PAGE l» - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, AUGUST 25,1978 Legal Notice VILLAGE OF McHENRY SHORES, ILLINOIS TREASURER'S REPORT Year Ended April 30,1978 GENERAL BANK ACCOUNT CASH BALANCE, April 30,1977 CASH RECEIPTS: McHenrv County Treasurer-property taxes State of Illinois-income tax allotments Building permits Circuit court and police fines Vehicle tax stickers Other licenses Liens Rental of equipment Weed cutting CETA reimbursement Interest on investments Publications Kennel fees Creekside Park Grant Transfer from Revenue Sharing Fund Transfer from Motor Fuel Tax Fund Redemption of certificate of deposit Miscellaneous TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL CASH AVAILABLE CASH DISBURSEMENTS: $ 8,013.19 12,817.87 12,744.46 8.804.62 840.40 1,681.00 388.00 168.00 524.45 1,433.00 33,011.98 1,977.13 38.50 12.00 15,000.00 1.416.63 1,042.11 5,000.00 401.87 97,302.02 105,315.21 MONTH OF AUGUST BATTERY SALE! A-l HEARING AID REPAIR SERVICE • FREE L0ANERS • CUSTOM EARMOLDS • COMPLETE SERVICE ON ALL MAKES •30 DAY TRIAL ON NEW AIDS HOME SERVICE FOR SHUT-INS!- TRY BEFORE YOU BUY! Maico Oticon • Radio Ear - Telex Qualitone Audiotone - Sono Tone CUSTOM MADE ALL IN THE EAR M0DLES BATTERY SAU 40% DISCOUNT ON ALL SIZES! GOOD W/COUPON THRU AUGUST 31 SERVICE CENTER WED'S 1:00 to 5:00 OTHER HOURS BY APPT. ROBT. STINSLAND & ASSOCIATES 3937 W MAIN ST McHENRY 385-7661 ALSO MT PROSPECT 109 S MAIN 392-4750 Ace Hardware Adams Lawn & Leisure Amaro, Osvaldo Apian Artcom Co. Boca Instrument, Inc. Britt, Terry Britton, Richard M. Broadcast Engineering Buck, Earl Bunges Tire Center Buss Ford Sales Chuck's Towing Clarke Outdoor Spraying Co. Colortone, Inc. Commerce Census Commonwealth Edison Co. Community Auto Supply Conrad Hilton Hotel Constable Equipment Co. Craig Communications Crescent Regional Training Program Crystal Lake Herald Curran Contracting Daily Courier News W.S. Darley & Co. Ed's Rental Equitable Life Insurance Co. Federated Stationery. Inc. Ferraro.Chris George P. Freund, Inc. Fettes, Roger Fox Valley Sports Ltd. John Fuhler Glossen, Ron Great Lakes Fire & Safety Equipment Hollian, Thomas Hamer, Schuh & Baker Harms, Steven Harper, James Peggy Harris Heck, LaVergne Hester Oil Co. Hinebaugh, Michael Hunter Septic Service Illinois Bell Telephone Co. Illinois Department of Revenue Illinois Municipal League Illinois State Chamber of Commerce Instrument Sales Corp. Internal Revenue Service Center Iriquois Products Justen Trenching Kale Uniforms Ketch All Co. Kolbinger, Frank Kirchner Fire Extinguisher Co., Inc. Lake-McHenry Law Inforcement Comm. Lawson, Victor La Francis Raymond Lee & Ray Electric Lein, Sharon Ann Levin, Sharon Lid,William Lillegard, Allen Lillegard, Rose-Reimbursement Lillegard, Rose Luerssen, Linda Lundius, Jeff Scott Madsen, Rita Main Paint & Decorating Larry Maley Appliance Service McHenry Area Rescue Squad McHenry Auto Parts McHenry County College McHenry County Department of Health McHenry County Landfill McHenry County Municipal Association 460.24 ' 48.78 100.00 50.00 175.99 148.50 • 4,307.14 10.20 78.00 1,010.00 62.14 4,512.96 75.00 72.00 214.06 1,200.00 662.95 87.68 173.54 901.75 20.00 90.00 15.00 37.50 23.40 21.25 95.10 630.00 54.82 52.20 98.10 770.00 12.85 30,542.33 133.01 47.42 8,258.01 3,036.25 654.76 1,082.13 552.48 1,842.10 1,222.31 14.00 772.42 1,016.78 468.93 247.80 80.00 36.00 157.72 79.35 1,000.00 207.03 61.11 2,408.39 60.00 75.00 1.00 1.00 14.10 1,012.06 230.04 91*22 18.77 211.31 1.00 1,708.28 1,136.69 77.21 15.50 78.70 50.00 11.09 105.75 141.50 12.00 375.75 SEE BEFORE YOU BUY. THE NEW, MODERN KINETICO WATER CONDITIONING SYSTEM •NO ELECTRICITY ^METERED WATER •LESS SALT -SAVES MONEY CONTRACTORS Job Hold Up Bocaui* off Concrofo Dolivory Dolay? Coll Accu-Croto, Inc. » Saturday Deliverys Available Phone 338-4718 FREE MATER TEST AND RENTAL RATES ON REQUEST 1, CALL YOUR LOCAL WATER CONDITIONING DEALER: KINETICO gruner TOM NIIEMANN WATER CONDITIONING 2103 W. CHURCH ST. - J0HNSBURG McHENRY, ILL 385-3093 'LARGEST SERVICE DEPT. IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS" yr Now through August 31st Come in and visit our vast array of MEXICAN IMPORf S SIGN UP FOR: SHOPPING SPREE! 1ST PRIZE -M0000 PLUS OTHER PRIZES I MRS - STOOLS - WROUGHT IRON 1001 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS WHOLESALE & RETAIL Miss Afoneoi Borique (pronounced Miscellaneous) 3004 W. Rte. 120-McHenry 344-1366 Opt* DflRy 10-6, C\nU WU of your i i With inflation protection from American Family! Under American Family's Special Homeowners Package Policy, your home is protected against the ravages of inflation. As your home increases in value, so does your insurance... automati cally! That's just one of the extra features built into our Special Home owners Package Policy. It's the most comprehen sive homeowners coverage we've ever offered. Call today for all the details. CHUCK Fid LEWMID0WSKI i^mWnbCATioii-- Corner of Cyrstal Lake Blacktop &Rt 120 McHenry CALL US FOR DETAILS 385-2304 AMERICAN FAMILY I N S U H A N C r AUTO I ' NtAlTM Lift American Family Mutual Iniofance Co Madison Wis McHenry County Treasurer McHenry Disposal McHenry Electric & Supply Co. McHenry's Favorite Sports Center McHenry Firestone, Inc. McHenry Lumber Co. McHenry Plaindealer McHenry State Bank McHeniy Tire Mart Moore, Richard Morrie & Sons, Inc. Narusis & Narusis National Pen Corp. New England Business Service North American Title Co. Northern Illinois Gas Co. Northern Illinois Utilities N.I.P.C. North Shore & Central Illinois Freight Co. Oglesby, Douglas Pedersen Brothers Implement Co. Peoria Hilton Hotel Peterson, Alvin Estate of Alvin Peterson Pitney Bowes " Pulk, Robert Radicom, Inc. Registrar Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education Sanford, James D.F. Schneider & Co. Schweikert, Clarence Secretary of State Shamrock Gun & Sport Speed-O-Print Stan's Office Supply St owe. Rose Anne Suburban Office Supply Sullivan ReportingCo. Super ntendant of Documents Tastee Cup Frank Thorn be r Co. Time Insurance Co. Travelers Insurance Co. United Fleetway Walkowiak. Jim Walsh, Earl R. Weiler, Mark Weincoff. Stanley Wirfs Welding Wisconsin National Life Insurance Co. Lester Witte & Comapny Woodstock Daily Sentinel Youngquist, Steve Zelvis, Chris Zelvis, Leon Ziebart Zurick American Insurance Co. Transfer to Revenue Sharing Fund TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS CASH BALANCE, April 30,1978 SI IMMARY OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS Cash in Checking Account (above) t 3,481.72 Petty Cash Fund 100.00 Certificates of Deposit 28,000.00 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $31,581.72 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND CASH BALANCE, April 30,1977 $ 5,865.25 CASH RECEIPTS: State of Illinois-allotments 11,206.87 Interest earned on investments 755.24 TOTAL RECEIPTS 11,962.11 TOTAL CASH AVAILABLE 17,827.36 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND CASH DISBURSEMENTS: Britt, Terry $ 24.00 Curran Contracting i ,847.50 Dane Duggan & Son 182.50 Geske & Son 2,578.00 Transfer to General Fund 1,042.11 Haderly, Russell • 253.26 Hinner, J.W. 9.22 ~ Hughes, Inc. 350.00 Illinois Mining St & Manufacturing, Inc. 18.50 Johnson, Bertis 7.50 Liberty Asphalt 1,066 97 Madsen, Steve io.50 McHenry Sand & Gravel 374.88 Village of McHenry Shores 524.45 Sanford, James 26.25 Zelvis, Leon 50.00 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $ 8,365.64 CASH BALANCE, April 30,1978 $ 9,461.72 SUMMARY OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS Cash in Checking Account (above) $ 9,461.72 Certificates of Deposit 13,000.00 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $22,461.72 REVENUE SHARING FUND CASH BALANCE, April 30,1977 $ - CASH RECEIPTS Federal Revenue Sharing allotments 2.736.00 704.36 270.00 17.52 26.99 8.24 299.07 251.84 4,910.19 50.50 154.00 500.77 192.50 51.96 15.64 25.00 2.81 51.03 50.00 17.00 129.00 77.78 73.00 90.00 90.00 39.45 512.00 15.00 75.00 85.00 46.95 1.00 24.00 40.00 30.98 25.20 2,759.60 310.85 14.25 14.80 96.50 54.80 285.10 266.00 182.00 100.00 2,117.40 1.00 1.00 130.00 398.00 1,050.00 25.00 2,850.79 25.00 3,219.26 135.00 585.00 1,811.87 $101,833.49 3,481.72 M Ml 11 CLEANING SERVICE INC PROFESSIONAL Small Office & Household CLEANING • Weekly • Bi-Weekly • Monthly • Upholstery Cleaning • Wall Washing CALL •Light Housekeeping • Inside Windows • Carpet Cleaning •General Housekeeping or Mait. Service 385-0283 TODAY Interest on ivestments Transfer from General Fund TOTAL RECEIPTS CASH DISBURSEMENTS: lenry] McHenry State Bank Transfer to General Fund TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS CASH BALANCE, April 30,1978 SUMMARY OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS Cash in Checking Account (above) Certificates of Deposit TOTALC^H AND INVESTMENTS ANNEXATION FEES FUND CASH BALANCE, April 30. 1977 CASH RECEIPTS: Annexation fees Interest on savings account ^TOTAL RECEIPTS CASH DISBURSEMENTS CASH BALANCE. April 30, 14*78 CETA PROJECT VI FUND CASH BALANCE, April 30, 1977 CASH RECEIPTS: Distributions from CETA CASH DISBURSEMENTS: Distributions to Municipalities Administrative fees to Village of McHenry Shores First National Bank of McHenry TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS CASH BALANCE, April 30, 1978 SPECIAL TAX REBATE ACCOUNT CASH BALANCE, April 30,1977 CASH RECEIPTS: FICA refund from U.S. government Interest on savings account TOTAL RECEIPTS CASH DISBURSEMENTS CASH BALANCE, April 30, 1978 79.40 1,811.87 4,627.27 72.00 169.23 9.00 15.58 1,416.63 1,682.44 $ 2,944.83 $ 2,944.83 2,000.00 $ 4,944.83 $ 4,750.00 4.85 4,754.85 $ 4.754 85 73,491 17 67,855 43 5,089 .34 47.40 72,992.17 $ 499 00 1,012.57 16.21 1.028.78 $ 1,028.78 I, James Janicki, Village Treasurer, Village of McHenry Shores McHenry, Illinois, do solemnly swear the foregoing statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief James Janicki (Seal) Scribed and sworn to before me this day August 21,1978 Rose I. Lillegard (Pub. Aug 25, 1978) Legal Notice IN THE MATTER OF 1 THE APPLICATION OF ) PETER J SCHNEIDER ) AND CLEO C SCHNEIDER > FOR VARIATION AND ) AMENDMENTOF THE > ZONING ORDINANCE OF • > McHENRYCOUNTY. 1 ILLINOIS ) NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in compliance with the McHenry County Zoning Or dinance. that a public hearing will be held before the McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS in connection with this Ap plication for Amendment and Variation of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, which would result in a change of zoning classification and variation for the following described real estate: The Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24. Township 45 North. Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, (excepting and reserving thereirom a strip of land 124 rods in width off from the entire North side thereof, containing 6.25 acres of land, more or less) in McHenry County,* Illinois The subject property is located approximately 200 feet North of Scott Street on the east side of North Riverside Dri\i McHenry Township, McHenry County, Illinois, said property consists of 33.60 acres, more rt; less, and is vacant and unim proved The Petition requests a reclassification of the subject property from "F" Farming District to "R" Residence District with a variation to require minimum three quarter acre lots under said classification, or to "E-2" Estate District with minimum one acre lots A hearing on this Petition will be held on the 20th day of September 1978 at 2:00 P M at Room 112 of the McHenry County Courthouse, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, AT WHICH TIME ANI) PLACE, any person desiring to be heard may be present McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS by June S. Girard, Chairman (Pub Aug 25, 1978) Free Fifth Concert Features Sox Quortet Mchenry's Headquarters for Complete Repairs on Domestic & Foreign Cars •TUNE-UPS •BRAKES TRANSMISSIONS •MAJOR & MINOR REPAIRS •MECHANIC ON DUTY 7 DAYS A WEEK QUALITY SERVICE AT REASONABLE RATES 10% DISCOUNT TO SENIOR CITIZENS 3702 W. ELM McHENRY, ILLINOIS (815)344-2510 The board of directors of C o m m u n i t y C o n c e r t s association of Crystal Lake announces that all workers and their spouses will be given a special free fifth concert performed by the Chicago Saxophone Quartet This special workers program will be held Sunday, Sept 17, at 6 30 p m at Old Town hall in downtown Crystal Lake The Chicago Saxophone Quartet was formed in 1968, and has since achieved an i n t e r n a t i o n a l r e p u t a t i o n through its clinics, recitals, m a s t e r c l a s s e s , a n d a p pearances with orchestras The members of the quartet have performed in France, Canada, Mexico, Romania, England. Japan. New Zealand, and Southeast Asia, as well as in high schools, colleges, and music conventions throughout the United States This special concert wjll launch the fourth season -of Crystal Lake Community Concerts This year tbe association will have the Gregg Smith Singers, the Orpheus Trio, the New Christy Mur- strels. and David Bar Mali, pianist For more information abotfl Community Concerts in the McHenry area, call Eleanfw lacker at 385 3676 Last Time "I'm te l l ing you for the I t t^t t ime that 1 won' t le t you kh- me, " the gir l sa id "I kneu you d weaken," the lad in terpre ted in his fa i or . Gilead House WILMOT, WISCONSIN Join Us For: 'Luncheon mm frida, Fish •Dinner fry *295 •Cocktails |Hwy.County C Wilmol,^ isconsiii PHONE FOR RESERV ATIONS (414)862-6400 '
Contact us:
McHenry Public Library District
809 N Front St.
McHenry, IL 60050