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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Sep 1978, p. 24

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'•o * .t • I U i > L - fAUt b - ^LAlMiLALhh - r I V l U / t I • a t ^ i a ^ . u u i . n u i o McHenry Highlights FACTS FROM McHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DICK It XBHITT Don't throw the baby out with the bath water " An old admoniton. ce-tainly. but oh. so true Over Uje past several years. '.McHenry high school has been moving in a more traditional direction Closed campus, required study halls, homerooms, more history being taught chronologically again, stringent graduation- requirements are all evidence of this Rut during the eight years McHenry hi,gh school spent under the more liberal flex mod system, faculty members learned a number of teaching strategies that worked which did not exist in the older, more traditional system These are the things that are being kept as the pendulum swings to more traditional ways Bill Day and Dick Rabbitt. two social studies teachers at West campus, have pooled their expertise to create an in dividual i zed program in American History and Government They have put together what they have learned in eight years of flex mod with knowledge gained of a working program at Lake Park high school in Medinah The result is a history program that operates with large ,,-oup<. class size groups, and minars. within a traditional me structure Team teaching is an integral part of the BU I D W \\ How is this course different from other history courses you've taught in the past" Rabbitt Along wi(h their regular textbooks, students have packets which outline precisely what objectives the students have to fulfill, as well as what activities fulfill them Day this course includes requirements, options, and opportunities for independent study The kids won't have any real options though, until they understand the system, which will be about Christmas This isn't a "sink or swim" kind of thing Q Could you give some examples of the kind of things you expect the students to know ° Rabbitt: Oh. in this first unit, we'd expect them to know why the early colonists came to the new world, why they settled where they did. why the Declaration of Independence was written'.' (•i What kind of answers are you getting"' Day To the question on why colonists came to the new world, the kids will say to start a new government or to get awav from the King We find it interesting that a lot of them have a hard time w ith the idea of government by the consent of the governed I suppose, though, that considering how many people don't vote these days I shouldn't be surpri>'s Q I take it that when you say the course is individualized, you don't mean the kids are working all on their own" Day: No. they aren't. There's a lot of guidance in this program, but the kids do have direct access to the library from the classroom, and that is useful Q: What benefits do you see from teaching the course in this way0 Rabbitt: It puts the emphasis on reading and writing, not listening to the teacher Their writing^ isn't just answers to questions, either, everything is in paragraph form Q Is the course the kind of thing you would have done under flex mod" Day: Yes and no The scheduling is similar, but we have a lot more control over what the kids do with their time Q: Do you foresee problems" Rabbitt Time, trying to get everything done that needs doing That, and what to do with the really slow kids «0 Do the kids like it" Rabbitt Yes. 1 think so. though its still early Kverything they need to do is spelled out grading, assign merits, everything Bill and I are really enthused It's a challenge, and it's something Bill, Bob Putnam, and I have developed ourselves Ringwood News 385 8037 653-9262 728-0343 LANDMARK...An old 136- foot lighthouse, abandoned, but in good condition, provides an observation platform for visitors to Hunting State Park It provides a view of beaches and scores ot islands that make up the Beaufort. South Carolina. Sea Island Coun­ try Four Generations Get Together For Special Party This w as that magic year for Mom. grandma and great grandma Mabel Thomas: so her family gathered for a surprise birthday party for her on Aug :?1 Those joining the surprise were daughter Marge. Sherry and Gordon Fernstrom. Donnie. Sis and little Donnie Fernstrom Chuckie and Linda Fernstrom Bob, Sue, Ray, and Tom Low all of McHenry; Sue. John. Donna. Fddie and Marcy Madey of Genoa; daughter Doris and W alt Low ; and Patti. Lee, and Scott Miller of Ringwood Ice cream and cake were served and all enjoyed the surpise LOTS OFCAKF AND ICKCRKAM The occasion for lots of cake and ice cream was Curly Skidmore's birthday on Sept 8. Visitors at the Skidmore home last Friday afternoon helping Curly celebrate her birthday were Herman Fhlert. Klsie Pacev .Gustie Rasch. and Sweetie & Vera Frank all of Wilmot. Wis Also present were Mildred Senkerik of Sunnyside Fstates. and Julia and Joe Freund of McHenry Birthday cake and ice cream were served, and lots of visiting was done during the afternoon In the evening Curly and John went to McHenry to visit their daughter Jackie Creuts and had dinner w ith Ron Creuts and the bovs It was a double occasion, since their youngest son Billy was born on Grand ma's birthday They had a delicious dinner Later in the evening Dolly. Tim. and Ernie Malsch came down for ice cream and cake To top off Billy's birthday. Grandma and Grandpa Creutz called from Florida to wish him and Curly a happy birthday \\ ALDINGTONS ENTERTAIN •500" CLUB The Paul Walkingtons en­ tertained their "500" card club at dinner last Saturday evening Twas a cookout topped off with homemade ice cream Those attending were Mr and Mrs Dan Rawson of Harvard. Mr and Mrs. Walt Wilcox of Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. Ixiu Winn of Rich­ mond They did play cards after dinner and a good time was had by all High scorers of the evening were Alice Mae Wilcox and Dan Rawson The low- scorers of the evening were Helen and Lou Winn. BIRTHDAYS These Birthdays should have been listed last week so some of them will be belated, but our w ishes are just as sincere as if they were on time Do forgive me. since this reporter did not get home from a long week-end in time to reach the paper with this list Sept 13 is that special day for Jim Etten and Anne Rich, John Eberle, Jr.. and Cliff Spencer, and on Sept 14 Sandy 'Hoffman" Hunt will celebrate another year Mike Winters adds another year on Sept 15. as does Bobby Behl on Sept 16. Sept 17 we find Ruth Wegner. Janice Skidmore. and Don Etten enjoying ice cream and cake on their special day- Sept IK will add another year for Karen Kuhrt. and on Sept 19 Harry Hogan and Little Lenny Ackerman will share a birthday cake Happy Birthday to all of you Now to where I'm supposed to be for this week <1 think i. Birthday wishes to Julia Hepner on Sept 20. and on the twenty first we find Ferol Tomlinson, Robert Mough and Rog Bauer enjoying another candle on their cake Sept 22 finds Steven Gorski with a birthday cake, and on Sept 23. Jennifer McGown will add another year On Sept 2-4 Thomas Parsley. Jr will be another year older, as will Bob Milliken and Tidy announce a unique AREA RUG SALE . . . beau t i f u l wo rks o f a r t you can s tep on w t a t $7 99 our cus tomers a ren ' t j us t ge t t i ng a beau t i f u l rug . They ' re ge t t i ng a beau t i f u l dea l . I i ( h h a s o v e r 1 2 0 M i l l i k e n A r e a R u g s i n s t o ( k o n d i s p l a y O v e r 4 0 9 t t x 1 2 1 1 s a m p l e s a n d 8 0 ( > t t \ M t t s a m p l e s t o ( h o o s e f r o m S a v e a m i n i m u m o t 2 0 % o n e v e r y p a t t e r n ( o l o r a n d M / e t h a t M i l l i k e n m a n u t a t t u r e r s I h a t s o v e r 7 S p a t t e r n s a n d ( o l o r s i n 4 x b , 0 x 9 a n d 9 x 1 2 P r i c e s f o r 9 t t \ 12 t t s tar t as km as $199.00 during this sale. * * • *- o t:\ •* {y (Ov si if • ' * ->•*'% oV/ »;>•• * 4 ' i> • •* >. P 1 '* * - - J/ a > at " • *<> o * » i. O * ~ • \ * v , - » <ri fH,i AN V Rl AINE Ti O K,s .1 h w 1 1 f i q t > n t l r ( l e i o r / v t ' u h s u b t l e " 1 I ' - s u j n o f t h , s f i n ) ,it Ihev prices • SA l ISH A is tr ii.) hi 1 • Xjui.tKMI nous mi not; "3".!® iintiijut* rut) whiif A ,,i in sink I ) ( I \ I M I S S mis l \ K J I J I ( ) l > l>< )R U I \ I I ) K) SAW MOM) A \ l ) S 1 A R I \ I w i l l ) I K \ l ) l l l ( ) \ mm, MILLIKEN Beauty, qual i ty , styl ing and savings a l l being offered by Tidy dur ing the month of September Sale ends soon ~ So don' t miss this unique offer ing. TIDY 200 W a s h i n g t o n ( CARPETS & AREA RUGS ) Woodstock . I l l ino is ( 815 )338 1000 Beaman Happy Birthday to all of you wonderful people. ABOUT TOWN Mrs Nellie Hepburn and Art Jensen drove to Somers. Wis., last Sunday for the Blackman family reunion There were about sixty members present to enjoy the good food, visiting and participate in various games Lois Dust is back home after her recent hospitalization. FS In Annual Meeting BUILDING PERMITS ,j Brittany Builders, 1903 S Route 31. McHenry, for three four-bedroom residences in Nunda Township One at :J851 Ravenglass Road with an approximate value of $82.(KM) Fee $246 A other at 3808, Weathervane Lane with an approximate value of $85,(KM) Fee $264 The third at 3901 Weathervane Lane with an approximate value of $80.(MM). Fee $244 S&B Builders. (i605 Hunters Path. Cary. for a three- bedroom residence at 7603 Andrea Lane with an ap proximate value of $60.(MM) Nunda Township Fee $231 Frank J Teresi. 8404 Shady Lane. Wonder Lake, for a three bedroom residence at 4617 Wonder Lake Road with an approximate value of $80,000 McHenry Township Fee $252 Harlan Frnst, 2107 Stonelake Road. Woodstock, for a three bedroom residence with at­ tached garage at 7907 Maplewood Drive with an approximate value of $40.(MM) McHenry Township Fee $191 Otto Menolasino, 5511 Wonder Woods Drive. Wonder Lake, for a three bedroom residence at 4901 \V Wonder Lake Road with an ap proximate value of $55. ( M M ) McHenry Tow nship Fee- $221 Stanley Savage. 1 :t(K» James St . Ingleside. for a three bedroom residence at 707 mgWood Road with an ap roximate value of $41. ( M M ) . cHenry Township Fee $203. L&M Builders. Island Lake, lor a three bedroom residence at 2616 Baldwin Road with an approximate value of $52,500. \unda Township Fee $21() David Breitberg. 6603 Hunters Path. Cary. for two three bedroom residences with approximate values of $ 4 0 . ( M M ) each and fees of $21t) each One at 2809 Kama Ave . McHenry Township The other at 1701 Russett Road. Nunda Town ship Karl Olsson. 5412 N Ridgeway Road. Ringwood. for a three bedroom residence at J412 Country Lane with an- approximate value of $48.(>(Mi McHenry Township Fee $200. John MacAllister. Fox Lake, for a three bedroom residence .il 6 l)2<> Chillem with an ap proximate value of $39.(MM) Burton Township Fee $165 \oah Gray & Son Builders. 771(i Ravina Drive. Spring Grove, lor a three bedroom residence with attached garage B A R K A R A SUII.KI Farmer owned and con­ trolled cooperatives and their services make possible the miracle of agriculture per­ formed by family fanners who are the backbone of the American food producing system But. unlike the farmers they serve and corporate giants with which they compete, cooperative's must grow in size and services, believes Barbara Schlei. administrator of the Agriculture Marketing Service (AMS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Ms Schlei will be the featured speaker on the annual meeting program of FS Ser­ vices in Chicago Sept 22. "Our farmers already have the technology to produce more than enough food and fiber for this nation." she says. "But without an efficiently operated marketing system, the far­ mer's at the mercy of too many factors over which he has no control "Our job at AMS is to help provide a framework in which these producers can help themselves, whether such help lies in the field of tran­ sportation of agricultrual products, in promoting these products at home and abroad, or in being assured of a fair and equitable treatment in the market place," she says. She will be joined on the program by the state secretaries of agriculture from Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin- John Block of Illinois, Robert Lounsberry of Iowa and Gary Rohde of Wisconsin, The secretaries will par­ ticipate'in an agricultural forum with a panel of agricultural communicators- Orion Samuelson of WGN, Robert Bjorklund of the Wisconsin State Journal, and Alvin Morrow of Wallace's Farmer Also appearing will be the state presidents of the Future Farmers of America from the FS trade territory A trio of Farm Bureau speakers will address the FS convention Friday morning. Sept 22. at 7502 Buena Burton Town­ ship Fee- $243 James Kottke. 2712 Manitou Trail. McHenry. for an at­ tached garage with an ap­ proximate value of $3,500. McHenry Township Fee--$49 James Umbarger, 914 Laguna Drive, McHenry. for rebuilding of an existing porch area with an approximate value of $3.(MM) Nunda Town­ ship Fee $46 John Reidv. 3601 Sunnyside Beach Drive. McHenry, for an addition with an approximate value of $24,000 McHenry Township Fee--$159.80^ Y'elma Stephens. 2005 Indian Ridge Drive. Sunnyside, for fire damage repair with an approximate value af $7, ( M M ) McHenry Township Fee $81 John and Irene Horvath. 1507 N River Road, McHenry. for fire damage repair with an approximate value of $12, ( M M ) McHenry Township Fee $91 Margaret Aweve.901 W Paul St . McHenry. for re-siding w ith an approximate value of $2,900 Nunda Township Fee $26 Lois Troka. 3213 Waterview. McHenry. for re-siding and the installation of eight windows with an approximate value of $2.9<Mi Nunda Township Fee $26 Lee Johnson. 1919 N Woodlawn Park, McHenry, for an addition with an ap­ proximate value of $16.963. McHenry Township Fee $109 Raymond J Parker. 5603 Telegraph Road. Wonder Lake, for an attached garage McHenry Township Fee--$50 Thomas and Linda Czesak, 3912 Burton Trail. Crystal Lake, for a floating slab for a 3'j-car garage with an ap­ proximate value of $900. Nunda Township Fee-$21 Flaine Pankiewicz. 3017 Lincoln Road, McHenry. for a 21 --car garage and the removal of an old garage McHenry Township Fee-$47 % Arthur Pryor. 5016 N Oak. Crystal Lake, for a detached frame garage with an ap­ proximate value of $4,000 Nunda Townslup Fee-$35 Fsther M Struve. 2004 Or­ chard Beach Road. McHenry, for a garage and the revising of a septic tank with an ap proximate value of $4,000. McHenry Township Fee $38 David Rasbaugh. 2507 High wood Road. McHenry. for a detached garage with an ap proximate value of $2,500 Nunda Township Fee $29 Daniel Adams. 609 W Lincoln Road, McHenry. for a detached garage with an approximate value of $4,000 McHenry Tow nship . Fee $26 George B Smith. 4611 Terra Cotta Road. Crystal I^ake. for a radio tower and antenna with an approximate value of $2,000 Nunda Township Fee $21 McHenry Sand & Gravel. 1819 N Dot St.. McHenry, for a seven foot stockade fence at 5805 W Route 120 with an ap proximate value of $5,000 McHenry Township Fee $19 40 CLEANING SERVICE INC. PROFESSIONAL Small Office & Household CLEANING Weekly *Light Housekeeping Bi Weekly • Inside Windows Monthly • Carpet Cleaning •General Housekeeping or Maiu Service • Upholstery Cleaning • Wall Washing CALL 385-0283 TODAY Political (OORIMNATKS CAMPAIGN Dan McNulty of 2004 North Woodlawn park has been named the McHenry area coordinator for the reelection of Sheriff Art Tyrrell The ap pointment was made by Bob Meyer of Harvard, Sheriff Tyrrell's campaign manager The best way to get your share of the wealth is to work hard for it. Stresstabs HIGH POT t NC V SIRf SS lORMUt A VITAMINS H O U R S M O N T U E S W f c D T H U R S F R I 8 9 S A ' 8 5 S U N 1 * 2 5 O p e n I v e r y W e e k N i g h t t i l l 9 0 0 Overwork Poor Diet Both ends of the vitamin candle STRESSTABS 600 nM.i. hicjh p . tency B--complex ana ' vitamins the body cloesn t stoi^. Plus the !;.»,-tar/ AlL-wanceto: vitamin E. : a ' r.e.p r.a?r,ty the fcoJ-ys in :eased need lot !.: .••>: : ' i,>- o ares. •: u 1 conditions -- aehned a:; over work. . : : i • • ; ,;m <.:kj : 3ny condition that places an unusual / . r i.- ly - u' \mef when your diet may STRESSTABS 600 with IRON m o r f A D R U G 11 Stress can rob you of vitamins! Corns in snd ask us why. 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY. ILLINOIS 385-1125 I

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