> PAGE 21 - PLAINDEALER - WKDNKSU \\ . AI.T.I - I 30. r * your Labor Day picnic with tasty Jewel values! 3718 W. ELM ST.--McHENRY, ILL HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8-10, SAT. 8-9, SUN. 9-7 Planning a take-it-easy weekend? Jewel can make it easy • and economical. Most Jewels will be open from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on Labor Day and any hour you stop by you can count on finding our shelves filled to overflowing with ail your picnic favorites -- many at special prices. You 11 save on barbecue naturals like franks and steaks, even on the cheese for your burger. You'll save on creamy potato salad --American or German style --in our Chef s Kitchen, and on catsup and buns in pur grocery aisles! Why, even if there's no picnic in your plans, Jewel can smooth out your week. The free kitchen appliances you can get with each 300 in gold register tapes you collect will make ki^hen jobs a snap. . and our famous low priced generic groceries can help ease the pinch of a tight food buaget. So, come on! Take your shopping list to Jewel. We'll help you take it easy! ^ 26 OZ. BTL. Del Monte Catsup REG. 84c r«' PRICES ON THIS PAGE EFFECTIVE UNLESS OTHER WISE INDICATED MON , AUG 28 THROUGH MON SEPT 4 1978 AT ALL JEWEL STORES IN ILLINOIS COUNTiES: COOK. LAKE. DUPAGE AND MC HENRY FRESH MEAT PRICES GOOD THROUGH SAT SEPT 2 ONLY U.S.D.A. CHOICE -- BEEF LOIN Jiwd Stout 0 ftp* J BOSOM make Je*e ^ oia< C Jewel Companies Inc 1978 A<! R Sirloin Steak 10c LB MORE FOR FURTHER PROCESSING OR THIN SLICED LB LIMIT 3 PLF.ASF U S D A. CHOICE -- BEEF RIB SMALL END Rib Steak 1ST THRU 3RD RIBS YUMMY '/2 GALLON Vanilla Ice Cream REG. VAN CAMPS 16 OZ CAN 25°^ QQc reg Cottage Cheese yft 79Cr c HAMBURGER OR HOT DOG Jewel Maid Buns ws / 1 Pork & Beans HILLFARM CHEESE FOOD American Singles HILLFARM -- LARGE OR SMALL CURD 12 OZ PKG 95c MEN'S & BOY'S -- SUEDE LOOK Bobcat Joggers $T8 8 REG ASSTD SIZES M BLUE OR TAN m PAIR Ibvt. < ff •« * * • * f .1 (77 J* 39 TAIL-LESS LB. f xm O BADGE Of HONOR O KWr BADGE 0! V HONOR Your choice of six kitchen appliances with$300 in gold Jewel register tapes! Choose from six handy Robeson electric kitchen aids, each a *12 99 value With every $300 in tapes you save you can select your favorite and pay only the state & local taxes where applicable And there's no limit to the number of free appliances you can get. By saving *600 worth of tapes, you can choose two, with *900 get three, and so on. So pick up a special tape-saver envelope today, either as you check out or by stopping at the Service Desk of any Jewel or Grand Bazaar Whether you'd like one of these lovely Robeson time-savers for yourself, or as a gift for someone special, now's the time to start collecting your goid register tapes! AcccpmnnATALL ILLINOIS INDIANA, MICHIGAN AND IOWA JEWELS AND ?FPWF? 'GRAND ̂ B^RS THROUGH SATURDAY. OCTOBER 7. 1978 Our Chef's got easy fixin's for picnics and lunchbans! GOOD THRU SAT SEPT 9. 1978 2V CfttM »*iUI , G.ML^ r _ Prints from Slides ONLY 29° EACH Save on Satm Flrmh Prints from your <av**1te cotor slides We use Kodak paper Regular price w*hout 50* each Coupon must accompany ord«r No .limit! A #062 coupon ! *5> nus APfMCASU STATI ANO lOCAl TAXIS ny or^r Catch your fun on film! AMERICAN&OR GERMAN Potato Salad REG 69 THESE ITEMS AVAILABLE ONLY AT JEWEL S WITH CHEF'S KITCHENS KRETSCHMAR d;** Hickory Smoked Ham O Save on melons of all kinds in our Farm Stand aisle! 27-SIZE / \KMrSlA\n ttcsh friuts ami v cgrtabJcs Cantaloupe NET WT 28 OZ EACH 5-SIZE 48 OZ | Honeydew Melons 3rO J