SECTION 2 - PAGE 1 - PLAINDEAl.JCK -FRIDAY, JUNE 2.1978 Accreditation For Marian | SERVICE NEWS 1 BIG PROFIT FOR RESCUE SQUAD - Gordon Stade, in center photo, is shown as he auctions off items in the Concerned Citizens of Pistakeeland auction benefitting the Johnsburg Rescue squad. About 200 persons attended the event, held at the Johnsburg Community clubhouse, in which $7,682.25 was raised for the squad. Have You Seen?. at the Historical Museum (by Gwendolyn Donner) Have you visited the Music room at the McHenry County Historical museum at Union recently? Did you take a good look at the west wall? Oh, we know there are a lot of things in that room to see--the melodeon, the clavichord, the organ, which is certainly a reminder of bygone days, and the piano. These are big things you cannot miss. But that west wall should not be missed either. For it brings to mind McHenry county citizens that have been a great credit to the area and is something that brings pelasure to us when we look at the songs that paper it. Most of our people in this area are aware that the hymn, "In the Sweet Bye-and-bye", was written by Dr. Bennett at Richmond, with the music composed by J.P. Webster of Elkhorn, Wis., but I am sure a great many people do not know that some of the popular music that has remained popular for many years also came from county people. Do you ever whistle "Pretty Baby"? Egbert Van Alstyne from Marengo wrote that as well as one that is even better known and that has lasted longer, "In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree". Copies of both, as well as his "Cheyenne", decorate the west wall. I will list a few of the other songs: "Take Me Back to Home" and "Mother" by Ar thur W. French, published by Phil A. Starck of Harvard; "The Humming Bird", both words and music by Maude Curr, who also wrote "Fleeting Shadows". She was from McHenry. There is also "A Home that I Love" by Chas. Jeffrys; "Raymond Caprice" dedicated to her nephew, Raymond, by the composer Retta Darren. And surely everyone knows "Down by the Old Mill Stream" by Taylor, not only written in the county but about a place in the county. Some of the music on exhibit shows pride of individual locality--"Dear Crystal Lake, We Hail Thee", "Woodstock Guards" by Ella Herman, "Woodstock on Parade" by Lee Kortemeier. There are two floral songs, "Briar Roses" and "Old Lilac Tree" by Mabel O'Cock; and two songs that I Courthouse Squares 'i I i l I remember my mother singing "Will You Love Me When I'm Old?" by Paul Theans and "For I Know She Is Thinking of Me" by S.E. Atkinson of Woodstock. But everything is not popular music. There is "Life Awakening" by Josie Curts and also hers is "Voice of God". So have you seen that west wall? It is worth looking at! Principal Thomas J. Parsley of Marian Central Catholic high school has announced that the school's accreditation has been extended through the 1977-78 school year following the review and approval of its annual report at the North Central association's annual meeting. Accreditation is for one year at a time and must be renewed annually. "Once every seven years each NCA school must undergo a comprehensive self-study followed by an NCA evaluation team review," Principal Parsley explained... "This school was last evaluated in 1972. In the interim years, a school is accredited on the basis of its report on conditions existing in the school and on such supplementary in formation as the Commission on Secondary Schools requests. Our reports for 1977-78 assure us of ongoing NCA membership and accreditation. This con tinued accreditation means that the conditions for effective education exist in the school." The North Central association is the largest of the country's regional accrediting agencies. It is a voluntary league of 4,500 schools and over 800 colleges and universities in nineteen states, plus the Department of Defense Dependent Schools throughout the world. A total of 618 schools are accredited in Illinois. The association works with in* dividual schools to improve the quality of education through a continuous process of evaluation and accreditation. Dr. John S. Kemp, NCA state chairman at the University of Illinois, congratulated Marian Central Catholic high school on its continued accreditation for 1977-78. He added, "The school has been a member of the North Central association since 1973, and in all those years it has been fully accredited. This should be a matter of quiet satisfaction to the studen|s and the parents of the school, since accreditation gives assurance that the school meets those minimal yet rigorous preconditions for effective education established by the association. Through this voluntary membership in the NCA, the school and the people in the district have committed themselves to the pursuit of quality in education." Great Dane Puppy, Adult Fun Match Set The Lake Shore Great Dane Club, Inc., will hold its twenty - fifth annual Puppy and Adult Fun match Sunday, June 11, at the Grays Lake county fairgrounds, Rts 120 and 45. Puppies will compete in conformation against puppies, and adults against adults. There will also be a special class for veteran dogs, 6 years and older. Prizes will be trophies and ribbons. In addition, club members will be selling home cooked lunches, home made bakery and candy. Many members have contributed home-crafted Great Dane ceramics, pain tings and needlework. All proceeds derived from the sale of these items will go to the Great Dane rescue fund. This fund provides for the rescue of Great Danes who are either lost Crewmember In Joint-Service Navy Exercise Navy Fireman Apprentice Leslie M. Sharp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Sharp of 3519 Highland drive, Island Lake, is participating in exercise "Solid Shield '78." He is assigned to the tank landing! ship USS Sumter, homeported at Little Creek Naval Amphibious base, Norfolk, Va. or in destitute situations. They &re held in boarding kennels until their health is restored and they can be placed in adoptive homes. Puppy Match entries close at 11 a.m. Sunday, June 11, 1978. Judging starts at 1 p.m. There is no entrance fee. Conducted in the Atlantic coastal waters off North Carolina, plus Camp Lejeune, N.C. and Fort Stewart, Ga., this 10-day exercise involves more than 28,000 personnel. Par ticipants include the Army's eighteenth Airborne corps, the Navy's Atlantic fleet,' the Atlantic Fleet Marine force and the Air Force's Tactical Air command and Military Airlift command. "Solid Shield '78" is the sixteenth in a series of annual, joint-service exercises em phasizing command and control of military forces in a simulated combat en vironment. This year's maneuvers include amphibious and airborne: assaults, naval blockade operations, personnel evacuations and tactical air operations in support of ground forces. "Solid Shield '78" is under overall command of Admiral Isaac C. Kidd, Jr., USN, the commander-in-chief, Atlantic. Navyman Sharp joined the Navy in September of 1976. LENNOX AIR CONDITIONING High Efficiency Top Discharge Quiet and Dependable * CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE fianCWoenMen HEATING AND COOLING SINCE 1931 3511 S.Wright Rd. (815)459-2300 McHENRY, ILL. (312)526-6286 FINANCING AVAILABLE A Certified MM-- (om<- in and brownr. \ou'll (jrl idrtti* for furiiinliiii£ tour bath and di»rowr man* rliarminj! jiifih. .'1012 1. Rlr. 120. M«-Hriir\ Kml of Nr* Rrid|>>- - Kr«*«* Parking .114-1 I HO Moii.-Thiim. Vot.'lO. Kri. *>-H. Sal. *>-.» C.omplelr planning and iiiHlallalion of fi»lur<>i» and accoMirio. 1 You who think you know it all annoy those of us who do. Join Your Friends for Lunch or Dinner TODAY AT . . . THE HERITAGE HOUSE HARVARD FRIDAY SPECIAL! SEAFOOD PLATTER Combination of South African Lobster Tail, Crab Legs, Scallops, Shrimp and Icelandic Cod. Only $595 Sun. & Wed. Specials STEAK & LOBSTER Combination of South African Lobster Tail, Crab Legs and Steak. Only $695 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Wednesday thru Sunday Featuring MICKY KLESPER from Europe • NOON LUNCHEON SPECIALS • COMPLETE DINNERS • FINEST OF COCKTAILS Private Dining Room for Partier Phone 943-6153 For Reservations HOURS: LUNCH, Tues. - Fri. 11:30 - 2:00 DINNER, Tues. - Sat. 5:00- 11:00 P.M. SUNDAYS, 4:00 - 10:00 P.M. CLOSED MONDAY Now running on a street near you. The McHenry Buses. Route806 and 807. Linking McHenry, Woodstock, Crystal Lake and Fox Lake. El Now McHenry County residents can get around even better than before. Two new bus routes make Woodstock, McHenry, Crystal Lake and Fox Lake a bus ride away. And you'll have the convenience and economy in every trip you take to the train station, school, shopping centers and other attractions. Already in service, the 806 Crystal Lake/ Fox Lake Bus. The 806 runs between Crystal Lake and Fox Lake via McHenry. On the 806, you'll be able to ride the bus to the Milwaukee Road station in Fox Lake, or catch the North Western trains in McHenry or Crystal Lake The 806 also serves Crystal Point Mall, McHenry Senior Citizen Walk- in Center, McHenry High School (East), McHenry Hospital and Lakeland Shopping Plaza in Fox Lake. And you can catch the 806 at points along Route 31, Chapel Hill and Ringwood. Beginning June 5, the 807 Woodstock/ McHenry Bus. A direct route between Woodstock and McHenry, the 807 runs along Route 120 and around Wonder Lake. Points of interest include McHenry County Courthouse, Marian Central High School, Wonder Lake, the Wonder Lake Post Office, and the McHenry Market Center. And commuters can take the 807 to catch the North Western trains at either the Woodstock or McHenry stations. For more information. Call or write for a free timetable of the 806 or 807 Write RTA, P.O. Box 2938, Chicago, IL 60690. Or call the RTA Travel Center toll-free 800/972-7000 For best service, call in the evenings 806 Crystal Lake/Fox Lake FREE RIDES THRU JUNE 19. Milwaukee North Ua. Fox Lafc. e lakeland Shopping McMenry Walk McHenry Market Mace Terra Cella Cry.t.l Te"aCoit i • McMenry M.S. |taat| 807 Woodstock/Mc Henry SERVICE STARTS JUNE 5. FREE RIDES THRU JUNE 19. P.O. Pioneer rontar r Walk-In Center i Crystal Lake Ma. • Cry.lal Lake CMy Nail v Cry ^ | A Oak In4u«trte« C'vsti' l<«e Ave Sunrise Ridge McHenry County Courthouse Marian Central H.S Woodstock McHenry T\ McHenry Regional transportation Authority I get around.