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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Aug 1978, p. 15

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PAGE 16 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23.1978 McHenry Girl Scouts Fog Causes One-Car Crash A McHenry woman was injured when fog caused her to lose control of her car in Wonder Lake early Monday morning. According to Sheriff's police, Sue E. Jensen, 1322 Old bay road, was driving on W. Wonder Lake road, when she failed to negotiate a curve because of the fog at 1:50 a.m. Ms. Jensen was taken to McHenry hospital by the Wonder Lake Rescue squad for treatment of injuries she suffered when her car left the roadway. A 9-year old boy was injured slightly when the mini-bike he was riding struck a parked car Saturday. Raymond C. Humphreys, 4412 Riverdale* drive, told police he was riding his minibike on Riverdale drive when he locked away momentarily. As he looked back, he struck a parked car belonging to Robert Schlichting, 4504 Riverdale drive. Humphreys was taken to McHenry hospital by the Johnsburg Rescue squad. Judy A. Boro, 1211 W. Route 120, was ticketed by Sheriff's police following a two-car accident on Route 120 Saturday afternoon. Ms. Boro told police she was eastbound on Route 120, going through the Chapel Hill in­ tersection, when her car struck the rear of an auto driven by Kenneth E. Vogwill, 1820 N. Meadow lane. Vogwill told police he was stopped in traffic when his car was struck by the Boro vehicle. Ms. Boro was ticketed for failing to reduce speed to avoid an accident. Karen E. Mitchell, 4017 N. Wilmot road, was ticketed twice by Sheriff's police following an accident on Mc Oullom Lake road Thursday evening. Ms. Mitchell told police she was eastbound on McCullom Lake road when an animal ran into the path of her car. She said she tried to avoid the animal, causing her to lose control of her vehicle and strike a f e n c e . She was ticketed for failing to give information and improper lane usage. Gary E. Hoehne, 511 Deer- path, was ticketed for failing to reduce speed to avoid an ac­ cident following a rear-end collision on Richmond road Sunday afternoon. Hoehne told police he was approaching the construction zone for the bridge on Rich­ mond road when he noticed the car stopped ahead of him He said he could not avoid striking the rear of the stopped vehicle, driven by Mary Fardella, 1618 Beach road. Neither driver was ticketed in the mishap MCC Orientation August 25 An orientation for all new students will be conducted at McHenry County college Friday, Aug. 25, from 8:30 a.m. to noon. Both full-time and part-time students are invited. Conducted by the Office of Student Services, faculty and members of MCC Student Government, the orientation is designed to acquaint new students with activities and services available at MCC. Participants will learn about the Learning Resources center, student clubs and organizations, athletic op­ portunities, the MCC student government and the numerous student services offered at MCC In addition, they will have a chance to talk informally with students who are sophomores at MCC and to meet with MCC's faculty and staff over coffee Finally, students will be able to acquaint themselves with the new campus and its facilities so that their first week at MCC will be less confusing Students with questions about orientation or new student admissions and registration should call 455-3700 $60,000 SAVING .. .. ... ,, . IN COMMON McHenry Woman Heads $80,000 TO CITY Head County Legion FROM DEVELOPERS ' 9 (Continued from page 1) The Council also voted to accept the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals and annex .46 acres of land at the McHenry Country club and grant it a special use permit to allow the sale of beer on the premises. The annexation was requested by the Country club to allow the sale of beer at a metal concession stand located out on the course. Alderman Harker, Smith. Adams, Schooley and Rogers voted in favor of the an­ nexation, while Alderman Datz voted no. Datz indicated that he was against the "gerrymandering" and would rather see the entire club property annexed. Alderman Nolan and Bolger refrained from voting, because they are equity members at the club. The Council then voted unanimously to increase the number of Class H liquor licenses to permit the Country ub to sell beer at the concession stand Alderman Bolger and Nolan again refrained from voting The installation of the new county Legion council officers was held Aug. 12 at the Marengo American Legion post home as a part of the american Legion's McHenry County council and auxiliary joint installation ceremonies. Pictures, seated left to right, are Jean K. Hunter, Woodstock, finance officer; Dwayne E. Ranev. Woodstock, county commander; , and Edward C. Henry. Woodstock, adjutant; Standing, left to right, Seyrtiour r. Mann, Woodstock, chaplain; Past County Commander John Skalany, Crystal Lake; installing sergeant-at-arms; Past County Commander Joe Lewis, Marengo, installing officer; llth District Senior Vice-Commander Robert Schultz, Huntley,4 installing chaplain; and clinton "Pete" Swanson, Huntley, county historian. . . . C o o k i n g . . . Parading . . . Loving Of all organizations serving youth today. Girl Scouts is one of the most respected and rewarding. As indicated by these pictures vividly portraying some of their pursuits, girls who participate are an active group. Valley View neighborhood will be holding registration for all area Girl Scouts on two separate dates The first is Aug. 26 at St Patrick's church hall for in-town troops and the immediate surrounding area The second date is Sept. 9 at James Bush school, Johnsburg, for those attending that school. However, girls may register either place if unable to meet assigned location and date Leaders will be on hand to help fill out forms and answer questions. With the growth of the neighborhood, more adult help is needed. There is a place in scouting for interested persons, all of whom are invited to visit either location on one of the assigned dates. Valley View neighborhood has been serving Scouts in the area covering McHenry and Johnsburg school districts for almost thirty years. They will celebrate their thirtieth anniversary next year. Starting with a handful of girls, there are now more than 500 and still growing Anyone with questions should contact Carol Wills, 385-0377, in Johnsburg, Barb Marten, 385-4430. McHenry, and Pat Farnsworth, 385-2225, outlying district. . . Serving Today's Youth BY PATRICK DUDGEON Financial Aid College-bound students may be eligible for one or more of at least five federal programs aimed at assisting American youth gain higher education In­ cluded among those programs is the BASIC EDUCATIONAL OP­ PORTUNITY GRANT If you're enrolled at least half- time in a college, junior college, post-high school vocational in­ stitute or a hospital school of nursing, you may be able to get a grant of anywheie from $200 to $1,600 for the next academic year The amount is determined by your parents' income and the cost of your college Obtain an application form from your college financial-aid office You should be notified within six weeks whether you qualify Next week, this column will detail another federal financial aid program for students CALDENDAR (Continued from page 1) wide calendar, always resulting in no agreement. However, Hall thinks that with the educational condition and the feelings of the taxpayer today, school officials must agree on a uniform calendar for t the county Dr Albert, superintendent of the Special Education District of McHenry County (SEDOM), said that because of the dif­ ferences in schedules, the SEDOM calendar is twenty-five days longer than a regular school term so services can be provided during each district's entire school year If all districts had the same schedule, he said, the SEDOM schedule could also be cut back, resulting in the cost savings Dr Albert said if the seven districts housing SEDOM classes had the same Easter vacation, days of operation could be reduced at a savings of approximately $13,000. It now costs $2,619 72 a day to tran­ sport special education students Dystrophy Telethon Woodstock Fine Arts Festival August 26-27 David Kerr Head Of Montini School Board Legal Notice PUBLIC NOTICE . Publ ic meet ings of the Board of Trustees of the McHenry Nunda Publ ic Library Distr ict are held every Third Thursday of the month, at 8 00 p m . 809 V\ Columbus Drive . McHenry. I l l inois \ spec ia l publ ic meet ing wi l l l>e f ie ld September 7 , 1978 at h imi p m at 809 W Columbus I 'r ive . McHenry. I l l inois S igned Karen Johanson -s- Secretary Pub Aug 23, 19781 Legal Notice NOTICE OF .JUDICI AL SALE STATE OK ILLINOIS ) >SS col NTYOF McHENRY > FOR THE CIRCl IT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY ILLINOIS I ederal Nat ional Mortgage i Associat ion > \ > Thomas P Lvnn. e l a l . > IN CHANCERY < / eneral No 78 CH 812 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN hat in pursuance of a decree heretofore entered by sa id Court in the above ent i t led • ause LEONARD BRODY. \ssociate Judge of the Circuit <'ourt wi l l on Tuesday, the 10th i lny of (>ctober A D 1*978, a t the hour o f 9 30 o 'c lock A M DAYLIGHT SAVING) TIME, •i R< )< >M 307 of the Court House ' tht ' City of Woodstock in sa id mty se l l at publ ic auct ion to highest ana best b idder for .< - ,r i a l l and s ingular the fo l lowing described premises and real es tate in sa id decree •Mentioned s i tuated in the < ountv of McHenry and State of I l l inois or so much thereof as "shal l be suff ic ient to sat is fy sa id decree , to wit Lot ' 19 in Block 7 in ( laremont Hi l l I n i t 4 . f>eing a subdivis ion of part of the North West 1 1 of Sect ion 14. Township 45 North. Range 8 h ast of the 3rd P M , according to the Plat •he eof recorded December i l 1970 as Doc No 534598 in McHenry County. I l l inois commonly known as 3717 Buchanan McHenry. 1 l lmois \DURESS OR LOCATION OF PROPERTY 3717 Buchanan McHenrv I l l inois together with al l bui ldings and improvements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and ap p u r t e n a n c e s t h e r e u n t o Belonging DATED. Woodstock Illinois, this 16th day of August A D 1978 John R La Zonby Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County. Illinois FISHER AND FISHER Attorney for Plaintiff I Pub Aug 23, 30 Sept 6 . 1978 i Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS i ss COUNTY OF McHENRY - IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CRYSTAL LAKE a Corporat ion. Pla int i f f > vs I ARTHUR A BOYIO and MAUREEN L BOVIO. his w i fe McHENRY STATE BANK AN ILL CORP AS TRUSTEE UNDER THE TRUST AGREEMENT DATED THE4THDAY OF MAY. 1978 AND KNOWN AS TRUST NO 1494 J and J > CAPITAL RESOURCES. INC . AN ILL CORP GENERAL FIN ANCE CORP • GOLDBLATT BROTHERS ' INC a Corp M c H E N R Y ST A T E B A N K UNKNOW N OW NERS, and > UNKNOWN HEIRS OR DEVISEES OF. Defendants > 78CH 1253 NOTICE The requis i te Aff idavit for Publ icat ion having been f i led not ice i s hereby g iven vou. UNKNOWN OWNERS and UNKNOWN HEIRS OR DEVISEES OF Certain Defendants in the above ent i t led sui t that sa id sui t has f>een commenced in the Circuit Court of McHenrv County. Chancery Divis ion, by the sa id Plaint i f f against vou and other I>efendants praying for the foreclosure of a certain mor tgage conveying the premises (described as fo l lows Lots 8 and 9 in Block 1 in McHenry Shores Unit No. 1 . a Subdivis ion of part of the Fract ional Southwest Quarter of Section 1. lying on the Wester ly s ide of Fox River a lso part of the Southeast Quarter of Sect ion 2. a l l in Township 44 North Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded May 17. 1954 as Document No 278461. in Book 11 of Plats , page 111. in McHenry County. I l l inois and which said mortgage was made by ARTHUR A BOVIO and MAUREEN L BOVIO. his wife . Mortgagors , to FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CRYSTAL LAKE a Cor porat ion. as Mortgagee , and f i led for recording in the Off ice of the Recorder of Deeds of McHenry County, I l l inois as Document No 661203 And for other re l ie f that Summons was duly i ssued out of the sa id court against you as provided by law and that the sa id sui t i s now pending NOW THEREFORE unless you. the above named Certain Defendants , f i le your answer to the Bi l l to Foreclose Mortgage in the sa id sui t or otherwise make your appearance therein in the Off ice of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County. Chancery Divis ion, in the Citv of Woodstock. I l l inois , on or before the 18th day of September. 1978. default may fx 1 entered against you at any t ime after that day and a Decree entered in accordance w i th the prayer for re l ie f in sa id Bi l l to Foreclose Mortgage DATED AT Woodstock I l l inois , on August 10, 1978 John R La Zonby Clerk Harold C McKenney McKENNEY & CHAPMAN Attorneys for Plaint i f f 95 Grant Street Crystal Lake IL M>014 • 815 i 459 (1832 Pub \un Mi 23 & ! i i 1978 > Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCl IT McHENRY COUNTY ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF JOHN A ZISZIK Deceased FILE NO 78 P 249 Not ice i s hereby g iven Pursuant to Sect ion 194 of the Tobate Act , of the death of the above named decedent and that le t ters of Administrat ion 'vere i s s u e d o n A u g u s t 7 , 1 2 7 t o Clara J Zisz ik 727 Dul les Street Des Plaines . IL 60016. whose at torneys of record are Jos lyn & Green, 116 N Benton Street Woodstock, , IL 60098 Claims may be f i led within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court. County Court House. Wood­ stock. Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney JOHN R LAZONBY Clerk of the Court (Pub Aug 16. 23 & 30, 1978) Deaths B E N J T H E L E N Ben J Thelen, 2412 W Church, Johnsburg, a retired dairy farmer, was dead on arrival at McHenry hospital on Sun , Aug 20. at the age of 74 He was born in Johnsburg on July 11, 1904. the son of Henry and Christina Ereund Thelen l^ast year on Nov 9, he and his wife, Hilda <Schaefer). who survives, celebrated the golden anniversary of their wedding in Johnsburg Also surviving are three sons. Gerald and Clarence of Elkhorn, Wis , and Arnold of Elk Grove Village, one daughter. Mrs Lester i Kathleen > Klotz of Johnsburg. eleven grandsons and four granddaughters, one great granddaughter. and one brother. John Thelen. also of Johnsburg He was preceded in death by a sister. Rose Schmitt He belonged to the Johnsburg Community club, the Senior Citizens group, and St Johns Court 96 COF Visitation was scheduled from 2-9 p m on Monday at Peter M Justen and Son, with the funeral Mass to be held at 11 a m at St Mary's church Burial will be in St John's cemetery BEACH SAMPLING Water samples collected from swimming beaches by the McHenry County Department of Health disclosed two con secut i ve unsatisfactory samples at Sunnyside, Mc­ Cullom Lake and West Shore Beach They ap.,posted unsafe for swimming \ The third annual Woodstock Fine Arts festival sponsored by the Woodstock Chamber of Commerce will be held Saturday and Sunday, Aug 26 and 27, from 10 a m to 7 p m Over 125 specially selected artists and craftsmen will exhibit their works in the Woodstock city square and in front of the stores surrounding the square This year s exhibitors will come from throughout Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan. Ohio, Wisconsin and Texas Adding to the gala at mosphere will be a bratwurst barbecue plus an ice cream social Natalie Immergluck of Lincolnwood is director of the show She announced thajt fourteen McHenry county artists will participate in this year's show Donna Pierce of McHenry has agreed to serve as the McHenry county chairman of the Jerry Lewis Labor day telethon, it has been announced by the Muscular Dystrophy association Donna, with the help of her husband, Gary, served as the county chairman last year and has been close to the Muscular Dystrophy association for many years Jerry Lewis, Muscular Dystrophy association national chairman, will host the 21 >2- hour program for the thirteenth consecutive year Held to benefit the research and patient service programs of the M u s c u l a r D y s t r o p h y association, the Marathon TV spectacular, originating from Las Vegas, will be carried by a coast-to-coast "love network" of some 200 TV stations In this The Montini Catholic schools board of education has elected David Kerr as president of the board for the term running to June 30, 1979 David Nylander is the new vice-president and Cathi Porter was reelected secretary Other board members for this term are the Rev E C Baumhofer, the Rev E P Petit, Ken Diedrich. Leon Sch­ mitt, Ron Vacula. Joanne Garrelts, Peg Lawrence, Marcella Dixon and Paul Wember Ron Svoboda, superintendent, and Sister Patricia, principal of the Primary center, are "ex of fici " members; and Priscilla Hiller is the board's recording secretary In other uumiicm , mc uuai u set Friday, Aug 25, as registration and book rental day for the coming school year Back to School bulletins, containing all the necessary information about the schools are available at St Patrick's and St Mary's churches and the Middle school office Classes will begin Monday, area, the super-show will be broadcast by WSNS-TV, Channel 44 Viewers in McHenry con­ tributed approximately $13,000 to last year's record breaking national total of over 26 8 million dollars pledged The Moose lodge in McHenry will once again this year host the county pledge center Mrs Pierce has asked that in­ dividuals wishing to volunteer to answer telephones and do other jobs during the telethon, call her. 815-385-8066 WIVS radio will be staging a radio remote at the McHenry county pledge center, which will give local information regarding the show It will also be interviewing individuals bringing cash to the pledge center site Aug 28, at 8:50 am Dismissal for that day will be at 11 45 a m Thereafter the school day will be from 8 50 a m to 3:30 p m There are still some openings for new students in some of the grade levels Parents of new students may register on registration day or call the schools between now and school's opening OLDEST..Mikve Israel, W i 1 1 e m s t a d , C u r a c a o , dedicated in 1732. is the oldest synagogue in con­ tinuous use in the Americas a n d i s c o n s i d e r e d a n architectural masterpiece. Curacao is in the southern Caribbean, 38 miles off the coast of Venezuela. from HISTORY'S SCRAPBOOK OATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS August 22, 1141 -- Nazi troops reach the outskirts of Leningrad, Russ ia (World War I I ) . ^ August 23, 1500 -- Accused of mistreating the natives of Haiti, Christopher Columbus is arrested and ordered sent back to Spain in chains. August 24,19S4 -- President Eisenhower signs into law the Com­ munist Control Act of 1954, outlawing the Communist Party in the United States.

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