PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. MARCH 17, 1978 *7 ' V / / TAMMY SCHEIB ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scheib of 500 Park street, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter. Tammy, to Donald Johnson, son of Edward Johnson of 5015 Willow, McHenry. The bride-to-be attended McHenry Community high schools and her fiance graduated from West campus in 1977. A June 3, 1978, wedding at St. Mary's Catholic church is planned. The couple plan to make their home in McHenry after their marriage. IN APRIL LIMELIGHT - Coming up fast is the Auxiliary to McHenry hospital's springtime fashion show. Tickets should be ordered soon by writing the Auxiliary to McHenry hospital, P.O. Box 69, McHenry, 60050. Models rehearsing for this April 5 fund- raising event at Andre's Steak House, Richmond, include from left, front, Carol Chmiel of Crystal Lake and Wyn Cain of McHenry; back, June D'Isa of Johnsburg; and Cassandra Rhode of McHenry. DON PEASLEY PHOTOGRAPHY man shall never be enriched by enkry. -Thomas Draxe. TJie (envious will die, but envy never. -J. B. Moliere. Easter Sunday Sasha presents Complete Dinners Served Noon to 9:00 p.m. Dinners include appetizer plate, soup, salad, entree, dessert and beverage. •HAM STEAK ARGENTUILLE 7.50 » TURKEY STEAK VERONIQUE 7.75 •DUCK K0RNIL0FF 9.50 •NAUTICAL SAMPLER 9.50 •T0URNED0S BEARNAISE 10.50 •CRAB LEGS & T0URNED0 COMBINATION 12.50 Pius Children's Specials! OUR NEW FAMILY BUFFET BRUNCH Will begin Easter Sunday Served 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. 095 195 J PER PERSON 1 CHILDREN UNDER 12 Passport Club Dinner No. 8 The Cuisine of Persia WED., MARCH 22-6:30 P.M. Call 385-8899 for Details & Reservations GRgSCENT <$AY~ °LA]S(J>IN§ 3309 N. Chapel Hill Rd., McHenry Heirloom Gown Worn At Early- Spring Wedding Jean Brinkman, formerly of McHenry, wore the 71-year-old wedding gown of white net previously worn by her maternal grandmother and her mother when she gave her hand in marriage to David John Evans of Melbourne, Australia, Saturday, March 11, in New York City. The Rev. Phillip Clark of Park Avenue Methodist church blessed the exchange of nuptial vows during a 5 o'clock ceremony at the apartment of Dian Friedman, a close friend of the couple. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Brinkman of 610 W. Regner road, McHenry, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Evans of Melbourne, Australia. The bride chose to com plement her gown with a diamond and pearl pin that had been a wedding gift to the bride's grandmother from her grandmother's brother. She wore baby's breath and white daisies in her hair and carried a bouquet of spring flowers. Chris Everet, Virginia Wade, and friends of the bridegroom from Australia and Canada were among the twelve who attended the wedding and dinner at the Copaine restaurant. One hundred and fifty guests toasted the bridal couple at a reception held on the Sky Garden roof of the St. Moritz hotel. An extended honeymoon trip will include visits to London, Singapore, and Bali, after which the newlyweds will make their home in Melbourne, Australia. The bride has made her home in New York City for the last 9 years and is manager of promotions for Phillip Morris company. Her bridegroom is a television executive. Senior Walk-In Center Meals are served Monday through Friday at the Walk-In center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 1:30 the day before at 385-8260. The menu for the week of March 20 through March 24 is as follows: March 20: Chicken loaf- cranberry sauce, buttered rice- parsley, zuccini-sauce, assorted breads, lemon jello- fruit and milk. March 21: Brown beef stew- vegetables, noodles, spring salad, hot cornbread, chilled peaches and milk. March 22: Tuna casserole, apple rings, peas and carrots, garlic toast, pumpkin pie and milk. March 23: Roast beef, mashed potatoes, savory string beans, rye bread, chocolate bars and milk. March 24: Good Friday. All centers clo r MARRIAGE LICENSES Applications for marriage licenses at the McHenry County Clerk's office were recently made by: Jeffrey H. Bruns, Woodstock, and Melody A. Petersen, Wonder Lake; Clayton Kaffski and Nicole M. Nugent, both of McHenry; Michael A. Gilio and Andrea M. Heiser, both of McHenry; William M. Molnaire and Signa W. Wright, both of McHenry. DIVORCES Decrees and judgments of dissolutions of marriages recently granted by the 19th Judicial Circuit include: Gail A. Paganini and Leonard Paganini; Michael A. Riley and Darlene Riley; Janice M. Keeger and Robert W. Keeger; Judith Ann Steele and Michael J. Steele. "Fair" Membership Brunch Honored by the membership of the Mental Health Resource league at their annual brunch were these past chairmen of "Fair Diddley", Carol Chmiel and Karen Smiejek of Crystal Lake; Barbara Johnson of Woodstock; Mary Schwarz of Crystal Lake; Trish Sayler of McHenry; Julie Jessup of McHenry, portraying a ten-year old "Fair Diddley"; Char Robinett, Val Gitlln. and Joan Brown from Woodstock; Sharyn Forbes of McHenry; Bernie Creamer of Spring Grove; and Lynda Stoxen of Harvard. ROBERTA CALLIGER PHOTO Plans are already being made for the tenth annual "Fair Diddley," sponsored by the Mental Health Resource league for McHenry county. To be held Sunday, May 21, at the Woodstock square, this year's "Fair Diddley" again promises to be a delightful afternoon with plenty of entertainment and lots of treasure shopping at the many craft and antique exhibits around the square. The Mental Health Resource league honored the past chairpersons for "Fair Did dley" at their annual mem bership brunch recently. In a skit based on "This Is Your Life", former chairmen reminisced about past fairs. "Fair Diddley" started as a book fair and has grown over the years to a fullfledged arts and crafts fair with over 180 exhibitors. During the years many additions were made, including entertainment in the bandstand, children's games, and performances in the Woodstock Opera House. For more information about Fair Diddley contact Mrs. Kingsley Forbes of McHenry. Destination Chicago For Pioneer Senior Citizens 1 Plans were made for a Chicago bus trip when the Pioneer Senior Citizen club met for dessert luncheon in March. The date set for the bus trip is April 7, leaving at 10 a.m. from the town parkling lot (by the old bank building). Travelers may have the choice of going to either China town or the Flower show; the bus will go to both places. Lunch will be at Cantonese Chef in Chinatown where there will also be a tour of the Courts. Reservations are to be made at the March 21 meeting. The forty-one members present extended birthday greetings to those celebrating in March, and congratulations were extended to Oke and Helma Burgeson on their fifty- third wedding anniversary. The meeting was opened with a pledge of allegiance to the flag with Vice President Robert Leonhardt presiding. An acknowledgement was received from the Beulah Karls family for her memorial. It was announced that there would be a blood drive at St. Joseph's hall, Richmond, April 4, from 2 to 6:40 p.m. Sunshine Chairman reported that she had sent out get well and bir thday cards, and told of the death of Hattie Harms, who passed away Feb. 25. All present bowed their heads in silent prayer. It was voted to send the family a memorial. The publicity chairman talked on nutrition and the Meet and Eat program. The nominating committee presented their slate of officers for 1978-79 - Verona Nies, president; Robert Leonhardt, first vice president; Bea Meir, second vice president; Margaret Powers, secretary and Wanda Todd, treasurer. Election will be held at the March 21 meeting and in stallation of officers April 4 starting at 12-noon at the LaSalette center. Reservations may be made at the March 21 meeting or by calling 675-2496 before March 31. The next meeting will be March 21 at the community church hall. Everyone is asked to bring a surprise gift in a paper bag to be used as a prize for a game. The lunch com mittee members are Sadie Lasco, Mae Weber, Frieda Wolff, Lola Slavin, Lillian Schubert, Fini Kjellin, and Hattie Erb. Canada Represented At International Program The Homemakers Extension association held it's In ternational All County day at the Farm Bureau building, recently with Mrs. Carolyn Steck, international chairman in charge of the program. This year's international country was Canada. Ed Hornby was the speaker and brought with him movies about his country, after which the audience asked him questions pertaining to people, customs, etc. Following the forum, a dessert lunch was served by the ladies of H.E.A. consisting of food which is native to Canada, including oat cakes, maple gingerbread cake, and sugar pies. Each unit made one of the desserts for the luncheon. All the guests received these and many other recipes from Canada. H.E.A. information can be obtained from Rose Weskerna, Public information chairman, or Connie Steffen, president. Easter is coming! GIRLS THRU SIZE 14 BOYS THRU SIZE 12 Candyman's Closet , [(a division of The Toddler Shop) • "HIGH FASHIONS FOR THE YOUNG" ' 3430 * ELMST MCHENRY ILLINOIS 345-0744 McHENRY HOSPITAL SECOND SON Leroy and Debby Marks of 412 Broadway, McHenry, welcome their second son, Nicholas Brian, to their home. The infant was born at McHenry hospital Wednesday, March 8, tipping the scales at a hefty 9 lbs. 1 oz. He joins a brother, Bradley, at home. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith of Park Ridge and paternal gr- wndparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marks of Lake Villa. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK An infant son born Monday, March 13, is welcomed to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Riley of Wonder Lake. It's a boy!...born Monday, March 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schultz of McHenry. HOSPITAL NOTES McHENRY HOSPITAL Recent admittances to McHenry hospital who requested that their names be published included from McHenry: Karen Kraemer, Christy Pedriana, Frank Middaugh, Annette Taylor, Bertha Klewitz, Dorothy M. Weed, Daina Sornson, and Elizabeth Schletter. ' MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Recent admittances to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included from McHenry: Violet Abbink, Stanley Aim, William Steinbock, Donna Broederdorf, Master Robert Nemtusak, Florence Piasecki, Mary Gates, and Patricia Strong. HARVARD HOSPITAL Robert Klotter and Mrs. Thomas Piesecki, both of McHenry. were recently ad mitted as patients to Harvard hospital. Julius Gruenfeld -IN APPRECIATION-- I want to thank my friends and neighbors for their interest and many kindnesses to me. Julius Gruenfeld Local Women Initiated As New Charter Members The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, an honor society for women educators, has installed a new chapter in McHenry county. Twelve McHenry county women were initiated as charter members of the newly formed Gamma Psi chapter. Installation ceremonies were held at the Crystal Lake Country club with state officers from Delta Kappa Gamma assisting. The charter members are Barbara Lanphier and Dee Pihl of Harvard; Cris Holton and Cheryl Toalson of McHenry; Venus Nienow, Barbara Pace, and Louise Rogulic of Wood stock; Ann Dahm, Eileen Palsgrove, Kathy Ramey, Jane Roubik, and Carol Vander Meade of Crystal Lake. Three present members became charter members of the new chapter by transfer; Kathy Robson of Harvard; and Jane Koehler and Phyllis Habek of Woodstock. Recent activities of the Gamma Psi chapter include a cultural outing to "A Chorus Line" at the Shubert theater in Chicago and a brunch meeting at the home of Cris Holton of McHenry. The next meeting will be held Saturday, April 22, at the home of Louise Rogulic of Woodstock. Johnsburg Court Plans March Officer Election St. Agatha Court 777, National Catholic Society of Foresters at Johnsburg, will meet in the community club hall March 21, at 8 o'clock. On the agenda will be the election of new officers for the coming year. Mrs. Leo Diedrich is in charge of the committee. The twenty-fourth annual conference of the Rockford Diocese N.C.S.F. association will be- held at Rockford Sun day, April 2. The Mass will be in St. Anthony's church, with Bishop Arthur J. O'Neill as celebrant. The dinner and conference will be at St. Mary's hall. St. Anthony Court 674 of Rockford is the host court. Reservations to attend may be made by calling Mrs. Paul Pitzen or at the meeting Tuesday evening. Grandma Great day in th' mornin'! It's St. Patrick's day again, an' time f'r a wearin' o' th' green. Seems t' this granny we c'n stand a bit o' th* Irish humor, an' a goodly portion o' th' blarney, in these troubled times. It's hard t' muster a light-hearted attitude these days, but me thinks th' folk from th' Emerald Isle 're ex perts in that r'spect. Reflectin' on the' way things ha' been a goin' downhill o' late, it might be good if we could find a few men, o' the' calibre o' th' good Saint P. t' ferret out th' rodents in our gover'ment. Wonder where it'll all end up. Wi' lots o' snow all about us, 'tis hard t' realize that th' first day o' spring is only a few days off. We'll be grateful when we c'n see th' greenin' o' th' grass an' foliage again, an' pray th' weatherman cooperates wi' th' farmers, so's they won't be delayed wi' th' plantin'. Folks 're a findin' out that life can't go on wi'out th' full cooperation o' th' most im portant factors in this modern society, th' miners, producers o' th' energy f'r most ever'thin' we depend on. an' most o' all. our farmers. Wi'out food, an' warmth, e'en th' ones who pervide other things, can't do their jobs. Seems t' this ol' lady, they're a goin' at th' whole thing from th' wrong angle. Instead o' startin' from the' cause o' our troubles, inflation, crime, unhappy sitiations wi' most every phase o' gover'.ment, they try t' cure th' disease wi' pain-killers. Seems r'diculous t' keep on wi' th' way we're a goin', a raisin' prices^ retaliation' wi' higher wages, an' repeat, an' repeat. No wonder th' American monetary value decreases. Seems we've had too many blinders t' th' real trouble. Somebody's afraid o' th' Big Bad Wolf, seem t' me. This granny wonders what's b*hlhd it all. Wi' so many things a goin' on, a body finds it more difficult ever'day, t' have faith in those at th' head o' our country. Well, anyhow, have a happy St. Pat's day, an' keep up th' spirits t' enjoy th' springtime, when it comes, an' do a little prayin' Easter day, in case that's th' only day ye go t' church. Grandma Radtke Daughters Of Isabella Circle Is Sanctioned A meeting was held at St. Joseph's hall, Richmond, recently to organize a circle in the Daughters of Isabella. Speakers were Father Vincent Ryan, State Chaplain of Joliet, and Lucy Schell, State Region from Hazel Crest. The circle's patron saint is St. Elizabeth Seton. The name of this saint was recommended and ap proved by Bishop Arthur J. O'Neill. Daughters of Isabella is a charitable organization and its main objective is to help the poor and needy. There is still an opening for charter members within 60 days. Contact Margaret Powers of Richmond, who is diocesan chairman. Women of St. Joseph's parish, Richmond, and St. Peter's parish. Spring Grove, are encouraged to join this newly formed Circle of Daughters of Isabelle. Initiation of members and installation officers will be held Sunday, April If, at 2 p.m. in St. Joseph's hall, Richmond. Dinner will be served. MARINE FESTIVAL QUEEN CONTEST Name Address Phone ;.... Parents' Names Birth Dale Hobbies School Activities Parents'Signature Include two pictures Return to Plaindealer office. 3812 W. Elm St. Ttfondei JZake Onn fSMuSw®' • Dinner • Cocktails • Family Dinner "Lira Western Music" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NITES CARRY OUT 0RD8!S| 55041. WONDER LAKf HO. WONDER LAKE. IU. PHONE 115-725-0411 FACILITIES AVA&Atlt FOU BANQUETS 4 •VI DOINGS TO ISO! |OPEN WEEKDAYS 4 TO 10 SAT. I SUN. 1 TO 11 doSED IUES: