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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1978, p. 10

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I PAGE 10 -PLaINDEALEK - FRIDAY At GIST 25,1978 HELP 10 ANTED COOKS last t Wast Campus Preparation of meals for students and staff Full Insurance Benefits and Sick Days. 6 For more information please call Mrs. Swedo 385-1145 Or Linda Biggirrs 385-7077 8 23 8 JS PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR 2nd SHIFT If you enjoy challenge and are confident of you' ability to handle responsibility #e #ould like to discuss this opening *ith you Candidates will have recent manufacturing supervisory experience and be results oriented please send work history including salary required or apply in person Claud S. Gordon Company On Rt. 173, Just West of Rt. 12 Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2211 An Equal Opportunity Employer Gordon Pneumo Temperature Meaau em®nt 8 2U 25 employment Opportunities1 ' MA K E PARTS COMPANY has a voriety of positions j available on our 1st and 2nd shifts •PRODUCTION MACHINE OPERATORS •FORK LIFT OPERATOR •SET UP OPERATORS 'INSPECTORS •MAINTENANCE HELP We offer JOB SECURITY GOOD WAGES ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES OUTSTANDING BENEFITS FRIENDLY PEOPLE CREDIT UNION STOCK PURCHASE PLAN EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM and tnort... MINORITIES AND FEMALES or* •ncouragtd to ap­ ply! STOP IN AND FILL OUT AN APPLICATION _ 815-385-7000 B«a w > Pa w ' s C o M r * N « 1600 N INDUSTRIAL DRIVE MC HENRY li 60050 An Equol Opportunity Employer M F YOUR FUTURE IS OUR CONCERN Now taking applications for •ASSEMBLERS •LICHT MACHINE OPERATORS On the |ob training available on numerous machine operations Excellent working conditions & extensive employee benefit package 41? day work week with promotions from within plant YOU'RE MORE IMPORTANT AT RAE APPLY PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 5801 W. Route 120 McHenry, III. CORPORATION An Equal Opportunity Employer M F 815-385-3500 » n' NEED TRANSPORTATION? R.T.A. busses stop d i rect ly at our f ront door! We Need ASSEMBLERS 1st, 2nd & 3rd Shift Light Clean Assembly Of Small Parts MOLDING MACHINE OPERATORS Some Experience Preferred Full lime 3rd Shift Excellent starting rate pleasant working conditions free insuran ce Will consider College Students Autotrol, Inc. 6200 - 3 Oaks Road Crystal Lako, Illinois An equal opportunity employer M F 8 23 8 COST ESTIMATOR As a member of the cost department , you wi l i work wi th Manufactur ing and Order Processing in establ ish ing cost est imates and methods of product ion. Mechanical and or e lect r ica l background helpfu l . Computat ion sk i l ls requi red Previous ex­ per ience as a cost est imator for a manufactur ing f i rm desi rable. ExceHen* opportuni ty to |Oin an establ ished growing f i rm. We of fer good star t ing solar / and benef i t p lan. Claud S. Gordon Company On Rt. 173, Just West of Rt. 12 Richmond, Illinois 815-678-27*1 An EquaJ Opportunity Employer ' * Gordon Pneumo T«mp«rature Measurement HELP WANTED HOP WANTED HELP WANTED PRESCHOOL TEACHERS, and teachers aides and bus driver Part time Social Ser­ vice worker. parent- coordinator McHenry County Head Start 385-3243 or 943-5535 Ask for Mr Johnson 8-23-8-25c C<M>K Short order, experience necessary 815 385 2014 10 a m tottpm - 8-25 MAINTENANCE MAN. Part time, good job for retired person Some light lifting 815- :S85-2014-10a m to6p m 8-25 8 23 8 25 Special Education District of McHenry Coujity (SEDOM) is seeking a full-time secretary/radio dispatcher to work the late shift (9:00 am to 5:30 pm). Applicants must have good typing skills shorthand desirable. Ex­ cellent fringe benefits include health, hospitalization and life insurance sick leave, vacation and retirement benefits Salary commensurate with training and ex­ perience. Please Contact: Mrs. Yvonne Charles 1200 Dane Street, Woodstock (Phone:338-3622) , 8 18 9 1 The Village of Lakemoor is accepting applications for the position of Superintendent of Public Works, This position requires at least two years experience in sewerage disposal operations and/or related fields. Send Resume to: Village President, Richard J. Hyatt 409 S. Highland Dr. McHenry, Illinois 60050 The Village of lal<emoor is an Equal Opportunity Employer 8 18 8 25 INSPECTORS Immediate openings for individuals tor the inspection of machine "parts to var ious visual and wri t ten speci f icat ions. Interested can­ didates may apply in person at BR A K E PA R T S COMPANY 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHENRY, ILL. An equal opportunin emplovcr M/F SALES SECRETARY EXPERIENCED Our sales department has on opening for a dictaphone typist. Must be oble to use an IBM SEIECTRIC a dictaphone and take shorthond This is an interesting diversified |ob providing on excellent salary generous company paid benefits and advancement. Coll for interview MRS PAULSEN 312-546-8225 THE GRIEVE CORPORATION 500 Hart Road, Refund Lake, III." - mMA it MECHANICAL TECHNICIAN Interesting diversified work with electro mechon,ca/ c^vises Duties include Product Performance life testing engineering support act,vies and sample building Vertical mill and lathe e* perience is required Complete benefit program Excellent working conditions with a growing company Pl.ose apply Autotrol, Inc. 6200 - Three Oaks Road Crystal Lake, III. An equal opportunity employer M F 6 23 3 7t MOLDING MACHINE OPERATORS 4:00 P.M. to Midnight 12:00P.M. to 8:00 A.M. Apply in person PLASPROS, INC. 455 Borden Street Woodstock, IL SEDOM Is seeking full or port time school bus drivers residing in McHenry county to beg.-i troinmg now for the^J978 79 school year N. Fulltime drwers receive individual health Occident hospitali/otion and life insurance benefits sick leave ollowance ond a doily driving bonus Be Paid While you tram Earn S3 60 per hour after sixty doys Contact: Kent. R. Blake Director of Transportation Special Education District of McHenry County 1200 Dane Street Woodstock (815)338-3622 8 189 i i_~u--uu-i_ru~e~e~inr""'*e~•"•""i" -- * CUSTODIAN Full Time We have «n e«cd!eflt opportunity tor a mature individual to work full time, on out 11 00 pm to 7 00 am night shift Previous e«pe"«ncets desirable Salary range is J3 35 to J4 49 pet hour plus an additional 10% per hour for the shift E«cellent fringe benefits Caw er apply McHenry Medical Group 1209 N. Green St McHenry, II. 815-385-1050 8-25 RELIABLE FULL TINE HELP WANTED Continued full time in winter. 18 to 21 years CALL Dave Smith, Jr. LAWN CARE & LANDSCAPING 385-2834 For Appointment JOIN RED CARPET* Real Estate Sales Career begins with training on the |ob We offer h. w caliber formalized and personalized training to interested aspiring individuals new or experien ced to the profession plus ex cellent commissions bonus plan home warranty program TV advertising Now all the listing tools necessary • or success Call TED HILL Nerihara lllinioit Realty 815-459-4440 »r 815-385-2340 MANPOWER TEMPORARY SERVICES Needs: •Beekfceepers •Clerk Typists •R*ceptle*lsts •Statistical Typists •SwitcWteerd 'Transcribers •Key Peeckers •Typists •WeH Precessers We are now recruiting for foil when students return to school. If you are over 18 and have a cor, CALL US . . MANPOWER TEMPORARY SERVICES 385-6600 WANTED APPLICATORS S38. PER SQUARE All Local Work 385-6889 C/2-TF REAL ESTATE SALES Associates now needed in one of McHenry s newest offices excellent commission splits, insurance program estab­ lished farm leads ana above all, experienced management people who care. Don t get lost in the shuffle of a large of­ fice. join an aggressive small company with big ideas Come to Realty USA. For a confiden­ tial interview coll 815-344- 1244 - ask for Mr. Parisi. S-2TF VOICE COIL FINISHERS Experience preferred but not necessary Will tram Mothers and Housewives welcome 5 to 8 hours a day Your choice Permanent position Call Bobbin Coil Specialists 1504 North Drive, McHenry 815-385-6205 between 8 i 12 Monday through Friday SEwme Experience desirable. Will train Day & evening (5 to 10 pm) shift*. PROTECTION INC. Leceted ea Ivy. 31 betweea Crystal Lalie 4 385-5735 455-3777 r MEN & v WOMEN Kx|M-ri«*n«-<*d in plttling. Milk M'ret*iiiii£ and y»*n«-ral factor* nork. • PAID HOLIDAYS • \ \CATIONS • 1.YS1 R ANCE AND HOSPITALIZATION • MONTHLY BONUSES 385-5454 (Circuit hlcliiiiu Technics 4415 Hil'oint Koad \ 6 2 tf GENERAL OFFICE McHENRY CPA FIRM Requires experienced General Office Person Duties will in­ clude typing light bookkeeping or an aptitude for figures a must Ability to deal with people Shorthand desirable but not required Phone 385 1186 for an interview appointment FORK LIFT OPERATORS Brake Parts Co is currently in need of experienced fork lift operators If you are seeking stable working conditions, good salary and fringe benefit package we have a job for you For an interview, apply in person 815-385-7000 BftAKt Pa h t s Co m p a n y 8-23-8-25 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F Teacher needs babysitter in my home 3 day? a week 815-385- 4983 8-16-8-25C WAITRESS, will train. 815-385- 2014 10a m to6pm. 8-25 !SECRETARY States Attorneys Office McHenry County Courthouse Typing ond shorthond required Call For Appointment 338-2040 . Extension 240 8 73 8 n ASSEMBLY MAN Manufatturer of Industrial ovens needs man experienced with" hand tools for work in our 0»en Assembly Dept Ability to read blueprints helpful PRECISION QUINCY 220 N. Madison WOODSTOCK, IL 815-338-2675 r i i i i i i i i i i 8-23-8-25J won I I HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRIST j MAS-and the money to pay for | it Start now-selling beautiful | products Make beautiful | money Call Mrs. Bauer 385-5385 I for information I SET UP TRAINEE First I Second Shift LOOKING FOR A FUTURE? WE HAVEIHE JOB If you hove q good mechonirol background ond o real desire to get ahead will tram you in the set up of mochmes Some knowledge of machine shop production and equipment o definite asset We offer on excellent storting salary |ob security outstanding benefits ond more Apply in person todoy Bh a k i Pa « i t * Co m p a n y 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 An F>qual Opportunity Employer M/F CUSTODIAN NEEDED Mature familiar with schoor maintenance successful work ex perience interested in long term employment Good salary benefits Apply at School Office 8 30 am-3 30 PM No phone calls, please Harrison School 6809 McCullom Lake Road Wonder Lake, Illinois 60097 j. 6 25 6 X - oopoooooreaoooKsxxsmaooosxsooooKsaoaEsaoacxaoodi DATATRONIC, INC. SERVICE BUR EAR IS SEEKING AN EXPERIENCES COMPUTER OPERATOR FOR IBM 340-370 SERIES. 2ND SHIFT Many fringe benefits for qualified in­ dividual. Call for appointment. 385-6627 8 73 * » I IUI imuimauuii e ne 2Sj DAY COOK FULL TIME 7:00 am til 2:00 pm Cell far appomtwent 385-9585 MOTHERS. MOONLIGHTERS AND STUDENTS Ml M firr T«| mNM PERSONNEL PROTECTION INC. lb Satoy P*«fU l*MtW M Mwm Cwftol UblfeH 385-5735 455-3777 Motor Route Driver PART TIME EARLY MORNINGS 7 day delivery for Chicago Tribune 815-385-3643 IS YOUR MONTH RUNNING OUT OF $ Mothers if you con spore 3 to 4 hours away from home 2 to 3 times a week Queensway Fo*hion* will help you earn $50 to $150 weekly No in vestment collecting or delivering Cail today B15-385-B4BB or 815-344-1249 PART TIME, Litton Micro- Wave oven Demonatrator, weekend work, atarting pay $4 50 per hour. Food background desirable. Litton provides full training. Call 312- 595-1593 8-23-9-1C WANTED a reliable older man to clean office building. 3rd shift Must have transportation $5 00 per hour 385-3252 . 8-25 BEAUTICIAN PART TIME. Guaranteed salary 385-8567 A f t e r 5 c a l l 4 5 9 2 5 3 6 8 - 2 5 p l C WANTED TEACHERS AIDE, Johnsburg High School. Must have completed 30 semester hours college credit 815-385- 9233 8-25 8-30 HELP TO ROOF BARN by hour or job-job preferred. Metal and low roof. Only those willing to work need apply. 16 or over. 385-5246 8-23-8-25C Wanted babysitter nights, September 5, 6, 7, & 8th after school until 12:30 am. Your home or mine. Call before 3 pm. 815-385-7659 8-23-8-25C Help Wanted, New and Used car cleanup position available. Apply in person to Payton Chevrolet 908 N Front St., McHenry 8-23-8-2S Wanted mature woman for assistant manager, General Store Museum, who likes art- tiques and enjoys talking witfc people Salary and commission to work weekdays Apply next Sunday between 11am J&J General Store, Volo, 23-8-25 pi/ llvAl * 3P01, Tsn't it time you became a Playhouse Dealer? Earn weekly checks, free kit, bonus, fifts, trips. Company furnishes free training, supplies, hostess lifts and collects and deliver* Aha booking parties. Mary Lou Esmond 414-279-3419 JOHN SILVER Nov Seeking Diy ft Nite Cooks ft Cowttr Help Pari TIM A»fly li Pirsaa 4313 Route 120 McHenry Work htfm WcJcmm MECHANICS To Work 0a Grease Rack I I PAnON CHEVROLET I Byofran hafcwad Afflf la Perm 90S N. Front St. McHenry I 23 J 25 | McHENRY INDOOR THEATRE Concession and Ushers Apply in Person After 7:30 Evenim |""WELOIN6-7SSEMBI7 j I Monulocturer of Industrial I • ovens needs person with | ! welding experience to work in | • assembly department Ability • I to reod bluepnnls helplul • Precision Quincy Corp. j 220 N. Madison St. { Woodstock, II. m-2675 , } ["TOiaSE"™! PERSON " To do clean up work early- I morning Monday through | I Friday j SNUWRBOR j 801 N. River Road McHenry, II. •••iral WANTED I J Daytime Dishwother J J Meaday-frMey * * 9:00am - 3:00pm J * i J Loitfhorn * * Steek Mens* * : 385-9869 * X « n 8 « * PRODUCTION FOREMAN Responsible for major produc* tion area Will train Oppor­ tunity in rapid growning com* pony PIRSONNEL PROTECTION INC. Sefetf pMf«e" lecetMl m ttmy. 31 hhnw Crystal Loll* a Oifciq a 315-5735 455-3777 •« SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS All Subject Areas Must have Illinois Certificate J«lmk«r| High $ch*«l Call 305-9233 i mum AND PART TIME Days and Nifttb | E S P Silk Scrttmni Eip«rw«c« I Oeuicd PERSONNEL | PROTECTION, INC. I "Th# S«fatv I tmlatn 11 '•'•»T » tipit . ** bthetf (rfiOal lalie 4

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