PAGE 8 - PLAINDEALER • WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 23.1978 May's Low Prices Make The Grade! Sending the kids back to school takes a big chunk out of your budget and that's why you're wise to check out May's low prices. We've done our best to offer you good values on school supplies and basics that will send your child back to school in good style. Maŷ i Liquor Department 80 PROOF PARTY SIZE MAY'S REGULAR $13.88 Gran Prix AM/FM/TV/WB Portable Radio TVB77-5 BAND AM/FM/TV STATION /WEATHER BAND EM clainesse' AY'S REGULAR $1.09 Subject Book MAY'S REGULAR $2.99 Clairesse Haircoloring MAY'S REGULAR 89* Fritos Corn Chips REGULAR OR KING SIZE 80 PROOF -- DISTILLED FROM 100% GRAIN Gilbey's •GinH CO*" <*"5 COUNT-WIDE MARGIN RE BOUND - WB120/D SHAMPOO-IN HAIR COLOR orWporta.... wtMunch ̂ /' loW v / ' V' the1 clairoi color and conditioning discovery <Jvtmpon n Ivie <<** k»u*i •« OM MM cation 10% ALCOHOL-NATURAL PURE FLAVORS Madria Madria San Gria 1 Schlitz Beer 6 - 1 2 O Z . CANS $! I55 18% ALCOHOL-SWEET OR EXTRA DRY Gallo Vermouth $ |49 80 PROOF-THE HERITAGE WHISKEY Philadelphia Whiskey $359 e# 750 mL 80 PROOF - A RARE BLEND E & J Brandy $*99 •• q» 80 PROOF-LIGHT OR DARK Ron Rico Rum $389 *#750 mL MAY'S REGULAR $17.88 Hamilton Beach ible Mac er MAY'S REGULAR 64C Elmer's School Glue WASHABLE NON-TOXIC SAFE FOR KIDS #493 $1588 Scmrm wtitetdw 4-oz 1 MAY'S REGULAR 90« Bic 5 Star Special 5 PENS PLUS MONEY SAVING COUPONS IN PKG - S-125 P4 eiMCRS SCHOOL GLUE LAUNDERS Qrayola FTAVOTJS MAY S REGULAR $12.99 Clairoi Tender Tweez GENTLE AUTOMATIC TWEEZER SHAPE EYEBROWS GENTLY •P1-1 *1178 MAY S REGULAR $10.99 Clairoi Skin Machine #SM1 -BATTERY OPERATED CLEANSING BRUSH $098 each p^g of 5 MAY S REGULAR 94* Crayola Crayons A RAINBOW OF COLORS BY BINNEY & SMITH MAY S REGULAR 416 White Shoe Laces 18 24 27 30 pkg of 2 pair MAY S REGULAR 78C * Wil-Hold Plastic Shoe Box 12*6*3 CLEAR AND ASSORTED COLOR LIDS each 24-ct MAY S REGULAR 63C Scotch Tape « 1 7 4 A - S T A Y S C L E A R QHBecftiit HriirianfTTrilnr* • "-L x 1100 inches • a y D R U G MAY'S REGULAR $3.17 Data Center PLANNING AIDS - SNAP LOCK POCKET CLOSURE - BY MEAD - #29-300 *027 MN' S00 S'?f " i S H A T T f ^ M«nsw] DURACELL eos,RflD|os, r0ys SAVE AT MAY'S Filler Paper WIDE MARGIN 300 count VALUE 4Iberuj LghiA hrsh Balsam MAY S REGULAR $2.07 Alberto Balsam Conditioner ^EG SUPER OP Ex HQLD MAY'S REGULAR $1.94 Agree Shampoo GENTLE REGULAR OR OILY MAY S REGULAR $2.44 Vitalis Super Hold NON-AEROSOL HAIR SPRAY MAY S REGULAR 91C Pepsodent Toothpaste 30C OFF LABEL < 6 5-oz tube MAY S REGULAR $2.83 Bugs Bunny Vitamins CHOCKS CHEWABLE VITAMINS $184 W 60-ct btl MAY S REGULAR $2.54 Bugs Bunny Vitamins W/lron CHOCKS CHEWABLE $189 • 60-ct btl MAY S REG. $2.98 Macrams Owl Plant Hanger MAY S REGULAR $1.29 Duracell Alkaline Batteries EXTRA LONG LIFE SIZE AA FOR RADIOS AND CALCULATORS PAGE 9 - FLALNDKALKK All.l SI IS. Check Your Medicine Cabinet! It's that time of the year when you should make a clean sweep in the basics needed for your medicine cabinet. First aid supplies, cough" and cold remedies, good grooming products...all f resh and ready when necessary. And remember May's low prices when you need pre scriptions filled. MAY'S REGULAR $19.99 Gillette Super Max 2 Styler/Dryer #9180 MAY'S REGULAR $35.99 Sunbeam Groomer 8000 Shaver #75-249 tW7 pack MAY'S REGULAR 67* Theme Book WIRE BOUND - 70 COUNT WB70 each MAY'S REGULAR $1.98 Armor-All Protectant PROTECTS PLASTICS RUBBER AND VINYL « MAY'S REGULAR $3.37 Thermos School Lunch Kits CHOICE OF STYLES- COMPLETE WITH 8-OZ ROUGHNECK BOTTLE-#9824 $099 each MAY'S REGULAR 84C Empire Trusty Pencil "2077 - #2 LEAD MAY S REGULAR $3.28, $3.58 Boy's Golden Fruit of the Loom Briefs/T-shirts pkg of pkg of 3 3 briefs T-shirts ©7̂ 20-ct MAY S REGULAR $1.6JB Girls' Stretch Nylon Anklets TURNED CUFF WHITE & ASS T COLORS SIZES 6-7 'J. 8-9 : & 9-11 pair REGULAR DARK MAY S REGULAR $1.29 No Nonsense Regular Panty Hose ASS T SIZES & SHADES MAY'S REGULAR 97C Windshield Washer Anti-Freeze & Solvent gallon MAY'S REGULAR $4.99 Smoke Stand MAY S REGULAR $2.38 Gillette Super Stainless Blades THE SPOILER MAY'S REGULAR $2.43 Baby Magic Baby Lotion MAY S REGULAR $1.83 Dial 2 Shampoo MAY S REGULAR $1.31 Baby Magic Shampoo MAY S REGULAR $2.33 Buby Magic Bath MAY S REGULAR $1.28 Baby Magic Powder Inio&P Ipouuden bobu both 14-oz can MAY S REGULAR $1.98 Heavy Duty Pizza Cutter STAINLESS STEEL MAY S REGULAR $1.98 Indoor Potting Soil Puces effective fro** Wed Aug 23rd fhtu Taet Aug ?9ir> 19^8 Of cost increases We tn# nght to t QuanM»es <*•»-« ^ A D R U G 4400 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY, ILL. MAY'S REGULAR $9.99 Hand Painted Hurricane Lamps *777 each /Jfl I