SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER - PAGE I -WEDNESDAY, JULY 11,1178 Select Group Of j?/LAMPS & SHADES 20%-40% OFF Luxurious Rhine cruise is key to enchanting vacation ii iw Jlztiif ± JlamfiiL and iacU.5 L_l 3318 W. Elm St, McHenry, III. 385-2824 Are you planning a short trip to Europe and looking for a unique way, which is restful at the same time as it is in teresting, of visiting a hand ful of countries in a week or less? Or, on a more extended holiday, do you wish to travel for a while at a more leisurely pace, turning a single leg of your trip, which would otherwise consist of a day long train journey, into a va cation in itself? In either case, you should look into the possibility of taking a Rhine River cruise. The Rhine, flowing 726 miles from its source in the glaciers of Switzerland to the North Sea, is one of Europe's major waterways. It has borne a heavy flow of commercial traffic for cen turies and, as one of the most picturesque rivers in the world, has long been, and continues to be, one of Europe's most popular tourist attractions. There is no better way of er\joying it, no better way of combining what are usually mutually exclusive plea sures, relaxation and sight seeing, than to sit by the rail of a luxurious ship. Watching tantalizing scenery, fascinat ing towns and cities, and magnificent storied castles drift by on either side, is an advantage not to be had from a train or car window. You may visit as few as two, as many as five coun tries on your cruise: Holland, France, Switzerland and Belgium as well as Germany. The highlights of your cruise may include Amster dam, Rotterdam and Zierik- zee in the Netherlands; Diis- seldorf, Cologne, Koblenz, Boppard, Riidesheim, Konigswinter, Bad Breisig, Gernsheim (for Heidelberg), Speyer, Mainz and Mann heim, ail in Germany; Stras bourg, France; Basle, Swit zerland; and Antwerp, Bel gium. You may sail either up or down stream. The shortest GOfltirtG ATOM! flNt DOUflt M!K from Lee & Ray Electric *Expandable Sides *7.5 Amps •7.5 EER •Automatic 24 HR. Timer •Expandable Sides •Only 5.5 Amps •8.8 EER •Electric Saver Switch AUTO COOL ELECTRIC SAVER CYCLES ON OR OFF AUTOMATICALLY Fnaidaire ASIECHEP Frigidaire ONLY ONLY * REMOVES UP TO 9.6 GALLONS OF MOISURE PER DAY REG. s27495 • REMOVES UP TO 4.8 GALLONS OF MOISTURE PER DAY $ Days cruise is two days; the longest, eight days. If you sail from either Rot terdam Or Amsterdam on a four-country, five day jaunt, you will pass through Ger many and France en route to your destination of Basle. The first of many treats on which you will feast your eyes will be the lowlands of Holland, dotted by wind mills, criss-crossed by ca nals. You will dock in the ele gant German metropolis of Dusseldorf on the first eve ning, and will have a chance to explore that city and visit its beautiful night spots. Early the next morning, the ship will proceed to Co logne, allowing ample time there for passengers to visit the city's magnificent Gothic cathedral. The second and third days will be spent cruising in wine country. On either side of the river, a panorama of endless, patterned stretches of vine yard climbing steep hills will unfold. The high cliffs are dra matic, capped by prepossess ing castles which keep stern guard over the countryside. The famous Loreley Rock, home of the legendary sirens who lured many an innocent sailor to disaster with their haunting song, is a large headland.lushly overgrown, which towers over the river near St. Goarshausen. Heidelberg, the picture book college town on the River Neckar, is a short dis tance from Gernsheim, and may be visited comfortably via a tour organized by the cruise line. While there, don t miss Schloss Heidelberg, an im posing castle, from the ter race of which you will be treated to a breathtaking view of the town spread out below. Halfway through the fourth day, you will enter the French portion of your jour ney. stopping for the night in Strasbourg, famous for its half-timbered houses and grand cathedral, a fascinating mixture of French and Ger man influences and culture. On the fifth day, your last on board ship, you will ap proach and enter Switzer land, arriving in Basle late in the afternoon, refreshed by your cruise, and eager to con tinue your exploration of the wonders of this part of the world. Cruises depart regularly from March through Oc tober. There are also Christ mas and New Year's cruises to add that special sparkle to the year's end, in addition to one in February at carnival time For detailed itineraries, ship plans, and information on dates and rates, contact your travel agent or the KD German Rhine Line c/o the Rhine Cruise Agency. 170 Hamilton Avenue. White Plains. N.Y. 10601. or 323 Geary St., San Francisco, Cal. 94102. Definitely' Lectures are like steer horns, a pomt here, a point there, and a lot of bull in between. -Tiger, U.S.S. Barry. How True It might be well to bear in mind that when ever you're coasting you're either going down hill or losing momentum. -Journa),, Gordon, Neb. AT LEE & RAY ELECTRIC WE HAVE OUR OWN SERVICE DEPT." 1005 N. Front St., McHenry 385-0882