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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jul 1978, p. 13

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HELP WANTED If yew ere craaHvt, energetic and reedy for that first Impor­ tant |ok, or returning to tha |eb mark at »aahlm a caraar, aff̂ jr® a HHP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED PAP.E IS - PLAIN DEALER - WEDNESDAY. JULY 12,: FDft RENT position In Ifi retell odvor- Jeln ana of Northern Illinois group In a |ob wttfi unlimited fringes, sharing Car •ailing but not essential • To gat Into an Interesting Hold with load* of varlaty, contact >OYCl PETERSON Lakeland Newspapers Ofoyilslit, Illinois 312-223-8161 Help Wanted- Full Time Raal Estate Sales Sales positions now available. Top Commissions. Professional Training. Homa Warranty-Sellers i Buyars. Exclusiva computerized referral system. Call Katby Neumann 815-344-1010 ERA BEHRENS & ZAUN INC., REALTORS TO Need sitter for 9 year old boy, before and after school. Sept. 1978, prefer area of Alden or Green road. Call after 6 p.m. 815-943-7574. 7-127-14C Full Time Secretary, light bookkeeping and typing. 815- 455-0320 ask for Ron or Neil 7-7- 7-14c EAL ESTATE SALES Associates now needed in one of McHenry s newest offices, excellent commission splits, insurance program, estab­ lished farm leads, and above oil, experienced management people who care. Don't get lost in the shuffle of a large of­ fice, join an aggressive small company with big ideas. Come to Realty USA. For a confiden­ tial interview, call 815-344- 1244 • ask for Mr. Paris). 7-5 TF WAITRESS WANTED RESTAURANT J10 Sttt* M. Island lake '•12 KCTHSSWWWWISi EXPERIENCED SECRETARY to assist ownar in ad­ ministration of local businoss. Must ba abla to assume responsibility in absanca of principal. Furnish dotails of axporionca and capabilities in first lattar. c/o Ba JU-3 McHsnrj Plaindsaltr 3112 W. Elm SL IL 60050 7/ WANTED People Who Like Fun and Money. You can sail Toys & Gifts I Anyona Can! No collocting or dolivaring. Call Mary Lou Esmond 414-279-3419 7/ttrt AAA CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB The Woodstock Bunch Office has a career opportunity offennc personal growth, independence challenge, professional status, and possibly a greater income than your present oc­ cupation If the above sounds in­ teresting. and you enioy being with people we will provide you with a training program to make you sue cesstul We also offer ulsni plus com­ mission. tree, life insurance and Map Medical, established accounts and a retirement program - Far cMfMeirtiai Mantoo, caN S15-33S-1S18 An «q>»ol oppoftunWy 7-7/7-1 X TELEPHONE SECRETARY Local Company naads two girls ovar 18 to do talephona work. Experience halpful but not nacessary. Hours 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Good Starting Salary. To Apply Call 344-2800 Between 1:00 pm i 5:00j>m 7 i? BARTENDER WAITRESSES WANTED Lunch & Friday Evenings Apply after 3:30 p.m. DR. JAY'S 4512 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, Illinois _ wm----m * Management, Technical, Clerical Positions. Wells Fargo Employment Agency, Inc. 666 Russel, Woodstock, III. 815-338- 7-5-7-28C HELP WANTED: Energetic person with class C license for Route driver. Must be able to withstand heavy lifting, loading and unloading trucks. Apply in person: Tidy Carpets and Rugs, 200 Washington St., Woodstock, Illinois. 7-127- 14C 14 ' LEGAL V SECRETARY Full Tim* Typing, dictaphone, some shorthand, ex­ perience preferred. Call for Interview - 815-459-8806 HELP WANTED: Salesperson. Must have sales experience or college degree. Must be able to work weekends and some evenings. Please send resume in confidence to Tidy Carpets and Rugs, 200 Washington St., Woodstock, Illinois, 60098, Attention, manager. 7-12 7- 14C HIGH SCHOOL BOY for lawn and odd jobs. 815-344-1428 7-12 Male & Female, full and part time. Apply Riverside Laun­ dry, 1304 N. Front St., McHenry, 815-385-9635 . 7-7 7- 14C SECRETARY WANTED Experienced Secretary for per­ manent position in local In­ surance Agency Bookkeeping knowledge for working with ac- ' iunting system also needed. For Appointment Call 385-6541 Career Opportunity H you hove electro-mechanical aptituda. ambitious and want to loarn a skill that commands good pay and soma travol... than you arc tha individual wa want to talk to. Good starting pay and full rang* company sponsored benefits. CONTACT: LINDA DOOt 815/344-1730 TeleTechnology -- iMTIMiATtONAL IMC ^ ̂ NlftllT SHIFT FLOOR PERSON Excellent opportunity tor salf startar. Full time evening shift. 5:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Must hava electro mechanical ability We are looking for o per son to Supervise ond train our prasent personnel. Pleasa reply to Box JU4 c/o McHonry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, II. 60050 Ytfuf SERVICE BUREAU fOR MC HENRY COUNTY. INC. Seeking Coordinator of Program Services (M.A. +ex­ perience) and Counselors/ - Casemanager (B.A. ex­ perience) Y S B. experience preferred. Juvenile justice system experience a plus. For a job description write to: Mr. Lou Houdek Executive Director 840 N. Seminary Woodstock, III. 60098 Deadline: July 31. 197tor call: (815)338-7360 Receptionists/ Assistants ft pnmtft km *s Msvtsi M Hot Clot •Ntical Isctrts CWrt •UteOar lactftiMMl Dm cmMUm eat ta»» i mmMv mi MKT Mm PMfit. b caloM trap ktssflh mi uhn REAL ESTATE SECRETARY frogreaaivr, lon|-nlablithrJ, local real ralatr offk-r i. M-rking a mature Mcrctary for a full-lime position. Skill* needed are typing, •horthand or speed writing, tome bookkeeping knowledge and a pleasant personality. Person selected for the position esperied to start employment no later than August 1. 1978. Salary commen­ surate with experience. For confidential interview, call Mr. Wieser "VlESER, AMORE & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1618 N. Richmond Road McHenry, 111. 815-385-4880 HowhiSMC You'll love it in July when it's 95 Our new. air conditioned plant is opan and we hove day and night shift positions open.. In oddition to our NEW HIGHER STARTING SALARY and plenty of opportunity for odvancamant. you will onjoy: •Cloon pleasant bench work •Company paid hoolth A lifa insuronca •6 Morit roviows your first yaar. Experience not nocossary. wa will train. Apply in person only UNCO ELECTRONICS INC. 1330 Belden St.. McHenry So. of McHonry on Rt. 31 to Dayton St. than Dayton to Belaen 6 Miles North of Rte. 176 6-21-TF ----mm i p ' • • •• •• ' -- ' 1 GENERAL PLANT POSITIONS Duo to increased production, we currently have need for general production workers. All positions are permanent, and offer excellent starting fringe benefit program. For on intorviow Apply In porton at: BRAKE PARTS COMPANY 7/12 7/14 1*00 North Industrial Drlva AAcHenry Illinois 40050 Equal Opportunity Employ or M/F I McHenry Medical Group I 1209 N. Green St. | McHenry, III. 815-385-1050 ^ 7/7-7/1 a:- > MEN & v WOMEN Experienced in plating, •ilk screening and general factory work. • PAID HOLIDAYS •VACATIONS i •INSURANCE AND HOSPITALIZATION •MONTHLY BONUSES 385-5454 Circuit Etching Technics 4415 HiPoint Road \ McHenry y/l2 y/^ »«= ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN I Wa ara looking for tochnicians to install ond sorvico intercom music and poging systoms for a small ambitious company. , Must hava background in solid stata aloctronics os wall as hava complotod DoVry Audio Coursa or its equivalent. Wo will train on equipment. Good' salary and company benefits. Apply to: SCAN-AM COMPANY • 1705 Sort Route 3t McHwrj, Illinois 815*5 3499 Women to teW in your home. Phone 385-5735 7/12-7/14 RECEPTIONIST- SECRETARY To work part-time in now McHonry real estate offlco. Must have Illinois license. Salary plus commission. Phono SI 5-344-1244 Ask for Mr. Parisi PART TIME Assistant Manager | Prefer older individual, to team | let Cream Business. Will Train Call (312)428-9494 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER Salary based on experience. Fringe benefits, paid vacation, profit sharing. Call botwoon 9:00 and 11:00 am for appointmont 815-459-6611 HELP WANTED FULL TIME GlriftMc Daft. Staff Icaiftti iMMtaf HWt* IN U Phi yi IR t wa^R GLADSTONE 12)9 N. 6run St. McHomy, II. 7/7-7 1« * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUBSTITUTE "BUS DRIVER 4 HOURS DAILY Moafcv in Friday Pioneer Center For the Exceptional PImu Call 815-344-1230 7m 1st floor office space on Rte. 12 in Richmond. Reasonable rent, ideal for professional office or business office. 815-678-4441 7-5- tfc Three bedroom house tor rent. Johnsburg schools. One year lease. $395 month, plus security. Possible option. Call 815-344-1013 7-12-7-14C LAKE IN THE HILLS, 3 bedroom home with garage, kids, pet o.k. $300.00. 312-249- 1212 CW.RENTALS, fee. 7-12 7- 14C CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS daily or weekly, also small furnished apartment. 815-385- 0266 or 815-385-8905 7-5tfc UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT VFW, Clubhouse and Hall for for rent, seating capacity for 400. Call 385-9860 9 to 12 weekdays or after 6pm. 7-5tfc EAST WONDER LAKE, available Sept. 1st charming two bedroom home, basement, yard for kids, pet $275.00 . 312- 249-1212 CW.RENTALS, fee 7- 12 7-14C 3,600 Sq Ft new steel building Suitable for storage, 14 ft Sidewalls. Overhead doors to 16x13 ft. Available im­ mediately. For information call 815-338-2126 . 6-30 7-14C STORAGE SPACE all sizes, inside or out, monthly rental, The Keep Mini-Warehouse, 815- 455-0095 7-5tfc FOX LAKE RENTALS: one bedroom apartment, utilities paid $160.00; Two bedroom Apartment, kids O.K. $205; One bedroom house, kids o.k $195.00; Furnished one bedroom apartment on lake, utilities paid $190 00; Furnished two bedroom house on lake $270.00. 312-249-1212 CW. RENTALS, fee 7-12 7-14C Woman with one or two children to share expenses on 3 bedroom house 815-653-5886 7- 12 7-14C STORAGE SPACE Storebin Mini Warehouses, 4400 Bull Valley Road. McHenry 385 0461 or 338-2126 5-10 7-24C HAPPY 75H» BIRTHDAY, MOM A F 6UESS WHO? m * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR SALE BY OWNER C00NEY HEIGHTS Well built, wry clean 2 bedroom ranch with attached garage Oak floors plastered walls, full basement, city water and sewer Nicely landscaped 60x175 lot In town location Price reduced to $49,900.00. 4316 W. Crestwood. 385-6209 PHASE CALL AFTER 2:00 P M. 7/7-7/14 FOR RENT Office in McHenry, good location, air conditioned, all utilities furnished $85.00. 815- 385-3490. 7-7tfc Very small two bedroom house in Wonder Lake, no pets. $185.00 month, references and security deposit. Available July 15th. 815-653-9706. 7-7 7-12 McHENRY HOUSE REN­ TALS: 3 bedroom, 2 car garage, ready now $380.00; 4 bedroom, two car garage, basement, every appliance, kids, pet O.k. $475; 312-249-1212 CW. RENTALS, fee. 7-12 7-14C i OFFICES from 150 sq. ft to 8,000 sq. ft. Parking and full service Suitable for handicap short lerm iease available 815- 338-6980 7-5-7-28C FOR RENT IN McHenry, 2 bdrm townhouse apt, con­ venient location, in 4 unit building, 14 bath, utility room and built in electric range, no refrigerator $260 per month plus utilities. Lease security deposit and reference required. No pets 815-459-4646 or 815-344 2456. 7-12 LANDLORDS, advertise your rentals free! Homes, apart­ ments, duplexes and farms Renters waiting to fill any size or price range from $100.00 to $600.00. Never a charge Ad­ vertising at our expense CW. RENTALS 312-249-0015. 7-12 7- 14C 2 BEDROOM HOME with appliances and attached garage, fenced yard in town location No pets $275.00 per month plus utilities Security deposit required Call Gary, Byrnes Bros. Inc Realtors, 385 6900 7-12tfC 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, dining room, living room, kitchen, 2 car garage, 4 basement, no pets. Teenagers O.K.* 815-385- 7852 . 7-12 7-14C NEW 3 BEDROOM home with 2 car garage and large family room Backs up to a park $450.00 per month References required 385-4693 evenings after 6 p.m 459-5820 or 455-3091 7-12 7-14C New two bedroom Quad, central air, garage parking, ali maintenance. Many extras $385 per month. 312-382-2142 7-7-7- 14c FOR RENT, McHENRY, 2 bdrm townhouse apt. con­ venient location in 4 unit building, 1'2 baths, utility room, built-in electric range, no refrigerator. $260.00 per mo., plus utilities. Lease/ security deposit and references required. (815 ) 459-4646 or 344- 2456 7-7 7-12 WAREHOUSE or factory space from 5,000 to 15,000 ft .385-1079 7-5tfc REAL ESTATE For Sale by owner, in Wood­ stock, 3 bedroom ranch, 14 baths, full basement, attached garage, near schools, priced to sell Call 815-338-6291 7-12 7-14C LIVE IN BEAUTIFUL LAKE GENEVA Deluxe 1 & 2 bedroom aport merits, fully carpeted IV, ceramic baths color applian­ ces dishwasher air con­ ditioning. laundry, large storage area gas heat. From $225.00. By lake several blocks from downtown 6ENEVA UKE APAR1MENTS 1321 W Main Lake Geneva Wis 414-248-4572 7 5 TF "EHF/STe" AVAILABLE at 4915 W. Rt 120 McHenry 1 000 sq ft or more Ample parking, air conditioned carpeted Suitable tor Doctors ottice or business E.J. Stephens Co. Limited " -iW'. Itat ESTATE WATERFRONT PROPERTY 3 bedroom ranch, new 2'/J car garage, large lot, move in condition, $44,900.00. Conventional, F.H.A., V A. 4 Bill WalUn Associates 2309 Jchaibvrg Road, McHanry, II. (815)385-5093 * ' 7/12-7 LAKEFRONT HOME Custom built 9 yr. old home. 120 ft. of wooded lakefront on McCullom Lake. Multi-level, 4 bedrooms, oak floors, central air. 2% attached garage, 2 baths. Much More. By Owner $89,500.00 Call 815-385-1480 M2 7/u JOHNSBURG SCHOOL DISTRICT Boating and swimming '/i block to Pistakee Lake, newly remodeled 3 bedroom ranch home with basement and garage, wooded lot, large trees. Only $41,500.00 Conventional financing available. , HANSEN RIAL ESTATE ' 312-395-0340 rod SALE FOR SALE Water Ski-sled $50.00; Manual Royale typewriter (green) $75.00; Electrolux scrubber- waxer $35; all excellent con­ dition. 815-653-9492 . 7-12 7-14C Hay for sale, $1.00 per bale, if delivered .25 cents per bale delivery charge, call 815-385- 7287 ask for Scott 7-12 8-4C 16 x 7 overhead garage door $50 00; 12" Sylvania T V. B-W $50.00; 360 Model polaroid camera with electric flash and filters $75 00 385-8170 7-12 7- 14C 36" camper top, insulated panelled, lights, shelves. $250 00 or best offer (815) 653- 9848 7-12 7-14C 22 Ft Vacationaire Travel Trailer, self-contained, air conditioner, sleeps 6, Tandam axle $2,950 or best offer. 497- 3535 7-12 7-14C BRODY DINLTT£ SET with leaf, like new; Quartz-Halogen fog lites complete kit, new 385- 0225 7-12 7-14C 1970 CHEVELLE, V8, Power Steering, Power Brakes. Good C o n d i t i o n , $ 6 0 0 , 0 0 ' Dehumidifier, Dayton's Best, 2 years old $80 00 385-2630 7 12 7-14C Boat lift Tebben electric launcher, 3,000 lb capacity, $375 00 815-653-3000 7-12 7-14C Approximately 100 ft. of high fencing with poles $1C 815 385-6760 ext. 255 betwt a.m. & 5 p.IT}. After 5 p.m. 385-2148 'I 7-12 7-1 Adults womans tricycle. 385-7227 7-12 7-| ADULT three wheel bicj Like new $125.00 385-7627. El2 7-14C Roland SH 1000, synthesHer $450 00 815-653-7728 7-12 7*4C 16 ft travel trailer, 3 lighting, electrical brakes, good condition $800 00 or fcst offer 815-385-6757 . 7-12 7H4C Two bedroom, two bath Condo $350.00 month. Available im mediately . 312-526-3919 . 7-12 7- 14C 1 BEDROOM APT in mcHenry, convenient to all stores A C., fully carpeted, no children or pets $190 00 mo. plus utilities References required Older person preferred 7-12 7-14C FREE KITTENS, 1 male, 1 female, 6 weeks old 815-653- 9904 7-12 7-14C SMALL SANDY blonde mutt - furry tail, head and paws Shaved body Family heart­ broken Reward 815-385-3934 7-12 7-14C PETS FOR SALE DOG* BOARDING GROOMING SCHNAUZER Puppies for Sale WALNUT HINGE KENNEL 818 S. Rte. 31 McHenry. II. HORSES HORSES BOARDED Indoor Arena % HMU asretM trsck, ta tfslli, hiroMtt, Im pick up. •110.00 815-338-4935 H/ imJotnnL if •OfiTOCX 7 / 7 7 / 1 2 HORSES BOARDED Pasture $40 mo. Box Stalls $75 mo. Daily Grain Turn Out Outside Riding Arena RAJA ACRES (Serving McHenry Woodstock Area) Call 815-648-4012 EUREKA vacuum ciet complete with attachments] condition, $18 00 6( Devonshire Ct., Waters El McHenry, 111 7-12 71 |er L-l A \e, \C Sears electric start 10 garden tractor, with mower, 42" dozer blade, cupip cart, winter cab and ^re chains Call Saturday and Sunday, 312-658-5989. 7-12-^4C Three Air conditioners; 5,000 BTU Philco $70.00 ̂ 6,000 BTU Airtemp $75.00; 18,500 BTU Carrier $200 00 All in good condition 815-385-2996 7-12 7- 14C QUARTER HORSE - Mare approx. 10 yrs old, sharp Best offer 385-7854 7-12 7-14C 1 car garage metal door 1 table lamp 385-4736 7-12 7-14C '70 FORD P.U. 3/4 ton, Air Conditioned, Stereo, Good condition. $1,200 00 385-7738 12 7-14C DINING SET with 6 swival chairs, walnut color, table is oval in shape 385-3028 7-12 7- 14C 1973 350 V8, 4 bolt main chevy engine, completely rebuilt with heads 1968 Buick Skylark custom parts, no rust. Lawn Boy Mower, used 10x16 5 truck tires Used Die Hard battery- side mount 24" convertible bike. Call until 11:30 p.m 815- 385-5680 7 12 7 14c RAILROAD TIES like new $7 30 delivered 815-385-4182 7 5tfc PfT COLUMN WANTED PUPPIES 6-8 weeks old, good Jiomes guaranteed Also we buy Poodle or Schnauzer mixed pups 815-385- 7897 7-5tfc LOST Female Calico cat, in vicinity of Fox Ridge, ap­ proximately June 20 815-344- 2490 7-12 THREE WINDOW Air 'con­ ditioner. 8000, 8500, l4'"000 BTU's, 115v. High 1*ER Ratings Call 385-2184 7-^ 7- 14C FOR SALE. Mediterranean formal dining set Call for appt 385-7369 7-12-7-14C Jk.-- One boys 10 speed bike,^Jwo girls Spider bikes, 20", gftod condition Call 815-385-2834 I 7- 12-7-14C New '&* used R R Ties, tjulk grass seed We deliver Woodstock Lawn & Fanri Center 815-338-4200 7-Itfc --v --4 Oak kitchen cabinetry ,S all sizes, in stock, 50 percent discount off list 344-1180 7jptfc' RAILROAD TIES7« ft' £ gcod quality, 8 ft to llP ft lengths. $5.50 to $9.50 e«ch Free delivery 10 or nAre Evenings 3»2-552-8316 5-24^-4c Maple bunk beds compete. white twin bedroom su*f.e. cricket rocker 815 385-4090 £-12 MOVING SALE tappan dotible oven, gas range avocaBo, Maytag washer and dq}er avocado; white double 4^ed complete, white dresser, girls baby clothes, misc yard swing and swing set 815-385^28 Immediately 3906 W Mi le, McHenry ^Jl2 AMANA A C. 110 Volt, \ ry good condition $60 385-1345 7 12 Port-a-potti $15, one set trailer mirrors $5 815-385-62 of 12 Sale reduced, piano $75, dir ig room table and buffet $ 0; couch and matching chair ! 5: ping pong table $10 or best o|er on all items Call after 5' 815-459-9207 ^fl2 1978 Bowman AM-FM 8 tr$ok stereo Never been opened Qall Joe 344-1563 fcl2 Solid Walnut dining room tension table, with 4 cht Service for 12 815-344-1073 EARLY AMERICAN co*h. bronze in color, very ^gjOod condition 385-4586 7-12 7^ 4c ARABIAN STALLION rjre Blue Star breeding. 9 yrs. grey, broken to ride, proven negotiate price and will sider terms. Asking $2 (312 ) 587-1340 7-12-7 14c Hammond Organ B 3' leslie speaker Call 385-0213 12-7-14C GARAGE DOOR. 16x7 like i eu $100.00 call after 6 30 pm 385-4010 i ii 1967 DELUXE SCAMJ'LR CAMPER sleeps 8, healer, stove, water, electric h 385 3863 ith 15 t f c tP fc Two overhead garage da( "s house doors. 2x4's in diffei Tit lengths, house paneling 15 385-4438 Frank N Pitzen. \ 113 W Pearl St , McHenry 7-7®-12 VW 1975 Camp Mobile Del| ce fully equipped with pop ] >p, AM-FM radio tape. CB. cellent condition $5,500 00 943-4376 7 7j ex- 15- 14 VW Engine 1600 cc, $27^ K) Also VW Camper 1971,} no raised roof Good condif >n, $1,200 00 385-4790 7-12-714C Coats 10-10 super powc pneumatic tire changer,] condition, $400 00 815- 7-12-jD4C r~ BEDDING! PLANTS Flowers Vegetables.! Geraniums Mums, and Roses Cactus and Houj Plants sr.HLESSKKl GREEN HOI 211 E. Route 120; McHenry, III. (East of Lakemoof

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