PA<1I 10 RLAINDI ALER \\ KDNKSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1978 Joh nsbu r«j Mary L. Gunderson - 385-3052 Volunteers Asked For Concessions At Johnsburg Games The Johnsburg high school athletic Booster club needs volunteers to help work the concessions stand at home games, possibly five or more during each period It is suggested that the Varsity parents serve from noon to 2 p m at which time Frosh Soph games are played, and Fresh men and Sophomore parents from 2 p m to end of the game while Varsity plays This would permit all parents to attend the game of their choice Please contact Thomas Schoening, president of the Booster club. 585 7712. or Jim Meyers, 385- . H507. to offer your heip and for further information HOSPITAL AND HOME Patients in McHenry hospital. Mrs Mary 1 Matt» Schmitt . Mrs Tina O Malley, and Harry Bochat. and any other folks from our area who are presently confined to the hospital or home, we send our love and prayers We will continue to pray for you and \ours ;• ST JOHN'S COOKBOOK This cookbook called Parish Perfections", was pub; shed by St John's Home & School association in November 1 v»74 The two hundred pages of . delightful recipes submitted by ; the women of our parish was well received and sold out • completely Recently we have ! had a request for several of ; these books If you would have an extra copy or two which you ' are not using, please call me at . telephone number at the head ' of this column We may make • some ladies happ\ P T () JOHNSBl'RO SCHOOLS The executive committee ; holds its meetings on the first Tuesday of each month at the Bush school learning eenterv The next meeting will be Oct. 3. An invitation is extended to all parents and teachers If you are interested in attending, please call Mrs Brenda iThos ) Gutekunst. 653-4858, for further information It would | be pleasant to make up a group from your area and learn about this active organization and their excellent program for 1978 1979 school year NEWCOMERS, It you have recently moved into our area, Mrs Peggy (Reed1 Kaiser, 385-2710. would be happy to have you contact her She represents Welcome Wagon, -and can be helpful to you in many ways. CI B PACK 454 Pack meeting. Wednesday, Sept 27. at 7pm . Campfire. at Hunt 's farm. Barnard Mill road Ringwood If raining meet at James C Bush multipurpose room Regular meetings held fourth Wed nesday of each month at J C Hush multipurpose room at 7 p m This Webelo group is greatly in need of a leader They are preparing for Boy Scouts and will be eligible in 1979 Please call Earl Betts at 653-4511, for details and information Meeting place is available Here is an opportunity to give of yourself to benefit many' Leader and committee meetings are held first Wed nesday of each month All parents are welcome Watch this column for information Cub Scouts who marched in Saufen-Spiel parade, Sunday, Sept 10. are Earl Betts. Scott Lehman Peter Huinker. Kim Alward. Robert Messer. Randy Sundell . Steve Sterka, Chris Sterka, Dan DiPerna. Chuck Erie David Foust. Randy Thiel and Robert DeBates The mothers who joined them are Lynn Sterka. Joyce Lehman. Arlene Thiel Tina Beth and Joyce Erie They made a very impressive group ANNUAL TURKEY TROT DANCE .. .Nov. 18. 1978, Johnsburg community club. Tickets available from all parishioners DATES TO REMEMBER Oct. 3 - PTO meeting Johnsburg schools Sept 23 - Oct 7 Homecoming - Oct. 28 Johnsburg high school horpe games Sept 27 - Cub Pack 454 meeting - Hunt 's farm. Ringwood Nov. 18 - Annual Turkey Trot Dance Johnsburg" community club" III NTIM1 NEWS Applications for permits to hunt pheasant, ducks and geese on state managed public shooting areas will be accepted by the Ill inois Department of Conservation beginning Sept 18, according to department Director David Kenney Permits are issued on a first come, first-served basis until the assigned quota is reached In most state-managed sites the season runs from Nov 15 through Dec 24 An increase of around eight percent in the breeding population of ducks now summering in Canada and the American Northwest likely w ill mean m<j£e ducks for Ill inois waterfowl^ hunters this fall , according to Conservation Department biologist Bill Anderson But. Anderson ad ded. this hunting season will probably stil l be average or below Hal Davis. Conservation Department supervisor of l icenses and permits, said last week the department stil l has a total of about l (HH) deer firearm permits available for the following counties Ford. Henderson. Henry. Massac, Mercer. Rock Island. Scott Warren. Whiteside and Win nebago Davis also noted the department is accepting ap plications for archery permits to hunt deer Applications and information are available by calling 217 782-7305 Conservation News McCullom Lake FROM CASSEROLES TO CREPES Touching the north boundary of the city of McHenry is a beautiful l i t t le lake. The water is clean and clear, the bottom sandy Green and Great Blue Heron feed along its shores, and flocks of waterfowl of various species move across from Easter to Thanksgiving. Fishermen take its perch, sunfish and pike; young children love to swim along its gently sloping beaches But the lake is shallow and it has a problem that all shallow lakes have; eventually it will become a swamp It will sil t in; cattails will grow where sailboats used to sail , and blackbirds w ill take the place of heron and mallards. Yet people can prevent this from happening if they choose, and for years the McCullom Lake Conservation club has l>een doing just that It has held fishing derbies and games, sold cookbooks and T-shirts It has brought weed-killing and a dredge, killed carp and mended the dam And its work has been successful, the lake is healthy, the fish are growing, the dredge is working daily But the Conservation club is a small, volunteer organization; it can do no more than hold its own against the problems that face the lake Something more is needed if. in the words of Jerry Ravcraft . club president, we don't want our grand children to sell cookbooks to try to keep the lake alive " Several members of the club have come up with a plan which would do just that It is a way to lake management which would take the lake out of the hands of a small group of volunteers, and place it in the hands of several communities which touch the lake It is a plan for a master association The idea really isn't new W onder Lake and Crystal Lake, for example, have similar associations and they work quite well The plan calls for control of the lake to pass, by some form agreeable and equal to all , into the hands of a group of representatives from each of the communities which touch the lake: the city of McHenry, Lakeland Park Property O w n e r s a s s o c i a t i o n , Lakewood, the village of Mc Cullom Lake. Spojnia and the subdivisions which touch it, West Shore Beach, etc. Such a master plan would give the master association the power of the communities behind it It would have the ability to actually regulate the lake, to manage and improve it without begging for either money or volunteers. Mc Cullom Lake Conservation club is, in other words, willing to put itself out of business for the good of the lake It is making this plea for calm discussion of the question of establishing a master association, because it feels that such an association may be the only w^y of keeping the lake both alive and private. By the way, please call Harriet Hammer about cook books; don't forget box 523 envelopes; and see you at our meeting Sept. 21.®- Public Relations Committee Conservation Club WHAT'S NEW Fiber glass screening acts as a solar shield, keeping out rays of the sun Makes air conditioning more ef ficient Easily installed. AREA RUG SALE! ONE MONTH ONLY! PLENTY OF PATTERNS PLENTY OF SAVINGS TOO! M1LLIKEN AREA RUGS . . .beaut i fu l works o f ar t you can s tep on ISFAHAN CALCUTTA , M Mk ^ A V -Mttt fc, .* ' MMi W Jfc. < MING ^ H vm * LOST CANYON LORRAINE &.MILLIKEN m SALE ENDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1978 at $199 our customers aren ' t jus t get t ing a beaut i fu l rug. They ' re get t ing a beaut i fu l dea l . D O N J M l S S T H I S U N I Q U E O P P O R T U N I T Y T O S A V E M O N E Y A N D S I A R T A f A M I L Y I R A D I T I O N ' Tidy has over 120 Mi l l i ken Area Rugs in s tock -on d isp lay Over 40 9 f t x12 t t samples and 80 6 f t x 9 f t samples to choose f rom Save a m in imum o f 20% on every pa t fe rn , co lo r and s ize tha t M i l l i ken manufac tu re rs Tha t ' s over 75 pa t te rns and co lo rs in 4 x 6 , 6 x 9 and 9 x 12 Pr ices fo r 9 f t x 12 ft start as low as $199 00 during this sale. TIDY 200 Washington ( ^ ^ CARPETS & AREA RUGS Woodstock , I l l ino is (815)338 1000 STORE HOURS MON ,THURS ,F Rl 8-9, TUES WED,SAT. 8 5£UN 12 5 OPEN EVERY WEEK NIGHT Till 9 00 P.M. Not long ago budget minded cooks created casseroles while pinching pennies and planning party menus that needed to go a long way yet make big im pressions. Today's clever cooks have discovered the economical fun of cooking with crepes. They're concocting novel crepe variations, from appetizers to main dishes and desserts to bedazzle their friends. Most impressive of all are the main dish crepes that make a minimum amount of poultry or meat stretch to feed six or eight. How else could you serve such a superb main dish as Chicken Divan Crepes using only a cup and a half of cooked chicken? Broccoli and chicken are timeless matched flavors. Here, the bright green, fresh from the garden frozen broccoli spears in butter sauce are enveloped in delicate golden brown crepes and bathed in a rich gravy-like sauce. They're given a gourmet touch with slices of succulent mushrooms, a hint of sherry and chunks of tender chicken. It 's a divan recipe . your party goers will proclaim it divine! CHICKEN DIVAN CREPES BASIC CREPES 4 eggs V* teaspoon salt 2 cups Hour 2- ' < cups milk V* cup vegetable oil CHICKEN DIVAN FILLING 2 I0-oz. packages young broccoli spears frozen in butter sauce 4 tablespoons tlour l 1 3 - 3 / 4 - O Z . c a n c h i c k e n broth ' / : cup shredded cheddar cheese 1 teaspoon parsley (lakes teaspoon salt Dash onion salt Dash pepper 2 tablespoons dairy sour cream 2 tablespoons sherry l-Vi cups cooked chicken, cut- up l 2- ' : -oz. jar sliced mush rooms, drained 12 crepes ' /) cup shredded cheddar cheese Grated Parmesan cheese BASIC CREPFS: Beat eggs and salt together vMt l i an egg beater or electric mixer . Add tlour and milk gradually and alternately, beating alter each addition unt i l smooth. Beat in oil . If you wish, leave the baiter stand at room tempera ture tor one hour Heat a 6 or 8-inch non stick skillet/saute pan over a medium-high heat (regular skil lets should be lightly greased). Lift the pan above the heating element as you pour in 2 to 3 tablespoons of batter so it covers the bottom of the pan Place the pan over the heat and cook until golden brown. Carefully turn the crepe with a rubber spatula. Remove crepe from pan with spatula and stack on a plate. Makes 25 to 30 crepes. This basic recipe makes a lot of crepes--great for making ahead and keeping on hand If you don't care to have the extras, simply cut the recipe in half to have enough for Uie Chicken Divan C rcpes. ."A CHICKEN DIVAN FJgl ING: Cook broccoli acCOfdpg to package directions. fenip pouches and drain 2 table spoons butter sauce into medi um saucepan Stir in Hour Stir in chicken broth until lump tree Heat, stirring con stantly, until thickened and smooth. Stir in cheese, parsley, salt , onion salt , sour cream and sherry; heal until cheese is melted. Add chicken and mushrooms. Top each of 12 crepes with a broccoli spear. Top with 1 or 2 tablespoons of chicken sauce, f old crepes and place, seam side up, in a large shal low baking dish or 2 each in individual baking dishes. Pour remaining sauce over all; top with cheddar cheese and sprin kle with Parmesan cheese Bake in preheated 350 degree oven tor 20 minutes. Serves 6. ft SENIOR ^ CITIZEN'S' CORNER Seniors Assist Senior citizens across the coun try are assisting various police forces in an effort to combat Good news! SAVE 25% More walls for less money with genuine Wall-Tex" Wallcovering You'll sove on WallTex* styles and patterns for every room. So tome in for a first-rate deal on strubbable, strippable easy-to hang it yourself Wall Tex Wall coverings Wt now rtiru October IS. Off suggested retail price endudmg Anniversary Collection MAIN PAINT & DECORATING 3819 W MAIN ST McHENRY > 385 1115 crime The seniors are members of the American Association of Retired Persons i AARP), the na tion's premier group of organized elders One of the more innovative programs is taking place in San Diego, Cal according to the Law Enforcement Assistance Ad ministration in V^ashinton DC Seniors there are involved in the translation of raw data from crime reports into computerized information which is n used bv police officials to help solve serious crimes through faster suspect identification In Odessa Tex , the police department has enlisted the aid of five AAKP volunteers on a project similar to San Diego's Similar efforts are underway in M a r y l a n d ( A n n e A r u n d e l County), Huntington, West Virginia, Jacksonville, Florida and in the Lower Keys of Florida Police official^, in all those localit ies report that the senior programs e highly successful in helping reduce crime in their areas Recommended by physicians \ r \ r =S Stresstabs Stresstabs HIGH Rflfl HIGH Mf|fl POTENCY bUU bUU STRESS fOMMui 4 • AI,H FORMULA vitamins . Iff)!! VITAMINS •••»•• HIGH POTINCV STBF SS fOMMlll A VITAMINS X ? J v. NOW SALE PRICED AT: 4400 W. RTE. 120 MCHENRY, ILL. 385-1125 \