Festival Exhibit PAGE 15 - PLA1NDEALER -WEDNESDAY. MAY 10, lt7> • spurgeons Make It a Memorable Day for Mom! / / j foh - rw V' This Week Only--Skirt Sets at 20% OFF! Reg. $18 to $23 fashions for juniors, misses and half sizes! Floral camisole styles--flounced, laced and beribboned. Popular drawstring necks and waists. Tank shells and skirts sheltered with their own jackets. AH of carefree polyester and poly/cottons. Junior sizes 5 to 13, misses 10 to 1*8, half sizes I6V2 to 241/2. NOW 14.80 to 18.40 20% off „\ « s* i' Pastor Herman Graef and Jean Grandt, program coordinator, look at a picture painted by Charlene Mueller in preparation for the Mission Fair and Festival to be held at Zion Evangelical Lutheran church, 4206 West Route 120, May 19, 20 and 2i. Besides exhibits of Christ's mission to the world, there will be speakers, missionaries, movies, film strips and refreshments. This fair is open to the public with no admission charge. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAY!X>RD 1 by JOSEPH COOLS staf f psychologist from th« Family Service and Mental Health Clinic of McHenry County (Editor's note: This is another in a series of especially written articles for McHenry county readers. Joseph Cools is a psychologist on the Family Service and Community Mental Health center staff. This article is "Coping - Discrimination ") If you happen to be black, Spanish, female, Catholic, Jewish, Oriental, or any number of other "minority" groups, you have undoubtedly experienced some form of discrimination or prejudice. In spite of civil rights movements and recent legislation designed to eliminate discrimination, at titudes cannot be legislated, and rights movements may even serve to further irritate those whose attitudes are causing the problem. Instead of alleviating the cause of the discriminatory practice, legislation and civil rights may serve to entrench prejudicial attitudes even more firmly. Sources of bigotry and prejudice are strikingly evident in even small children. One has only to witness a group of children teasing or hitting another child siipply because there is an obvious difference in size, physical ability .or"color. Most children have a rather basic need to have a group identity, to be the same as* the other children at any cost, for to be different is to be excluded from the group. The effects of prejudice can readily be seen in the victim of the group rejection. The child feels completely worthless and tends to become isolated, hostile and depressed. Also striking is the fact that group prejudice by children to the "different" child can be eradicated immediately and completely if the entire group is confronted with their actions and the effect they have on the ostracized child. It would seem that the same principles hold in adult bigotry. The best way of dealing with discrimination is education. The education method that works best is to get the person to look at what it feels like when he is being discriminated against: to imagine what it would be like to be excluded from a neighborhood; to be given a second rate job; to be made the butt of a joke; to be beaten up on a playground. Next: Growing Old. Soft-as-Summer Vinyl Handbags Beautiful accessories styled to suit her every outfit! With handles or shoulder straps. Black, brown, sunset, cinnamon, terra-cotta, bone, camel. Reg. $7 and $8, 5.97 ravuJSRninv'i '> tn it, EVs t&OQVflut-JustADO ffcrfumcl Piiii£aas!i£. ]6JOOVj1U«- Just6.QQ Babe MsWUriuof ! $16 Value! Fabulous Babe by Faberge' A $10 perfume spray is yours as a gift with your purchase of a 2 oz. non-aerosol spray co logne or 4 oz. mois turizing body lotion. Price to you only $6 v^l Beautiful Dreamers! Sleepwear by Movie Star She'll love "Flower Plumage" in loop knit cotton terry or Caprolan® magnolia satin. Mint or peach. Sizes S-M-L. A. Long terry "snap" coat with wide inset sleeve, $14 B. Short satin shift gown can be worn on/off shoulder, $9 C. Short terry "snap" coat, $13 Long satin gown (not shown) to wear on/off shoulder, $10 FORMAL WEAR RENTALS for ILL OCCASIONS fellf £ SImI 1214 N. Green St., McHenry Shi One insurance agent Is the best policy A handful of insurance policies won't guarantee complete insurance protection. When you ask your Country Companies agent to take care of all your insurance needs, he can spot the gaps that leave you and your family unprotected. Your Country Companies agent will also look for overlapping coverage and unnecessary poli cies while making sure you have the right kind of insurance in the right amounts. Find out for yourself why one agent--your Country Companies agent--is the best policy for health, life, auto, home, farm and business insurance. The Country Companies. We're a little different than most insurance people.® ^ Your (eTj Country Companies* iL ̂ ^bAOtnt COWMVftV lt#f . COU«VftV MVluAi . COgftfftT CAS WiO AWfMlC* 9*m A«0 MAIIINC • West Bend® Plus™ 6-Qt. Slo-Cooker Automatic cooker pre pares delicious dishes! Pot lifts out, base be comes griddle. Baking/ roasting rack turns cooker into roaster or mini-oven, 23.88 V No Panty Lines! The New Underpanty™ Pantyhose For mom--the meticulous woman who wants no panty lines! A beautiful, sheer pantyhose with built-in knit brief or bikini panty with cotton crotch. Beige or white panty with suntan or beige leg. Reg. $1.19 each, 3/$3.40 NOW 97c each or 3/2.85 ft Loren Miller RICHMOND, ILLINOIS PH. 678-6691 Keith Sonnichseh McHENRY, ILLINOIS PH. 344-2772 Ideas from Owur Gift Shop The place to find something special for your very special mom! Like vases and candy dishes, canisters, mobiles, ice buckets, recipe boxes, spice sets, towel and spoon racks, trays, etc. Gifts of wood, silver, glass. More gift for the dollar to please every taste. And our helpful salespeople will be glad to assist! FREE LA YAWA Y! IS* l«S6 * spurgeons 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY 385-4100 DAILY 9 TO 9, SAT. 9 TO 6, SUN. 10 TO 5 I 385-4520 I BEAUTY SALON THUIK 9-9 FW 9-9 SAT 9-5