s PACE » • PLAIN DEALER - WEDNESDAY. MARCH IS l*» This Week's Migrant f WHITE-THROATED S P A R R O W B> Vernon Kleen Dra^in* b> \ora Duke This Week's Migrant Series prepared and sponsored by The Illinois Audubon society Of the many spa fro** s which occur in Illinois the White- throated Sparrow in bright spring plumage is one of the most attract! ve During spring migration it is also one of the most common and conspicuous specres Its name comes as a resuit of its distinctively-marked white throat The throat contrasts sharply with the grayish cheeks and underparts Other diagnositc identification marks (Bclude the three white, separated by two black stripes an top of its head and the yellow Spot in front of the eyes The brownish back and wings, the two white wing bars and the dear underparts are Characteristics commonly shared with other species White-throated Sparrows are birds of thickets and brushy Aoodlands and rarely venture far from dense cover They tend to stay m small flocks and readily visit feeding stations if bird seed is scattered on the ground Their primary diet consists of weed seeds but also includes various types of, berries as well as grubs and insects As spring progresses and the birds journey towards their northern homelands, their clear plaintive song often paraphrased as "Old Sam Peabody Peabody Peabody is commonly heard During the winter only parts of the song are given-frequently just the first two notes or one of the •Peabody ' phrases A short ' tseet" is its normal call-note White-throated Sparrows spend their winter season down south which for this species includes the southern tip of Illinois They are exceedingly rare in ^hy otner part of Illinois from December through February However, when migration is under way. beginning in March and ending in mid-May. they are very- common During this time they are heading towards their Canadian and northern United States nesting grounds Once at jhe breeding grounds, males stake out from ooe-half to two- an done-ha if acres of suitable habitat which they vigourously defend from all other intruding male white-throats By ;so doing, they attract females to the area and assure themselves of an adequate. non competitive food supply which necessary for the carrying out of family respocsibilites The closest nesting area to Illinois is in northern Wisconsin Nests consist of a neat cup lined with fine grasses placed on the ground in a depression under a low dense shrub or bush The female not only selects the nest site but does all the work of building the nest The four to six whitish eggs spnnkled or splotched with varying shades of brown require nearly two weeks of incubation before hatching the young birds then leave the nest eight to ten days later and learn to fly shortly thereafter If you are unfamiliar with the White-throated Sparrow, now is the time to look for them. they should be readily identifiable Next Week Purple Finch Balanced Board Gov Thompson has named a seven-member screening task force to review candidates nominated for the new State Board of Elections T have asked the task force members to concentrate on a balanced board make-up. in terms of geography, age sex and racial balance." Thompson said The task force is expected to complete its work by March 20, and the governor plans to announce the newly selected Board of Elections members by April 1 S*op Thursday and Friday tit 9 fro lm Opt C/yuf S W F " ()\ SKY B\l J SI AMIKSK NCAV the littler l>ra.s tor A >:ne inn a little save w x j a lot' I I IE BRYS THAT MAKE VJU Fi l l LIKE A NATURAL W0MA\ Because now there's Sky Bali* Seamless, (Soft Cup and Underwire) the new littler bras with sides and back that are a little bit narrower so you can feel free and comfortable. The cups are seamless, so you can look smooth and natural And since little things mean a lot, the Sky Bali Seamless also has comfortable, adjustable stiaps and sleek, satiny inner cups. Of course, every Bali Seamless gives you all the fit and support Bali is so famous for. The new Sky Bali Seamless. It's everything for the woman who wants less. For less! The bras that make you feel 1/ C • ^ ^ like a natural woman. #3530 Soft Cup style available in sizes 32 MB. C.D in White anc Beige B.C Reg I 50 Sale 6.SO D Reg. 9 00 Sale 7.00 13510 Underwire available in sues 32 40B,C.D in White and Beige B.C: Reg 9 50 Sale 7.50 D Reg 10 00 Sale 100 Offer good only through March 27 IN ANDCR FOUNDATIONS. ELGIf i CRYSTAL LAKE (2wS) Bur WITH CASH 0R Y°uR (g^|%S) SPlESS CREDIT CARD Mjitd Lnvqe 8i'.« A-'Wr.ci'd nor maim tan i mm. ma ma CUM nm nam mkct inn mi vcu nm ikiiui i mmmm mi nam m m tm a own nm mu m am nm. em MI a mmI m mmm camn srm uunu tmut im as MI Photography Presentation By Weg Thomas March 17 The Northland Area Art league will host a photography presentation by Weg Thomas, professional photographer- artist. March 17. 8 p m at McHenry County college in Crystal Lake Mr Thomas will present a step by step illustration of the making of a fine photographic print He will also present his \iews on the cultural role of the artist in society He will answer q u e s t i o n s r e g a r d i n g photographing and processing all phases of black and white photography Weg Thomas has achieved a prominence in the art of fine printing of the negative in black and white He believes there is an important difference bet ween art and photography, not so much as what is done but how and why it is done Mr Thomas has his own studio in McHenry and devotes his full time to art and photography as a profession. He has given his presentation before many schools and photography clubs and teaches his principles in his studio Everyone interested in photography and art is welcome to attend the lecture and refreshments to follow A minimal fee will be requested from non-members McHenry Talent Featured In "Camelot" Production The Woodstock Theatre company will end its 1977-78 season with Lerner k LoeweJ's charming tale of King .Arthur and the knights of the round table. "Camelot " Frank E Harrison, producer of the show, announced that casting had been completed earlier this week "Camellot" will round out a complete musical season which began in the fall with "Oklahoma" The show will be presented by the W~TC at the Woodstock Opera House April 21 and 22 Curtain times for the Friday and Saturday evening per formances will be at 8 30 p m Curtain times for the Sunday- evening performances will be at 8 30 p m Curtain times for the Sunday matinees will be at 3pm There will be a special student preview night April 6. with a 7 p m curtain time This preview night is open to all grade school, junior and senior high school students throughout the county Talent from throughout the entire northwest Chicago metropolitan area has been gathered in an all-out effort to give a well rounded, professional production King .Arthur, the lead character around whom the action of the play revolves, will be played by- Michael Bailey, a Fox River Grove resident His lovely- queen. Guenivere will be-< played by Marsha Damlko. from .Arlington Heights This will be the first WTC ap pearance for both Lancelot. the third side in the ill-fated triangle, will be played by Craig Spengel of McHenry This is Craig's third ap pearance with the WTC He will be best remembered for his protrayal of Lt Cable in South Pacific * Frank Harrison will protray King Pellinore the somewhat daffy confidant of Arthur's Rounding out the leads will be Bob Dapper Harvard, as Mordred Arthur s illegitimate son who strives throughout the show to destroy the code of chivalry represented by the round table The men's chorus includes Rob Thomas. McHenry as Sir Lamorak Rounding out the cast will be pages. including Dana Smith. McHenry In addition 19 her role as page. Ms Smith will appear as a pixie-type butterfly in a choreographed number in the show Camelot ' will be directed by Sandra Smith of McHenry She has innumerable per forming and directing credits to her name, including par ticipation in a number of the Woodstock Performing com pany's productions last sum- "This vested Glen suit iH BB • of mine is a great per ~ former. Shows its style in crisp, natural lines And there s nothing like it for pointing up meticulous detailing Tailored in 100% texturized Today's Dacron polyester by Klopman to turn in a great performance, wear after wear." Navy, coffee, grey Sizes 39 regular, 40 44 long 150.00 i'» Clothing. E Igin and Crystal Lake *'t Clothing, £ igin and Crystal Lake A t»iv D*eer• 00 'IB"C Of klopff>«n 'DuPo^' jQpnr- , C * *or Appaff >fK otf7? S) BUY WITH CASH OR YOU* SPIESS CREOiT.CARO mm mmm its ran 1 mm mu mu new rua num commit na nm m tm cm m emm mm 1 uu turn mm anm uu m mm mer The musical director will be Tom Steffens. who also directed the music for both "South Pacific" and •Oklahoma" Once again, there will be dinner-theatre arrangements with the Old Courthouse Inn There will be dinner-theatre packages available for all Friday and Saturday evening perform ances Reservations for dinner-theatre must be made at 338-6700 Keepin' Healthy In the past few years, more and more people have been installing smoke detectors in their homes to provide an early warning should a fire begin Normally, in case of fire, there is detectable smoke before there is detectable heat Since most fire victims die from the inhalation of smoke and toxic gases rather than flame, smoke detectors can heip save lives There are two types of smoke detectors on the market today - ion chamber detectors and photoelectric detectors The ion chamber detector uses a radioactive source to produce electrically charged molecules ' 10ns > in the air This sets up 3n electric current within the detector chamber When smoke enters the chamber, the smoke particles attach themselves to the ions and reduce the flow of electric current, thus setting off the alarm Photoelectric detectors use a light source and a light- sensitive cell inside a darkened chamber When smoke enters the chamber, the light strikes the smoke particles and is scattered and reflected into the light-sensitive cell, which sets off the alarm The Illinois Department of Public Health has the following suggestions for purchasing, installing and maintaining smoke detectors for your home: 1 Buy a smoke detector that has a full description of its operation, instructions for installation and information about the expected life of its components < such M a bulb or battery). Also, be sure it has the National Fire Protection association <NFPA> approval 2. Consider the location of electrical outlets if you buy a detector that requires an electrical cord. You may prefer a battery-operated detector, as house electricity is sometimes cut off in a fire. However, if you buy a battery-operated model, look for one that warns you when the battery needs replacing 3 If you buy a photoelectric detector, it should sound a warnixfg when the bulb burns GET PROFESSIONAL carpet cleaning results! (At do-it-yourself prices) RENT OUR RINSE N VAC-tt* nem portable easy-to-use hot water extraction carpet cieamnc machine that GENTLY... •rinses carpet fibers «ith hot water and cleaning solution •loosens and Ufts all dirt rime and residues to me carpet surface where then are immediately * vacuumed up 4" '•? •leaves your carpets CLEAN FRESH and OOOR-fREE' a (2 Vi Hr $5.00 Min. ONLY $12.00 FOR 24 HOURS. ACE HARDWARE 3729 W. Elm St McHenry, III. 385-0722 1 Senior Hot Line { Q Should we keep records for Social Security benefits" A Yes, keep a record of your monthly Social Security income so you can total it up at the end of the year for the Illinois Tax Relief Grant form Q. What is the new Social Security earnings tests'* A If you have earnings from work you will want to keep a monthly record and weigh it against the new Social Security earnings test just signed into law Here are the new limits For retirees between 67 and 71. you can earn $4,000 in 1978 (was $3,000) and still get your full Social Security Retirees under 65 earnings limit is $3,240 (was $3,000). People who earn more may still get some Social Security benefits, but for every two dollars you earn above these amounts, you lose one dollar in benefits Important' The monthly test which provides that retirees who are between 65 and 72 can get a full benefit for any month in which you do not earn more than S333 in wages 'was $250) now applies only to the first year of your eligibility The figure for retirees under 65 is $270 'was $250 per month for the first year only After that you can forget about the monthly test figure The ear nings test applies only up to age 72 In 1982. the age at which the test no longer applies will be changed to 70 Q Should we keep our record of our Medicare hospital and medical deductibles'1 A Yes. keep a record of your annual Medicare hospital deductible which is $144 for 1978 • was $124> Also keep account of the $60 annual Medicare medical deductible toward doctor bills. And remember that if you did not meet the $00 deductible until October of 1077 and then needed it. you can apply the same deductible (or 1977 and 1978. By the way anyone who did not sign up for Part B, the medical portion of Medicare which pays part of your doctor bill, can do so in January. February or March by applying at your local Social Security office Those of you who have private supplemental. in surance to help p«y the bills not covered by Medicare will need to keep account of all medical expenses so as to properly fill in the insurance claim forms. We lose when we pay the premiums and then fail to make claims for reimbursement Anyone getting a Veteran's pension benefit should keep all medical bills for the year in cluding dentist, prescriptions, glasses, hospital insurance including Medicare medical and all unreimbursed doctor and hospital bills for veteran, wife and dependents and submit them when you get your inquiry card in October. By the way, you can now have your VA benefit check sent directly to a financial organization. Please write or call Lieutenant Governor Dave O'Neal's Senior Action centers at 160 North La Salle, Chicago, 60601. or 3 West Old Town Mall, Springfield, 111. 62701 with questions or concerns about any government agency or programs This column will be covering the many questions senior citizens may have on various subjects. Call statewide: toll free, dial 800 242- 6565 Home Work Applications At Housing Authority The McHenry County Housing Authority is now taking applications from home owners who need insulation or rehabditatwe of their homes Home owners crust live within the aty hunts of » oodstock or Fox River Gro^e to qualify for the program acd have a limited income Many rrpes rf work can be done :nrftatftng sue 20c limited to. iTWitallanor or repair of piumbwg. beating, or electrical systems roof repairs, in stallation. of storm windows and doors, and insulation of walls, ceilings, crawl spaces and basements This work is free of charge to qualified home owners Home owners who need winterization of their homes and who live anywhere in McHenry county may qualify for the Weatherization program This program is also free of charge to qualified homeowners. t, Anyone who thinks be might, qualify for either program, or would like more information should call the Housing Authority office, 338-7838. out Buy extra bulbs when you buy the detector so you wall have them ready when replacements are needed 4 When installing your detectors, install them in ac cordance with the manufac turer s recommendation Early warning is largely dependent upon placement of the detector Do not place a detector near air conditioning or beat registers that could blow fresh air past the unit and keep it from being exposed to smoke. 5. Replace batteries once a year, even if the warning device for weak batteries has not sounded The warning may fail to function and batteries cannot be expected to last longer than a year 6 Test your detectors once a month and when returning home after a vacation or other absence of 7 or more days. In order to provide maximum time to escape, smoke detec tors are triggered by relatively little smoke. The heavy use of tobacco, failure to open a fireplace damper and some cooking may cause false alarms Blowing or fanning the smoke out of the detector will stop the alarm After you have installed smoke detectors, sleep with your bedroom doors open so you can hear an alarm at the earliest possible moment. Normally, this will awaken you in time to escape through your home's normal exits (stairs, hallways) before they are »blocked by smoke. A recent study showed that fires in closed bedrooms often reached the lethal stage before detec tors outside the room were activated. It was also found that open doors did not significantly increase the hazard to those in the room from a fire outside the room. The conclusion drawn was that it is better to leave the bedroom door open not only to hear the detector but also to enable a fire in the room to activate the detector. Smoke detectors can be a reliable way to protect yourself and your family from fire. If you want more information about smoke detectors, contact your local health department, or write to: Illinois Department of Public Health, Product Safety Program. 535 West Jefferson, Springfield, 111. 62761. NATIONAL NEWSPAPER rmm irf mHLuii: ""MB NNASUSTAINING "" • MEMBER--1177 $UB$MIPTION RATtS 1 Yewr 910.50 1 Year $15.00 In McHwnry and Lakw OwtsMw McHwnry County Lakw County PuMlsltod Ivory Wwdnwadny t Mdey ot McHonry, Illinois $ocond Oosa Postugo Paid ot McHonry. Illinois •y McHENRY PUSLISHINC COMPANY 11»>"•*"• •• **••«• •» cfcMt. w (Mxm to IW "'"•"'I »»»• ««•• OcH-rr. «. MM*. A MMHWwM,fc**, mm iiifliaMii at • •ufcmyNiw w<H U mO «kw« • dtoege al mMtm* I* pmUri tfcnujfcWtoe--l onto Dip I. Larry E. Lund-Publi.hor Adelo Froohllch-Edltor