PA(iE 13 - PLAIN DEALER - WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, I»78 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MEN & WOMEN Experienced in plating, silk screening and general factory work •PAID HOLIDAYS •VACATIONS •INSURANCE AND HOSPITALIZATION •MONTHLY BONUSES 385-5454 Circuit Etching Technics 4415 HiPoint Road McHenrv 9-ITP RELIABLE Full & Part Time HELP WANTED Continued full time in winter. 16 to 21 Years CALL Dave Smith, Jr. LAWN CARE & LANDSCAPING 385-2834 For Appointment 9-1TF DATA ENTRY- COMPUTER OPERATOR Full time or Part time. PM or Night Shift. Typing necessary. Apply Personnel Dept. McHENRY HOSPITAL 3516 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, IL ' • /"Mi.e /*' HOUSEWIVES COLLEGE STUDENTS RETIREES Earn $35.00 to $50.00 per day Part Time Thursday only. Transportation necessary. Apply in person. Mon day and Friday. 9:00 AM -1:00 PM. POSTAL EXPRESS, INC. 128 Sayton Road Fox Lake, IL 9 70 9 29 PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR 2nd SHIFT If you enjoy challenge and are confident of your ability to handle responsibility, we would like to discuss this opening with you. Candidates will have recent manufacturing supervisory experience and be results oriented, please send work history including salary required or apply in person. Ciaud S. Gordon Company On Rt. 173, Just West of Rt. 12 Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2211 An Equal Opportunity Employer Gordon Prtfeumo Temperature Measurement 9-20-9-22 BROWN & SHARPE SCREW MACHINE Set Up ft Operate 1ST and 2ND Shift Experience Necessary ASSEMBLERS All Shifts Light clean assembly of small parts, no experience necessary. We will train. •Complete Benefit Program •Excellent Starting Wage •Excellent Working Conditions •Free Insurance •Paid Vacations AU1 6200 Three Oaks Read Crysfal Lake, II. ((•raw if Virginia RMNI and Thr*« Oaks R«etf) R.T.A. Stops Her* 815-459-3080 An equal opportunity employer M' F iim 9 20-1/27 AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE BROWN & SHARP! 2ND SHIFT Opportunity (or individual with Brown & Sharp* set up experience Will also con sider Swiss background hcellent salary range and benefit package plus overtime *PP»T Interrr NTERMATIC, INC. Intermatic Plaza Rte. 12 & Winn Rd. Spring Grove, Illinois An VQual opportunity •mploy*' M F 9-20-9-22 LOOKING FOR SOMETHING BETTER? 4Va DAY WORK WEEK 4 DAY MOTHER SHIFT (MONDAY THROWN THURSDAY 9 am to 3 pm) Rapidly growing company is now hiring PROPUCTION LINE ASSEMBLERS LIGHT MACHINE OPERATORS •Excellent Wages with Automatic Increases •On-The-Job training on Machine Operations •Promote from within Our Company •Outstanding Company Paid Benefits Program We Want Your Experience Now! Apply at Personnel Office <7:00 am to 4:30 pm) 5801 W Rte 120 McHenry III 60050 An equal opportunity C O R P O R A T I O N " > 2 0 9 2 2 f I I I I 1 I I I I I I I V ELECTRICIAN & PLANT MAINTENANCE MAN We are seeking an individual with background in electrical trouble shooting. A good mechanical background and the ability to fix things also necessary. •Good pay and benefits. Apply in person. KEMPER VALVE & FITTINGS CORP. Darrel & Burnett Roads Island Lake, IL • n-9'tt GENERAL PLANT POSITIONS Gearmaster, division of Emerson Electric, is currently recruiting for the following General Plant Positions •Machine Operator Drill Press •Lathe Operators •General Maintenance Helper •General Helpers •Quality Audit Inspector Some electrical and mechanical background preferred. It you are interested in a |0b that offers good starting rates, good fringe benefits, plus excellent working conditions We have what you are looking for Apply in Person or Phone Gearmaster Division Emerson Electric 1809 South Route 31, McHenry, II. 60050 Phone:815-385-7020 An equal opportunity employer 9-20-9-22 IS SEEKING FULL OR PART TIME SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS RESIDING IN MC HENRY COUNTY TO BEGIN TRAINING IMMEDIATELY full time drivers receive individual health, accident, hospitalization and life insurance benefits, sick leave allowance and a daily driving bonus. BE PAID $3.35 WHILE YOU TRAIN. EARN $3.60 PER HOUR AFTER SIXTY DAYS. Contact: Kent R. Blake Director of Transportation Special Education District of McHenry County 1200 Dane Street, Woodstock 815-338-3622 SAMBO'S RESTAURANT Located corner of Hwy. 12 ft Rte. 22 Lake Zurich IMMEDIATE FULL & PART TIME POSITIONS Available for: •Waiters & Waitresses •Dish Machine Operators •Cooks Benefits include Paid company insurance, annual paid vacations, complete training program for inexperienced new employees. Apply in person. All 3 Shifts Available. f a (*••••• •••••••••• • ••••••• i HELP WANTED WANTED Experienced Bartender Full Time. Male or Female. Also Part Time Bartender for weekend; Good salary, hospitalization, paid vacation. Call Bernie for appointment. 815-459-1237 MOTHER'S HOURS I ! Flexible hours. Part time mornings, | evenings and full time | available. Good pay. | Pleasant air conditioned | surroundings. Call or | apply to H O U S E C L E A N I N G H E L P needed. 1 or 2 days a week. Daytime weekdays. '385-0316 9- 20-9-22C L A W N M A I N T E N A N C E , f u l l or part time 385-8672 9-20-9 22c PERSONNEL PROTECTION INC. "Tin Safety PnfU' |a »»i. J - -- 1^. 94 ^eielel WVTN dp nwf.y i wtiiiP wiyini Ubi MeHtwy ( 3#S-5735/ 455-J777 I 1 |M -- -- 0 7n-<>J?2|| M O T H E R S HOURS 9:00 A!M- 3:00 I'M Light warehouse assembly work. Call for appointment. 8 1 5 - 4 5 5 - 1 1 0 0 FOUETT LIBRARY BOOK CO. 5 4506 Northwest Hwy J • Crystal Lake, IL J f • 9-20-9-22 ' *•••••••••••••••••••< NEED PEOPLE TO ASSIST IN INTERVIEWING single women in reference to their future kitchen product lines. Name your own hours .Full time or Part time Must have car Must enjoy dealing with public. Earn $4 00 to $8 00 per hour Call 338-3960 . a n d a s k f o r Mr. Fortin between the hours of 9 00 a m & 3 00 p.m. , I! I I i I I I TOY COUNSELORS WANTED Ideal for housewives & mothers. Plciiyhouse Toy & Gift Company has openiricj for demonstrators. Work now til December. We train you, Must be 21. Retails without obligation. Call Nary Lou Esmond 414-279-3419 8 30TF | \ I I I I I I I I I I J MAINTENANCE PERSON"8 NEEDED Contact Mike Stone for details at the Crystal Lake McDonald's Rte. 14 Crystal Lake, II. | McDonalds 459-9743 i I J TEACHER NEEDED IMMEDIATELY BUSINESS EDUCATION AND ENGLISH COMBINATION. No experience necessary. Hold Illinois High School teaching certificate. B.A Starting salary. $10,300.00 pro-rated per year. Qualified to teach business, typing and English For further infor mation call: Mrs. Biggins 815-385-7077 McHenry Community High School West Campus ILL BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ° JOB*Z* SERVICE WE HAVE JOBS FOR YOU! IN MC HENRY COUNTY!! McHENRY, C'LAKE, WOODSTOCK, RICHMOND, HEBRON, CARY, RINGW00D, HARVARD METALLURGIST J15 000 LAB TECH (ELEC )- $5 00 $6 00 hi SR PLANNER/SCHEDULER $13 000 CLERK TYPIST -J3 50 hr KEYPUNCH OP -J4 00 hr RECEIVING CLERK J4 00 hr WAITER/TRESS- -SI 35 hr plus tips COOK --$3 75 hr $4 50 NURSE AIDE--$2 75 hr SECURITY GUARDS $2 80 J3 15 JANITOR CUSTODIAN $625 00 mo PLATE HELPER $5 00 hr INSIDE SALES $3 50 hr GOLF CLUB VAINT -(open) BATCH MAKER $4 80 hr LAB TECH $750 00 mo T00L&DIE MAKER- $6 40 hr DRILL PRESS OP $3 65 hr INSPECTOR $4 30 hr SPRAY PAINTER $4 00 $4 50 hr FORKLIFT OP -$3 97 hr ASSEMBLERS- $3 00/$4 00 hr INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER SALARY OPEN STORE DETECTIVE $150 00 weekly COSMETOLIGIST^commission) BKKPR. TYPIST $579 00'mo INJ MOLD SETUP $5 50 hr MACHINE OPS $3 60 hr WELDERS-$4 00 $4 50 hr PACKERS $3 70 $4 50 hr Visit our office 425 CLAY STREET WOODSTOCK, IL 338-2372 9-13-9- CREDIT CLERK We are seeking a full time credit elerk Our candidate must have a pleasing personality and enjoy dealing with people Experience is necessary Duties include Patient counseling and medical third party collection Ex cellent fringe benefits and salary Apply McHenry Medical Group 1209 N. Green St. McHenry, II. 60050 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES PART TIME & FULL TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE All Shifts •Cooks •Waitresses/Waiters •Manager (3rd Shift) Where you work does make a difference Make friends while ear ning top pay at Golden Bear Whether you are experienced or want us to train you Start building your future today1 GOLDEN BEAR FAMILY RESTAURANT 380 County Line Road Deerfield, II. An equal opportunity employer M f 9 15 9 20 SIDOM SED0M has immediate position for a full-time secretary to work from 9 00 am to 5 30 pm Applicant must have good typing skills Other duties include serving part-time as radio base-station operator for school buses Excellent fringe benefits, salary com mensurate with training and,experience Please contact Mrs. Yvonne Charles 1200 Dane Street Woodstock, Illinois 60098 P h o n e : 8 1 5 - 3 3 8 - 3 6 2 2 « i 3 « » >oocoooc<x>ooos>s>^occooooccoc^«ocoococ<&cooc<> DRIVERS WANTED School bus drivers are wanted for Crystal Lake Districts 47 & 155 Starting rate is $4 10 per hour $50 Safe Driving Award paid at end of year Needed are Athletic Trip Drivers Field Trip Drivers and A M and 'or P M regular route driver For more information call 815-455-0558 or Come in Person to 650 W. Terra Cottn Ave. Crystal Lako s p u r q e o n s FULLTIME OFFICE WORK •Bookkeeping •Filmg •Payrolls, etc Monday thru Saturday (Day off during week) Many Company Benefits Apply in Person to SPURGEON'S STORE MANAGER McHenry Market Place9 ?0 9 22 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY o n o 0 BOOKKEEPER ][ Part Time Flexible hours. Shor- o thand, typing general O office. Call: O o n < > 10 OO AM to 4 OO PM Monday ^ > thru Friday 9 15 9 27 338-5547 j HOURS FLEXIBLE ! I Full Time or Part Time I J Prefer mature female with J I pleasant personality to verify J I appointments over the phone | I for our sales organization No j I experience necessary Can.j I earn $4 00 per hour. Call 338-3960 and ask for Don between the \ hours of 10 00 a m and noon | Per Week Approximately Ask for Glenn WELDING-ASSEMBLY Manufacturer of Industrial Ovens needs person with welding experience to work in assembly department Ability to read blueprints helpful Precision Quincy Corp. 220 N. Madison St. Woodstock, II. 3 3 8 - 2 6 7 5 9 X 9 2 2 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE WANTED FOR SHOE DEPARTMENT Must be willing to learn all phases of shoe retail Many fringe benefits including paid vacation paid hospitalization paid life in surance Apply in person GLADSTONE, INC. 326 E Judd St Woodstock, III 815-338-7400 9 JO * 11 ENGINEERING SECRETARY Brake Parts Company c division of Echlin Manufac J turing Company is currently J I seeking a Secretory for our ^ j Product Engineering Monager z, The successful condidate will possess o stable work history ^ and the ability to be a self J starter who requires only a y minimum of supervision Duties will include Filing typing blue print reproduc tion and in house deliveries For an Interview Apply in person or coll BRAKE PARTS CO. J I600N Industr ial Drive i McHenry I I 60050 S *r< equal oppo' »uf< *y employer V f j 9-20-9-22 t PLAZA BEAUTY SALON In Crystal Lake needs beauticians, full or part time. Better than average salary. Call: 815-344-1087 for interview. * 20 v 22 IS YOUR MONTH RUNNING OUT OF % Mothers, if you can spare 3 to 4 hours away from home 2 to 3 »times a week Queenswoy Fqshions will help you earn $50 to $150 weekly No in vestment, collecting yr delivering Call today 815-385-8488 or 815-344-1249 8 11 V 22 SHIPPING/RECEIVING PERSON FULL TIME Good starting rate. Call or apply. PERSONNEL PROTECTION INC. "Th« Softly People" Ln«I*4 •« Hwy 31 Between Crystal Lake I McHenry 385-5735 /455-3777 9-20-9-22 i REAL ESTATE SALES Associates now needed in one of McHenry s newest off ices excel lent commission spl i ts insurance program estab l ished form leads and above oi l experienced management people who care Don t get lost in the shuff le of a large of f ice |Oin an aggressive small company with big ideas Come to Realt/ USA For a confiden t ial interview cal l 815-344- 1244 - ask for Mr. Porisi. 9 I H MECHANIC For small engine repair. Full or Part time. Ask for Ken. 815-459-6200 WANTED-FULL TIME ROUTE-PERSON AUTOMOTIVE McHenry Area Restore white w a i l t i res Al l equip & suppl ies provided ' Earnings apprx 16 000 yr Need * i« or stat ion wagon and abi l i ty to sel l to auto sales dept managers T»i ans#k' service 312-864-7060 9-211-9-K2 HELP WANTED; Part Time Supervisor j Sunday only.3:00am to 9:00atn $5.00 per hour. Must have reliable vehicle. 815-385-3643 i 9 I 5 9 M WOMAN TO COOK ir CHILD CARE \ CENTER j Easy meals, short hour$ 9:00 A.M. • 1:00 P.M.,5 815-385-7000 \ . . . f Zk u n D iajnu -rrrt t .svvvv.;.; V. Xvv /V vi-ivivi; & ¥ •>XvXv Immediate Openings LATHE HAND & BRIDGEPORT MILL OPERATORS Also young men willing to learn Top wages for qualified applicants. Paid ||? Hospitalization plan, holidays & vacations. Good advancement possibilities Pleasant working con ditions. ASTRO CRAFT INC. Rte. 12 & Spring Grove Rd. Spring Grove, 11. 815-675-2344 TREE MEN LABORERS 886 So. Milwaukee Wheeling, II HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED DINNER WAITRESSES Apply in Person RUSTIC HARBOR RESTAURANT 217 Front St. r McHenry r. AMBITIOUS Dependoble person to work in tire retreading plant Ex perience preferred but will troin Apply In Person Jtptin Tire Co. 3314 W. Elm St. McHenry, II.