I r\t!i: i« r% I'l XIMU AI I K WKDNKSD.AY. MAY 31. 1978 \ N "W s WANTED W A N T E D : P O T T E R Y MARKED "TECO", made by the Gates Potteries or the American Terra-Cotta and Ceramic Co. Must be reasonable. Call collect 312-741- 9140. 5-26 6-2C Oriental Rugs wanted - any condition, top price paid, please call Mark Anderson at 312-683- 3760. - 4-27 6-2 INSTRUCTIONS Stained glass beginner in struction 5-2 hour evening sessions $35.00; for additional information call Dan Legner 815-385-2626. 5-26 6-2C quo Of THANKS THANK YOU NOTE. We, the family of Harold Freund, wish to thank our friends, neighbors and relatives for the many acts of kindness extended to us on the sudden loss of our husband and father. 5-31 I would like to send a special thank you to everyone, but because so many did so much, I would like to publically thank you for ypur cards, flowers, special food, sent to the house. To the Hospital staff who gave me such good care and a special thank you for all your prayers for this I'm sure is what made my recovery so fast. Special love & Prayers PATCOUGHLIN 5-31 FOR RENT For lease - 30 to 40 acres of farm land North of McHenry. Phone evenings after 9 p.m. 312-879-3608. 5-265-31 1st floor office space on Rte. 12 in Richmond. Reasonable rent, ideal for professional office or business office. 815-678-4441. 5- 3TFC RANCH CONDO for rent, 2 bedrooms, l1^ baths, tile kit chen, and bath, dishwasher, garbage disposal, appliances, air conditioning, draperies, carpeting and attached garage. 385 0936. 5-17tfc MC HENRY, July 1st oc cupancy, 3 bedroom, 7 room house, 1'2 baths, 2 car garage. $350.00 CW RENTALS fee, 312- 249-1212 5-31-6-2C PISTAKEE LAKE, furnished two room efficiency, all utilities paid. Hurry $175.00. C W. RENTALS fee. 312-249-1212 5- 31-6-2C 2 Bedroom, Adults only, No pets. $225.00 per mo. Security deposit and references required. Available July 1st. 385-5770. 5-31 RICHMOND, live on a farm, 4 room flat with garage, kids, pets O.K. $350.00 CW REN TALS, fee, 312-249-1212 5-31-6- 2c MC HENRY in town, 3 bedroom house, kids O.K. ready now $340.00. CW. RENTALS, fee, 312-249-1212 5-31-6-2C MC HENRY, two bedroom house, l1^ baths, carpeting, pets O.K. $265.00 C W. REN TALS, fee 312-249-1212 5-31-6-2C LANDLORDS, It's not a bird, it's not a plane, and it doesn't leap tall buildings with a single bound. But it is SUPER & FREE. CW. RENTALS Free Landlord Service. 312-249-0015 5-31-6-2c NEW RAISED RANCH OAKWOOD SHORES WONDER LAKE LAKE RIGHTS 4 brms.L.R.,D.R.comb. cpted, cobinet kitchen w/stove with patio & deck. Cpted. den & rec. rm. 2 car gar. Utility rm.l'/i baths, fenced yard. Beautiful) location. Security/dep. ft references. *445. month 395-179S •Her 4i-- y S-3/TF1-2 TOWNHOUSE .McHenry 9 bedroom, full appliances, basement, garage, .entral air, carpeting. NORTHWEST TOWNHOUSE RENTALS 512-74J-455J 5/26-6/2 2 Bedroom Townhouse In Harvard Graciously appointed 414-729-8234 I 5/3-TF Calling Colleen BY COLLEEN DUOGEON Bridesmaid Role Is Fun, But Expensive Have you ever heard the old saying. "Always a bridesmaid but never a bride"" A few of my friends have complained recently about the high cost of being a bridesmaid Is there anything one can do to keep the cost down? Budgeted. Dear Budgeted: Usually not. Once you've ac cepted an invitation to be a wed ding attendant, you've commit ted yourself to buying a dress, the style and price is picked by the bride. You might find yourself spending anywhere from $35 to $80 for the dress if the bride wants everyone to look uniform. about $20 may have to be paid for shoes and other accessories. So. remember that being a bridesmaid is an honor, but it's also an expense. Think carefully before accepting that chance to walk down the aisle Ask the bride what kind of dress you will be wearing and if it will be possible for you to make your, own dress to match the ones bought in the store. Many brides try to pick out dresses they think their bridesmaids will wear again It's a nice idea, but it rarely works. I know a few brides who have given the dresses to their bridesmaids as a present If this doesn't happen to you. en joy being a bridesmaid. It can be a very beautiful experience. (It you would like Colleen s comments on your particular situation or problem, write COLLEEN Box 639 Frankfort. Ky 40602 ) . SENIOR CITIZEN'S CORNER HELPFUL IDEAS FOR SUCCESSFUL RETIREMENT Takes Awhile A sequoia tree--among the oldest living things on earth- takes 300 years to fully mature. No Skeleton A jellyfish doesn't have a skeleton and over 90 per cent of its body is "jellylike." Retirement Test Improved Changes were announced recently in the social security p r o g r a m ' s " r e t i r e m e n t test"--the measure used to decide whether benefits can be paid to people who work after their benefits begin. For people 65 and over, the an nual exempt amount--the yearly earnings a person can have and still receive all benefits--is raised to $4,000 for 1978. A person having earnings above $4,000 has $1 withheld for each $2 of earnings above $4,000. Further increases in the ex empt amount for people over 65 are scheduled: to $4,500 in 1979; $5,000 for 1980; $5,500 for 1981; and $6,000 for 1982. After 1982, the annual exempt amount is slated to increase to keep pace with increases in average wages. Another feature of the new law provides that--beginning in 1982--no benefits will be withheld because of earnings when a per son becomes 70. For persons under 65, the ex empt amount is set at $3,240 for 1978 with increases in future years scheduled to stay in line with average wage levels. The original tales of Mother Goose--before the nursery rhymes --were moral tales warning of the dangers of curiosity and trespassing. mint V lV MAY NIGHT SELL THAT BICYCLE THAT REFRIGERATOR SELL THAT BOAT AND MOTOR YOU NO LONGER USE SELL THAT SET OF DRUMS THE NEIGHBORS HAVE BEEN COMPLAINING ABOUT ^ SELL THAT EXTRA SET OF WASH TUBS • SELL THAT SHOTGUN, FISHING RODS, GOLF CLUBS, CAMERA OR BINOCULARS That is if you listed your items for sale in Plaindealer Want Ads!...You'll get quick results... CALL 385-0170 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER W //