PAGE 10 . PLAINDEALFR . WFONESDAY. MARCH 8. 1»78 osco DRUG quality and savings 1 spell value at Osco 3720 W. ELM ST. McHENRY. ILL. Price* effective Wednesday, March • thru Saturday, March 11,1978 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE PHARMACY PHONE NO PHARMACY HOURS: 9-9 Daily; 9-6 Sat; 9-2 Sun. GENERAL MERCHANDISE PHONE NO 385-7030 385-7744 t G E-Z POR Aluminum Foilware Choice of 2 cookie sheets, 2 oven liners, 6 square cake pans or 4 ready- mi* pans. 4 broiler pans, or 3 roasters Osco Sale Price Peat Pots 8 round 3" pots or 12. 2V4" round pots We Guarantee Your Satisfaction MPs want ysu to Os pteased is* « id slum * to any •I»I to yaw aJ#a& son Were m tuemess is •esefy you sndSwewrenei MMM StonWronstae- Excel Choice of flower or vegetable packets. Osco Sale Price Scrub 'n Sponge Choice of Kitchen or Cookware sponges. Punch & Gro Seed Starter Kit 89< Choose from a variety of flower and veqetable kits Osco Sale Price CEDAR Angler Broom tipped for fine sweeping. Sale Price ioyktt lr*V Tub&Sinlt, scrubs • sponge 3m .QSCOSCO scos ;osc CO OS DSC (SCO rscos r0.ctrnqo osu SCO Household or Tub 'n Sink Sponge Choice of scrub 'n sponges for special jobs. O-CEDAH Sponge Mop With power strip for tough spots. CLAIROL Mlrror Mirror All-purpose, lighted mirror with regular and magnifying sides #RM-1 Osco Salo Piico I Shout 2 ounce aerosol soil and tain remover. Osco Sale Price RIVAL Can Opener Zips open cans, leaves drinking cup edge. Click n Clean action #781. Osco Sale Price Clock Radio AM/FM easy-to-read digital model. #7-4425. 12" S2499 i ess $2 00 G E. rebate. Dynamic mike with remote control. % (Batteries not included.) #3-5001^ Osco' Sale Price I Less $2.00 G.E rebate. J 'PYRE*®" Casserole Covered, clear, 1 Vi quart s'c>sco H 9 9 Sale I Price I Covered, 1-qt. size. Osco Sale Price ^ Hefty Trash Can Liners 20. 30-gallon bags. Of 20. Osco Sale Price Hefty Tall Kitchen Bags 15 bags and ties. ssQQc rice Dutch Master Presidents Box of 50 cigars. Osco Sale Price Hav-A-Tampa Jewels Box of 50 cigars. 399 Osco Sale Price White Owl Invincibles Box of 50 cigars. 99 Osco Sale Price NORELCO « Curly Q Mist stick Curls with mist or dry. Has cool tip, swivel cord. #HBI600. VORMCULITe Night Light Handy 7-watt light. ia Vermlculite 16 quart bag of fine soil conditioner. Origin Vitamin 1978 World Series Sweepstakes! 18T PRIZE A trip for two to a 1978 World Series game. 2ND PRIZE (2) One box seat season ticket for two to the 1978 Chicago Cubs home games. One box seat season ticket for two to the 1978 White Sox home games. 3RD PRIZE (100) 50 pairs of tickets to Opening Day at Wrigley Field. 50 pairs of tickets to Opening Day at Comiskey Park. Contest runs from February 15 through March 15. 1978. "rawing will be held at the end the business day. 124,1978 Simply All in an entry blank at your nearest Drug Store No purchase necessary. Employees of Drug, lr>c . Jewel Co , Inc., and Origin Vitamin Co and The drawing will be held at the end oi the business day. March24,19""' 01-- ------* -- - Osco I Osco Drug, Inc . Jewel Co . Inc., and Origin > Promotion Center West, their immediate families and households, including IRS dependents, are not eligible to win. Winners need not be present For complete contest details visit Osco. ORIGIN Vitamin E Bottle of 100 400 I.U. 485 ORIGIN Natural Lecithin 100 capsules. Osco Sale Price Super Potency Vitamins Bottle of 180 with minerals Oeoo Sale Price REVLON Super- Lustrous Cream-On Shadow ORIGIN Pantothenic Acid Bottle of 100. 100 mg. Osco ̂39 Sale • Price ORIGIN Special B Complex Bottle of 100 vitamins with C. us ORIGIN Vitamin B-6 Bottle of 50. 100 mg. vitamins. "149 ORIGIN Acerola Vitamin C 100 chewaMe vitamins. ORIGIN Rose Hips Vitamin C Bottle of 100, 500mg. vitamins Osco Safe Price £ Pi ORIGIN rotein owder 16 ounces. REVLON EVLON Super- Lustrous Nail Enamel V* ounce. Noa^CMA Instant Shave 11 ounces. Chotoe of scents. Osco Sole Price Osco Sale Price HOUBIGANT Musk Cologne 1-ounce spray cologne 50 CLAIROL New Clalrmlst 4-ounce hair mist. Super Hold. Regular or unscented. ~ c -as- Osco Sals Price Ultra Ban II Deodorant 5-ounce size. Choice of scents. S 109 Price / | Handy- Hands Work Qloves Men's 8-oz. cotton flannel glove. G.E Tub Caulk 3 ounce. Clear or White silicone seal Osco 459 Sale • w ̂ Price seeo STHRTBR SCNL Kraft Macaroni & Cheese 7V<-ounce dinner. Osco Sale Price 4*1 CLAIROL Mirror Mirror All-purpose, lighted mirror with regular and magnifying sides. #RM-1. Osco' Sale Price TRAC3X <r >. 1 a GILLETTE Trac II Blades Pack of 9 razor blades. Osco Sale Price Seed Starter Soli 4 quarts mixed for best plant growth. is? One Price k HAMILTON BEACH Corn Popper Butter melts and coats com as it pops. See-' through lid. #507. •No nonsense . parity } K hose:' NO NONSENSE [Parity Hose| In 2 sizes; Pet/Med. or Med/Tall. Osco Sale Price Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific 6-ounce Shampoo or Conditioner. Osco Sale - Price BOBCAT Men's Tube Socks 1-size tube socks fit 9-15. ~"C Vitalls 5-ounce Super or Regular hold. Osco Sslo Prioe Close-Up Toothpaste Reg. or Mint, 4.6 oz. Price Includes 12c off IaHAI Osco A ̂ C Sale Price RIGHT 3UARC GILLETTE IC int 10-ounce Bronze. ^491 Price Window-Box Chocolates oV4-ounce Chocolate Pea nuts, 4V2-ounce Stars, 5-ounce Chocolate Raisins or 5Vi-ounce Bridge Mix. Your Choice Osco Sale Price CLAIROL Hairsetter 3-way setter: deep conditioning mist, water mist, or dry. #K420S. Osco Sale Price POLAROID SX70 Film 10 instant color photos. SYLVANIA Fllpflash FNpe quick, takee 8 flash shots. Osco Sale Price 19 photo processing SPECIAL! MEADOW GOLD ICE CREAM AT OSCO DRUG 12 Exposure .Color Prints with coupon H coupon Wa Use Kodak PaosrM _ 70? 20 ̂1445 IJrr* ona roll par coupon S£?KSS Q73 with coupon W prln on davatoptng any roi Foroi I took or fhs times of your Ha" PRESTO® Fry Baby Great for singles or couples. Uses only 2 cups of oil. #FBD-1 rasEsssneasiosc Osco Sale Price Coupon Oood Thm Sal March IS. tSTS m - Color Print Processing °°* ISCO Sava 70c OK our ragular ^ |cos OAF. Focal or 3M color print M I Moft Incr Oaoo Rag. 12 Exp $2.99 • ^S^ 'IV^Ow 20 ExO |4 43 - - Limit ona roll par coupon (uscol S Cat̂ en Oood Thru Sal March IS. »97S Color Print Processing Sava 70c off our ragular prtoa on davaloplno any roN at Kodaootor. Fup.Folomat. OAF. Focal or 3M odor print Oaoo Rag. It Exp $2 90 20 Exp. $4 43 Lima ona ro« par coupon w^iiwgjaissBas cos |OSC< SCO good care of yourself, .save the