* PI.AJMM'..ILL1\ I'uilUY. JUN'ESO. 197H 4 « A"U . with ». fwi U7S XCIUSIVE wt T3^Dttiv» lliUMiNATED_J*».i»., (.oum MiNG POOL .•ii4245 t-if» i O. 421 MM IM kit. U i wirp »;i m i < ' ,v«w • tiff hM }L «L Jbdri I Cei* nilCt »i •AID. till •r A»rc,, l» E. 42 St MAIDS--Am t B'df It • 04» In A*/?J FILL.'* W 'IJD* MKt 0 BOOKKEE flo-ljt. MM tvM I JW SrMER ROSLVN 6*»Df»V-JM btfrm fr • - ndrm It t »r tvit Owntr «*Hv. 7?< " WARRINGTON CPA »*" jr * #i7 »n diversified v? fce 11 JC S3S U*' *Lt V* lt" HP «* tdiott Oceo 941-1200 •Am I Infcnv FOREST HILLS 4XM< VN* prepaid ads. Cards of No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam. Situation Wanted. Wanted to Rent, Wanted to Buy. and Garage Sales MUST be paid in odvanc^. The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in classified ads after the first insertion. Check your od after the first inser tion ond call our attention to any mistakes. OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 1:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. SATURDAY 9-12 P.M. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER--MONDAY 4P.M. FRIDAY PAPER--WEDNESDAY 4P.M. PHONE 385-0170 AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS I968 Oldsmobile. Delmont 88 385-1588. A door. (i-28 6-30C AUTOS 197:1 MUSTANG MARK I. needs repairs. Asking $1900.00. 815- :M4-2767 -2pm and after!) p.m. <i-2Hi-30C BUSINESS SERUKES AUTOS 1973 Caprice 2000 C.C. Engine just rebuilt. $1000.00. Call 459- 1056 6-28-6-30C BUSINESS SERUKES K GENERAL HAULING * Crushed rood gravel * Grade 9 for driveways * Poo Gravel *$and * Black Dirt 815-385-5827 815-385-4835 JOHN FICKEN, JR. PROFESSIONAL CANINE GROOMING Unique individual styling and grooming. Free pick up and delivery service available. Call Pam: 815-675-6356 LEOPOLD CONSTRUCTION • NEW HOMES • ROOM ADDITIONS * ANYTHING YOU WANT DONE IN CARPENTRY 497-3990 PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS 6-2TF RUSSELL RHOTON SEPTIC SERVICE "PUMPING 'REPAIRS 'ELECTRIC SEWER RODDING Installation of new ssptics 815-385-6445 !~R!"DAUTO SERVICE 24 HOUR LIGHT & HEAVY DUTY TOWING • AND STARTING SERVICE FOR CARS & TRUCKS -- Complete Body Shop -- 1 I I I t 4250 W. Bull Valley Rd., V* mi. West of Rt. 31 •! I •••••••• •••••••••••••••••• Hi «IEiJ ! gjjj •Er 385-7448 FREE ESTIMATES! WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. Serving your area- 25 Years experience. We are now taking orders. Deal direct with owner & save! -Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES- GRAYSLAKE 312-223-5634 LIBERTYVILLE 312-367-0676 RESIDENTIAL 6-2TF • _ ;6-2TF-2 R & D •Sidewalks •Step« •Patios •Slabs CONSTRUCTION izing in Concrete & Carpentry •Actions •Dmawayt •&»§« •Rtmadeling •Roofing Far FIM Estimate Calk 8 497-3707 - or - 338-8118 i 6-23-7-14-tf-2 PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Resident ia l -Commercia l -Resident ia l Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands of satisfied customers.' • Machine Laid • New Dr ives • Resurfacing • Park ing Lots • Seal Coat ing All work guaranteed Free Estimates 312-546-5600 Grayslake. III. ^uJI "65 FH5 Cutlass 2 Dr. good running condition. Must sell. Best offer 385-2544. (i-28 6-30C Must sell 1972 Olds Delta Royale, air, p.s.,p.b., tilt wheel, good condition $1095.00 815-459- 8224 6-28-6-30c 1970 Dodge Challenger Convertible, Classic, $575.00. 338-0477. After 5:00 pm. 6-28-6- 30c 1976 VW Beetle, excellent condition, 16,000 miles, gold, rustproofed $3100.00 815-943- 7882. 6-28-6-30C BUSINESS SERUKES EFFY Carpenter Contracts, Inc. -- Fully Insured -- Framing, siding and trim crews available. 385-1383 •Residential •Commercial •industrial •Home Improvements GILBERT'S BLACKTOP SIMMER SKCUL 20% Choaper than any othor contractor. •Fro* Estimate* •24 Hour Service •Work Guaranteed * Driveways it Parking Lots * Patch Work * Seal Coating" Get other estimates then call 81^459^400 _ ^ WPUHMBll'lB 1 STEEL SEA WALLS True & Son Welding Service For free estimates Call 815-3851038 A -2TF McHENRY WELDING SERVICE •ALL TYPES WELBINC* SPECIALIZING IN BOAT KCP REPAIRS CUSTOM TMILBt HITCHES 2912 W. Rt®. 120 McHanry 815-385-4929 C 4 C HONE IMPROVEMENT Siding Specialists •UMMMIMK •MKIHIIUU •nmsMK . •iummtmas - <u Ettam UHNMUM HOWCIS - 385-6702 or 497-3780 1 I I I I I QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling of Older Homos Kitchen, bath, window ft door replacomont. WE BUILD tlnnm AfMlllnnt nOOni AwUlTIOnl •Patio Docks I 1 •Construction of U^yi U|k|||Aa nutnwi No Job Too Big or Too Small WE AIM TO PLEASE , -WEE ESTIMATES 815-385-4937 After 5 pm and weekends __ 6-2TF 1977 Pontiac Astra Wagon, fully powered with air conditioning, tinted glass and tilt steering wheel asking $2985. 815-648-2869 6-30 1965 4 DR Chevrolet. Good transportation, V-8. 283 engine $195.00.385-0810. 6-23 6-30C 1972 Chrysler Newport 4 door $500.00. 815-344-2586 after 4 p.m. 6-28 6-30C BUSINESS SERUKES * • BITTERMAN SEPTIC . * . imstaimtionVX-/, AND REPAIR •Excavating •Foundations •Driveways 385-7791 4907 W. McCullom Lake Road McHenry, III. Community Tree Service COMPLETE TREE & STUMP REMOVAL. Free Estimates... Fully Insured 815-385-6733 , 6-2TF REMODELING SPECIALISTS PROMPT SERVICE • Basements • Porches • Family Rooms . Go •Room Additions ^ * Repairs * PaMo» O.E.A. Construction 815-344-1(92. - 815-385-6566 815-344-0748Mir? Irkiririr jl ij . * LIGHT HAULING * D & D I } * * * J • DECORATIVE STONE, ETC. J • BLACK DIRT 1977 GRAND PRIX blue with white interior 3JV8912. call after lip.m 6-21-6-3QC 1976 Mercury Monarch 6 cyl. Std. trans. P.S. P.B., radio 21,000 miles $2850.00. Call 385- 5198 between 9 am & 4 pm. 6-28- 6-30c Honda 1976 Civic C.V.C.C. Wagon, 28,000 certified miles, best offer takes. 815-385-2250 call after 5:30 p.m. 6-28 6-30C Plymouth Window Van 1974 Excellent Condition under 43,000 miles. A.M. & F.M. Tape & CB And Curtains. 318 V-8 $3000.00 815-344-0546 After 6:00. 6-14-6-30C BUSINESS SflMIKES Roofing & Repairs, New and Old work done. Free estimates. Please call between 5 p.m. & 7 p.m. 385-5839 6-29TFC HOUSE & GARAGE PAIN- TING done. Evenings & weekends. Good references & very reasonable prices. Call 385-5564 anytime or 344-2943 after 5 p.m. TF CEMENT WORK, driveways, steps, sidewalks, patios. Free Estimates. 815-344-0471. 5-31 6- 30C Landscape Architect will do complete planting design of your home. Fee includes master plan, site visits, recommendations, and cost estimate. Phone 385-5182 6-21- TF f WILL DO WALLPAPERING Reasonable per roll rate. 815- 338-6434. K-21-6-30C CONCRETE WORK " Sidewalks, patios, stoops, etc. Free Estimates. 815-653-9551. 6- 28 7 - 7 C PIANO .LESSONS, children, Adults, Beginners, Advanced. 815-653-9366 6-2tfc ROOFING PROBLEMS? Let me solve them, excellent quafyty and competitive prices. Just-Rite Roofing, 344-1548 6- 2tfc \ it T FREE PICK UP JUNK CARS and trucks, day or night, 815- 459-0081 6-2tfc MATERIAL • SAND * GRAVEL -385-1970 ********** | 815-****** Allan's Blacktop Summer Special •Parking Lots •New Driveways •Long Lanes ̂ Patching •Resurfacing *Seal Coating 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed (815) 459-5757 CflllRBWMiSNVB 6/16-7 '28 tssbst ANSWERING I LETTER SERYKE •24 hour answering service and complete mailing service •Paging Service •Printing •Typing 3509 W. Pearl St. McHenry, III. 60050 815-385-0258 6-2TF J 6/30-9/22-TF-2 CEMENT WORK •DrlYeways •Sidewalks •Paties Free Estimates Call Tem, 385-1409 er Harry, 385-3927. 6/28-6/30 lesssaaaiBB MILLER'S DREAM MARINE* Sales & Service •AUsport Runabouts •Son Pan Pontoons •Spirit Motors 2717 W. Uiemie Reei 3154520 6-2-TF-2 ADAMS REPAIR SHOP * Lawn Mowers * Small Engines * Machine Shop 1910 W.BAY ROAD McHENRY, ILL. 385-2534 SOMETHING DONE? •Carpentry .Roofina •Cement Work •Additions •Patios •New Home* No Job Too Large Or Small J.S. BLAKE CONSTRUCTION 385-5593 ' CUNAT BROTHERS > GENERAL CONTRACTORS * RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL • AGRICULTURAL Serving McHenry County Area Quality work at /• ^ reasonable prices. 815-385-6513 6-2TF Solarity Construction Remodeling and new construction. Room ad ditions. Energy efficient homes. 815-385-9052 "Not the Biggest... Just the Best! SEMI-BLACKTOP Special Discount 25% off and free sealer on any new driveway or parking lot. AH Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 815-459-2987 er 312-7424784 JP1'7- HAVING AUTO INSURANCE PROBLEMS? Call us. Sun- derlage Insurance Agency. 815- 338-3328 6-30 1976 Pinto wagon, mint con dition, 7 wheels and tires, ex cellent mileage, radio, 4 speed stick. $2400. or best offer. Call after 5 pm. 815-459-8798 6-30 1965 Continental 4 dr., Full Power, beige, regular gas, good auto, collectors item soon. $975.00 After 6 pm 653-4982 6-30 1974 Dodge Colt wagon, 2,000 engine, power brakes, air, wood trim, reclining seats, luggage rack, 37,000 miles. Asking trade in value. 815-385- 0825 or 815-728-0117. Ask for Lyle 6-30 SHARP 1973 CORVETTE blue with white convertible top, 4 speed on the floor. 385-0151. 6-28 6-30C 1970 Gold Chrysler Newport, a.c., p.s., new p.b., new shocks, rebuilt engine has 10,000 miles, body in very good condition. $550.00. 815-385-8245 after 6 p.m. 6-28 6-30C 1975 LeMans sport coupe, air, p.s., p.b., 8 track, bucket seats, sport wheels, Radial tires. $2,750.00. 815-385-8571. 6-28 6- 30C 1970 CHEVELLE. V8 Auto, P.S.P.B., Good condition $650.00. Call 385-2630 , 6-30 1969 NOVA, Chevy, fair con dition, low mileage, $700.00 or Best offer. 385-2632. 6-30 1978 Chevette 4 door automatic transmission, A C., tinted glass, still under warranty $3,300.00. 815-344- 1347 . 6-28 6-30C 1973 Grand Prix S.J. Sunroof, Mag wheels. AM-FM 8, track, bucket seats $2,S0M0.Call after 5 p.m. Bis-sas-aw^ii^se- 30c *' 1963 PLYMOUTH VALIANT CONVERTIBLE, good run ning, recent tune-up. Best offer. 815-344-1038 after 5:30 pm. 6-30 1970 Gremlin X, 6 cyl., 3 speed, clean in and out, excellent mechanical condition $550.00 or best offer. 815-653-4982. 6-28 6- 30C REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE WHISPERING OAKS Beautifully landscaped Ranch on 87x174' wooded lot. Central foyer, large living room, formal dining room. 2 large bedroom*. 2 colored tile baths, oak floors throughout. Large family room adjoins II* shaped kitchen with all appliances. 2 car garage with opener. Screened patio overlooks beautiful garden. $77,500.00 By Appointment 385-8562 HOUSE 6 rooms. Huge living room, 2 Ig. bedrooms. 1 full both; 2 half boths, kitchen, utility rm., full bsmt. with family room, rec. room. Gas heat, near churches A schools. Ready to move in. $65,000. Writs c/e 6/30 •ex JV 1 3812 W. EtwSt. N NOW OPEN: MODEL HOME A NICE WAY TO LIVE: FOR LIMITED TIME MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE AT 9'A PERCENT 1 POINT SERVICE CHARGE mwoo CUSTOM HOMES BY ROBSON BUILDERS 815-385-8585 McHENRY f ILLINOIS HOURS: 6:30 to 8:30 FRIDAYS 1:00 to 5:00 SAT. AND SUN. . OR CALL FOR APPOINTMENT % Mile North of 120 on Chapel Hill Rd. across from Drive-ln Theater ?M "-F-O JOHN JONS REAL ESTATE, INC. GLACIER RIDGE UNI1II , _ , . A .. mctwnry county's noit beautiful homcsites Now open! Drive out to see the lovely, wide ^voi boulevard with it's new tree-plantings lining the CO. A f irQ Dlh£C curb, large new trees planted on the lots, spec- y|( > Ol»M l̂tl\ Kli/WC tocular views! Lots start at $25,000. and are one acre minimum. You'll love living in Glacier Ridge- Un- «,«! |f You Yearn For.fhe Wide Open Spaces i This well constructed brick ranch is situatad in the center of 15 hilltop acres with 215 large old oak trees lightly suf fered over the land. The views are in credible and there is one mile of foot paths winding thiu wild berry bushes, aspen ond oaks. The low maintenance house features maximum utilization of space and consists of 1800 squara foet on the main level with full basement, four bedrooms and an attached 2 Vk Car garage. All Pella windows and oversized wooden paneled doors speak to the quality of construction. While Its beautiful condition belies its age of 8 y*ors. Jngs consist of an additional 2'/J cor garage witfTconcrete floor and electricity, a small playhouse, 8x14 with electricity and antique wood burning stove and two storage buildings 10x16 and 8x14. ThO jiest <^^^|^|ĵ P|*^2bin^ondcon^HjC^^^tn5^cres ĵ̂ /^REDUCEDPRiCE8199,500 Gzrriunc. Each office is Independently owned and operated. JOHN JUNG-REAL ESTATE INC. | 4C0S.VIR6INM Sr., CRYSTAL UWE.IU. 60014 • CI5-459-9300 OVER 5000 OFFICES NATION-WIDE MM. thra Sat 1:30a.m. • 7 p.m., Sun. 10a.in.-Sp.in. fiJ N>.'M. 0»*0«TU«IT> V