Johnsburg High The Opening Of School Johnsburg school superintendent. Dr. Dunne Andreas, left, and principal Bill Hayes, right, welcome senior Barb Ansell to classes Monday, marking the first day of school at the new high school. Barb was the first student off the the first bus. High school students at Johnsburg receive orientation in typing classes Monday during the.first day of classes in the new building. Jazz Band Concert Sept. 16 Police Tickets The city of McHenry police department has issued the following tickets. David C. Novak, Grayslake, speeding, 51 mph in a 30 zone. Vale R. Moll, 3211 Skyway drive, leaving the scene of an accident. Willevaldo L. Rosas, Woodstock, leaving the scene of an accident and no valid driver's license. Frank L. Leary III, Lake Zurich, speeding, 48 mph in a 35 zone. Kevin C. Richardson, Mundelien, speeding, 55 mph in a 35 zone. Kent L. Krueger, 801 Oak Grove road, speeding, 45 mph in a 30 zone. John R White Sr., 8118 Ramble, Wonder Lake, speeding, 43 mph in a 30 zone. David D. Adams, 3706 Clover, no valid safety test. Patrick T. Conway, Round Lake, overweight on rear axle. Guy L. White, 3710 Millstream, speeding, 46 mph in a 25 zone Susan J Weisenberger, Spring Grove, speeding. 44 mph in a 25 zone Kathy L Hamlin road, in a 25 zone. Nadine M Kama street, in a 25 zone Paul M Saunders, 4014 speeding, 38 mph Abel, 3004 W. speeding, 39 mph Monohan, 4501 Ramble road, speeding, 47 mph in a 25 zone. Tamara L. Krug, 1701 W. Knoll avenue, speeding, 39 mph in a 25 zone. Chuck J. Vrasich, 1805 Oakleaf drive, speeding, 43 mph in a 25 zone Ricky L Andrews, 7208 Seminole, Wonder Lake, speeding, 56 mph in a 30 zone. Steven A. Smola, 3011 Michael road, Wonder Lake, speeding, 47 mph in a 30 zone. Christine R Leyau, Ingleside, speeding. 43 mph in a 30 zone Richard K Leisten, 3304 W Fairway drive,> speeding, 40 mph in a 25 zone. Kristine T. Spencer, 5308 Woodrow avenue, speeding, 40 mph in a 25 zone. Randall J. Wick, 1015 Hilltop boulevard, speeding, 49 mph in a 35 zone. David J Lundgren, 5213 Shore drive, speeding. 50 mph in a 35 zone. • Peggy J. Sclk, Naperville, speeding, 53"mph in a 35 zone Gregory T Martello, 3601 Richmond road, speeding, 48 mph in a 35 zone and improper qse of registration Darkin J. Jaburek, 5406 W. Euclid avenue, speeding, 61 mph in a 35 zone Elizabeth R. Johnstone. 8010 Ashwood, Wonder Lake, speeding, 50 mph in a 35 zone Mary M Schuh, 910 S Lily Lake road, speeding, 54 mph in a 40 zone J D Oldham, 2703 Kashmiri, driving while intoxicated, disobeying a stop sign (twice) and improper lane usage. Micahel S. Fogel, Arlington Heights, disobeyed a traffic control device. Roger J. Miedona, Buffalo Grove, speeding, 49 mph in a 30 zone. Jane A Sweet, 1816 Davis avenue, speeding, 40 mph in 4 25 zone. Marvin E. Auhrens, Crystal Lake, speeding, 52 mph in a 30 zone. Bryce C. Klontz, 501 N. River road, speeding, 41 mph in a 25 zone. Robert A Amatangelo, Woodstock, speeding, 40 mph in a 25 zone Chris A Hume, Algonquin, speeding. 44 mph in a 30 zone Linda G Keyfauver, 3914 N Hamlin, speeding. 45 mph in a 30 zone Christine A Wells, Chicago, speeding43 mph in a 30 zone Kenneth B Mitchell, Cary, speeding. 46 mph in a 30 zone Brenda v M Joyce, Schaumburg. speeding, 46 mph in a 30 zone Daune W Overton, Rich mond, improper lane usage Joyce A Harrison. 806 Harrison lane, speeding. 44 mph in a 30 zone Township Supervisors May Hold County Post Governor James R. Thornp son has approved legislation to allow township supervisors also to be county board members, along with a companion bill to guard against possible conflicts of interest for a person holding both positions Thompson expanded the anti- conflict provisions in an amendatory veto Thompson said he approved the legislation because he Alice M Woertendyke, Algonquin, speeding, 47 mph in & 30 zone * Beverly J Erickson, Car- pentersville, speeding. 44 mph in a 30 zone Thomas S Kraus, 3480 W Weingart road, speeding, 46 mph in a 30 zone Randall D Glosson, 5402 W Route 120. speeding, 55 mph in a 35 zone Harold E Brunow, 1403 Beach avenue, speeding. 52 mph in a 35 zone believes there is no reason to prevent township supervisors from county board service when other township officials may serve in both capacities. "I see no reason township supervisors should be treated differently," he said House Bill 2800 allows the dual tenure, while House Bill 2801 offers protection from conflicts of interest by prohibiting a dual officeholder from voting at both the town ship and county level on spending questions involving both their units Thompson attached an amendatory veto to House Bill 2801 to expand the safeguard against conflicts to include a ban for dual office holders on voting upon substantive agreements between the two county units, as well as fiscal matters Carter: special interest pressures inflation culprit. The Samuel Dent Memorial Jazz band will appear Satur day. Sept 16, at 8 p.m. at the Woodstock Opera house Sponsored by the Woodstock Fine Arts association, this will be the third appearance of this popular group in Woodstock The seven-member band will perform one 90-minute concert of blues and dixieland Jazz. Named after a runaway slave who served in the Union army i A and then lived in the Lake Forest area, the band members are all business men living in and around Lake Forest They have been playing together since the early 1960's. Describing themselves as a "traditional good time jazz band" they have taken their dixieland music throughout the midwestern United States, to Bermuda yearly and to central Europe They recently returned from their summer tour of the Scandinavian countries, where they played at the mid-summer festival in Sweden; the Kongsberg Jazz festival dance in Norway, and at Louie's Jazz club in Den mark Reservations may be made by calling the Opera youse ticket office at 815-338-5300, or tickets may be purchased at the door LENNOX c HEATING SYSTEMS vMnAe/iwitc/i 'Dollar Saving 'Efficient •Electric Ignition •Quiet •GAS *OIL "ELECTRIC feint *W<wn*tefi HEATING AND COOLING SINCE 1931 3511 S. Wright Rd (815)459-2300 McHENRY ILL. (312)526-6286 FINANCING AVAILABLE A Certified asm Dealer I Set Church Balloon Launching | The Alliance church, 3815 Bull Valley road, McHenry, is "up in the air again". In 1975. shortly after moving into the new building, the Alliance Sunday school began its fall contest with a "balloon" launching The resulting excitement and enthusiasm resulted in repeated inquiries as to when it would be done again So, on S u n d a y . S e p t 2 4 , a t 9 : 4 5 a m , the Sunday school will again begin a ten-week contest with a new "balloon" launch There is a great deal of preparation and detail to work out, but it is a joy to see the entire Sunday school, (the adults are as excited as the children), move out to the church grounds The pastor gives a 3-minute inspirational talk, starts the count-down, and the group picks up the count At zero, everyone lets his balloons go at once The helium filled balloons have been known to go as far as several hundred miles The last winning balloon was returned from a farmer's field, 65 miles north of Milwaukee, near Kiel, Wis A large map is kept in the Sunday school and the location is marked each time a post card, attached to the balloons, is returned, showing the place it was found The contest runs from Sept 24 to Nov 25. The postcards must be received by Dec 1 A free gift is sent to each person returning a card and they also have a chance to win a fine Bible During the contest the pupils in the Sunday school will be bringing new prospects to Sunday school, adding up points that can lead to winning prizes being offered The best reward, of course, is that everyone is studying the Bible and learning about the Lord Jesus Christ Talent is a gift which God has given us secretly, and which we reveal without perceiving it. -C.L. De Montesquieu. Ask me about life Insurance fbrHighlncome People It can provide immediate funds your family will need for their way of living if you die-or long-range retirement benefits if you live Call me for details Dennis Conway 3319 W. Elm St. McHenry 385-7111 State Farm Li fe Insurance Company Home Office Bloominqton I l l inois TWO WEEK SALE OF Custom Drapes & Valances Sept. 16 thru Sept. 30 Free Measuring Service £r daifizt do. 1253 N. Green St. McHenry 385-7531 U S P O I T A L S I R V I C E STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION (Required b\ iV Li S C 1 8 cubic inch engine 10" guide bar and chain Automatic and manual oiling Wraparound Chain Brake/Hand Guard safety feature Many other pro features ACE II1IIIULI M WWffirwHwi WAS *89.95 NOW ONLY $74 9 5 __ McCULLOCH WITH CHAIN BRAKE ACE HARDWARE 3729 N. ELM ST. MCHENRY 385-0722 Caiwtywan $ "CVoihesOuV Room To make room for new stock, our new SALE room will be featuring items at unbelievable prices... UP TO 75% OFF! NEW ARRIVALS EVERY MONTH Another Service Of... The Toddler Shop AND Candyman's Closet 3430 W. Elm SL McHenry, Illinois (815)385-0746 1 T I T L E O F P U B L I C A T I O N , 2 D A T E O F F I L I N G McHenry Plaindealer _[ 9-12-78 3 F RtQUlNC y OF issue Wednesday & Friday 4 L O C A T I O N O F K N O W N O F F I C E O F P U B L I C A T I O N ( S t r e e t C i t y 3812 W. Elm Street, McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois 60050 B L O C A T I O N O F T H E H I A O Q U A R T I N S O R G E N E R A L B U S I N E S S O F F I C E S O F T H E P M B L I S H E R S ( \ o t p r i n t e r $ ) 3812 W. Elm Street, McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois 60050 A M O O F I S S U E S P U B L I S H E D B A N N U A L S U B S C R I P T I O N A N N U A L L Y P R I C E 104 J $12.00 t y S t a t e a n d / I f C o d u i i N o t p r i n t e r s / t NAME > AM) OOVPI E T E A D Dfc E SSE S OF PU B L ISM E R EOlTOF P U B L I S H E R ( f r a m e a n d A d d r e s s Larry E. Lund, McHenry, Illinois 60050 E D I T O R ( S a m e a n d A d d r e s s / Adele Froehlich, McHenry, Illinois 60050 M A N A G I N G E D I T O R ( f r a m e a n d A d d r e * * ) VNO MANAGING EDITOR 7 OWNE R 11 ( owned hy u, or h f / l d r r t n m g o r h o l d i n g I , i u u n e r t m u s t b e g i v e n I f -n j b e g u - e n , l u m i ' t a n d a d d r » $ * , & o f t h r m d i t t d u u e l l a s t h a t o f • ach i n d u i d u u l m u McHenry Publishing Company B. F. Shaw Printing Company 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, IL 60050 113 Peoria Ave., Dixon, IL 61021 8 KNOWN BONDHOLDERS MORTGAGEES A N D O T M I R S £ C l' R • T v HO L D E RS N . N >, u R TOTAL AVduNT Of BONDS MORTGAGES OR OTHER SE C u R I • 1 E S < I' th* None PE RCE NT QR MORE OF A D O N E S S 9 FOR COMPLETION B> NUNt'ROf T ORGANIZATIONS AUTHORIZED TO MAit AT SPE C A L «A'[: ( 1 H A V E N O T C H A N G E D D U R I N G [ " " 1 H A V E CM A N G E 1 1 P R E C E O I N G 1 2 M O N T M F C 1 I P R E C E D I N G 1 2 D D U R I N G I I I 1 h a n g t , J i > " b h $ h , M O N T H S u I t h t h i s S t a t e m e n t , • 1 ,6'MW . » I > l „ ' i i t i i ' ' . / . h u n i t e K) 6KTENT AND NATURE OF CIRCULATION ,-- A TOTAL NO COPIES PRINTED l \ r t / TM H u n , | AVERAGE NO COP'ES EACH AC | ISSUE DURING PRE CE D'NG S 12 MONTHS 6858 : T u A L N O COPiESO' SINGLE SoE PUBLISHED Nf AHtST T O r L I N O DAT f 7100 % PAIO CIRCULATION 1. SALlI THROUGH OIALIRI ANO CARRIERS STREET 20 33 2192 % PAIO CIRCULATION 1. 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