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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Sep 1978, p. 11

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I»\ JOSI IMI COOI.S ^ h i I f f > \ I < l l < i / i ' H f i s I news from the Family Service and Mental Me?"h Clinic of McHenry County SfroJiIF A Dental Health Tips by Gerry Johnsoii (Editor's note: This is another in a series of especially written articles for McHenry County readers Joseph Cools is a psychologist on the Family Service and Community Mental Health Center staff This ar­ ticle is "Coping - Insomnia ") The most common sleep disturbance that people complain of is insomnia, or lack of sufficient sleep Insomnia responds to treatment very readily if it is handled as a symptom, rather than as a disorder itself Insomnia manifests itseif as a symptom of many different disorders, and it is most important to determine what is the cause of the insomnia Then the cause, rather than the insomnia is treated ** When insomnia is due to a physical cause, it is perhaps easiest to treat as there is a definitive cause which can be treated medically and the resulting insomnia eliminated In the vast majority of cases, however, insomnia is caused by emotional upsets, either anxiety or depression. Sleeping medication as a treatment for emotionally caused insomnia is usually not indicated as a long term solution, but may be helpful for short term relief during an acute crisis or until the person can obtain some counseling to work on the emotional stress The usual pattern of emotionally based insomnia is chronic worry and anxiety leading to difficulty in falling asleep Initially, this is the only symptom and is tolerated well by the majority of people. If the anxiety continues, however, the insomnia typically progresses to frequent waking during the night and early morning awakening, sometimes ac­ companied by a feeling of panic This is not well tolerated and causes a constant feeling of exhaustion and irritability. This, in turn, heightens the feeling of anxiety Thus begins a cycle which is almost im­ possible for a person to break by himself In these cases professional help is warranted to deal with the primary cause of the anxiety. Mild sleeping medication may be used cautiously, so that dependence on the medication does not become a factor One interesting feature of studies on sleep disturbance is that purposeful sleep deprivation has actually alleviated some forms of chronic depression While not recommended as a treatment for depression, it does point out the imperfectly understood role of sleep or lack of sleep in healthy emotional functioning Next Narcolepsy Alan Dominic Accepts New Pioneer Center Post ALAN DOMINIC Alan Dominic has been named director of Adult Ser­ vices for Pioneer center, Robert Lam bourn, executive director, has announced Dominic, a seven year staff veteran in group and individual counseling with handicapped adults, is in charge of adult services programs sponsored by the McHenry County Association for the Retarded Included are the rehabilitation training facilities at McCullom I^ake and Crystal l^ake. the vocational evaluation center at Woodstock and the Knick Knack Shoppe at McHenry At present, about 160 people are working at the two rehabilitation centers Because McHenry Highlights FACTS FROM McHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL Kree And Appropriate Kducation for Kxceptional Children "Each local school district shall be responsible foj^actively seeking out and identifying all exceptional children in the district who are between the ages of 3 and 21 With those words, the Congress of the United States placed a mandate on every school district in this country to find and educate every child with problems in learning in its boundaries The same law listed as well the rights of exceptional children and their parents -the right to a tree and ap propriate education »By free in this instance, the bill refers to tuition - free education ) -the right to an individual educational plan for each ex ceptional child, and a con ference in which the child s parent<s> is directly involved -the right of the parent of the exceptional child to have the child educated to the maximum reasonable extent possible with his her peers the right of the exceptional child to placement in the least restrictive' environment conducive to his her educational program the right of the exceptional child and the child's parentis) to procedural and legal due process in the child s educational placement The law described above is a very tall order for most school districts to fulfill Yet with the existence of the Special Education District of McHenry County and special state fun ding, local school districts have Physical Limitations No Barrier of increased demands for service, expansion of the rehabilitation facilities is planned Dominic graduated from Illinois State university in 1965 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Education He worked with the Illinois Division of Vocational Rehabilitation as a rehabilitation counselor from 1%7 to 1969 and with an oc­ cupational development center at Bloomington as program director and safety officer from 1970 to 1971 Meanwhile, he returned to Illinois State university to obtain his Master's degree in Com munications He worked part- time as a teaching assistant while working for his Master's degree His training includes special work in orthotics and prothesies at RIU Dominic joined the Pioneer center staff in 1971 He is a certified social worker and teacher He is a member of the National Rehabilitation a s s o c i a t i o n . I l l i n o i s Rehabilitation association; and N a t i o n a l R e h a b i l i t a t i o n Counselors association He is active in his community as a lecturn-commentator for St Mary's Catholic church, W o o d s t o c k ; c o m m i t t e e member for Troop 776 of the Boy Scouts of American, and he and his wife, Patricia, are members of the Harvard Milk Center Squares, square dan cing group gone a long way toward doing just that The McHenry high school district has identified and serves some 2K5 students with one or more learning problems including services in math, reading and language arts, history, science, physical education, work training, and behavior management In addition, individual education If ever there was a per­ son with unwavering faith and determination, it's 66- year-old Marion Richsmann of Marathon, Florida. Mrs. Richsmann, a re­ tired registered nurse, be-* came 100 percent disabled after going through three spinal fusions over the past several years. Before her retirement, Mrs. Richsmann worked in nursing homes and hospi­ tals throughout the Florida area. "Nursing has always been a very important part of my* life," Mrs, Richsmann told a writer from the National Council on the Aging. "Be­ ing able to help others is really a blessing for me as well as my patients." After her operations, Mrs. Richsmann was deter­ mined not to let her physi­ cal impairment stop her from helping others. She volunteers 40 hours and more a week to the Home- makers Services Program in the Middle Keys area. She is now supervisor and co­ ordinator of programs. Two years ago, Mrs. Richsmann became dissat­ isfied with just implement­ ing the programs for others to carry out. She wanted to get out and see the actual work being done. She and one of the Homemakers canvassed the entire com­ munity searching out pro­ spective participants for the nutrition program. Mrs. Richsmann is still just as active today as she was then. "Certainly, I have physical limitations, but fortunately, they don't af­ fect my mental capabili­ ties," Mrs. Richsmann said. Aside from her busy schedule with the Home- makers program, Mrs. Richsmann belongs to the American Garden Club and the Fisherman Hospital Auxiliary. She encourages others to stay active and enjoy life as long as they can and not worry about things they can't changc, "I feel that there's noth­ ing more rewarding and ful­ filling than to be able to do something for someone else --each person in his own way--and knowing that you're needed and appreci­ ated." SOCIAL SECURITY of­ ficials report that not only are more retirees going back to work, but retiree income from working equals that from Social Se­ curity. Some 500,000 retirees are earning over $3,000 an­ nually, the point at which benefits begin to be re- plans are followed for a number I of students with more unusual! educational needs Needless to say realistic I considerations of time, money and human limitations pose problems with compliance of the law discussed above But as Dennis Welter, director of the high school's Learning Management program, states. "We're doing our best And if state evaluations and the inquiries of other school districts are any indication, our | best is pretty good " For fur ther information, please call Welter at the East campus. 385 1145 SUBSCRIBE To The McHenry Plaindealer And Save $8.80 Over Newstand Price l I I I I I I I NAME { ADDRESS I CITY I FILL OUT AND MAIL OR BRING TO: McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3112 W. Elm St., McHenry. III. 60050, with check or money order for *12.M for ono year subscription within McHonry County. ZIP "MONEY BACK GUARANTEE FOR UNUSED PORTION' l" duced. You can earn up to $12,000 and collect some money. CITIZEN-BAND radios may help older residents of Rochester, N.Y. protect themselves against crime. According to Bill McM&- hon, Deputy Commissioner of the State Bureau for Municipal Police, funding has been provided and studies are under way to determine whether the in­ stallation of CB radios in residents' homes would be the best tool in providing instant contact with local police. Residents selected for the program would be those most isolated and who are without access to telephone communication. The Veterans administration employs some ;*9,500 Vietnam era veterans, more than any other federal agency That so-called "dead" tooth can last your lifetime, thanks to new treatment techniques concerned with the tooth's pulp or "nerve." This type of treatment is called endodontics and the success rate of such care now exceeds 95 percent, according to Dr. Joel D. Arnold of Chicago, president of Illinois Dental Service, a not-for-pro­ fit organization, which pro­ vides dental care programs to some 600,000 Dlinois re­ sidents. He says that endodontics has grown into one of the most versatile and practical dental procedures, and pro gress is occurring rapidly. He explained that "dead" or non Vital teeth in children are often the result of an in­ jury and "consequentlyshould receive treatment as soon as after the accident as possible." When the pulp is threatened by deep decay or is injured, endodontic or ifoot canal treat­ ment often becomes necessary to save the tooth from infec* tion or from dying. If there is untreated deep decay, infec­ tion may spread throughout the entire pulp and eventually reach the jawbone. "When adjacent oral and facial tissues are severely dam­ aged, the treatment of a tooth becomes secondary and may be delayed for days or weeks Obviously, the longer the delay, the less favorable the prognosis with the pulp tissues exposed to the oral environ ment," he said. Treatment of a dead or in­ jured tooth may involve either partial (pulpotomy) or full (pulpectomy) removal of the pulp; healing will then take place as in any other part of the body. Dr. Arnold stressed that elimination of infection from the pulp is most important because experiments with germ-free animals have re­ vealed that the "presence or absence of microorganisms is the major determinant in the healing of exposed pulps." He added that "if the nerve has degenerated, root canal therapy is the only recourse short of extraction." Endodontic treatment is also needed when the jawbone has become infected from long-term puipal disease or when the teeth are fractured because the fracture may cause the pulp to be exposed to infection Endodontic treatment is covered in virtually all dental prepayment programs admin istered by Illinois Dental Service for adults and child ren, said Dr. Arnold. (For more information on dental prepayment programs, contact Illinois Dental Service, 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611). UiE fl PLAINDKALLK \\ LUNKSDAV, SEPTEMBER 20. I9W Assistant Advisor For i Extension Unit Named flfcJKft| tkjil i welfare division for tihe Juflk J Missouri Student association He received the only award given to an underclassmen at the 1977 Greek week banquet lor the activities he orgamzaed for the Intrafraternity council and the programs he developed, highlighted by the Big Brothers'" program w h i c h m a t c h e d s e v e n t y fraternity men with fatherless, underprivileged boys The new assistant adviser i ias a r ich agriculture background growing up on a purebred Angus ranch in DeKalh county, and then in Sull ivan county. Mo He w i l l be working w i th Kathi Heberer in the 4-H and Youth programs as well as assisting . in the job of serving agriculture and home owners with ( R \i(> st I I I IIH.< Ki l t programs and answering Craig Scheidecker is the new questions • assistant Agriculture Ex tension adviser in the McHenry county-off ice of the Iniversity of I l l inois Cooperative Ex ' tension service He is a recent graduate of the I niversity of Missouri, with his B S in Agriculture and several hours toward his Master's degree Scheidecker has much organizational experience serving as the chairman of the lniversit\ of Missouri Red Cross blood drive, as well as t>eing director of the student t o g d a \ Not Toda> H o n m a n y o f y o u u o u l d / i / . < t o h e a v e n { " a s k e d t h e S u n < h o o l t e a c h e r A l l t h e f o w l r - o l d s r a i s e d t h e i r h a n d s e p t J o h n . " I ' m s o r r y , " h e s a i d " I c a n ' t H o h e c a u . s e m y m o t h e r t o l d m e t > c o m e h o m e r i g h t a f t e r S u n d u . s c h o o l . " ttOM* 3S& stM Ho'"'1"' «* thru Oct r h o m e - 7 Sep*-2]; Oct-7 Otter "Slzs'l 1 Grill" ^ REVERE R.g WARK 16.46 Sandwich maker. Perfect for hamburgers hot dogs gril led sandwich steaks & more. Square on one side & round on the other Cooks most anything in I to 3 minutes. Hamilton Beach Blender Plus Blender , 2054 Mm Model 640 14 speed-40 oz. Glass container with 3 blend, store A serve containers. Choice of colors & styles. wi Proctor Silex Iron - 1854 22.96 • Model I 510L. Spray steam ft dry iron. 71 steam vents. Tap water convenience. Rever­ sible cord ft See-Thru water tank. / Revere Ware 7 Cookware Set Model 131 COPPER CLAD Reg. 46.87 Features heat-spreading copper bottoms Eoch set includes I j and 2 qt. covered sauce pans 4' j qt covered dutch oven and 9 in open skillet ̂Black & Decker Block ft Decker 3/8" Electric Drill Kit 3/8' variable dril l kit Complete with case detachable cord san­ ding discs, buffing pod polishing wheel, dril l bits, chuck key. Reg. Black ft Decker 2 sp. Jig Saw Kit 2 speeds. Comes in custom case 4 asst blades No 7 © eg saw 7531. Reg 29 07 2 Pak Eveready C or D Batteries CORNING Microwave Starter Set 1 flu Set includes 10 covered cooker with built- in 'rock 1' j pt sauce pon Pyre*' brand 12 plate 1 qt. measure microwave cookbook 4400 W. «TI. 120-McMNRY •Tl. 47 ft COUNTRY CUM R0.-W000ST0CK YOUR CHOICE 2 Pak Everead] Trans. Batt. Reg 1 1 7 3 37 TUBING CUTTER 3 76 1 0" PIPE WRENCH . i'Zi 5 87 14" PIPE WRENCH.. t'tZ ' 546" SLIPJOING PLIER . . OA< 3 46 1 0^S LIP JOINT PLIER 2 ly ,. f it -- SUNDAY 10-4 KHSBTS family center*

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