Til SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER - PAGE 4 -FRIDAY, AUGUST 25.1»78 Look right, play right. . . Make your students proud of uniforms they earned I Many children arc eager lo "stay after school." when it's to participate in an extra-curricular activity. Whether it be marching in the school band or playing a team sport, the experience can be an important as well as an enjoyable one for your youngsters. Uniforms are an intrinsic part of many activities, and youngsters often rely on their mothers to keep those outfits BACK TO SCHOOL II HEADQUARTERS SEE US FOR THESE TIMELY SPECIALS! TOTE BAGS small *6" LARGE »6m SKY HAWK' OR "WILDCATS' "SKYHAWK" JACKETS SWEATSHIRTS I T-SHIRTS KING LOUIE" BOWLING SHIRTS A & S SPORTING GOODS 5515 N. WILMOTRD. McHenry, III. 385-3552 497-3103 in attractive condition. This school year, minimize the time you must spend on laundering and repairing them by teaching your chil dren the importance of caring for the uniforms themselves. They should soon learn that the pride felt by a good team or group appearance can Qften lead to a good perfor mance, too. During the excitement of a game or event, hats and jack ets are often tossed around and left on the grass. Point out to your youngsters that taking a few minutes to put these things on the nearest bench will not detract from their fun. but it will save the items from trampling feet. Also, have your children neatly put away all clothing and equipment after each practice session or perfor mance. This will help lessen your load and eliminate fran tic moments spent looking for a stray sock or jersey the day of a big event. No matter how careful your children may be, their dirty uniforms, covered with grass and food stains, dirt and perspiration, will be brought to you to "fix." Don't panic! Most common spots on washable items will respond to a treatment of Spray n Wash* laundry soil and stain remover. Just spray the pretreat directly on the spot, wait 60 seconds and launder normally. For extra- tough spots, try another spray and washing. WHEN YOUNGSTERS* EXTRACURRICULAR ac tivities cause their clothes to get extra-dirty, pre- treating spots and stains with Spray *n Wash* laun dry soil and stain remover will make you a wash-day winner. Many spots and stains on dry-cleanable items can be removed with an application of K2r* Spot-lifter. Just apply it to spotted areas, let dry to a fine white powder and brush the powder--and soil -- away. You can cut down on expensive dry- cleaning bills if you begin to use the spot-lifter on a regu lar basis. Become involved in your youngster's after-school ac tivities; join the fun by watch ing them play in a big game or tap your foot to the beat of their marching band. They II appreciate your interest and attention. Afterwards, share in the post-event excitement by throwing an informal party for everyone. They might even dedicate the next game to you! Lunchbox treat that students love to eat! The first day of school is always easier when there's a THE KIDS ARE FINALLY ... SCHOOL! MOM -- NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE THAT JOB YOU'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT 1 Prem Enterprises, one of the largest manufac turers of electro-magnetic components in Nor thern Illinois is looking for employees to work in our modern, air conditioned plant, both full and part time. You decide what hours you want to work! Start at 6:00 A.M., 7.00 A.M., 8:00 A.M., or 9:00 A.M. and be home in time to greet your youngsters when they return from school. ostam mm •EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY-- WE WILL TRAIN •PREM IS CONVENIENTLY REACHED VIA THE R.T.A. 3519 N. CHAPEL HILL ROAD surprise in the lunchbox Kids will love this hearty, de licious cold pie based on a traditional Italian treat, Torta Rustica. adapted by The Lip ton Kitchens. Slip a piece in dad's brown bag, too. It's also a wonder ful lunch for mom and a good after-school snack. PIE SURPRISE 2 envelope* Upton Onion Cup-a-Soup 2 pounds ricotts or creamed cottage cheese (about 4 rupt) 3 e|p 1 pound salami or cooked ham, diced (about 3 cups) 4 pound mouaareiki cheese, diced (about 1-to cups) cup finely chopped parsley Pastry for 3 single crust pies Preheat oven to 375*. In large bowl, combine in stant onion soup, ricotta cheese and 2 eggs. Blend in salami, mozzarella cheese and parsley. Roll pastry to 16-inch circle; press onto bottom and sides of 10-inch springform pan. Brush with part of re maining egg, lightly beaten Pour in cheese filling. Roll remaining pastry ; cut into strips and form lattice top on cheese filling. Turn down pastry from sides of pan to form rim. Brush lattice with remaining egg. Bake I hour or until golden brown Cool; then chill. Makes 8 to 10 servings. JOHNSBURG, ILLINOIS jt+ J' -r. l U b . • * J T - • . / > * d :, - " . > ' //"/•. / , ' • AV.y >.\ ,y/ , v •" V r\ : ' ' * • • • v ' + ' * * * • 1 * * • *' f •' r r * • It's nothing short of remaitable how the can didates recommend them selves. The person who al ways wants the "best buy" will go through life getting second choices. Y?\wHvWV" ay * vt«u * *V% * «,