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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Sep 1978, p. 17

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PAGE It - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1,1»78 -- - . • REAL ESTATE m SALE HEAL ESTATE New 8 ft. wood sliding glass door with hardware $375.; shore station boat lift, 1000 lb. capacity, good condition $275.00 Steel spiral staircase 8 ft. rise excellent condition. $375.00 Call 653-9006 or 653-9615. 8-30-9-lc KIMBALL CONSOLE PIANO, cherry finish, 9 years old. $750. Good condition 385-8636 8-30-9- lc 10 ft. aluminum bending brake for aluminum sidings. $95. Call 385-1476 evenings. 8-30-9-lc WOODEN OVERHEAD garage door, good condition. 16 ft. wide, five sections, all hardware included for $50.00 385-2843 8-30-9-lc SMYTHE CUSTOM sofa, slightly curved, turquoise $100; occasional chair $40 385-3428. 8-30-9-lc Good quality horse hay delivered to your stable. $1.50 per bale. Call 608-924-4805 or 924-4803 8-30-9-8C 1977 Conn Organ with bench, double key board, 16 different rhythms, $l000.Call after 5pm 815-344-1141 8-30-9-lc White Enbden Geese $3 00 each Rabbits $2 00 and up 815- 385-8265 8-25 9-lC 8 ft 2 in long counter top 385- 8963 8-25 9-lC LIKE NEW UPRIGHT freezer 15 cu ft capacity $200 00 385- 4830 8-30-9-1 1970 KAWASAKI 240 . 90 CC, M.C. body style, new clutch, runs good $175 00, back hoe for Allis Chalmers D-12 tractor, 3 ft bucket. 15 ft reach $750 00 Call weekdays after 5pm, weekends anytime 815-728- 0803 8-30-9-lc Sony 4 channel amplifier; Sears gas stove, like new; 3 hp, 2 cyl gasoline air com­ pressor with extra at­ tachments; Triumph TR 6R, 650 motorcycle 815-385-8961 8- 30-9- lc Amana freezer, like new condition. 11 cubic ft $175 00 8- 30-9- lc 385-7432 Electric Maytag dryer, 4 yrs. old Coppertone. G.E washer 5 yrs old white, both $150 or will separate. Kenmore electric 40" range, coppertone, $125 Call 385-3421 after 5 30 ask for Linda 8-30-9-lc CANNING TOMATOES Pick Your Own I $4 50 bushel 385-7926 1 700 S* Barreville • t Southeast corner of ; • Sarr«vill« and Bull Vall*y Rd * i 8-30-9-1': WANTED Wanted - Grandma needs folding high chair in good condition, reasonable Call 815- K53-4276 after 5 p m 8-29-9 lc WANTED a ride to N I U Monday thru Thursday Evenings One or all Evening classes from 6 00 to 8:45pm Call 815 385-4584 8-30-9-8c WANTED Duck hunting privileges, on pond, river or lake, two responsible hunters, will pay reasonable fee 815- 675-6295 8-30-9-lc 2 SQ FT WHITE aluminum siding will take less amounts J85-5246 y-1 U S E D E L E C T R I C F O R T A B L E T Y P E W R I T E R . reasonably priced 344 1189 9-1 ANTIQUES F U R NT TIJRE. china, glass, rugs What have you Wondermere Antiques 815-653 7497 9-ltfc Oriental rugs wanted we pay lop dollar for your old Oriental rugs, call anytilme. :n2 884-6444 9 - l t f c REAL ESTATE. IMC. We're the Neighborhood Professional*.!** COUNTRY COLONIAL ON 10 ACRES PRACTICAL LUXURY If you're homesick for the country, then see this lovely 2 story with 5 bedrooms and 2^ baths, there's plenty of room for everyone and all their hobbies. A finished basement, hardwood floors. Edge of Cherry Valley. 10 acres - $155,000 •3 * 4 . : :~m. m Custom built ranch on large country lot near town with 3 bedrooms, family room, basement and 2Vfe car garage. Centrally air conditioned. Also has a 10x10 storage shed. $66,500 GLACIER RIDGE - forest serenity, long views, birdsong fills the air - come let us help you select a spectacular home site. Terms of 20 percent down, balance due after 3 years, 8Vfe percent interest. One acre lots from $25,000. housing omwTuwm CENTURY 21 • JOHN JUNC 460 VIRGINIA ST. CRYSTAL LAKE. III. 60014815 159 9300 (S) OVER 5000 OFFICES NATION WIDE Mon thru Sat. 8:30am - 7pm Sun 10am - 5i>m Eoch Office is lndep»nd»ntly Owned ond Op»rot»d MEMBER kRDG Realty 920 N. FRONT ST. McHENRY, ILL.60050 815-385-9394 BEAUTIFUL TRI-LEVEL IS IMMACULATE I Brand new aluminum siding and corpeting in most rooms, along with many custom features Make on appointment to see and appreciate this home $54,600 Has One Year Warranty MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY 4 bedrooms family room, 1'/, bath ronch situated on a well landscaped '/i acre lot $56,900. Has One Yeor Warranty WOULD HAVE LIKED TO MOVE 3 bedrooms 1'/> bath exquisitly decorated tri-level in beautiful Settlers Woods $64,500 Has One Year Warranty BEAUTIFUL WOODED LOT in nicest subdivision in area Home is spotless finished family room with panelled walls fireplace shogcarpeting & bar makes relaxation & entertainment o pleasure $65,200 mnm to am WANTED TO RENT Mature couple with two girls is looking lor a 3 bedroom comfortable home in Edgebrook sdhool district 815 344 2975 8-30 9 lc W ANTED TO RENT Mature lady needs one bedroom apartment, first floor Has small lap dog Call 815 385 8681 8-30-9 lc EXECUTIVE WITH ADULT children desires 3 or more bedrm , house Year around lease Rent to $500 mo 815-728- 0955 8-30-9-6C WANTED TO RENT, mature working person would like 1 or 2 bedroom apartment McHenry area Call Sunday or Monday H5-ft45« 9-1 Mortgoge Money Available to Ouolified Buyers I Yr. Warranty Available on All listings SPOTLESS HOME on o quiet street in beautiful Fox Ridge This home offers 2 full baths 3 bedrooms, living room dining room eat in kitchen family room ond maintenance free aluminum siding $65,900 Has One Yeor Warranty ! IMMACULATE INSIDE AND OUT This very tastefully decorated tri level has a cozy country kitchen over sized dining room and large warm family room located in Fox Ridge $68,900 Has One Year Warranty ! QUIET RESIDENTIAL AREA ^ 3 full baths family room formal dining room 3 bedrooms ond more This home is definitely priced to sell $74,900 ONE OF A KIND The master bedroom suite and the sunken living room makes this home stond apart from the others Two fireplaces, central air and heated garage are |ust some of the features that make this home even more at tractive $119,000 Has One Year Warranty Member McHenry County Board of Realtors ond M.l .S 24 Hour Answering Service '/$ ocre lot with community water in Johnsburg School District $15,000 - ROC» HARDWARE STORE FOR c UE An excellent opportunity to become own boss ond carry on business in McHenry Just located on corner of Moin Street and Route 31 Ample parking and inventory. Owner reody to sell Three lots located in Oakwood Hills $7,000 eoch Size 60 x 120 each Owner anxious to sell NOTICE BIDS WANTED FOR SN0WPL0WING 9/10 of a mile from Chapel Hill to Weingart Road Call 385-1765 NOTICE We're now accepting bids for snow plowing & ice control. Indian Ridge Subdivision, Wonder Lake. Contact Frank DeCosta 815-728-0269 NOTICE Fox Volley Helping Pows Animal Welfare Association, Inc., had no involvement with the adoptions from the Wee Farm at the McHenry County Fair on August 2 through 6, 1978 Helping Paws contracts were used without our con­ sent or permission. Th» BmH ti Directors 8/25 9 I NEED SIDING? Aluminum, U. S. Steel, Vinyl. New Foam backed insulation. Colors you never have to point. Prices start as low as $425 We do any size house all labor . & material guaran­ teed Call now for free estimote- terms. 815-344-1319 REWARD For the recovery of 1966 light yellow Ford Falcon. Vehicle No. 6K12T220108. Taken from 4507 N. Maple Leaf, Pistakee Terrace between August 24 and 27th. Possibly red tow truck with no iden­ tification. call 312-223- 8928. Sizeable reward S for complete infor­ mation. 9 1 9 6 cooooocoooood fOfl RENT • LONG LAKE. carpeted 2 bedroom home, ready 9-1. a steal $210.(HI 312-249-1212. C W. RENTALS, fee 8-30-9-lc FOR RENT small furnished apartment 815-385-0266 or 385- ><905 8-30-9-lc Sharp 3 bedroom house, wall to wall carpeting, drapes, range and refrigerator, air con­ ditioning. heated garage, fenced yard $300 00 month 815 185-65.36 9-1-9 6 . Kor Rent, two bedroom apartment in McHenry with parage. security and references $205 00 Call 815- 585-3490 9-1 MCHENRY. October 1st two l>edroom home, garage, kids o k $325.00. 312-249-1212 C W RENTALS, fee 8-30-9 lc For Rent; two bedroom home in Johnsburg area Available from September to May $250 month including heat 815-385- 7524 or 312-893-5475 8-30-9-1C For rent, 3 room apartment, appliances and utilities included, near Richmond area. 1/ease and security deposit No pets. $225 per month. 815-653- 9979 after 4 pm. 8-30-9-lc For Rent, McHenry in Beautiful Edgebrook Heights, 3 t»edroom ranch, family room, two car garage $490 00 month 815-385-8908 8-30-9-lc WONDER LAKE, 2 bedroom house, garage, appliances, nice yard, $290 00 per month, plus security deposit 653-9856 8-30-9-lc MCHENRY SHORES, large two bedroom, carpeted, home, garage, fenced yard $310 00 312-249-1212 C W RENTALS, fee 8-30-9-lc for rent Sleeping room, private, for steadily employed gentleman Monthly rates 815 <85-4398 8-30-9-lc CARY, One bedroom apart ment, all utilities paid. air. c arpet great for single $200 00 312-249 1212 C W RENTALS, fee 8-30-9-lc foil ttftT MCHENRY AREA, on Griswold Lake, furnished two bedroom home, garage, extras $285.00. ° 312-249-1212 C W. RENTALS, fee 8-30-9-lc FOR RENT, WATERFRONT, Deluxe one bedroom apart­ ment, carpeting, stove, refrigerator, adults, no pets. 815-385-3493 8-30tfc 3 BEDROOM HOUSE $300 month without utilities. 2 car garage Call 312-283-8280 or 815- 728-0584 9-1 5 BEDROOM, REMODLED farmhouse, 5 acres near Alden. $495.00 mo <815)338-3838 or (312)266-7479 9-1 W O N D E R L A K E LAKEFRONT, 2 bedroom, completely furnished, with big deck for beautiful view. $250 month. Rent week after Labor day til June. Call Flo.Century 21, Choice Realty 653-2211 9-1- 9-6 1st floor office space on Rte 12 in Richmond, Reasonable rent, ideal for professional office or business office. 815-678-4441 9- ltfc U N D E R N E W M A N A G E M E N T V F W , Clubhouse and Hall for rent, seating capacity for 400. Call 385-9860 9 to 12 weekdays or after 6pm 9-ltfc STORAGE SPACE all sizes, inside or out, monthly rental. The Keep Mini-Warehouse. 815- 455-0095 9-ltfc RINGWOOD 3 BEDROOM house $340.00 month, plus security and utilities 312-272- 4941 9-ltfc WAREHOUSE of factory space from 5.000 to 15.000 ft 385-1079 9-ltfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS daily or weekly 815-385-0266 or 815-385 8905 9-ltfc LARGE LUXURIOUS Duplex on water, two bedrooms, double vanity bath, living room, dining area. Kitchen with breakfast area Washer, dryer and garage In town 1 j block to shopping 815-385-3493 9-ltfc W A T E R F R O N T O L D E R HOME reliable couple wanted 2 B e d r o o m s , w i t h n a t u r a l fireplace $225 00 per mo plus security deposit. No calls after r>pm 497-4.370 9-1 FOX LAKE, furnished, two bedroom house on the lake, kids o k $240 00 312-249-1212 CW RENTALS, fee 8-30-9-lc For rent. McHenry On Fox R i v e r , n i c e l y f u r n i s h e d . 3 l>edroom house. 1' . baths, from Sept to June $350 00 month 815-344 <>941 or 312 839-5989 9 1 LANDLORDS, With sore ears, tired of phone call after phone call, after phone call, from the wrong people9 Call us! We match your vacancy to our clients and only the Right people will call and we do this a b s o l u t e l y f r e e ! C W R E N ­ TALS 312-249-0015 8-30-9-lC FOR RENT two bedroom house,carpeted living room, large kitchen with built-ins, air conditioned, water softener, one car garage, fenced yard. $335 00 815-385-3269 8-30-9 1-c McHENRY AREA New bt-level ranch, 4 carpeted bedrooms carpeted Irving and dining room, carpeted rec room 1H baths kitchen includes gas range and outside wood deck Utility room for washer and dryer 2 car garage Wooded lot. water rights Available Sept 15th $450 per month References and security deposit required CaM for appointment after I pm weekdays or anytime on 385-1798 fOft MNT SSSBBBBHVESSESaW UVE IN BEAUTIFUL LAKE GENEVA Dwlux* 18 2 bedroom aport- mont*. fully carpotod, 1V4 coramic baths, color applian­ ce*, dishwasher, air con­ ditioning, laundry, large storage area, gas heat. From $228.00. By lake, several blocks from downtown. 0{9MMIAKE/IMRINENTS 1321 W. Main Lake Geneva, wis 414-24*-4S7l MOTOftCVCliS "Looking^ for"" competitive motorcycle Insurance? Give us a call. Fitzgerald Insura"ce Agency 815-385-4619 or 815-385- 8700 9111 motorcycle, 1978 XL 125, low mileage, just been seldom used, exce]®" condition. 815-385-4589. 8-30-9 lc 1977 YAMAHA 100 Enduro, good condition, low mileage $400 or best offer. 385-3461 8-30- 9-lc MOTOftCVCLB 1975 Yamaha 125 Enduro, Excellent Condition, 400 miles. 1975 Holsclaw 2 place bike trailer like new must see. Come look and make offer. 385 3757 8-30-9-lC YAMAHA 125 Enduro newly overhauled. Fantastic trail and road. Very good runner. $275.00 or best offer 653-4982 8-30-9-lc DIRT BIKE, 1974 Suzuki TM 100, stock. $275.00 Call after 5:30 815-385-1969 or 815-385-2403 ask for Ken 8-30-9-lc "HARLEY "DAVIDSON 72 Sportster, fully chopped, much chrome. Good condition $1700 firm. Must be seer to be ap predated. 385-5755 91 1974 Honda XrTsTvwy^good condition $300 00 . 815-385-2063 9-1 SUBSCRIBE To The McHenry Plaindealer And Save $8.80 Over Newstand Price Fill OUT AND MAIL OR SUING TO: McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3S12W. Elm St.. McHenry, III. 60050, with check or money order for *I1.M for ono year subscription within McH«nry County. NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP MONEY BACK GUARANTEE FOR UNUSED PORTION" U.S. 14 & 173 HARVARD, ILL. 815-943-4451 24 hr. Information Sept. 1-7 I'm your ^lEDDY BARE* 7 & 9:45 starring CONNIE For Rent. 2 bedroom house $250 per month, plus utilities, references required 312-528 2781 or 815 385-1937 weekends 9- 1 A N T I O C H , T w o b e d r o o m home, acre wooded on the lake, garage $285 00 312 249- 1212 C W RENTALS, fee 8-30- 9 lc NORTHFOX CONDO quality rental, 2 bedroom. I'j bath redecorated, swimming pool, private location, all appliances, including dishwasher, washer and dryer, mature adults, no pets $320 per month 815-385 3117 9-1-9-8C A L G O N Q U I N , 2 b e d r o o m duplex with huge yard for kids, pet Ready now $200.00 312- 249-1212 C W RENTALS, fee 8- 30-9-lc 8:30 only Rated X COOMBES STARRING YVONNE GREENE JASON WELLES I Drive a *150 deal. Buy either^of these Toro® riding mowers before Oct. 3rd, and we'll save you $150*. 11 hp, 32" Toro" Front Engine Rider. Key-Lectric* start. Big power and cut for big lawns. But easy to handle, even in tight spots. 8 hp, 32" Toro* Front Engine Rider. Key-Lectnc* start Engineered for smooth, even cut, long life and low maintenance. A 5/4 bu grass catcher's available for either model Save $150* Now. Hifwt yon done without iTorelMgeamgh?- THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUILT" George P. Freund 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd., McHenry , 385-0420 TORO

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