IVrspective CARTER'S WAR ON INFLATION KOWi n ftK\(,\N President Carter has declared all-out war on in flation-sort of. Although he may have to rally his armies without "WIN" buttons, he is ^stepping right out to lead them, using the bold, imaginative initiatives he announced in his anti-inflation speech the other day. For example, he courageously declared he would veto-without flinching any spending measure Congress sends him that adds to the federal deficit. After all, he has promised us a balanced federal budget by 1980 and we all Know how he keeps his promises. In fact, he's already well on the way with the busget he recently submitted. It calls for a deficit of $60 billion for the next fiscal year~an all-time record. A Few Doubters With such a determined and successful start toward balancing the budget and slaying the monster, Inflation, how can anyone be skeptical? Oh, there are a few doubters such as Business Week magazine. It says, "Because he has been unwilling to say 'no* to anything, the president has lost control of his budget." Well, there's a cynic in every crowd. Maybe they will become true believers when they un derstand the true impact of Mr. Carter's bold offensive in the war on inflation: He is ordering a pay freeze for members of his Cabinet, his senior staff and every appointed federal official for the rest of 1978. For sheer drama, that takes the breath away. Those 29-year-old assistants to the president,who are pulling down $47,500 a year are just going to have to make do with last year's Gucci loafers. When you ask your own team to make sacrifices,.- as the president did, you have earned the right to ask all Americans to pitch in. In his inflation speech, the president said, "Just as I will freeze the pay of the top executives in the federal government, the American people will expect similar restraints from the leaders of American business and labor." Hiere-the cat's out of the bag! -It's business and labor that are to blame for inflation with their incessant wage-price spiral and all along you thought it was deficit spending and the printing press money that brings it on. Well, there's nothing like bold leadership MODEL 222 It's time you took it a little easier. Time to get tough- a tough Case Garden tractor to tame those chores. With tough Case-built at tachments, you can mow, blow snow, till, haul and do it all faster and easier with smooth hydrau lic drive. $•• us today for a test drive. George P. Freund. 4102 W.Cijstal Lake Rd. Mfliian MWivnij 385-0420 and real insight to clear up such misconceptions. Congress, Too While the president is rummaging around the White House attic for those "WIN" buttons, Congress has already taken up the battle cry. For starters, the Senate Budget committee beat down by a 9-4 vote a fiendish plot to cut taxes. The Republicans, led in this instance by Sen. Pete Domenici (N.M.), have proposed across- the-board income tax cuts (30 percent on the average) to be phased-in over the next three years. "Inflationary," said the committee's chief economic mandarin. Never mind that three major across-the-board federal tax cuts in this country resulted in sustained economic growth AND increased federal revenues (under Presidents Kennedy, Coolidge and Har ding). No, the senators didn't want to know about that. After all, the Republicans are the minority party and who wants to give them credit for rescuing the economy, especially in an election year? The Democrats on the committee are more interested in the college tuition credit bill. But they must not have been listening closely enough to the president. He said that was one of the veto items on his inflation hit list. After all, the measure would help the middle class and they are supposed to be sacrificing. The president told us so and he is the one who is leading the war on inflation - sort of. Holiday Weekend Operation Care In Effect Supt. Lynn E. Baird has advised that Illinois will join with forty-three other states this Memorial day weekend in implementing Operation CARE (Combined Accident Reduction Effort). Operation CARE is a multi- state program of interstate highway patrol and en forcement committed to the goal of accident reduction by: 1. Traffic enforcement to obtain voluntary compliance with the 55 MPH speed limit. 2. High visibility of patrols on designated interstate highways during the holiday weekend. 3. Traffic enforcement to obtain voluntary compliance to eliminate hazardous violations where alcohol may be involved in driving, improper passing, improper lane usage, following too closely, etc. 4. To maintain an efficient movement of traffic and reduce accidents. •' 5. Demonstrate the har monious interstate cooperation in traffic enforcement efforts between states. .The program will involve saturation patrol during the maximum traffic times of the •Memorial day holiday weekend. The interstate high ways involved are 1-80,1-94,1-90 and 1-294 in northern Illinois. I- 57 from Chicago to Cairo and I- 70 from East St. Louis to the Indiana line are the other designated routes. Captain Murphy of the Elgin district reminds the motoring public that all District Two highways..will be patrolled during the holiday period. "We are placing special emphasis on the desigpated CARE routes to let drivers know we do care aboufthei^safety. The pHmary objective of this program is to reduce accidents and save lives." Murphy said. 23 - PLAINDEALER -FRIDAY. MAY *, 1978 This special program was organized by historical society board member Don Hildebrand of Union and financially sponsored by several firms. For information concerning future museum programs, check the Plaindealer or call 815-385-6967. County Museum Host To "Song Of Hiawatha it Sunday, May 21, the McHenry County Historical museum in Union played host to the "Song of Hiawatha" pageant dancers of Elgin. A crowd of close to 200 spectators watched as they- performed in costume several authentic Cheyenne and Sioux dances. Their program was climaxed with a graceful sign language interpretation of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" by Cindy Thomas, known professionally as Shimmering Water. Subsidence Insurance Gov.Thompson has an nounced his support for legislation which would provide Illinois residents with in surance protectipn from damage to their homes and property "ISatased ~ by ground surface settling or sinking due to shifts in underground mines. Gov. Thompson said that in- surance against mine sub sidence damage is the one type of coverage still unavailable to threatened home and property owners. Exact Height Mount Everest is exactly 29,000 feet high. When originally measured, surveyors feared the public would consider that figure an estimate--so they falsely reported the height at 29,002 feet. ONE-STOP tmel serrice V I 1 L ^ 1 V I a h u K * MlWStt mi AMTMK TICKETS >¥••! A trip f .If wilt can ni«Mn Kmm «S mm im* • IWtl Chain 0 lakes TRAVEL SERVICE 3406 W. limit. iaiII• mi m« iiwwui MwWlfy $ IHwIWO HWM^HKHwwiM. UmIHI 3*5-7500 Ar«aCod*815 SAVE *2.00 ON YOUR FAVORITE LARGE PIZZA! OR SAVE $1.00 ON YOUR FAVORITE MEDIUM PIZZA, OR SAVE ON BOTH THICK & CHEWY OR THIN « CRISPY! JUST CUT OUT THU COUPON t TAKI IT TO TMC McMCMCY PIZZA HUT PHONE AHEAD « WE WILL HAVE YOUR ORDER HOT S READY • PIZZA HUT OFFER GOOD ON REGULAR MENU PRICES ONLY - GOOD TIL JUNE 4 I \NIN Thi (tow With a tough Case 12 horse -LENNOX AIR CONDITIONING High Efficiency Top Discharge Quiet and Dependable CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE AvUTi/aennen, HEATING AND COOLING SINCE 1931 3511 S.Wright Rd. (•15)459-2300 McHENRY, ILL. (312)526-6286 FINANCING AVAILABLE A Certified M2SL Ask me about Life Insurance for High Income People it can provide immediate funds your family will need for their way of living if you die-or long-range retirement benefits if you live. Call me for details. Dennis Conway 3319 W. Elm St. Mcttonry 385-7111 IYAVI UIM State Farm Life Insurance Company Home Office Bloomington, Illinois Come To Our BAR-B-Q From Noon 'Til 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sunday, And Monday! Oak Park Hotel & Lounge On Plstokw Bay 385-9872 your first wish has come true...now let Tidy and help you with the second special sale prices for new or newly remodeled homes effective May 25, 26, 27, 30, 31 Closed May 28 & 29 If you are building a house or remodeling a house for completion within the next 90 days (or if yours has been completed within the past 90 days) then visit Tidy during the next four days for some truly outstanding sale prices on famous Cabin Crafts carpets. Choose from these fabulous carpets: Cabin Crafts Natures Own...shag carpeting in Birch Bark, Black Walnut, Chestnut, Desert Tan, Ice Blue, Mountain Gold, Sky Blue, Spring Green, Sun Gold, Western Sunset, Wild Briar. *qyd. INCLUDES CARPET. PADDING AND INSTALLATION Cabin Crafts Harmony...a saxony carpeting in solid colors. Ideal for any area of the house- Scotchguard treated in Harmony blue, brown, moss, rum, rust and sand. $Q00 • sq.yd. INCLUDES CARPET. PADDING AND • INSTALLATION Cabin Crafts Morning Sun...a sculptured shag nylon in a beautiful, subtly patterned carpet. Ideal for family rooms in Autumn, Autumn Sun, Fall, Lake Blue, Moss, Summer Gold and Tree Green. $Q00 INCLUDES CARPET, PADDING AND sq.yd. INSTALLATION Cabin Crafts Mountain Winds...a saxony in subtly colored multitones. Available in Aspen Yellow, Brookstones, Mountain Lakes, Spring Mists, Tree Barks. sq.yd. INCLUDES CARPET. PADDING AND INSTALLATION After wishing for your new home for years, you owe it to yourself to com plete it in style. That's why Cabin Craft carpet is such a logical choice .and this is such a logical sale Tinv CAR PETS IIUT & RUGS 200 WASHINGTON ST./WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS/815-338-1000 , Hours: Monday, Thursday, Friday 8-9; Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday 8-5; Sunday 12-5