PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. MARCH 17, 197* Community- Calendar MARCH 17 St. Margaret Chapter of Nairn Meeting-St. Mary's Oak Room-7:30 p.m. ' Rescue "50" Presentation Program-McHenry American Legion Hall--9 p.m. Photography Presentation by Weg Thomas-McHenry County College, Crystal Lake--8 p.m.- - Sponsors: Northland Area Art League. MARCH 18 "Donuts With The Easter ' Bunny "-Town And Country •' Newcomers Club-9:30 a.m.- Faith Presbyterian Church. Bake Sale-McHenry State Bank-9 a.m. to 12 Noon- Sponsors: McHenry Grand mother's Club. MARCH 19 Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner--St. Patrick's Hall-1 to 4 p.m. MARCH 20 Al-A-Non Family Group ° Meeting-First United Methodist Church~8:30 p.m. McHenry Business & Professional Women's Club- " Monthly Meeting-Branded Steak House-Cocktails, 6:30- Dinner, 7 p.m.-Speaker: Effie Anderson Grahm, Ph.D.- y Guests Welcome. McHenry County Housing I Authority-Regular Business > Meeting-12:15 p.m.-329 Lake - Avenue, Woodstock. MARCH 22-April 5 District 15 Kindergarten , Registration & Screening-Zion Lutheran Church-Appointment By Calling 385-7210. MARCH 23 McHenry Garden Club Meeting-1 p.m.-Home of Mrs. Mildred Snively. MARCH 25 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Bowling Party. Bake Sale-McHenry State Bank-9 a.m. to 12 Noon- Sponsors: St. Paul's Episcopal Church Women. MARCH 27 McHenry Woman's Club Board Meeting-10 a.m.-- McHenry City Hall. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting-7:30 p.m.-- V.F.W Hall, 3002 W. Route 120. Al-A-Non Family Group Meeting-First United T Methodist Church~8:30 p.m. MARCti 28 Order of Edfetern Star-Stated Meeting-8 p.m.-Acacia Hall. MARCH 29 T H E O S. DINNER & Meeting -5:30 p.m.--First United Methodist Church. MARCH 30 Valley View Neighborhood Girl Scouts Meeting-St. Patrick's Church Hall-9:30 a.m. MARCH 31 Order of Eastern Star-Card Party~7:30 p.m.-Acacia Hall, 1309 N. Court Street-Admission Charge. APRIL 1 Hawaiian Luau-Dinner, 7 pm.-Dancing Foilows-- McHenry Moose Hall-Advance Ticket Sales From Women of at We're SKHMg with you Accidental damage to your home's siding is covered under American Family's Special Home owners Package Policy. And so are many other accidental losses. It's the most comprehensive homeowners protection we've ever offered. Call today for all the details. CHUCK PICK LEWMD0NSKI r-«UR NEW LOCATION Corner of Cyrstal Like Blacktop A Rt 120 McHenry JjL CALL US FOR DETAILS 385-2304 MJUJmUK American Family Mutual Insurance Co I*- Madison, Wis. Sponsors: Women of the Moose. Valley View School PTO Fun Fair-11 a.m. to 3 :30 p.m. APRIL 2 St. Clara Court 659-Twenty- fourth Diocesan Conference. APRIL 3 Al-A-Non Family Group Meeting--8:30 p.m.--First United Methodist Chirch, 3717 W. Main Street. Free Blood Pressure Screening-9 a.m. to 1 p.m.- McHenry First National Basnk- -Sponsors: McHenry County Heart Association. APRIL 4 Chicago Flower Show Bus Tour-Leaving McHenry Roller Rink 9:30 a.m.-Immediate Reservations With lone Barts, 385-2235 -Sponsors: McHenry Garden Club. APRIL 6 Court Joyce Kilmer 573, Catholic Daughters of America-Annual Spring Card Party-K. C. Hall, 1304 N. Park- -7:30 p.m. Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Ritual of Jewels-Hostess: Mrs. Sandy Etten. APRIL 10 Al-A-Non Family Group M e e t i n g - - 8 : 3 0 p . m . - - F i r s t United Methodist Church. APRIL 12 Church Women United Medical Van-St. Patrick's Montini School-5 to 8 p.m. APRIL 13 & 14 R u m m a g e S a l e - - Z i o n Lutheran Church-Thursday, 9 a.m. to7p.m.-Friday,9a.m. to 5 p.m. APRIL 17 Al-A-Non Family Group M e e t i n g - - 8 : 3 0 p . m . - - F i r s t United Methodist Church. APRIL 19 S u n n y s i d e W o m a n ' s Auxiliary-Regular Meeting- Raymond's Bowl, Johnsburg-1 p.m. APRIL 20 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Preferential Tea- Hostess: Mrs. Dorothy Had- dick. APRIL 20-25 Musical "01iver"-McHenry West Campus Auditorium-8 p.m.-Ticket Information: McHenry West Campus. APRIL 24 Al-A-Non Family Group Meeting--8:30 p.m.-First United Methodist Church. APRIL 26 Church Women United Medical Van-St. Patrick's Montini School-5 to 8 p.m. APRIL 27 St. Clara Court 659-- Installation of Officers--St. Anthony Church, Rockford. Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Founders Day Dinner. All City Music Festival- McHenry West Campus Main Gym-7:30 p.m.-Information: 385-7077. APRIL 29 & 30 McHenry Choral Group Spring Program-McHenry West Campus-8:15 p.m. Hospital Auxiliary RECIPE ty Sarah Ann Sheridan Here's a collection of quick and very easy recipes. Try one of these the next time you get in a rush. Bacon Waffles Sprinkle bits of bacon, either cooked crisp or un cooked, over your waffle batter in waffle iron before baking. Use 1 slice for each waffle. Cranberry Chicken Salad Arrange slices of jellied cranberry sauce on lettuce. Top with your favorite chicken salad. Skewer Sausages String skewer with brown and serve sausages, peach halves with a cherry in the center and mushroom caps. Brush with melted butter. Cook 4 to 5 inches from heat for about 5 minutes on each side. Beets To buttered beets add 2 to 3 tablespoons of mint jelly. Heat slowly until the jeliy melts. Maabed Potatoes To 2 cups hot mashed pota toes add 1 Vt tablespoons fine ly chopped spring onions. Pile in halves of tomatoes, brush with melted butter. Bake in an over 400 degrees about 20 minutes. Peanut Bulla With ice cream scoop shape vanilla ice cream into balls. Roll in chopped peanuts. Serve in chocolate sauce. It 's starting to look like Castorl GIRLS THRU SIZE 14 BOYS THRU SIZE 12 The Toddler Shop "FASHIONS FOR LITTLE PEOPLE 3*30 W UM ST McHlNRY ILLINOIS 385-0746 COME AND SEE THE EASTER BUNNY IN McHENRY! HE WILL BE PASSING OUT CANDY AND GREETINGS AT THE FOLLOWING TIMES AND LOCATIONS: 9:30-11:00 11:00-1:30 1:30-2:30 2:30-3:30 Green Street Market Place Main & Front St Riverside Drive Steps Out In House Walk MERCURY VAPOR LAMPS Mercury vapor lamps are highly^ efficient energy sav ing lamps, but if they are broken they may give off dangerous ultraviolet radia tion. The Food and Drug Administration is seeking to alert the public to the haz ards from broken lamps. Mercury vapor lamps are widely used to light large in door areas like gymnasiums, factories, and department stores, as well as outdoor areas like highways, parks, and sports fields. If you are in an area where these lamps are used and you notice that one is bro ken, leave the area and alert a responsible person that the lamps should be turned off immediately. BART WINN HOME The Auxiliary to the McHenry hospital is preparing for its first spring House Walk, benefiting the McHenry hospital, Sunday, May 5, from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. To be shown are six lovely homes, each charming and distinctive. This ranch style house is an excellent example of contemporary design. The combination of tile, masonry, wood, glass and green space carry out the theme of bringing the outdoors inside and provides an interesting contrast of textures throughout the house. The center atrium combines sunlight and plants to bring a natural beauty to the adjoining rooms. The floor to ceiling glass acts as a natural extension of the exterior into the interior spaces. The owners' life style dictates a home which is free-flowing with ease of maintenance. The house which is aided by an overview of the country club, complements the environment in which it is placed. The William Lang home will be the scene of the House Walk's mini bazaar with luscious home baked goodies, homemade items, plants and surprises. Ticket inquiries may be directed to: Auxiliary to McHenry hospital, P.O. Box 69, McHenry, IU. 60050 STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Unique Cookbook McHenry Cooks Featured "Who's Cooking What In Illinois," a cookbbok devoted entirely to the favorite home recipes of Illinois families, has just been released by the firm of Who's Cooking What, New York City. Six McHenry contributors are Mrs. Patricia A. Muskovin, Mrs. Alfred F. Krepel, Mrs. Joyce E. Heir, Mrs. Robert W. Sebastian Sr., Julia S. Smock and Mrs. William S. Miller. W i t h c o n t r i b u t o r s t o t h i s unusual cookbook hailing from all areas of Illinois, "Who's Cooking What In Illinois" is th£ first of a new series of cook books planned by the company to highlight the private or favorite recipes of cooks in various states. The Illinois books is a hard cover volume, with 4% pages , and 1,475 recipes covering every category of food from appetizers and soups to main dishes and desserts. Many of the recipes appear in print for the first time, and all give the name and the town or city of residence of each contributor. "Who's Cooking What In Illinois" is available at booksellers throughout the state. NUTRITION LABELS Naturally you want to get the best possible nutrition from the foods you buy. But you can't tell how nutritious a food is just by looking at it. That's where nutrition la beling comes in. The Food and Drug Administration has a new brochure which tells what you'll see on nu trition labels and what the information means. It will help you to understand nu trition labels so you can use them in buying foods and planning meals. Write: "Un derstanding Nutrition La bels" FDA, CR-7, P.O. Box 4646, Chicago, IL 60680. Johnsburg Tavern (FORMERLY HETTERMANN S) -PRESENTS- SOMETHING NEW IN THE HEART OF THE LOOP BREAKFAST! SAT'S & SUN'S - 6 a.m. to 11 a.m. STARTING MARCH 18th ;0\N ̂ 3622 N. CHAPEL HILL RD. DOWNTOWN • JOHNSBURG 815-385-1787 McHENRY, ILL. For Continued Good Government Thomas H. Huemann No. 81 Willis J. "Bill" Simms No. 82 Dean C. Cunat No. 83 Edward J. Buss No. 84j These Men Offer District Two Balanced Urban & Rural Rpresentation VOTE IN REPUBLICAN PRIMARY-March 21,1978 This Ad Paid For By the Candidates Sponsored by McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce OPEN DAILY 10-5 Waucom Orchards C.OUNTKY STORE NAPA 1201 GOSSEll RD., WAUCONDA PHONE 526-8553 7 ANNUAL Old Tyme Craft Show SAT. AND SUN. MARCH 18 8 19 11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M * Rug Hooking * Spinning * Weaving * Portrait Sketching * Apple Carving * Character Faces * Blacksmith * Wood Carving .many more MARCH PIE SPECIAL Mcintosh and Jonathon Register now to win a 5 foot Easter Bunny! EASTER BASKETS and FRUIT BASKETS Are Available 22' /Ml /I* LB. While They last! COMING EVENTS IN MAY- APPLE BLOSSOM WALK AND BEDDING PLANTS IN JULY -RASPBERRY PICKING VISIT THE APPLE KITCHEN DAILY 10:00 to 5:00 and ANTIQUE BARN FRI., SAT., ft SUN. NOON to 5:00 THE CHILDREN WILL ENJOY TALKING TO THE EASTER BUNNY (You con have your picture taken with him, too!)