" ~J*- ^«o/ff*«S°?:S!E «r\ ootw W B A; .pproiimately lli^S,^ ^ A ma* dene lo each car i l l 1 ' j i r r i s l i « a s U f c r n u n - ' C l i . . Height* " orlhern lllinui. ^ .tin will alio JUVfcl Sewage Plant Ouffol w w Approval was gi< of duty (Upend* for n •* 1 ^0«/ ^ i l l I ' j i r r i s l i » i » * t a k e n r a n " C l i T ^ s , ^ m A mrv h..*p»ul h\ oniu ^ MM <no noted thai «. M M MS v Hrwur Mjo.i.rf I lU n^ulh^^^-^^ # \c _ ^ - M ̂ A c ( j v A . 5™5£_S25QWOGT_ '-*'r/Cj \l\eV* T_ K./i wiT" IV p H a* * iii Ka»i«er m the aflernaa*. the ^ _ I J 01 III l/^if I « Aueen . -- vauey. McHenry w«®® sS/- .Name "e*,Jk/en - -s's^-- _w»« /̂| •* - ̂ late la«i Of ahirn mhI ». 'V id Mi Hi l> prr|Hi.'.' lefl *km thr I row "*> . en/or C , " 111 _ Cquo/toQ»"n lf<S PI n Maria Hetaer «a* )uMjn^' ^ '•̂ „,Tg'»e2. *->* L>in 1 .^d uodatina rnt« W '̂ •Mil updating. rtMv .u in the creating material* aiaiit claaaroom te Mudentt in the , Al Publlc fXisLt; T°* f««>teoHon|fi"rr£ ^ ^TP^ioh'leach s^MWren^ :Henry Continues 10 /ve »< i». . . , , The above i* not « )•«>•«... w Maria Hfiter i nn» boa* achie\. ir thi» column it not dnotrd to