HELP WANTED HELP (0 ANTED PAGE 13 -PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER!. 1*78 HELP WANTED FOR RENT PARI TIME KEYPUNCH OPERATOR 6 to 10 evenings Monday thru Thursday and Saturday AM Apply in person McHenry Eby Brown 3710 W. Elm St. McHenry, IL *1/9-6 nBB-i BOOKKEEPER • To work in CETA Office. 2 • J years minimum experience. • Please call for appointment J _ between 9:00am or 3:00pm | I 815-3382040 | Contact • Jacqueline Matisciano | j The Fiscal Officer R crn «Quol opportunity »mploy»r m/» NOW HIRINC DAY & NIGHT POSITIONS OPEN IN OUR NEW, AIR CONDITIONED PLANT In add,t,on to our NEW HIGHER STARTING SALARY and plenty of opportunity for advancement you will enjoy: •Clean pleasant bench work •Company paid health & lifo insurance •6 Merit reviews your first year. Experience not necessary, we will train. Apply in person only LENCO ELECTRONICS INC. 1330 Belden St., McHenry So. of McHenry on Rto. 31 to Dayton St. •Hon Dayton to Belden. 6 Miles North of Rt. 176. 8/30TF PERMANENT PART TIME OPENINGS To deliver the Chicago Tribune 2 to 3 hours per day. Early morning 7 days per week. Routes , now available starting; at $75 to $125. Call Collect 385-3643 9/6 9/8 RELIABLE Full & Pari Time HELP WANTED Continued full tine in winter. 16 to 21 Years CALL Dave Smith, Jr. LAWN CARE & LANDSCAPING 385-2834 For Appointment 9-1TF General Farm Help and Field work, full or part time 815-344- 0663 ' 8-30-9-8C SET UP TRAINEE f lr»t I Stud Shlh LOOKING FOR A FUTURE? WE NAVE Tift JOB If you hove a good mechanical background and a real desire to get ahead, we will train you ^n the set up of machines Some knowledge of machine shop production and equipment a definite asset We offer an excellent starting salary job security, outstanding benefits ond more Apply in person today • BNAK I PARTS COMPANY 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 An Equal (fcportunity Employer M/F 9 6 9 8 PART-TIME NIGHT Openings are now available in our new, air con ditioned plant. 4:30 pm- 10:30 pm ONLY You will en|oy •Light clean bench work •Paid vacation and holidays •Merit reviews •Production bonuses Experience not necessary, we will train. Apply In person only LINCO ELECTRONICS INC. 13)0 B«M«R Stmt, Mdluwy So. ot McHenry. on Rt«. 31 to Dayton St. then Dayton to ftelden * miles North of Rte. 174 • 30 TF employment Oppoftunilie/ rMAKi PARTS COMPANY hos a variety of positions I available on our I st ond 2nd shifts •PRODUCTION MACHINE OPERATORS •FORK LIFT OPERATOR •SET-UP OPIRATORS •INSPECTORS •MAINTENANCE HELP We offer JOB SECURITY GOOD WAGES ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES OUTSTANDING BENEFITS FRIENDLY PEOPLE CREDIT UNION STOCK PURCHASE PLAN EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM and more. STOP IN AND FILL OUT AN APPLICATION 815-385-7000 ijX BRAWI Puis CO*PAN» 1400 N. INDUSTRIAL DRIVE. MC HENRY. IL. 40050 An Equal Opportunity Employer M F 9 6 9 8 INTF HNAT TONAL _EMENT POSITIONS International Corporation needs aggressive Restaurant Trainees for New Development $10,400.00 PER YEAR FULLY PAID HEALTH INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE RAPID ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITY YOUNG AGGRESSIVE MANAGEMENT TEAM Responsible Male or Female Willing to Relocate High School Graduate Experience Required Contact Mr. Kalra 344 1520 or Mr. Furman 312 2983993 AN tQUAl OfPOWTUNITY tMPiOYH) Z. FACTORY HELP Rapidly growing printing firm needs men and women for bindery work. Openings on 1st and 2nd shift. Prior factory experience preferred. Excellent employee benefit program. Apply in person Graftek Press 6704 S. Pingree'Road Crystal Lake, III. BROWN & SHARPE SCREW MACHINE Set Up A Operate 1ST and 2ND Shift Experience Necessary PUNCH PRESS • SET UP & OPERATE 2ND Shift - Experience Necessary •Complete Benefit Program •Excellent Starting Wage •Excellent Working Conditions •Free Insurance •Paid Vacations AUIOIROL, CORPORATION 6200 Thro Oaks Road Crystal Laki, II. (Cornor of Virginia Reed and Thru* Oaks RaW) R.T.A. Steps Hera 815-459-3080 An equal opportunity employer M/F 9/1 MACHINIST Brake Parts Company is currently seeking a Tool Room Machinist. If you possess 2 or more years, general tool room experience and have operated equipment such a»: Mills, lathes, grinders, etc. you're the person we are looking for. Interested candidates may apply in person or con tact Personnel at: 815-385-7000 BRAKE PARTS COMPANY 1600 N Industrial Drive McHonry, Illinois Equal opportunity amployar M/F MANA6ER McHenry Indoor Theatre Must be nature and dapeiWaWa. 4 nigHti • #««•<- App+y in parson Evenings after 7:50 P.M. SALES Catholic Order of Foresters has openings for one or more agents to sell Life Insurance to over 4,000 policy holders. Experience not necessary. We will train. Salary Plan. Full benefit program Brokerage invited. Call collect or Irite: Robert Spofford 310 Park Ave. - Galena, II. 61036 815-777-1022 or 319-556-4567 8 25 •> 6 YOUR FUTURE IS OUR CONCERN Now taking applications for •ASSEMBLERS • USNT MACHINE OPERATORS On the |0b training available on numerous machine operations Excellent working conditions & extensive employee benefit package 4^ day work week with promotions from within plant. YOU'RE MORE IMPORTANT AT RAE APPLY PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 5801W. Route 120 McHenry, III. coopooATtoM 815 385 3500 An Eouol Opportunity Employa^A^ INSPECTORS Immediate openings for individuals for the inspection of machine parts to various visual and written specifications. Interested can didates may apply in person at BRAKE PARTS COMPANY 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHENRY, ILL. An equal opportunity employer M/F 9.6-9-8 NEED TRANSPORTATION? R.T.A. busses stop directly at our front door! Me Need ASSEMBLERS Ml Shifts light, Clean Assembly Of Small Parts Excellent starting rate, pleasant working conditions, free ce. Will consider College Students. Awtotrel, Inc. 6200 - 3 Oeks Rood Crystal Lake, Illinois An equal opportunity employer M/F insuran Y0UN6 MAN FULLTIME Apprentice to letm rebuilding of sttrters end generators. NORTHWEST AUTO ELECTRIC 1312 N. Riverside Dr. MeHeniy 9-6 NEW HOME SALE WANTED Aggressive Man or Woman to I handle sales on a new housing I project. Good commission &[ possible draw to the right per son. CALL. Mr. Labus 815-338-6650 FULL TIME RECEPTIONIST AND I GENERAL OFFICE WORK Mature person with accurate »ypmg skills and pleasant! telephone voice Some weekend work. Please call: M. BAKER 815-385-2720 Closed Mondays BURGER KING Help Wanted Full or Port Time Apply in person at Burger King Restaurant 4417 Route 120, West McHenry COOKS and WAITRESSES WANTED MIST tt OVER If VARIOUS HOURS APPLY IN PERSON TO PIZZA HUT 4301 W. Route 120 McHenry, III. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES Dey or Nrte Shift 815-459-1237 Crystal Lake Country Club LET'S BE HONEST If you weren't looking for a new career, you wouldn't be leading this ad. and if we weren't looking for someone to do a job. this ad wouldn t be here If you Want the opportunity to earn $300 to $500 a week, call toll free anytime for a recorded message 1-800-327-9696 Part Time or Full Time HORSE FARM needs ex perienced. clean honest, hardworker. No drinking or smoking. 815-678-4571. 9-6-9-8C \Y< )11 GET BACK TO WORK FOR THE FUN OF IT Find out how you con moke good money selling world famous Avon products in your own area Call Mrs. Bauer 385-5385 9 6 9 8 EXPERIENCED. ROOFERS, needed 815-344-1881 or 312-438- 5487 9-1-9-6 'GRANDMA' needed while Mom works midnights. Would consider living in Call after 12:00.815-385-8164 9-1-9-8C 9/6-9/I / MEN & v WOMEN K*|M*ru'nr«*«l in |>l<* t i it . Milk M-rwniiifj ami |>eiirrul fact»r\ nork. • PAID HOLIDAYS •VACATIONS • I.NSI RANCH V\L> HOSPITALIZATION • MONTHLY BOM SES 385-5454 Circuit lulling Technics 4415 HiPoint Kotiti V Mclfenrv 9 -1TF PERSON TO OPERATE fork lift in the field also farm tractor work at a sod farm 459-2921. 9- 6-9-8C BEAUTICIAN PART TIME Guaranteed Salary 385-8567 after 5 call 459-2536 9-6-9-8C PART TIME HELP To run Route 2-4 hr. day. 2 days week- afternoons $3.50 hr Call 815- 728-0670 9-6-9-8C Looking for Sitter in McHenry Shores or around Edgebrook school for a 7 year old boy For 24 hours in Mornings, some days Prefer mature woman. 815-385-7780. 9-6-9-8C FOR RENT. WATERFRONT, Deluxe one bedroom apart ment, carpeting, stove, refrigerator, adults, no pets 815-385-3493 8-30tfc W O N D E R L A K E LAKEFRONT. 2 bedroom, completely furnished, with big deck for beautiful view $250 month Rent week after Labor day til June Call Flo.Century 21. Choice Realty 653-2211 9-1- 9-6 FOR SAL£ IS YOUR MONTH RUNNING OUT OF $ Mothers if you can spare 3 to 4 hours away from home 2 to 3 times a week Queensway Fashions will help you earn $50 to $150 weekly. No in vestment, collecting or delivering Call today 815-385-8488 or 815-344-1249 REAL ESTATE SALES Associates now needed in one of McHenry s newest offices excellent commission splits, insurance program estob lished farm leads ond above all experienced management people who care Don t get lost in the shuffle of a large of fice, |oin an aggressive small company with big ideas Come to Realty USA For a confiden tial interview call 815-344- 1244 - ask for Mr. Parisi. SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS All Subject Areas Must have Illinois Certificate Johnsbwrg High School Call 385-9233 \ SALESPERSONS*! • Wanted for Real EstateJ I Office. Sel l ing in the| I greater Johnsburg," Pistakee Sunnyside| area I I • Schulien Realtors | 385-8821 | After 5 385-0631 9 6 " HELP WANTED SIDING APPLICATORS $38 PER SQUARE All Local Work 385-6889 9-1TF " TOY COUNSELORS WANTED I Ideal for housewives & mothers J I Playhouse Toy & Gift Company J | hos opening for demonstrators. J | Work now til December We • | tram you Must be 21 Details I | without obligation 1st floor office space on Rte 12 in Richmond. Reasonable rent, ideal for professional office or business office 815-678-4441 9- ltfc U N D E R N E W M A N A G E M E N T V F W . Clubhouse and Hall for rent, seating capacity for 400 Call {85-9860 9 to 12 weekdays or after 6pm 9-ltfc STORAGE SPACE all sizes, inside or out, monthly rental, The Keep Mini Warehouse, 815- 455-0095 9-ltfc RINGWOOD 3 BEDROOM house $340 00 month, plus security and utilities 312-272- 4941 9-ltfc WAREHOUSE of factory space from 5.000 to 15.000 ft 385-1079 9-ltfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS daily or weekly 815-385-0266 or 815-385-8905 9-ltfc ANTIQUE GAS PUMP 312-497- 3464 Pistakee Highlands. 9-6-9 8c For Sale 60" long oval type table, 47" wide, smokey glass top, 6 chairs, black leather. 815- 385-3337 9-6-9-15c 1976 - 17' 2 ft Play-Mor Travel Trailer, sleeps 6, self con tained, all accessories Call 815- 338-2260. 9-6-9-8C 34 SQ YDS. shag rug-pad $75.00 Excellent Condition 385-1987 9-6 Two Squares of White Aluminum siding, will take less amounts. 815-385-5246 9-6 SEARS 10 H P electric start garden tractor with lawn mower, snow blade, dump carl, winter cab and chains Fox River Grove area. 312-658-5989 9 698c Good quality horse hay delivered to your stable. $1.50 per bale. Call 608-924-4805 or 924-4803. 8-30-9-8C PAVING BRICKS, 100 years old, beautiful 50 cents each, free dlivery 815-495-9240 Evenings. 8-25-9-29c LARGE LUXURIOUS Duplex on water two bedrooms, double vanity bath, living room, dining area. Kitchen with breakfast area Washer, dryer and parage In town 4 block to shopping 815-385-3493 9-ltfc NORTHFOX CONDO quality rental, 2 bedroom, 112 bath redecorated, swimming pool, private location, all appliances, including dishwasher, washer and dryer, mature adults, no pets $320 per month 815-385- 3117 9-1-9-8C 7ROOM FARMHOUSE located near Hebron w-basement and garage $285 per month Other farm buildings available. Call 815-653-2061 9-6 IN MC HENRY, Condo, 2 bedroom, 2 baths, central air, carpeting, appliances, no pets. $360 month 815-338-7344 after 5:30 pm 9-6-9-Bc JOHNSBURG 2 bedrooms, lge kitchen, living room, 1 car garage Heat included No pets, preferably no children. Lease, 1 month deposit $350. 385-0866 9- 6-9-8C SLEEPING ROOMS for working people kitchen privelages $30 00 a week 385- 6633 9-6-9-8C LIVE IN BEAUTIFUL LAKE GENEVA Deluxe 1 & 2 bedroom apart ments, fully carpeted. 1 '/j ceramic baths color applian ces dishwasher air con ditioning laundry large storage area gas heat From $225.00. By lake several blocks from downtown GENEVA WKE APARTMENTS 1321 W Main Lake Geneva, Wis 414-248-4572 9,* Call Mary Lou Esmond 414-279-3419 j 8 30TF j McHENRY AREA Ne* bi level ranch, 4 carpeted bedrooms carpeted living and dining room carpeted rec room, 1^ baths, kitchen includes gas range and outside wood deck Utility room for washer and dryer 2 car garage hooded lot. water rights Available Sept 15th $450 per month References and security deposit required Call tor appointment after 6 pm weekdays or anytime on weekends 385-1798 WANTED SUR6ICAL ASSISTANT f*r Oral Surgery Office Experience preferred Full or Part Time Pleat* tend resume to: Crystal Lake Oral Svrqtry 111 Virginia St. Crystal Lake, II *0014 REAL ESTATE 154 ft Travel Trailer, electric gas refrigerator, gas stove and furnace, self contained, sleeps 4 Asking $1250 00 385-5324 8- 30-9-6 S W I M P O O L S - W a r e h o u s e inventory closeout Must sell brand new huge luxury above ground pools qpmplete with sun deck, filter, fencing and full installation Asking $639 Full financing avail Call Ronny toll free 800-942-8144 8-30-9-29C BOATS * MOTORS 16ft WOOD BOAT, 40 horse electric start, Evinrude All accessories, including trailer $500 Excellent condition 385 6665 9-6-9-8C For Sale, 1st, 2nd & 3rd cutting hay 815-344-0663 8 30-9-8c POOL TABLE 8 foot, like new $75 00 385-9055 9-1-9-6 PORTABLE COPPERTONE KITCHENAIDE dishwasher, with butcher block top 14 yrs old $250 00 385-8118 9-1-9-6 Lovely platinum mink stole for sale $150 00.815-338-4714 9-l-9-8c RAILROAD TIES like new $7.50 delivered, installation available 815-385-4182 9-ltfc Oak kitchen cabinetry, all sizes, in stock, 50 percent discount off list. 344-1180 9-ltfc New St used R.R Ties, bulk grass seed We deliver Woodstock Lawn & Farm Center. 815-338-4200 9-ltfc Like new 16x7 garage door complete with hardware. Call after 6 30pm 815-385-4010 9-ltfc TRAILER FOR small yard tractor Dump box with end gate Call 815-385-3490 9-l-9-8c C-B MOONRAKER 4 Antenna and rotar with control box, wire etc New condition $195 00 ($400.00 invested) Call 815-385- 3490 9-1-9-8C Reconditioned washers and dryers with guarantee Call after 6 pm 815 385-4556 9-6-9- 15c YAMAHA SNOWMOBILE and trailer 1975 $1,500 ; Elect-trac lawn mower w-snowblade, weights and chains $1,000 ; 1973 Worldbook encyclopedia, like new plus book rack $125. , Thomas organ model No 2001. $3,800 00 815 385 1955 9-6-9-8C DINING ROOM SET table with 6 chairs, china cabinet, buffet drawers 653-9314 9-6-9-8C 12 ft Custom made showcase with 4 ft. wrap counter $495 or offer. Call after 5 pm 815-385- 3728 9-6-9-8C RUSTIC CEDAR SHUTTERS 20 ft split rail fence .Whispering Oaks Call after 5 00 385 3639 9-6-9-8 1 ENGLISH SADDLE leather and suede . perfect condition. $150., 1 pr English riding boots, size 7, perfect condition. $20 00 344-1346 9-6-9-8C WANTED TO BCOIT WIDOWED EXECUTIVE WITH ADULT children desires 3 or more bedrm , house Year around lease Rent to $600. mo. 815 728 0955. 8-30-9-13 WANTED WANTED a ride to N I U. Monday thru Thursday Evenings One or all Evening classes from 6 00 to 8 45pm Call 815-385 4584 8 30 9-8c By owner, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, f o r m a l d i n i n g r o o o m , f u l l basement, with large two car garage, redwood deck, 14 years old $65,900 Call 815-344- 2879 9-ltfc VACANT; one plus acres zoned l i g h t i n d u s t r y A r t h u r T Mcintosh & Co 312-372 2040 ext. C 9-ltfc 1970 14 ft FIBERGLASS BOAT with trailer and engine $700 After 6 pm 385-5796 9-6-9 8c LOT FOR SALE-60X125 West side Wonder Lake Perk test Community<water Call 728-0860 after 6 f ' 9-6-9-8c -L A N T I Q U E S F U R N I T U R E , c h i na, glass, rugs What have vou Wondermere Antiques 815-653-7497 9-ltfc Oriental rugs wanted, we pay top dollar for your old Oriental rugs, call anytilme, 312 884-6444 9 ItCfc SITUATION WANTED Babysitting done in my Sun nyside Home. For more in formation call 815-344-2455 9-6- 9-8c