HEAL ESTATE r i I EA ltor^ Roav* m^he --1 ' 'LL.0OO5O PHONEi.815-385-3030 ES FOR SALE MSTAKH HIGHLANDS WATMHOW. 2-Bedroom ranch, 90,ft. on wot#f, 2-Car gar. Much of the furnishings stay. Johnsburg school. Just...$48 500 00 McCULtOM LAKE 3-Redroom Brick ranch, full finished basement w/large cedar closet, softner, 2nd. range, and bar. Family Room. 2-Garages. Lovely wooded site. A quality home a must to see...$57,200.00 SUyniPi New 3 Bedroom ronch 2-Ful! ceramic baths. Oak Rifc^#nTfull carpeting, Fam. Rm. Full basoment. 2'/> car gar. Nice corner site, Johnsburg school, truly a quality home throughout...$63 900.00 homi$iti$ Glacier Ridge $45,000.00 5-Acres zoned farm, $21,000.00 Several '/> Acre homesites in new subdivision fully improved $13,900 00. BEAL ESTATE SEASONAL HOME AT PRIVATE LAKE REAL ESTATE LIST WITH US. "WE SELL EM • •••••••••J 2 Bdr. w/full bath, large encl. porch, det. 2<-cor gar 82*108 site 1 V« blks. from park, beach & bl- slips. OWNER ASKING $29,000.00 BRAND NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME iKE Full basement w/ roughed in fut. bath, carpeted vinyl in kit. 1 '/i cor det. gar., 1 V« blks from beach. ONLY $48,900.00 JOHN C. LONG REALTY 8820 PINE AVE. WONDER LAKE (815)653-9563 W*«k*nd> by appt. „, tf ; BY OWNER. Libertyville, West Cambridge, beautiful 3 bedroom. 2^ bath tri-level Living room with dining el. Florida ceiling, fireplace in family room, on professionally landscaped lot $99,500 Call 312- 367-7989 after 6pm 8-30-9-lc «y owner, 3 bedroom. 2 baths, formal dining rooom, full basement, with large two car g a r a g e , r e d w o o d d e c k , i « a years old $65,900 Call 815-344- 2879 9-1 tfc VACANT, one plus acres zoned light industry Arthur T Mcintosh & Co. 312-372-2040 ext C 9-1tfc Only 3 homes left in beautiful Lokeshire Woods Subdivision Located near Fox Lake Country Club and State Park Trade your present home or condo. Call for more information. Closed Saturdays WISHBOOK REALTY (815)385-3660 - (312)587-8262 12 & 120, P.O. Bok 378, Wauconda, 11.60084 Rt. I 9 189 15 PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER I, It78 REAL ESTATE SAVE THOUSANDS Eliminate Real Estate Costs. Builder seeks intelligent home buyer New Home Maintenance free exterior, attached garage, patio/jeck, oak cabinets, mahogany doors and trim, screei^ and storms, gutters, generous carpeting and lighting allowances Only $49,000 00 Other homes available Call Evenings: 815-459-5440 FOR SALE BY OWNER WATERFRONT 2 bedroom living room dining room ' j basement, modern kit chen oil built-iris lot 90 x 165 boat dock with overhead hoist 1 car garage and a heated 2 car garage with electric opener Close to shopping schools and tram CALL 815-385-9385 A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE When It's Time To Relocate - Call Red Carpet Real Estate! RED CARPET NORTHERN ILLINOIS REALTY £g (815)385-2340 3815 WIST ELM STREET (RTE. 120 ft 31) McHENRY, ILLINOIS 60050 MLS © CLASSIC BEAUTY on five carefree acres of privacy and seclusion Driftstone 3 bedroom ranch that is built for the family that appreciates quality of construction with all the amenities of gracious l iving Impressive foyer with an excellent traffic pattern that leads to a sunken ultra spacious l iving room & dining room. Gigantic gorgeous kitchen A must to see if you are that someone special. $160 000. A NEW WAY OF LIFE AWAITS YOU 67 feet frontage on private lake 3 bedrooms, 1", baths, new kitchen, gorgeous stone fireplace in panelled family room, beam ceil ing pella windows and doors across front, leading to large redwood deck. Swim, fish, sail, ski snowmobile & ice skate from your front yard. In Woodstock school district $87,500 SHINY BRIGHT AND FRESHLY PAINTED Make an appointment today to see this 3 bedroom tri-level South of McHenry Large fenced yard plus lake rights to private lake. $47,800. , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Hot Dog Stand with all equipment Heady for someone to start making money Call today for derails. $4500 THERE'S A SHORTAGE OF Homes like this quality built, in top condition, 3 bedroom ranch. No work to be done just move in. We want you to discover the many fine features this home offers. Calf today for an appointment. $63,900. LET THE TENNANTS PAY Your mortgage while you enjoy tax shelter. We have a store and 2 apartments above store located on a busy street with ample meter parking and also free parking area in rear. Solid 2 story building. Owners also willing to trade for home on acreage. $84,900. WAIT TILL YOU SEE this spacious Builder constructed home. Lower level features a panelled family room and rec. room (or 4th bedroom) w sliding glass doors to a patio plus a V2 bath. Upper level offers a dream kitchen w a beamed ceil ing a dining room w sliding glass doors to an upper deck. Master bedroom has a full bath! 2 car garage Immediate Oc cupancy! Johnsburg School District. $84 500 AUTUM LEAVES the Whispering Sea, the view from the hil l top and the cracklin f ireplace can all be yours in this delightful 3 bedroom home featuring a 30x15 ft. l iving room with peg floors and fireplace a separate dining room and the quality cabinet kit chen wil l meet with Moms approval. Set on a double lot with screened porch and redwood deck $72,500 PLANNING TO SELL YOUR HOME? INQUIRE ABOUT OUR 4 EASY STEPS TO A GUARAN TEED SALE -- AND OUR REALTY WORLD HOME PROTECTION PLAN. NOW AVAILABLE! Wall to Wall Protection Plan - for the home you buy or sell. -- EACH OFFICE INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED -- When If* Time To Relocate • Call Red Carpet Real Estate I : \\ VVi /-/- REALTY WORLD dufbin stovall associates, inc. 4213 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, III. 60050 815-385-8060 Two names you can trust In McHenry Phone 815-385-6900 4 <07 Wrst Rout»- I A) In Crystal Lake Phone 815 499 *400 In Woodstock Phone 815-136-3951 JUST LISTED! SPIC-N-SPAN SPECIAL Check the extra* this 3 bedroom ranch has to of fer-alominum siding all appliances family room with sliding doors loads of cabinets new car peting and garage Nicely decorated and Ian dscaped Only $47 900 SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE CAN YOU TOP THIS? Super investment-2 bedroom home with living room and dining room Only $19 900 IDEAL FAMILY HOME with 4 bedrooms in a nice area close to town and schools Large kitchen with pantry and eating area Nicely londscaped property Barn with loft good for storage S50 500 EYE PLEASING HOME & BUDGET PLEASING PRICE Conveniently located on a lovely large corner wooded lot four rooms bath garage Well kept and immediately available S36 900 IF IT'S COUNTRY CLUB AREA YOU LIKE... heres the home for you with o planted garden ready for the p ick ing Two bedrooms 2 baths and full basement. One block from Country Club and only i block from the Fox River, Highly desiroble neighborhood $56,400 SUPER SIZED HOME FOR A MINI BUDGET Easy convers ion of a rear apar tment can make th is a large 7 room home Ful l d iv ided basement detached garage and a lo t s ize of 100x150 Owner anxious A bargain for $39 900 PRIVACY, COUNTRY SETTING & APPROX. V, ACRE of land complements this 3 bedroom brick ranch with water rights A must to see at only $58 900 JUST LISTED!YOUR IMPECCABLE TASTE demand ownership of this lovely home in the. Johnsburg School District. Situated on j acre cor ner lot this 3 bedroom aluminum sided ranch hos been throughly remodeled inside and out fCorv venientiy located water rights and a VA potential at S44 500 HOME WITH A VIEW Tr i level wi th 3 4 bedrooms and spectocular v iew of P is takee Lake The windowed basement prov ides loads of l iv ing space for the ent i re fami ly New 2 j car detached garage wi th overs ized doors Owner transferred 1 $59 900 THIS IS WHAT EVERYONE ASKS US FOR A very pleasant 3 4 bedroom home on a beautiful lot with boating rights on Channel leading into Pistakee Lake Completely fenced back yard 2' i cor detached garage insulated and heoted as well as 1 i cor attached garage $61 930 A RARE FIND Quomt quiet and rural See neighbors cows and horses from this 75 yr old 4 bedroom full basement farm house on one wooded acre of property located in Solon Mills Il l inois Just east of Richmond Ill inois in the new antique center of Northern Ill inois and |ust off Route 12 $64 900 A LUCKY FAMILY WILL LOVE THIS HOME with 3 bed'ooms I i baths family room and 2 car garage Quiet end of street location in a park like setting with many mature shade trees Lake i -id beach rights $59 900 JUST LISTED! HOME WITH A VIEW OF MC HENRY COUNTRY CLUB Enjoy the sunsets and the v iew of the 7th tee f rom your l iv ing room pic ture window in th is a t t ract ive maintenance f ree br ick ranch, , Home was designed bui l t and l ived m by contractor who has reputat ion for us ing h ighest qual i ty mater ia ls and excellent workmanship $67 000 1 7« ACRES OF COUNTRY LIVING m the most convenient locat ion |ust seconds away f rom school minutes f rom town Custom bui f t featur ing 3 bedrooms 1 i ceramic baths p lastered wal ls and fu l l f in ished basement Two gBrages and cement driveway $79 500 ENJOY A FULL RANGE OF WATER SPORTS! This super wot«rfront on# ownir horn# ho* on oil tedor exterior and boosts 2' > baths formal dining room & family room on the main level plus a FINISHED BASEMEN! It will be a |Oy »o entertain in the huge rec room with wet bur or m the living room with gas fireplace Also note the 2 cor garage central oir and superb decor $9b 500 RAMBLING RANCH WITH SPACIOUS ROOMS This cu»tom built home offers country living on 1 3 acre* yet is neor to town Exterior of Roman Brick wjth professional landscaping 4 bedrooms and 3 c«*amic boths living room with Crab Orchard Fireplace and screened patio off kitchen dining area Second kitchen and area could be in law arrangement $115 000 £ fit >mL± SPECTACULAR COUNTRY HOME ON 5 ACRES Peaceful setting surrounds this 3 bedroom hillside ranch boast ing everyth ing you could wont ranging- from formal to informal. Extensive indoor and out doo areas for season living and entertaining $139 000 EXECUTIVE CONTEMPORARY HOME Over j acre of beautiful grounds form the surroundings of th is 4 bedroom br ick and cedo' home 'S i tuated in a prest ige area i t o f lers a homemakers dream k i tchen 2 j baths basement 2 f i rep laces centra l a i r and 2 . #cor garage Ex ce'lent school syslem $1 79 000 PRESTIGIOUS PISTAKEE BAY WATERFRONT Appro* 3 acres of beaut i fu l wooded proper ty w«t pr ivat i - f t t ing and spec 'u< u lu i v iev. N. v. t * and fenced area for horses 4 bedrooms 4 , baths 3 f i rep laces and over 3000 sq f t In a c lass by itself $265 000 I