> Legal Notice 'tn, General provided by the Registration of f of Illinois. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE VOTERS OF McHENRYCOUNTY Only properly registered electors may vote at the November 7th, General Election, as Permanent Electors Law REGISTERED VOTERS who have MOVED FROM ONE PRECINCT TO ANOTHER within the County since last registered, or from one address to another within the precinct of their residence, MUST APPEAR before the County Clerk or a proper registration officer and sign an application for change of residence, stating the old and new address, on or before October 10, 1978. VOTERS who are REGISTERED IN ANOTHER COUNTY Pfd are new residents of McHenry County MUST REGISTER in McHenry County on or before October 10, 1978. REGISTERED VOTERS* who have not voted in any Primary or General Election for over a period of foyer years must reinstate./ their registration, in the office of the County Clerk on or before October 10, 1978 REGISTERED VOTERS who do not have pink registration cards, should contact the County Clerk's Office immediately. REGISTERED VOTERS who have CHANGED THEIR NAMES must RE-REGISTER Properly Registered Voters Do Not Have To Re-Register Any person residing in his election district thirty (30) days, on or before the date of the election, November 7, 1978, HEBRON Estelle Whinery, 9911 Main St., Hebron Lorena C. Hutchinson, 12212 Price Road, Hebron RICHMOND Mary| J. Schultz, 5721 Broadway St., Richmond BURTON - . Elaine Oxtoby, 8009 Blivin St., P.O. Box 65, Spring Grove McHENRY William G. Mohlman, 5412 W. Orchardwav Dr., McHenry William J Bolger, 906 Allen Ave., McHenry Melanie M. Frett, 2422 W. Aspen Dr., McHenry T P . M a t h e w s , T . P Mathews, Inc., 7314 Hancock Dr., Wonder Lake Mary Mathews, TP Mathews, Inc., 7314 Hancock Dr , Wonder Lake shall be permitted to register Any person who shall be eighteen years of age or over on or before the date of the elec tion shall be permitted to register, if otherwise qualified To constitute residence under this Act, a permanent abode and dwelling place within the precinct is necessary The County Clerk's office at Woodstock is open Mondav through Friday, from 8:30 A M to 5.00 P.M., and any elector can register at said office up to and including October 10, 1978 The following Deputy Registrars are qualified to register any elector not able to register in the County Clerk's office due to conflicting time schedules RILEY Harriet A. Tector. 436 Bar bara Ct , Marengo MARENGO Shirley M Johnson, MARENGO CITY HALL, 120 E Prairie. Marengo CHEMUNG Michele A Bannwolf, BANNWOLF AGENCY, 67 N Ayer St., Harvard P Michael Bannwolf, BANNWOLF AGENCY. 67 N Ayer St.. Harvard Dorothy Mathews, TOWN CLERK. 301 N Page. Harvard ALDEN Margaret A Rich, 16503 Rte 173, P O Box 37, Alden HARTLAND Mamie Tornow. 15820 Nelson Rd , Woodstock SENECA Daniel L Weisz, 15016 South St.. Woodstock CORAL Shirley C Gregory, 6601 Main St., Union GRAFTON Kmma E Ackman. 11212 Grove. Huntley Virginia C ferunschon. 11103 Grove. Huntley Mary I) Stroupe, 122 Woodstock St., Huntley James F Bishop, 1500 S Shore. Crystal Lake Sylvester B Beelart. 137 Crystal Bcach, Crvstal Lake DORR Robert E Gibson. 835 Clay St , Woodstock Howard S Miller, McHENR Y C Ol'NT Y COLLEGE. Rte 14 & Lucas Road. Crystal Lake GREENWOOD Helen M Asmus, „&U2 Thompson Road, Wonder Lake TP Mathews, TP MATHEWS, INC. 7314 Hancock Dr , Wonder Lake Mary Mathews, T P MATHEWS, INC , 7314 Han cock Dr , Wonder I^ake Daniel J. McNulty, 2004 N Woodlawn Pk., McHenry Patricia B. Dustnimer, DUSTY's PIZZA, 7613 Howe Road, Wonder Lake Lesley Anne Curran, Mc- CULLOM LAKE VILLAGE HALL, 4811 Orchard, McHenry Frank S. Hromec, 1611 N. Pleasant. McHenry Dolores Hanahan. 2012 Grandview, McHenry Carolyn B Jourdan. 4112 N Riverdale Dr., McHenry Daniel M. Johnson, 5406 N Lake, St., McHenry Louise M Novak, 5303 Lake, McHenry McHENRY CITY HALL, 1111 N Green St., McHenry NUNDA Mary Ellen Flanagan, 2220 Rte. 176, Crystal Lake CRYSTAL LAKE CITY HALL, 121 N Main St., Crystal I^ke Jeanne C. Dobbie, R E P U B L I C A N P A R T Y HEADQUARTERS. 56 N Williams St., Crystal Lake D o r o t h y M i l l e r . R E P U B L I C A N P A R T Y HEADQUARTERS, 56 N Williams St., Crystal Lake Phyllis A Bryan, 1514 Sunset Dr., McHenry William E. McCormick, 168 Peterson Pkwv, Crvstal Lake W Bill Hecht, 300 N. Oak St., P.O. Box 52. Crystal Lake Janice M Notz, 80* Laguna, P O Box 56. McHenry Catherine Krcmar, 300 Center Street, Rt 1, Box 237, Fox River Valley Gardens, Barrington Shirley E Campbell, 2608 W Baldwin Road. McHenry M c H E N R Y S H O R E S VILLAGE HALL. 3215 W Beach Dr., McHenry Bernard Narusis, 213 W Lakeshore Dr., Cary Joann Rezabek, 4404 East Drive, Crvstal Lake Edward J Hughes, 2713 S. Tower Dr.. McHerny Anita Sherwood, NUNDA TOWNSHIP OFFICE. 95 Grant St., Crystal Lake ALGONQUIN ALGONQUIN CITY HALL, 2 S Main St., Algonquin Lorens Tronet, 34 Maple St., Crystal Lake flichard R Eby, 40 Pomeroy, Crvstal I^ake CARY CITY HALL, 255 Stonegate Road, Cary Eleanor Skinner, 275 Meridian, Crystal Lake Robert F Schaefer, 9113 Gardner Rd., Fox River Grove George W (Bill) Hubbard, 14 E Paadock St., Crystal Lake Sandra Goulding, LAKE IN THE HILLS VILLAGE HALL. 1 Crystal Lake Road, Lake in the Hills William R Bowes, 200 N. Second St Carv Ruth A Roonev. 677 Sussex Ln . Crystal Lake Ruby Dubovik, 21 Clark Ave , I^jke in the Hills Bruce J Watson. 217 Plum. I,ake in the Hills Julia M Covert, 408 Lilac Ln , Cary Phyllis K Walters, 1463 Lowe Dr . Algonquin Forrest B Hare, 95 Oriole Trail. Crystal Lake Richard A Fuhler, 2314 Crystal Lake Ave , Cary Louise Scheldt, 207 Circle Road, Fox River Grove Mabel M Downey, 475 Pierson St., Crystal Lake Jeanne C. Dobbie, 246 Lin colnshire. Crystal Lake Dorothy Sechrest, 659 Elsinoor, Crystal l^ake Barbara A Pautz, 950 Sheffield, Crystal Lake Bonnie Q Barry, 32 Forest Ln . Carv i n Jtf\ J in 1 Vv Shirley Rochford. ESSEX- COSTELLO REAL ESTATE. 10 Northwest Highway, Cary Beverly J. Ebert, CENTURY 21 REALTY, 20 Northwest Hwv., Cary Margaret J. Jones. 4813 Saggers Blvd., Crystal Lake E. Carney Gilkerson, 592 Somerset Ln., Crystal Lake Lorraine E. Ingallino, D A R L I N G T O N C O U R T APARTMENTS OFFICE & M O D E L A P A R T M E N T , Crystal Lake You may also contact your P r e c i n c t C o m m i t t e e m a n , many of whom are also Precinct Deputy Registrars. If you have any questions about your voters registration, be sure to call this office at once. Phone (815) 338-2040. Unless you are properly registered, you will not be allowed to vote at the November 7, 1978, General Election. VERNON W KAYS County Clerk McHenry County, Illinois 'Pub. Sept. 6,1978) PAGE 17 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, SEPTKMBfctt«, isus What Just One Person Can Do I'VE GOTTA BE SICK COMMERCIALS, EVERY AMEBIC AM FROM AILMENTS 1 Senior Hot Line (Written under the auspices of Lieutenant Governor Dave O'Neal) Q What role, as mandated by tne state of Illinois, does the Department of Public Health play in relationship to the people of Illinois? A. It is mandated "to provide general supervision of the interest of the health and lives of the people of the state" in cluding senior citizens. There are many mandated roles such as the licensing of health facilities, reporting to Social Security for certification of health facilities, enforcement of sanitary practices, and ef forts to control certain chronic diseases Q What services are provided by the Department of Public Health that affect senior citizens? A There are many services in the Department which affect senior citizens One service of primary concern is the licen sing, surveillance, or other similar activities in the operation of health facilities. These facilities include hospitals, nursing homes, private laboratories and blood banks, and home health agencies The department is the appointed representative of the Social Security ad ministration for the cer tification of institutions and agencies providing service »o senior citizens and receiving funds under the Medicare and Medicaid portion of that act. Of interest to senior citizens, the expanding chronic disease program within the Depart ment includes programs in hypertension, cervical cancer, end stage renal disease, and diabetes The Chronic Disease section is working with state and local health agencies, both official and voluntary, to determine the needs of patients, inventory of resources of care and educational needs of patients, public and health professionals. Assistance tfo non- institutionalized persons, and prevention, early detection. referral to medical care, assistance and understanding and the need for continued care and restorative services are important. Another service is con sultation. financial assistance and in-service education to local health departments who provide many services to senior citizens living within their jurisdiction. Other ac tivities which affect senior citizens non-preferentially are communicable disease control, emergency medical service, dental health and sanitary surveillance Q Does the Department of Public Health have a person or persons directly responsible for services or problems relating to senior citizens0 A The Department of Public Health does not have one person directly responsible for services or problems relating to senior citizens It has per sonnel in all of the services mentioned who are responsible for such activities Write or call us at Lieutenant Governor Dave O'Neal's Senior action centers at 160 North LaSalle street, Chicago. Illinois 60601, or 3 West Old Town mall, Springfield, Illinois 62701 with questions or concerns about any government agency or programs This column will be covering the many questions senior citizens may have on various subjects Call Statewide Toll Free 800- 252-6565 Metropolitan Chicago 783-3333 312- MARVIN VANN, ASTRONOMER When astronomer Marvin Vann went to Ozxaca, Mexico, for the 1970 solar eclipse, he showed some Zapotec Indians the rings of Saturn through his telescope One fragile old woman grasped his hand in her gnarled fingers and kissed it in gratitude "Never have I been thanked so much for so little," said Mr Vann "I vowed to repay this debt and deserve her thanks " Ever since, Mr Vann has been sharing his love of astronomy with the Indians of Mexico, and businessmen, retirees, housewives and students have joined him on his trips I wanted to combine science with increased understanding between people," said the astronomer, who manages the observatory and planetarium at Foothill college in Los Altos Hills. California He has led twenty expeditions to primitive Indian villages south of the border There, he and the In dians work together and ex plore ancient Mayan ruins and the wonders of the heavens Marvin Vann and his ex pedition groups reach their destination in a single-engine plane that lands on a cleared strip in the jungle near a I^acandon Indian village. Over the past eight years they have built a half-million-dollar ob servatory and planetarium with donated telescopes and parts brought form the United States Today Zapotec Indians trudge barefoot for miles, often c a r r y i n g b a b i e s a n d s m a l l children, to see it S h a r i n g G o d - g i v e n knowledge with others is always an act of love As Marvin Vann has brought the universe to primitive Indian villages, so each of us can share our vision and our skills with others PUNCH LINE. mzwn SPORTING GOODS Sale ends Saturday, Sept. 9th *130 to *150 off. A pocket full of savings. Save *130 Wards Statesman 8' slate pool table. %-in-thick Italian slate bed covered by 100% acry lic/nylon billiard cloth. Regularly 529.99 Arccssorie* extra Save *150 Crusader--our best 8' pool table. 7/s-in thick Italian slate bed covered by 75% wool/25 nylon billard cloth. 549s8 Regularly 699.99 Power-building heavy tension hand grips. Nickel-plated coils, contour handles. Use at home or work 3" pair Weight* entra Save •40 Exercise on our sturdy steel weight bench. 6997 Regularly 109.97 Versatile exercise bench features adjustable squat rack, arm curl, leg- lift and weight pulley attachments 500-lb. weight capacity. Save *80 Wards 8-ft Centurion slate pool table. Durable wool/nylon bil- M ^ OQ Hard cloth covers %-in- I thick Italian slate bed. I B J Regularly 499.99 Save *30 Wards 7-ft. Spartan home pool table. Four 2-way levelers adjust high-density composi tion bed for true roll. 219*. Regularly 249.99 Save «10 Lift away our sturdy 110-lb barbell set. 8 interlocking, discs, 2 dumb- bell bars and I \M~ 4 Reg. 29.99 instructions. Wards exercise bench helps you keep fit. Foam padding, vinyl covering T L i g h t w e i g h t | ^ 7 aluminum frame Save 50 % Assorted pool clues, peg. 2.49 to 10.99 Choose 1- and 2 - p c r a m i n - L o w a* w o o d c u e s i n - m c k a 38"-57" sizes. I 15% off. of all Ward s warm-up suits in stock Sporting,&ood« Dept Save *1 Polyester and cotton [gym/soccer shorts. A c t i o n v e n t e d l e g s w i t h c o n | t r a s t p i p i n g - | Q Q on side seams In Sporting Good* Dept * Keg. 2.99 V Work out at home on our weight bench. Steel bench has an ad justable back, leg lift and swing-away arms. Regularly 114.99 Save 22 % Soft, long-wearing crewneck sweatshirt. Keg 4.99 95% cotton/5* acrylic Long raglan sleeves 4.99 sweat pants .. . 3.88 DON'T FORGET TO BRING YOUR CHARG-ALL CARD FOR CONVENIENT SHOPPING AT WARDS /YAONH.O/IAERY What's in it for you? Value. STORE HOURS: | «- | 105 Northwest Highway Mon. thru Fri. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Route 14 Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. t i iysiai LaKc Phone 815-459-3120 Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. -i^_i 1 • M FREE PARKING