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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Sep 1978, p. 10

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PAGE 19 . PLAINDE ALER - WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 6.1978 Dated this 14th day of August, AD 1978 Legal Notice Tax Deed No. 75-TX-1732 Filed August 31, 1978 TAKE NOTICE VERNON W KAYS, County Clerk; LARRY HERMAN BLAIR; BEATRICE MAY BLAIR; WILLIAM BRAND THOMAS F. BOLGER. Trustee; BARBARA BRAND ROBERT BRAND; AUDREY WALGENBACH, County Treasurer and WILLIAM J COWL1N, States Attorney, both, for the People of the State of Illinois; WIEBOLDT STORES, Incorporated; UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARTIES INTERESTED. GENERALLY County of McHenry Date Premises Sold January 12, 1976 Certificate No 551 Sold for General Taxes (Year > 1974 THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES Property located at the .east side of Hickory Drive 254- feet north of Fountain Lane in the Village of McCullom Lake Legal description or per manent index No Lot 5, in Block 1 in Knollwood Addition to McCullom Lake Estates, being a subdivision of part of Section 21, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat, thereof, recorded April 18, 1930, as Document No 92374 in Book 8 of Plats, pages 10 and 11 in McHenry County, Illinois; Bearing Permanent Index No 09-21-236-005 This notice is to advise vou that the above property has been sold for delinquent taxes and that the extended period of redemption from the sale will expire on January 12, 1979 This official notice is also to advise you that a petition has been filed for a Tax Deed which will transfer title and the right to possession of this property if redemption is not made on or before January 12, 1979 This matter is set for hearing in the circuit court of this county in Woodstock, Illinois, on February 2, 1979, at 9 30 a m O'clock You may be present at this hearing But your right to redeem will already have expired at that time YOU ARE URGED TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at any time on or before January 12, 1979. by applying to the County Clerk of McHenry County at the County Cour thouse in Woodstock. Illinois For further information contact the County Clerk NORTHERN ILLINOIS LAND COMPANY by John H Landeck John M Landeck. Partners Purchaser (Pub Sep. 1.6. 13. 1978) Legal Notice Tax Deed No. 75-TX 1732 Filed August 31, 1978 TAKE NOTICE . VERNON W KAYS. County Clerk PAUL FUHS; ALICE FUHS UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARTIES INTERESTED, GENERALLY County of McHenry Date Premises Sold January 12. 1976 Certificate No 550 Sold For General Taxes (Year) 1974 THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES Property located at the east Bide of Spring Road 280 feet north of Fountain Lane in the Village of McCullom Lake I>egal description or per manent index No Lot 39 in Block 13 in McCullom Lake Estates, being a subdivision of part of Sections 21 and 22. Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian according to the Plat, thereof recorded May 31. 1929 as Document No 88.347. in Book 6 of Plats, pages 90 and 91 in McHenry County. Illinois Bearing Permanent Index No 1)9 22 104-005 This notice is to advise you that the above property has been sold for delinquent taxes and that the extended period of redemption from the sale will expire on January 12. 1979 This official notice is also to advise you that a petition has been filed for a Tax Deed which will transfer title and the right to possession of this property if redemption is not made on or before January 12, 1979 This matter is set for hearing m the circuit court of this county in Woodstock Illinois, on February 2. 1979. at 9 30 a m O'clock You may be present at this hearing but your right to redeem will already have expired at that time VOl \H1 I K(.KI) TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO »'KK\ EST LOSS Oh PROPERTY Redemption can be made at any time on or before January 12 1979 by applying to the County Clerk of McHenry County at the County Cour thouse in Woodstock Illinois For further information contact the County Clerk NORTHERN ILLINOIS LAND COMPANY by John H Landeck John M Landeck Partners Purchaser ( Pub Sep 1. FT 13 197K Legal Notice Public Notice is hereby given that on August 14 A I) 1978, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and postoTfice addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as McHENRY OFFICE EQUIPMENT, INC located at 1260 N Green St . McHenry, IL Vernon W Kays County Clerk (Pub Aug. 30, Sept 6. 13. 1978) Legal Notice NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) * >ss COUNTY OF McHENRY ) FOR THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY JLLINOIS Federal National Mortgage ) Association ) v. ) Thomas P. Lynn, etal . ) IN CHANCERY General No, 78 CH 812 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a decree heretofore entered by said Court in the above entitled cause, LEONARD BRODY, Associate Judge of the Circuit Court will on Tuesday, the 10th day of October A D 1978, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock A.M. (DAYLIGHT SAVING) TIME, in ROOM 307 of the Court House in the City of Woodstock, in said County, sell at public auction to the highest ana best bidder for cash all and singular, the following described premises and real estate in said decree mentioned, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said decree, to-wit: Lot 19 in Block 7 in Claremont Hill Unit 4, being a subdivision of part of the North West 14 of Section 14, Township 45 North. Range 8. East of the 3rd P.M., according to the Plat thereof recorded December 11,1970 as Doc. No. 534598 in McHenry County, Illinois; commonly known as 3717 Buchanan, McHenry, Illinois ADDRESS OR LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 3717 Buchanan. McHenry, Illinois together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and ap­ purtenances thereunto belonging. DATED, Woodstock, Illinois, this 16th day of August A D. 1978. John R. La Zonby Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County. Illinois FISHER AND FISHER Attorney for Plaintiff (Pub Aug 23. 30Sept 6. 1978) Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on August 17, A.D. 1978, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County. Illinois setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as Pitts Insurance Agency, located at 1811 Woodlawn Park. P.O. Box 108, McHenry. IL 60050 Dated this 17th day of August. A.D. 1978 Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub Aug 30, Sept. 6, 13, 1978) A Thought Hardening of the heart ages people more quickly than hardening of the arteries. -Courier, Bristol, Va. HERE'S HOW A&P'S NEW Bonus Specials PROGRAM WORKS TO GIVE YOU UNBELIEVABLY LOW PRICES. . .WITH S&H GREEN STAMPS mmm Bonus Special booklets fill up fast! Just 30 BiQ Ten' S&H Green Stamps fill one booklet And just one visit to your A&P can do it . . so come on in. pick up a booklet at the A&P checkout, and get started saving! Fill as many booklets as you can. They're like money in your pocket: When you've got a booklet filled, it's good, right then, for one of the A&P Bonus Specials listed in our ad. ADVERTISED ITEM POLICY Each of these advertised items is re­ quired to be reedily available for sale at or below the edvertised price in each AErP Store, except as specifi- cally noted in this ad. PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS SEPT. 7, THRU SAT SEPT. », 1»78 NONE SOLD TO DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS. A&P Picks The Best Dairy Products Blue Bonnet MARGARINE .1 LB.-PKG. QTRD. A\\UI//// BLUE BONNET Margarine it* A&P 1-LB. ROLL H Cookies READY TO BAKE CHOC CHIP SUGAR PEANUT'BUTTER EACH 89 Minute Maid Lemonade OR FRUIT PUNCH * HALFGAL. CTN 59 A&P Picks The Best Beverages Coke Jab or Sprite ft 1129 H H PLUS H DEPOSIT I A&P Picks The Best Values HUNGRYJACK Instant , 6 0 z N ^ I ^ I P K G '//// ||\\W" Potatoes 80 ANN PAGE VAN CHOC FLAVORED ICE CREAM *139 HALF GAL CTN ANN PAGE ICE CREAM SANDWICHES 99 12 CT PKG TkII Miracle One filled booklet, plus the low cash price, gets you ̂ one A&P Bonus Special • Of course, your booklets are redeemable for merchandise right along with your regular S&H Saver Books. Howeveryou use them, our S&H Green Stamps are truly the great little extra that adds up to a lot! A&P BRAND QUART JAR KRAFT Miracle Whip Saia<1 Dress AND ONE FILLED BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET AND ONE FILLED BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET You'll Do Better A&P Picks The Best Produce RED TOKAY, BLACK OR GREEN eedless Grapes LB. Prune Plums Red Delicious Apples Bartlett Pears WASHINGTON STATE LARGE SIZE LB 49 ANN RAGE VEGETABLE SALE MIX OR MATCH • MIXED VEGETABLES • MIXED PEAS • TOMATOES • WHOLE KERNELCORN CREAM STYLE CORN • CUT GREEN BEANS • APPLESAUCE 15-1/2 TO 16-1/2 OZ CANS BROADCAST Luncheon Meat HELLMANN'S 12-OZ CAN Mayonnaise • 13fl * 32-OZ JAR FOR COOKING 4 SALADS Wesson Oil w iv? $|6fl ANN PAGE Tomato Juice 46-OZ CAN SoftnPfetty POINTS Jane Parker Enriched % White Bread $ 1-LB LOAVES ASSORTED VARIETIES A&P Yogurt L <100 "¥ CTNSI Town-Country Tips (by David G. tension Adviser, Agriculture, McHenry County) Congratulations! -Marengo Vocational Agriculture in­ structor, Les Finder, recently received recognition for twenty-five years of service in Vo-Ag instruction. Les has a by Oovtd Plochvr, Extension S*rvk« ** 3737 336-4747 Plocher, Ex- strong adult Ag instruction program - going also in the Marengo area. New Silage Treatment - The same anhydrous ammonia used to put nitrogen into the ground is quickly becoming the latest most efficient and economical source of protein for cattle rations. The anhydrous am­ monia termed "Cold Flow" is converted to a liquid by a converter and sprayed onto the silage either in the field or at the blower. You will be boosting crude protein of silage from 8 percent-12 percent by spraying 8 lbs.,-ton on the silage. Commercial units to apply the ammonia are marketed by United States Steel. We have information on designing our own system and answers to the questions you may have about "Cold Flow". Buyers Appreciation Picnic • According to Craig Scheidecker, my new co­ worker, 125 people attended the first 4-H and FFA Junior Auction Buyers Appreciation picnic. This years auction grossed $103,845 The McHenry County Livestock association sponsored the picnic. Transition Planning Workshop - Space for one or two farmers is open in a special transition planning workshop on Sept. 13. Farm business farm management area adviser, George Young, is working with Dick Kesler, farm management specialist, who will present the Transition Planning Information If you are considering major changes in your farming situation, give me a call Harvest Aids For Soybeans - Paraquat can be used as a "harvest aid" for dying weeds in soybeans The soybeans should be fully developed, though, and half of the soybean leaves should have dropped with the remaining leaves having turned yellow. Paraquat should not be applied before the soybeqans are fuMy developed; otherwise, yield reductions can result Do not apply paraquat unless the beans are ready to withstand a frost. PAGE 11 - PLAINDE ALER - WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 6. 1978 Foreign Markets for Midwest A g r i c u l t u r e c o n f e r e n c e Contact me for details of the conference. Trade Talks At C onference - An understanding was reached last month in Geneva which ensures that agriculture will be a part of the trade package expected to be completed in the M u l t i l a t e r a l T r a d e Negotiations f MTN > early this fall P r o d u c e r s a n d agribusinessmen interested in learning more of the details of the MTN will have an op­ portunity Sept 6 an 7 at the •iiuJMaitea GradeT Large Eggs •jjuifekajosij. Kellogg's Corn Hakes AND ONE FILLED BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET DOZEN A&P BRAND REGULAR 12-OZ. PKG. AND ONE FILLED BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET Riceland 1 Rice I 2-LB. BOX FLOUR l l , r h i , r l iM i r AND ONE FILLED BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET AND ONE FILLED BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLE 5-LB. BAG At A&P with 3720 W. ELM ST.-OPEN M0N.-SAT. 8-12, SUN. 8-6 Bonus Specials A&P Is A Butcher Shop Blade Pot Roast 1ST CUTS CUT FROM HEAVY GRAIN FED WESTERN BEEF SOLD AS ROASTS ONLY TREAT THE FAMILY LB. SEMI-BONELESS Chuck Roast LB 89c ROUND BONE Arm Roast CENTER CUT 7-BONE LB. 99c Chuck Roast LB. 79c Beef Ri b Roast o^c Slfifl LARGE END LB. Boneless Chuck Roast I A&P Corned Beef $190 I ̂ POINT $111 CUT A&P Is A Country Farm Pork Shop CENTER RIB Center Cut Pork Chops LB RIB PORTION Boneless Pork Loin Roast LB. *1" MEATY Pork Back Ribs LB »2» FOR CHOP SUEy Boneless Pork Cubes LB *1« CENTER CUT SOLD AS STEAK ONLY OR RED SNAPPER LB. *139 Agar Ham Patties SERVE ,.LB JIAQ WITH A&P CAN •a tU LARGE EGGS | Box- 0- Chicken CONTAINS 15ASST PIECES U S GOV'T INSP WITH • AC* POUT ION ATTACMfO A4P AND OR FULLY COOKED COUNTRY STYLE Smoked Sausage LB *179 Full Shank Half Ham "J™ LB. 99C Fresh Fryer Breasts REGULAR OR CHEESE WILSON CORN KING BULK STYLE ys Oscar Mayer Smokies^°0Z H59 SlicedBacon IS: H39 TurkeyDrumsticks °°SY lb 79c A&P IS A ZIGGY'S DELICATESSEN AVAILABLE ONLY IN STORES WITH ZIGGY'S DELI LONGACRE NATURAL ROAST Chicken $ Breast - 149 HALF I POUND ORVAL KENT Macaroni Salad 65 LEON'S POUNO TROPICALSTYLE Blood Tongue 1190 POUND 95c Macaroons KAUKAUNA KLUB RUBSCHLAGER WEST PHALIAN CHEESE PK°a2 5279 Sharp Cheddar SPREAD LB *249 Pumpernickle Bread 1loaf 59C o ORVAL KENT lb *249 Tapioca Pudding LB 75c KAUKAUNA KLUB Port Wine SB Leon's Sliced Bologna POUND $1 78 HALF POUNO 89 Eckrich's Minced Ham POUND 52 29 HALF POUND 115 A&P Picks The Best Health & Beauty Aids •«§ Ustermint Mouthwash I79 Close- Up Toothpaste QA LGZ TuBE A&P Razor Blades 9-CT PKG *109 Wella Balsam Shampoo s|39 8-OZ BTL Ban- Roll-On $ 1 5-0 Z SIZE 109 A&P Picks The Best General Merchandise Fluffy Slippers LADIES t S M OR L SIZES PAIR 199 A&P Coffee Filters 2 ..'100 PKGS | Prestone '349 ANTI­ FREEZE GAL JUG A&P Picks The Best Frozen Foods A&P French Fries $ A ^ REG & OR CRINKLE CUT 5 POUND BAG 169 A FROZEN Campbells Soup % Chicken .niCK«" Noodle j Celeste Pizza A&P Chopped Broccoli CHICKEN NOODLE FRANCO AMERICAN SPAGHETTIS i "z.01 u00 SAUSAGE & Srrffl&nrygl MUSHROOM & OR DELUXE w 9-0Z SIZE EACH ClLtSTl DELUXE PtU* FROZEN io-oz PKG 89 A&P Broccoli Spears 29- : 39 You'll Do Better At. . . A«P A&P Donuts JELLY & OR GLAZED FROZEN 9 TO 11 OZ PKG 59 &tl GREEN STAMPS Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT H J OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL IV CIRCUIT McHENRY M COUNTY. ILLINOIS IS PROBATE DIVISION I < ESTATE OF CATHERINE M t 'I HERON Deceased. FILE NO W 78-P 264 t i i Notice is hereby given »iT pursuant to Section 194 of the '* • Probate Act. of the death of the od above named decedent and that J<' letters Testamentary were 1_' issued on August 21, 1978, to ' I Mary Jane Ahern. 4322 E Lake '• Shore Dr . , PO Box 321, 4- ' Wonder Lake, II 60097. whose > attorney of record is Narusis & • » ' Narusis. 213 W Lake Shore Dr.. Carv. Ill inois '•" Cfaims may be filed within 6 months from the date of >; issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate J - which is inventoried within that » period ' f • ' Claims against said estate <•>•! should be filed in the Probate •> ' office of the Clerk of said Court. ! County Court House Wood- stock. Ill inois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to ' said legal representative and to ' >; said attornev JOHN R LAZONBY Clerk of the Court (Pub Aug 30 .Sept 6&13 . 1978» < - Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS > )SS " COUNTY OF McHENRY , > BEFORE THE CITY ' OF McHENRY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS IN THE MATTER OF > . ' THE PETITION OF > 1 BARBARA GERASCH > FOR A VARIATION OF ) ' REQUIREMENTS OF THE » ' CITY OF McHENRY > ' ZONING ORDINANCE OR. ) IN THE ALTERNATIVE > ^ FOR A SPECIAL USE > PERMIT ) NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Article ' XXI, Section C-3 of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance. • , '1 that a public hearing will be ** held before the City of ' ' McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals upon a Petit ion ' requesting a variation of requirements of said Zoning Ordinance or. alternatively, a J ' : per to the following described property Lots 4 and 5 of the Original Plat of McHenry. on the West side of Fox River. being a Subdivision of part " ' of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26. Township 45 North. Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded July 6. 1840 in Book B of Deeds, page 160, -in McHenry. ~ I County, Il l inois « Said property is located at . , 1605 N' Park Street in the City of McHenry and is currently vacant and unimproved, but is ,-4 being or will be improved with a single family residence being ^ or to be constructed thereon , Said property is zoned "R 1" iSingle Family Residence> The Petition requests that a f variation of said Ordinance be g r a n t e d t o p e r m i t t h e , . ' , p e t i t i o n e r , B A R B A R A GERASCH. to construct office facili t ies within the residence to enable her to conduct and operate her telephone an- . swering service therefrom i Alternatively, the Petit ion l : , requests that a special use , . permit be granted to authorize , , such use of the premises The • Petit ion further requests that . , the variation or special use permit be granted to authorize such use for as long as the t ' r 4 p e t i t i o n e r o c c u p i e s s a i d ' , ' premises as her home, or until , two (2) years after her death, whichever circumstance shall be applicable Hearing upon the Petit ion , will be at 3:00 P M on Sep- , tember 29. 1978. in the City Council Chambers. 1111 N r G r e e n S t r e e t M c H e n r y . ) Il l inois, at which time and t . . ; , p l a c e a l l t h o s e w h o m a y b e , , * interested may appear and be . , heard CITY OF McHENRY ZONING BOARD ' OF APPEALS By -s Ronald W ilkins Chairman , F R A N Z * N A U G H T O N & LEAHY , Attorneys for Petit ioner 453'Coventry Green • Crvstal Lake, Ill inois 60014 Phone 815-459-8100 i Pub ,Sept 6, 1978 i Likely Cau se John: "Was his bank­ ruptcy due to a lack of brains?" Sam replied. "Yes, a lack and a lass." -Coast Guard Magazine. WHAT S NEW New type food storage container with "push-pull lid that fits snugly within round container's special nm to form airtight seal for max imum food protection. To cbse, drop lid in center and push down on knob To open, pull up at fingertip "U" in the jar rim IV. Uca .<11, •o

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