PAGE 9 - PLAINDEA1.ER -FRIDAY. JUNE 2. 1978 At this time of year it is always raining cats and dogs. If you don't find what you are looking for in the Helping Paws column, then call Animal control at 815-338-7040. These darling kittens and others can always be found there. Don Kaiser Photo *« HELPING PAWS ANIMAL WELFARE ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 205 • Crystal Lak*. Illinois 50014 • (§15) 459-264) *>y Est«IU At WO 11 An articulate spokesman has a place in any worthy cause, and Bob Frank, founder and director of Society of St. Francis in Mt. Prospect is a man who visualizes better things for the animal world as well as for the overburdened taxpayer who shoulders the huge expense created by an overpopulation of cats and dons. We quote his views: "A severe supply-demand im balance is at the root of the problem: too many animals are being produced by commercial 'mills' and basement breeders, and too few homes are available -- more 'no pets' clauses and too many con venience-orient 'Don't tie me down' people. "Wild male canines and felines are 'in season' only a few weeks each year. As the result of selective breeding and centuries of domesticity, ^however, male dogs and cats 'are always ready to mate! Domestic female dogs and cats are sexually mature earlier than their wild relatives, having two and three 'heat' periods per year instead of the usual one. When you consider that the progeny of just one unspayed domestic dog can number theoretically over 4,000 animals in a 7-year period (even higher for cats), the immensity of the problem becomes instantly obvious. Indeed it is a situation so out-of- hand that many professional breeders have retired their breeding stock rather than compound the problem. "Basically there are 'ac cidental' breeders: 'Taffy got out and she's in heat'; deliberate breeders: com mercial 'mills'; and basement breeders (the folks down the block who subsidize family vacations and home im provements with their profits). The fact that a high proportion of their litters will eventually be executed in municipal pounds when abandoned, and in shelters when their owners tire of them, or suffer to the very end in research labs, is im material to this element. Money, not life, is their main concern, and business is business, after all. Perhaps they think their litters are but a drop in the bucket ~ only the bucket was filled to overflowing a long time ago, and now we are in the flood stage." As with any injustice, people must be awakened to the tragedy of what is happening as well as the enormous expense the public bears just to catch and destroy unwanted animals. Telling it like it is is hardly "happy talk" but it has to be done and Bob Frank offers constructive answers to the problem in later articles. Helping Paws has occupied a new office as of Tuesday, May 30, at 465 West Virginia avenue, HOMEOWNER'S Nood Concr«t« for Patio*, Sidowalkt, Driveways. Call Accu-Crate Inc. Saturday Dellverys Phone 338-4718 Crystal Lake. 60014. Phone number is the same, 459-2641; hours will be 10 to 4 Monday through Saturday, and from 6 to 8 Thursday evening. Come and see the window photo display of pets available for adoption and lost and found and get acquainted. DOGS FOR ADOPTION Adoption fee includes the cost of spay or neuter from a vet of our choice or a reduction of the cost of the surgery from a vet of your choice. Welsh Terrier AKC, 6 years, female, housebfoken, good with children, 815-459-8326. Black Labrador female, 10 months, housebroken, excellent with children and other pets, all shots and exams given this waif, 815-728-0795. Possible German Shorthair Pointers, one male and female, 10 months, housebroken, ex cellent with children and pets, strays, 815-344-1975. Brittany Spaniel pedigree male, l1^ years, outside dog, good worker, stray, 815-338- 4420. Pedigree German Shepherd, 2 years, male, housebroken, black and silver, excellent with children and pets, owner moving, 815-569-2062. T w o 1 1 - m o n t h - o l d Newfoundland mixes, male and female, all shots, female spayed, if possible should be adopted together, owner moving, 312-639-6603. Pedigree Beagle, lVi years, all shots, female spayed, housebroken, excellent with children and pets, owner moving, call Dr. Wolf 815-568- 8121. Terrier Spaniel mix, 6 months, male, housebroken, 2 DHL shots, no young children, not right for owner's family, 312-639-6801 after 4:30. Irish Setter, 18 months, AKC female, all shots, housebroken, good with children and pets, owners working, needs more attention, 312-395-9929. Norwegian Elkhound AKC 2 years, female, housebroken, good with children and pets, needs more room to run, 815- 338-5350. Two 8-week-old female German Shepherd mix pups, black and tan already partially housebroken, home bred, 815- 459-8815. CATS FOR ADOPTION Adoption fee for all cats in cludes the cost of spay or neuter surgery from a vet of our choice, or a reduction of the cost for surgery from a vet of your choice. Black, sleek Burmese, very affectionate neutered male, all shots. Nine-months, gold eyes, originally a stray, 815^338-0982. Six-week-old grey semi long hair stray male, 815-455-2360 after 6. Orange-black-white tor- toiseshell young adult, spayed female, all shots, 312-639-2881 after 4, was a stray. Two 8-week-old black with white markings, semi-long hair, one male and one female, home bred, 815-459-6523. Very affectionate 2-years-old spayed female, brownish grey semi-long hair, abandoned, 312- 639-4819. LOST AND FOUND The most important place in our county to report a lost or found pet is animal Control 338- 7040. Regardless of whether you intend to hold on to the pet Legal Notice NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS Percy Wilson Mortgage ) and Finance Corporation ) v. ) James Willard Colston, ) etal., ) IN CHANCERY General No. 78 CH 412 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a decree heretofore entered by said Court in the above entitled cause, LEONARD BRODY. Associate Judge of the Circuit Court will on Tuesday, the Eleventh day of July A.D. 1978, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock A.M. (DAYLIGHT SAVING) TIME, in ROOM 307 of the Court House in the City of Woodstock, in said County, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular, the following described premises and real estate in said decree mentioned, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said decree, to-wit: The East 330.0 feet of the East l2 of the N.W. "4 of Section 33, Township 46 yourself and advertise on your own, all agencies recommend calling Animal Control first. Please call at once if you find a stray anything...that call may save a life. Many lost and found. Please call 815-459-2641 days or evenings, 312-658-7221. North, Kange •> E. of the Third Principal Meridian, (except therefrom the North 1853.62 feet thereof) in McHenry County. Illinois: commonly known as 17610 Green Rd. Woodstock, II. ADDRESS OR LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 17610 Green Rock Road, Woodstock, II., together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging. DATED, Woodstock, Illinois, this 26th day of May A.D. 1978. Helen M. Boswell Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois Attorney for Plaintiff Exhibit A # (Pub. Jun2,9,16,1978) THOUGHT FOR FOOD By GOULD CROOK MEXICAN PORK CHOPS These are a tasty change from just plain fried, baked or^ breaded chops. Very flavorful, really. 4 lean pork chops 4 thin slices of onion 1/4 cup uncooked rice (not instant) 1 can (1 pound 13 ounces) tomatoes 1 teaspoon salt Trim any excess fat from chops. Season chops well on both sides with salt and pepper. Brown on both sides in lightly greased hot skillet. Top each chop with slice of onion, 1 tablespoon of rice and cover with whole tomatoes. Add any remaining juice to the skillet. Season with salt, cover tightly and simmer over low heat or bake in foil-covered baking dish in 350 degree oven Vh hours or until tender. Makes 4 servings: Two of a Kind Some speakers are like gam blers: They don't have sense enough to quit while they're ahead. STYLISH. Revival of in terest in Indian crafts and cultures has dispelled notion fashion-tonscious Indian of old had only buckskin and breechclout to select from. Today several Oklahoma In dian designers are creating stunning fashions. SATURDAY-SUNDAY OR MONDAY PRIME RIB of BEEF AU JUS Special $6 50 v Includes: Our famous Salad Bar, Choica of Potato, Soup or Tomato Juico, Mini loaf of Broad and Butter. TRY OUR FAMOUS SALAD BAR FOR LUNCH ^ MON. thru FRI. ...AND FASHION SHOW J AT LUNCH ON WEDNESDAY! 10HGH0RN STEAK HOUSE <£ Route 120 -2% MilesEastof McHenry - 385-986^^^® Inflation. Your homeowners insurance should protect you against it. Your home is one of your largest, extra-special invest ments. American Family's Special Package Policy ^ includes Automatic Inflation Protection. And a lot of other extras. It's the most comp rehensive homeowners insur ance we've ever offered. Call today! Because your home Is special. CHUCK LEWMOOWSKI OUR NEW LOCATION Corner of Cyrstal Lake Blacktop & Rt 120 McHenry CALL US FOR DETAILS 385-2304 AMERICAN FAMILY I N S U R A N C E AUTO Horn BUSUHC5S HIMTH lift American Family Mutual Insurance Co Madi son Wis fSOFT • WATER RENTAL No installation charge NEW fully automatic softeners TWO year option to buy with FULL rental fee deducted ONE phone call can answer any questions per month RENT team PHONE 312-259-3393 SOFT Rent-a-Soft, a division of tho Arlington Soft Wator Company, Arlington Hoights, Illinois 60004 Serving McHenry Area KNTMISQniftC the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning Vj Day At Follows HALF DAY Mon. thru Thurs. RINSENVAC cleans the way professionals do, at a fraction of the cost (2Vt MM. Pt* 13.00 MIN.) HOVJR OVERNIGHT met Alt 8:00 P.M. -9:00 A.M. $10.00 HORNSBYS family (en'Pf J -- 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILL. owerwocJ SALE Blooming Geraniums All Grown in Our Greenhouses Large Bushy Plants 4 Inch Pots (Reg. *1.50) $1.19 _ 99* each for 10 or more 1' SALE TOMATO PLANTS Buy ONE at Regular Price Get 2nd Plant For 1* 4" Pots-Reg. 89* Big Boy - Better Boy Early Girl - Rutgers - Cherry AVAILABLE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST Flowerwood has everyting for your vegetable garden. Available While Supplies Last Ideal For Shade Blooming Wax Begonias 4 Inch Pots - (Regr$1.50) SPECIAL 89* each 6 Plants...*4.80 12 Plants...*9.00 | (815) 459-6200 | lower weed Routes 14 & 176 Crystal Lake, Hi. Mon.-Thurs. 9-6 Fri. 9-8 Sat. 95 Sun. 95 Grand Opening MM 31st thru JUNE ll*h introducing our new . DINNER SPECIALS'. -sss"* fRIDM MITE SPECIAL! Fetoh'S50 Clams*3 Pe'C W.WUCMEH! 'The Friendly Place with Something for Everyone" BUSINESSMEN'S NtvicHHJRW^ PEOPLE 10 M»D UNDER rturui. *v SUNDM CHILDREN 1/ pRlCt SPECIAL! DiKW TIME ROOM if you re planning a quiet business chat, our Time Room will fit your needs and please all 35 of your guests. restmrwtuounge \ mm ! \ GOOD FOR J > 1 FREE DRINK! i 1 PER COUPLE _ J | FROM OUR SPECIAL LIST ( | _CUfANOSMt-- - HE\N SUMMER HOURS! mm v i v?0 to 1 a.m. inUNGEOWLUV.30tola.m- -"•saws «a*-5E\SSu5- fRI'& CLOSED MONWS mmwmxw