THE SPRING FLING AT HORNSSVS AND TOU WILL BASKETFUL OF SAVINGS ON TOP-OUAUTY AND FAMOUS IT PATS TO SHOP HORNSBT'S FLTSTI o wis# •wlwVTlWsi vl DVBMHVVI , March , March J 9 i Prlcos offoctlvo whllo quontitios lost. Wo rosorvo tho right to limit quantities Brack's Mhf |M fan 22 os. of ovoryono's VAMAVIIA Ag^^A I mrOi vi v CQITwr liWUT I U# SptchMEgis . Rog. 79C HLx A9€ *. tie-top Crunchy malted milk covorod with o sugar sholl. 11 os Rog. 93C ErnhNkfaMr 6715 • os. of Mkious Pahnor •nUk chocolate foil wrap- ' . •>"• ^ % •J 4 Crato of 1 doson delicious Easter Hay NEW I As Soon On TV! Kit includes Eostor color magic in o bog, 5 ogg toys, 3 delightful pup- pots. Eostor Crass Vi os. of non-flammable Eostor gross for boskots and decoration. I Caddly iastor Plash fay Assortmoat Soft, plush, cuddly lambs, chicks and bunnies to please everyone on your Easter list. •m. 1.74 Chocolate EQQS TriESt HOfUibY S FAMILY CENTERS OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY & 10 to 6 SUNDAY w a'. Rt . 34 & 47 Yorkville, II!. 1 1 0 Waver l y V .o r r is I I I . Rou te I 36 Havana, II I R t 66 & 116 Pontiac !H. US 6 & Rv 26 Pnnct'or III Marke t C t r . MrMenry , I I I . Rocte I 7 Woodstock III 459 Kennedy Dr 8radley III .