H - l'LAlNOKALl..i WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1978 Youths Spend Summer . . Up In The Air VIIKK l> VMS Mike and Deanna Davis of Kingwood spent two memorable weeks this summer at tending soaring camp at Black Forest Gilderport in Colorado Springs Soaring is defined as flying without power while gaining or holding al t i tude, in this ease, in a special ly buil t gl ider plane Mike. 17. and Deanna. 14. vyhose father is a pilot have both been intr igued with f lying since they were quite young In pursuit of this interest they have belonged to a private soaring club located just west of Algonquin 1t was here that Mike became a student pilot , and performed his f irst solo f l ight at age 15 Activit ies in this club helped Mike and Deanna gain mem •bership in a national soaring society, through which the summer camp in Colorado was publicized The purpose of the summer Rlider camp has been to prepare the novice for his f irst solo f l ight , and to give ample instruction in preparation for the private pilot 's l icense exam Mike is already a rated student pilot Deanna was a novice and successfully at tempted her first solo fl ight while at camp this year She also completed the requirement for a student pilot 's l icense Camp activi t ies focus on practice at being towed. Ian ding, and crewing There is intensive discussion of various common problems which could occur during towing, f l ight or landing Part icipants also familiarize themselves with radio work and weather phenomenon Since frequent practice is required to acquire necessary skil ls for soloing, t raining gliders are buil t to withstand the hard use and mult iple landings to which camp par t icipants subject them The glider doesn' t receive i ts l if t f rom wind, as many people believe Mike clarif ied by- explaining that gl iders at tain al t i tude through the action of thermals, which are rising columns of warm air . varying Pioneer Walk For Public Sept. 23 Did you know that Buffalo grazed in McHenry county long before subdivisions were evident ' ' Before there were local physicians pioneers used Thoti's A nnual Garden Mum Sale SAVE 1/3 Reg 300 NOW 2°° 6V j " Pot SI.00 Plants Also Available 8000 Plonts To Sell Don't miss the 6 beautiful colors 4 8 1 1 V O A K S T R E E T C R Y S T A L L A K E , I L L . ( j mi North of Route 1761 Hours: l ) a i l > V lo 5; Sunday 10 to 4 native plants for medicine and they worked' Indians taught the white man the use of Basswood fiber rope w hich was much smoother and gentler on the hands than any European type On Sept 23, the public is invited to the Hush Creek conservation si te at 10 a m to experience a conducted pioneer walk through t ime Families are invited to bring lunch The trai l guides will remain after the walk in the picnic area to have lunch and further discuss this wealth of beauty in the area This public event is spon sored by the McHenry County Conservation distr ict Hush creek is located off McGuire road just outside Harvard near Hte 14 HOLLYWOOD IN ILL INOIS The Il l inois f i lm office in the Department of Business and Economic Development an nounced last week several movie crews have chosen to f i lm parts of their productions in I l l inois The Peoria Henry- Springfield area will be f i lmed for port ions of The Chisholms". a (i-hour television mini-series F i lming will begin Sept 20 and run for four to f ive weeks Promises in the Dark' , s tarr ing Marsha Mason, wil l be f i lmed in part near Kankakee Production of Dreamer is winding up tour weeks of f i lming in the Alton area Drapes Need Cleaning? WE ARE THE BEST!!! AMERICAN DRAPERY CLEANERS AND FLAMEPROOFERS. Inc. Complete Service •Removal •Cleaning Rehanging •Pleating •Tieing 312-GR2-4066 SERVING CHICAGO AND ALL SUBURBS ncludmg THE McHENRY AREA WE ALSO DO STAGE DRAPERIES-- r Senior Hot Line j I)F: \ \ \ \ DAVIS according to the reflectiveness of the ground below A knowledge of their probable changing intensity and potential act ion on the glider is essential to reach a good al t i tude Besides al t i tude, a glider pi lot is concerned with achieving distance, and with always bettering his previous t imes aloft There are ten goals to be aimed for by both students and rated pilots , w hich relate to al t i tude, distance, and t ime aloft Mike has achieved three of these, the most recent being his at tainment of 7.200 feet al t i tude after release from the tow plane This is rated as 's i lver al t i tude" ' Mike also has a student l icense for s ingle engine planes He soloed in a Cessna 150 earl ier this year, just before this seventeenth bir thdav (Written under the auspices of Lieutenant Governor Dave O'Neal) Q What role does the Department of Local Govern ment Affairs play in relat ionship to services provided, or made available, to the senior ci t izens in I l l inois? A The role of the DLGA in relat ionship to service to the senior ci t izens is mult ifaceted, basically geared to assist ing local governments in im plementing senior ci t izen assistance programs. q What services are provided by the Department? A Specific services provided local governments include the following: I , Housing Assistance ' - through the Il l inois Housing Information System (housed in DLGA) maintaining a com puterized comprehensive in ventory of housing needs in the State, including the needs of the elderly. Relying on the preceding information base, recently assessed elderly housing needs as part of a broader effort to structure State housing policies and programs Regularly communicates with eighty-nine public housing authori t ies throughout the State who provide low income housing to senior ci t izens. Many of these authori t ies have ongoing senior ci t izen si te programs, which have been developed at the local level to respond to the mult i-faceted needs (social , educational , recreational . and in formational) of their residents. I»cal community-county in teragency coordination has l>een recognized as the key element to providing well rounded services to seniors. This includes incorporating community-county programs and services into tne public housing resident community. P r o v i d e s t e c h n i c a l assistance to housing authori t ies during the init ial organization, planning and construction of senior ci t izen housing This entai ls providing a support system to housing management personnel as they approach the often complex road to realizing and meeting the housing needs of low and moderate income senior ci t izens Acts as a resource to housing management personnel when they are confronted with questions regarding funding- application procedures relevant to housing develop ment -Conducting of a national rural development demon strat ion program (the "Il l inois Areawide Demonstrat ion Project") . The program, supported by $27 mill ion (largely federal) . is designed to develop better approaches to meeting the housing and community development need? of rural poor. As functioning, i t has a heavy emphasis on helping rural elderly. The program has a strong outreach component to directly help rural residents, which, in part , publicizes applicable services offered by the Department on Aging - L o c a l G o v e r n m e n t Management Assistance - assists local governments concerning legal constraints on legal service functions. Assists local governments on funding resources for senior ci t izen programs - including local . State and federal resources. Property Tax Ad ministrat ion responsible for cert ifying to local assessing officials , homestead and home repair property tax exemptions for senior ci t izens. Write or call us at Lieutenant Governor Dave O'Neal 's Senior Action Centers at 160 North LaSalle s treet . Chicago, 111 60601. or 3 West Old Town Mall , Springfield. 111. 62701 with questions or concerns about any government agency or programs This column will be covering the many questions senior ci t izens may have on various subjects . Call Statewide: Toll Free 800 252-6565 Metropoli tan Chicago: 312- 793-3333 SERVICE NEWS RECIPE Select McHenry Man For Communication Field DANIEL J . MITCHELL Selected for instruction in the communications electronics f ield at Keesler AFB. Miss. , af ter completing basic training at Lackland AFB, Tex. , is Airman Daniel J Mitchell , son of Robert D. Mitchell of 2205 Mill lane. McHenry. During the six weeks at Lackland, the airman studied the Air Force mission, organization and customs and received special instruction in human relat ions. Completion of this t raining earned the in dividual credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force Airman Mitchell is a 1978 graduate of McHenry Com munity high school In Combined Training Navy Gunner 's Mate Second Class Claude H. Mohler. whose wife. Linda, is the daughter of Pete and Peggy Mitzo of 1105 Oakwood drive, McHenry, recently part icipated in exercise "Fleetex 2-78" in the Eastern Pacific ocean He is assigned to the destroyer USS Hewitt , homeported in San Diego The 12-day "Fleetex 2-78" involved more than 14.000 personnel , thir ty-six ships and 250aircraft from Great Britain. Canada, New Zealand and the United States Designed to provide essential combined training in naval warfare operations, this exercise took place off the Washington. Cadet Poblocki Completes Army ROTC Training New President Takes On Duties Of County Museum SHI Jl KIMl'RA A new president has been elected by the McHenry County Historical society 's board of directors Shuji Kimura of Crystal Lake takes over from Dorothy W McFachren who has served fif teen years, al l but one year of the society 's existence That one year was under the presidency of Sandy Walkup of Crystal Lake The board voted the t i t le of president emeritus to Mrs. McEachren Kimura is well known throughout the county for his interest in many civic affairs as well as his church He has ret ired from Morton Salt af ter many years and is taking on a second career as landscape art is t He feels that by assuming the presidency of the society he is contributing to saving the heri tage of the county. He also feels that many others should also contribute their t ime to the museum because of i ts cultural value The new president has shown sl ides of the archeological background of the county, many taken from the air . as well as presenting many of the old homes and business si tes, showing how they looked as printed in the 1872 Atlas and as they look today He has given these talks before many service and cultural clubs and is always welcomed back The museum has grown far more than anyone anticipated and is becoming known throughout the state for i ts large collection and display of ar t ifacts Mrs McEachren will con t inue to serve on the board of directors and share her knowledge with the new curator Mark Haggit t . who assumed his duties Sept 5 He will need volunteers for office work, display work and for minor repairs Volunteers may call the museum at 923-2267 NEW STATKN ILLE WARDEN Charles J Howe, director of the I l l inois Department of Corrections announced last Tuesday the appointment of lx)U V Brewer. 43, as warden of the Statevil le Correctional Center at Joliet . Warden Brewer has worked for 22 years in the corrections field Oregon and southern California coasts Missi le f ir ings were conducted at the Pacific Missi le test center . Point Mugu. Calif "Fleetex 2 78" was under overall command of Vice Admiral Samuel L Gravely Jr , USN, commander of the US Third fleet Major at-sea commanders included Rear Admiral R E Kirksev, USN. COMMANDER, Carrier Group Three: Rear Admiral W H Rowden, USN, Commander, Cruiser Destroyer Group Three and Hear Admiral R R Squires. Royal Navy, f lag of f icer of the First Floti l la Mohler joined the Navy in December 1971 graduated from the U.S. Air Forces in Europe Non commissioned Officers leadership school. Rhein Main AB. Germany The sergeant, who was trained in mil i tary management and supervision, is an aircraft maintenance special ist at Ramstein AB. Germany The young man is a 1971 graduate of McHenry Com munity high school At Chanute AFB TERESE POBLOCKI Cadet Terese C. Poblocki, daughter of ret ired Army Major and Mrs Robert J . Poblocki, 6319 Route 31, Ringwood, recently completed six weeks of t raining in fun damental mil i tary skil ls at the Army ROTC basic camp at Fort Knox, Ky. The basic camp is designed to give junior college graduates and college sophomores who have not taken ROTC courses the chance to enter the program The camp also qualif ies high school graduates for the ROTC program at any one of the nation's six mili tary junior colleges During the encampment, cadets received training in basic r if le marksmanship, mili tary dri l l and ceremonies, communications and individual and small unit tact ics Ms. Poblocki is a student at Marquette universi ty in Milwaukee. Wis Dean Heise Graduates At Leader School Sgt Dean L Heise. son of Mr and Mrs Charles Heise. has Gl Y E SIMONS III Airman Guy E Simons III , whose sister in-law is Ix>uise Simons of 2306 Manor lane, McHenry, has been assigned to Chanute AFB. 111., af ter completing Air Force basic training Airman Simons will now receive special ized training in the aircraft equipment maintenance field Low-Cal Cooking Here are a few low-cal cooking t ips --Take the skin off poultry before cooking and save about 20 calories per serving Substi tute lemon juice or crushed herbs for butter or margarine to add flavor to vegetables and to keep the calorie count at a minimum Substi tute skim for whole milk to reduce calories Use skim milk in cooking and as a beverage Cook eggs in l i t t le or no fat in a nonstick pan BATHTUB RESURFACING SAVE $1000.00 OR MORE NO NEED TO REMOVE BATHTUB NO NEED TO REMOVE WALLS, TILES AND PLUMBING WE RESURFACE TUBS, SINKS, TOILETS, TILE, AND REPAIR CRACKS AND CHIPS. • Major Plumbing Co. Colors • Done On Location - No Removal • Residential and Commercial ALL WORK GUARANTEED e High Gloss Finish • Chips Repaired • Restoring Not Destroying ecfro NOW SERVING ALL OF McHENRY COUNTY CALL COLLECT: (312) 486-0800 4014 W ARMITAGE AVE CHICAGO. ILL. By Sarah Au Sbaridaa As the weather becomes cooler, pork is a good buy. Trim most of the fat off the roast. Pork should alwtys be cooked until well done. Fralted Pork Roast 1 6-lb. rolled pork loin (about J8 inches long) salt and pepper 2«/j medium oranges whole cloves Y* c orange marmalade 1 T flour »/j t dry mustard 1 T grated orange peel watercress for garnish Preparation time about 3Vj hours. Place loin, fat-side up, on rack in shallow open roast ing pan; sprinkle with salt and pepper; roast 30 to 40 minutes '-1 a pound. Cut unpeeled oranges into Vi-inch-thick slices. Halve slices; insert 3 cloves in peel of each; cover; refrigerate. When roast is done, remove from oven; increase oven heat to 400 degrees. Re move string, if any; make about 12 crosswise slashes, l'/j-inch deep, across top of roast. Mix marmalade, flour, mustard, grated orange peel and spread roast with one-half marmalade mixture; dip orange slices in rest; insert one slice in each slash. Spooa remaining marmalade over oranges. Return roast to oven for 12 minutes or until glazed. Cut in half crosswise; place halves side by side on platter. Gar nish with cress. Today's Youth BY PATRICK DUDGEON Federal Aid This is the last in a series out l ining federally - subsidized f inancial programs currently available for the nation's college students GUARANTEED STUI)ENT LOANS -- This program is operated mainly through banks and state agencies Some colleges do part icipate directly, however Investigate and find out the si tuation at you part icular college The maximum you can borrow under this program is $2,500 for each undergraduate academic year Graduate and professional s tudents such as those in medical or law schools -- can borrow up to $5,000 a year. Interest rates are established at 7 per cent for these loans and in most cases the government will pay the interest for you unti l you begin repaying your loan Repayment begins nine-to-12 months al ter leaving school, nor mallv, and you have 10 years to repay In most cases you must repay at least $360 a year You can defer repayments up to three years through service in the armed forces. Peace Corps or VISTA your school 's f inancial aid office should have more detai ls on these and other federal programs for f inancial ly-needy college students Stately Logic ( ieorges Clemenceau, a noted French s ta tesman, usual ly spoke h is mind qui te b lunt ly -- to the d ismay of h is pol i t ica l advisors "You must be more tac t fu l , ' ' they urged h im "Your s trong language only makes you enemies , " but Clemenceau didn ' t see i t that way. I t a lso makes me fr iends , " he argued " I have as my supporters a l l the enemies of my enemies " CONSUMER GUIDELINES You have the nght to know what credit wil l cost Lending inst i tut ions are re quired to disclose -- in ad vance -- any vanable rate clause that may result in an increase in the cost of credit Disclosure must be made of the manner in which such increases would be put into effect FORMAL WEAR RENTALS for ALL OCCASIONS feell § SbuaR . . . , t k f t f o u f j M , ( M i l 12j 4 M. Gfffn St . . Mel