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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Sep 1978, p. 3

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Slate Special Arts Festivals t'.viir, - r i Lutheran Liturgy Introduced The Illinois Office of Education, in cooperation with the National committee, Arts for' the Handicapped, is presenting a series of five Very Special Arts festivals during the month of October The major purpose of the festivals is to increase general learning achievement and to demon­ strate the impact of the arts in developing artistic respon­ sibilities among handicapped students The SEDOM center in Woodstock will be the site for the Region II Teachers workshop Wednesday, Sept 20, and the festival will be held Wednesday. Oct 25. Planning Session A Very Special Arts festival is not a competition, but provides an opportunity for students of all ages to have their work and ac­ complishments seen by an interested audience. Works may be independent or group projects with or without teacher involvement. Participants are encouraged to enter exhibits, demon­ strations, performances and workshop in the visual and performing arts which illustrate the impact of the arts in building responsiveness and increased achievement among the handicapped An Arts festival gives in­ dividual and groups of students an Opportunity to sing, or play an instrument, to do readings, skits, plays, to dance and to display their art works. It encourages those working with handicapped persons to provide arts experiences as a part of their programming In the long term, Arts festivals provide horizon enlarging experiences not only for students, but for parents and teachers They provide opportunities to discover new leisure and vocational skills. They provide satisfying social and personal activity Challenge To Farm Woman Making Home In Wheeling After exchanging their nuptial vows in an Aug. 12 ceremony in the Chain O Lakes Evangelical Covenant church, Mr and Mrs Randy Wright are going to reside in Wheeling. 111. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ramer. McHenry. and the groom s parents are Mr and Mrs Clayton Wright of Richmond Following a reception given for relatives and friends, the couple took a honeymoon trip to Wisconsin About 160 Farm Bureau women from sixteen counties have launched 1978-79 programs with an all-day planning session at DeKalb the participants focused on prospective projects as they heard several speakers discuss cvrrent matters of concern to the agricultural community. Leonard Gardner, Illinois Agricultural association secretary and a man ex­ perienced in the state's legislative affairs at Springfield, delivered one o(v the more challenging talks. Garnder asked the women to give him reasons why people say they don't want to work or volunteer in the political arena, and pointed out that the volunteer force is a candidate's dynamic strength "Most of the men and women in the General Assembly are good people They are hard working They are dedicated They live ordinary lives trying to work for something they believe in Their support comes from folks like you-people without political experience but dedicated to good government and worthwhile legislative programs These people need you to come forth -people on both sides of the aisle seek help in their districts. So if one of your excuses has been that no one has asked you. I am asking you now -become involved Good government depends on good people taking part." The challenge to the Farm Bureau Women's committees in the counties was placed in perspective by IAA President Harold Steele: "We must tell the farm story to those who do not understand the economics of food production We must promote safety on the farm and support programs to protect the health of our family and friends. We must take an active role in electing qualified government leaders and then make our opinions known." Ella Martin, Marengo, headed the McHenry County Farm Bureau Women's committee members taking part in the workshop and seminar Projects to be considered include a series of safety seminars; promoted a better understanding of commodities and how the free market system functions, legislative projects including letter writing, meetings with legislators and candidates, and organizing voter registration and Get-Out-the-Vote programs Squash - A Fall Favorite Meet the fall and winter squash family Squash is a good food buy in the fall It's not only easy on the budget and good tasting, but is good for you The dark yellow inside of acorn and butternut squash is a good source of vitamin A Kveryone needs this vitamin lor healthy skin and eyes, and these yellow squashes are also good sources of vitamin C. some B vitamins, and iron Three common kinds of squash found in Illinois markets from now through the winter are acorn, butternut and Hubbard Butternut squash has a smooth tan skin and is shaped like a large gourd with a thin neck and a large end It varies in length from 6 inches to a foot or more The small number of seeds are in the rounded end. the neck is free of seeds The part of acorn and butternut squash that is eaten is yellow orange and is a very good source of vitamin A Acorn squash is shaped much like an acorn It is small and dark green with deep ridges in the outer shell , Hubbard squash is usually large and heavy Its skin is warty In Illinois this squash is usually dark green or blue green This type of squash is often sold in pieces for the homemaker's convenience Whether the preference is the big or little variety of squash, the buying suggestions are the same In the market, count on what can be seen and felt Squash that is heavy for its size usually has firm and solid flesh The skin should be firm and unbroken Spoiled spots on the surface of the squash can be cut out if not too extensive However, some of its bulk will be lost For recipes on using acorn squash with has and squash with apples contact Nancy Moore. McHenry county Ex­ tension home economist, at 338- 3737 or stop in at the Extension office at 224 West Judd street, in Woodstock The University of Illinois Cooperative Extension service has been located in McHenry county since 1913 and its ser vices in Agriculture. Home Economics and 4-H are available to all McHenry county residents MOOCOCCOCOOOO! Quick T ip Stuffed celery -- blend equal amounts deviled ham and peanut butter; add a bit of drained pickle relish, fill celery stalks with mixture. ICOOOSOOOOOOCCOOOOO American Legion Post 491 - RINGW00D ROAD, McHENRY - FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (5:00 - 9:00 P.M.) PERCH - ALL YOU CAN EAT OTHER MENU AVAILABLE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Swing 'N Tones ( I I I K I M I 114 M l< MOV- I t Kv-UKO.-MH Hv - K R I I ) ' t iO i<> ( . (Ml I in l ' i i . < . 5COOCOCCOCCOOCO! Pictured are a group of delegates attending a w orkshop on the new Lutheran Book of Worship held at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, McHenry, as well as a picture of the elements used in a special communion service held for the group. STAFF IMIOTOS-W \Y\F. (iAYI.ORI) r BIRTHS FIRST CHILD Byron Dean, 8 lb 7'v oz .was born on Sept 6, the first child of Mr, and Mrs Dean Marcott, 2800 Russet road, McHenry Celebrating in Edgar, Wis., is the baby's maternal grand­ mother. Caroline Halverson The paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Leon Marcott, Abbotsford,* Wis THIRD SON Mr and Mrs Dom Savino, 4414 Maple Leaf, McHenry, celebrated the birth of their third son on Sept 7. Thomas Phillip weighed 6 lbs 9 ozs , and was awaited at home by David. 9, and Michael. 6 WKLCOMK BABY GIRL On Sept 8, Mr and Mrs Dennis Kurowski, 706 Lillian street, McHenry, welcomed Mandy, 6 lbs 6 ozs Awaiting Mandy's arrival were Cheryl Marie, 5. and Daniel, 2 Mrs Catherine Scully. McHenry, is the maternal grandmother The paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Edwin Kurowski, Williams Bay, Wis HI. IK BOOTIES The blue booties are in use One hundred ten delegates, representing twenty area Lutheran churches, gathered at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, 404 North Green street. McHenry, Saturday to learn about the new Lutheran Book of Worship The present Book of Worship has been in print for the past twenty years. A special com mission made up of representatives from the three major Lutheran synods has been developing the new Lutheran Book of Worship 'luring the past twelve years The new book offers a variety '>1 forms of liturgy for group worship was well as many new hymns, including the present day gospel hymns The book offers contemporary language but not slang or colloquial tortus of language The new music forms are energetic and moving The workshop provided opportunities for delegates from various congregations to participate in the use of the new Lutheran Book of Worship s well as to ask questions Kach congregation will vote on whether it will use the new book again at the home of Mr and Mrs Jim Franklin. 4913 Mc Cullom Lake road. McHenry. as they welcome son number three. Andrew Michael He was born Sept 8. and weighed H lbs 2 ozs Jamie and Adam are his brothers Mr and Mrs Ray Franklin. McHenry are his maternal grandparents The paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Joe Karls. McHenry , SK, \H WD SPICE Mr amd Mrs Ramiro Rodriguez, 7420 Marblehead Wonder Lake, are celebrating the birth of baby Irene, <> lbs 10' -j ozs . on Sept 6 This l i t t le lady joins two HOSPITAL NOTES MC IIFNin ADMISSIONS. Michael Wagner, and Rose Stolpa of McHenry. Michael E Sisney, Wonder Lake, and Lawornce Gabm of Crvstal Lake sisters and one brother awaiting tier at home. Her maternal grandparents in Temple. Texas, are Mr and Mrs Jim Hernandez Mr and Mrs Nester Rodriguez of Mexico are the paternal grandparents WOODSTOCK \ I) MISSIONS: F lorian Jesski. Mrs Patricia Schordje, and Mrs Barbara Borchardt of McHenry. Mrs Catherine Wesolowski. Mrs Grace Paetoro. arid Derrill Zink of Wonder Lake, and Erhardt Kuhlins of Spring Grove BIRTHS: a girl born to Mr and Mrs Loren Wagner of McHenry, a boy to Mr and Mrs Leonard Loukota of Wonder Lake II \R\ \RD XDMISSIONS: Otto Hiring of McHenrv % ' / / / / / / / * / * / • • • / / / / / ! Tin* McHenry I'laindealer Establ ished 1 875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry I l l inois 60050 Publ ished Every Wednesday & Fr iday at McHenry I l l inois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry , I l l inois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY SubtcVibor t ore r e q u e s t e d to prov ide immediate not ice of chonge of o d d r e t t t o T h » MtHenry Plomdeoler 3812 W Elm St McHenry I I I 60050 A deduct ion of one month f rom t h e s i p i r o t i o n o f o s u b s c r i p t i o n w i l l b e m o d e w h e r e a c h a n g e o f o d d r e s s i s p r o v i d e d g h t h e P o s t O f f i c e D e p o r t m e n t Lorry E. Lund-Publisher Adele Froehlich-Editor MEMBER l >. NEWSPAPER 1978 NATIONAL NEWSPAPER A S S O C I A T I O N rurttl till ."m NNA SUSTAINING A"T » MEMBER-1978 SUBSRIPTION RATES I ^ i JMJ.OO In McHenry and lake County AWWWWWWWWWWWWWNWWV Outside McHenry and Lake County ' J PLANTING BULBS ISA FAMILY AFFAIR Children, & grown ups too e^Oy plant­ ing Djtch bulbs especially when it's a 1 famly activity and oil |Qin in When Spring conies, the whole family wi l l love the coldfuJ blooms Red Emperor Tulips 10/*1.99 Miied Narcissus Special 10/»3.19 Crocus 10/M.49 Hyachinths 69' «s Over 150 varieties of Flowor Bvlbs to Choose From. J Moo. Thurs. 9-6 - _ F".»» --LloWftfWOO Sum ^ | («15)45?-»200 V Rt. 14 * 176 Crystal Lake, Illinois spurgeons \ EFFECTIVE SEPT. 15 THRU SEPT.17 m m 1 6 8 7 Save For a More Exciting You, Our Perm Special! 10% ,18% on al our perms Sept. 18-Sept„ 30 tit i#%6 % y4 ****** The proper perm keeps your hair looking and feeling more beautiful! Let our styling experts show you how Phone 385-4520 now for appoi itmer t1 We use and sell Helene Curtis products and Uniperm* McHENRY MARKET PLACE Aluminum Triple Track Self-Storing Combination Storm Windows B 13" Now is the t ime to insulate your home and save dol lars too! Crof t s ' t r ip le t rack storm windows are depend oble sturdy and a* rea l buy you can t miss White Cross Buck Colonial Storm Door The Cross Buck Storm Door wi l l odd beauty to any home A u t h e n t i c s c u l p t u r e d ear ly American block strap h inges and quol i ty push­ button la tch 41 87 Reg. 49.87 Mill Finish Aluminum Combination Storm Door Keeps your home comfortable whi le keeping fuel b i l ls down! Crof t ' br ings you one of i ts best s torm doors Rugged and wel l bui l t --*r~ I / //- C HOURS: DAILY 9 TIL 9, SUNUAY 10 TIL 6 4 2 8 7

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