COmpfire Girls Open Season One of the mosj, rewarding programs for young girls, Campfire Girls, opens for the fall season this month and two of the most enthusiastic youngsters taking part will be Andra Michaels, third grade, and Maria Finch, second grade, both members of the Bluebirds. The program is open to girls from nr»t through eighth grades who are interested in hiking, arts and crafts, sports games and just having fun. Registration will be held Thursday, Sept. 7, at 7:30 p.m. at Landmark school, 3614 W. Waukegan street, McKenry. Projects will be displayed for viewing. Anyone with further questions should contact the area Campfire chairman, Mrs. Gene (Joyce) Michaels. Here's Health WHY TAKE A CHANCE "My defenses are down You've got me where you want me and leant escape no how!" Rogers' and Hammerstein's tune from the Broadway musical "Annie Get Your Gun" could be the theme song for thousands of children this year if they are not protected by immunizations The kids can't escape because they constantly come into contact with viruses that cause the Big 7 - rubella, measles, diphtheria, polio, mumps, tetanus and pertussis. Vaccines to prevent the Big 7 diseases have been so effective that many people think these diseases have disappeared - they are still around, and so are their after effects. Folio is a virus that attacks the grey matter in the spinal cord, causing paralysis of various muscle groups - sometimes the muscles that control the lungs are affected, making the polio victim a life long resident in an iron lung Folio can be prevented by four doses of Sabin solution Mumps is a virus that attacks the glands, usually the salivary glands. causing painful swelling It can also attack other glands, and may cause sterility A vaccine can prevent the disease Pertussis causes whooping cough and can weaken its victim, leaving him subject to additional infections Vaccine is available for its prevention Diphtheria is a serious toxic disease causing inflammation of the throat - all children can be immunized against its deadly attack Measles is a highly con tagious disease Its victims contract a high fever, break out in a rash and get better by and by Huf they may be left with deam«-ss, or blindness or other complications Vaccine is the only prevention against the virus Rubella, a mild form of measles, doesn't cause its victims too much discomfort, but it can deform an unborn baby, however, if its mother NOTES,COMMENTS Most secretaries earn their pay. * * * * Advertising is good sales' insurance. * * * * Most men think well of themselves. * * • * Sunshine friends can rarely stand the heat. * * * * A compliment a day keeps the quarrels away. * * * * Not all the "big lies" come from Russia, happens to catch the virus. Measles is preventable by vaccine Tetanus is an acute disease induced by toxin that causes lockjaw - it can be prevented by immunizations given in early childhood and every eight to ten years with occasional boosters in case of puncture wounds or injuries A child can be protected against all these crippling diseases starting from the age of two months Safeguard your child Make sure he is immunized properly Contact your family doctor or bring your child to one of the immunization clinics offered by the McHenry County Health department An immunization clinic will be offered every last Wednesday of the month, from 8:30-11 a m., in Room 102 of the McHenry county courthouse, 2200 N Seminary avenue <Rt 47 north), Woodstock BIBLE VERSE "A good name is rath er to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver or gold. 1. Where is this verse found in the Bible?. 2. Who is the author? 3. Who was his mother? 4. In what language was it written? Answers To Bible Verse 1. Proverbs 22:1. 2. Solomon. 3. Bathsheba. 4. Hebrew. College Bound? Even though you'll be away at school, we can bring you a little closer to home. We'll keep you up to date on all the local news, what's happening around home, what your classmates are doing...all things that are of special interest just to you I Plan now to take us along with you...wherever you go. Get your subscription to the McHenry Plaindealer soon! STUDENT SUBSCRIPTION RATE 9 Month Subscription... Sept. thru May... W SCENIC . South Dakota's Black Hills highways amble through sweeping vistas and beautiful scenery. Many, sack as Iron Mountain Road, were specifically engineered to enhance the scenery rnther than provide fast travel. I>> JOSEPH COOLS staff psychologist news from the Family Service and Mental He»"»h Clinic of McHenry County Church Attendance Grows My Treat Overheard at the ladies lounge in a resort hotel where there's a pay turnstile between the lounge and the lavatory: "I'll get this, Liz, you bought lunch so this will be my treat. " (Editor's note: This is another in a series of especially written articles for McHenry County readers. Joseph Cools iS a psychologist on the Family Service and Community Mental Health staff. This article is "Coping--The First Day of School") Every parent of older children can remember the day when their child of 5 or 6 years left on the school bus for the first day of kindergarten. Some parents are fairly open about their anxiety and will walk the child to the door of the bus on the first day. Others will drive the child to school, even though the bus is available. Others will hide behind the curtains and watch the child get on the bus. Some parents make a big production of the first day, taking pictures, dressing them in their best clothes, and sending a lunch big enough to feed the entire class. Others will feign indifference in an attempt to calm the child All of these parents, however, have the same thing in mind; the bus is so big and the child is so small; the class is going to be a new, frightening ex perience; my child will get lost. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ON SALE ITEMS COMPARE OUR EVERYDAY LOW POP PRICES WITH OTHERS! or cry all day long, or refuse to go to school, or get sick, or won't learn anything. While the first day of school is undoubtedly a new and sometimes scary experience for the child, children adapt readily and with very little trauma to this new en vironment The school staff are experienced professionals who know exactly how to handle the child in his-her beginning education It is the parents who suffer the most anxiety and fears and sometimes transmit their concerns to an otherwise calm child Parents should make an effort to explain to the child what to expect from school; but to make a big production out of leaving on the first day is a mistake Children are very perceptive and will pick up the parents' anxiety This can make the child fear the new situation more than is realistic. It is best to send the child to the bus alone if possible, or with an older child Then the parent can watch from behind the drapes and just one picture couldn't hurt. . Next: Sleep Disturbance The Alliance church, 38i« Bull Valley road, McHenry. had a very large attendance at the recent showing of the film. "Pligrim's Progress". The film called for decisions to be made by the viewers, and the pastor, the Rev Gerald Robertson, gave invitations" to come to Jesus Christ as Savior or to commit yourself anew in obedience to him." The church attendance has been increasing in recent months as visitors come to hear the Word of God preached. Four new members were received into membership Sunday. Aug 27 Sunday, Sept 3, will be Communion Sunday Pastor Robertson's leading in this service is considered by his congregation to be always a blessing. He often changes the order of service to keep the meaning clear and concise He* recently concluded a message on "Submission", in which he told of developing the proper attitude toward sub mission First, he said, the relationship is to God, not man Second, he said people should be rejoicing in obedience to God, not in personal cir cumstances. Thirdly, the reward, in the obedience is the consequence of one's actions, not the goal of these actions Fourth, one's response in this is a matter of love, not'of law Fifth, a personal role is PAGE 7 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER S. 1978 Glorified not self gratified. In<f the development of this. practical, not legislative, in spiritual attitude the Christian that there is one master, one in works toward humility and authority. Finally, Christ is submission * ' Buck Rogers Around the turn of the century. Horace Greeley used to advise young bucks to "head west" for fame and fortune, and this was good advice for sportsmen as well as i t was for entrepeneurs. Today, this journalist sage would probably advise those same adven turers to veer a mite to the south. All that "elbow room" in our western states is wearing a l i t t le thin, so now many of our traveling sportsmen are exploring new hori zons in Central and South America Especially for the f ishermen, this is an untapped new frontier Today, Panama offers the best sal twater f ishing available in the world and there are only a handful of facil i t ies there Costa Rica is the headwaters for inshore snook and tarpon fish ing. and the fishing camps there are doing a brisk business. The Pacific coast of Colombia and Ecuador has all of the natural at tr ibutes for even better sal twater f ishing and I pre dict that this area will some day be rivaling such big game hotspots as Baja California, Hawaii , and even Australia Bass f ishermen are already aware of the fact that the best angling of this type l ies south of our borders. Mexican bass lakes l ike Guerrero have been the hottest producers in this hemisphere for the past several years, and the opening of waters l ike Cuba's T reasure Lake is going to do even more for this prediction of mine. The peacock bass, which is a better gamefish than our largo- >• mouth, is now coming into i ts own as a sought after species, and the , Amazon habitat i t occupies is as large as the emire United States. Today the best trout f ishing is , , found in the southern lat i tudes, too. The stronghold for the fly-tying set used to be in Canada and our. Rocky Mountain states, but the* quali ty of f ishing here now can' t* compare with that of the Andes lake region of Chile and Argentina ' . » Here, trout are measured in kilosf* . not inches, and there are plenty of them to go around , f But. the greatest f ishing potential in this hemisphere probably l ies ' with species of f ish which Some of us are st i l l unfamiliar with ' The i dorado, for instance, comes m WKV; pound packages and could be the^, best gamefish in the world High" jumping payara and picuda rival any of the gamefish in North Amen- * ' ica. and these are only a few of th« gamesters found in South American • waters. f ishing facil i t ies are few and far between in this part of the worldj and the best source of information that I know of is obtainable from a U S airl ine that services this area Horace Greeley and the Braniff travel experts would probably bot& agree with me that the best and most excit ing fishing frontiers l ie in our southern lat i tudes. So. south I repeat . "Young man. fly The McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, DEILIIQIIORS MERCHANTS OF FINE WINESAND LIQUG 4 QUARTS NEHI FLAVORS AND MIXERS^ A 99' PLUS DEP. RC COLA DIET RITE COLA 4 QUARTS PLUS DEP. COKE, TAB SPRITE * FRESCA OOt PLUS DEP. 4 QUARTS 4610 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY, ILL SALE GOOD WED., SEPT. 6 thru TUES. SEPT. 12 POPOV VODKA SALE BEER NOT ICED NO SALES TO MINORS LIQUORS OPEN FRI. & SAT. till 11 PM SUNDAY till 9 PM M0N. thru THURS. till 10 PM 1.75 LITERS RON RICO RUM 1.75 LITERS ORANGE CRUSH 18-16 0Z. 'BTTLS. PLUS DEP. LEMON-LIME ***%> BUBBLE-UP 99 PLUS DEP. 8-16 0Z. BTTLS. PEPSI DIET PEPSI PEPSI LIGHT 8-16 0Z. BTTLS. £31 b fi RONRjco 1 w •j JACOUES BONET BRANDY 1.75 LITERS PLUS DEP. ALL OTHER 8 PACK SODAS 33 PLUS DEP. WALKERS 10 HIGH BOURBON 1.75 LITERS "•AIOH1 IMPORTED BALLANTINE'S SCOTCH WHISKY q Pi 99 1.75 LITERS HENNESSY BRAS ARME' COGNAC FULL HALF GALLON COLONY WINES-THE TASTE AMERICA'S COMING HOME TO ITALIAN SWISS HCOLONYH Rhineskeller Moselle Vin Rose Burgundy Chablis Rhine Wine WINE 3 LITER BOTTLE 12-12 0Z CANS 6-12 OZ CANS 24-12 OZ BTTLS. 6-12 0Z. CANS PLUS DEP.