PAGE 14 - PLAINPEALER_2_WEPNESpAY^SEPTEMBERlP^1978 HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE FOft SALE MOTORCYCLES To5T FOR RENT FOR RENT Mature woman needed to greet our 10 year old daughter from school in Lakeland Park Need someone willing to do some very light house cleaning and prepare dinner Hours Monday thru Friday 3:30 to 6:30 PM 815-385-5847 after 6 30 9-20-9- 22c HAIRDRESSER NEEDED! Apply in person, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday to Spurgeon's Beauty Salon, McHenry Market Place. See Salon Manager 9-20-9-22c WAITRESS Won PROFIT BY OUR EXPERIENCE No soles experience is needed to sell America s best selling cosmetics To learn more about how you can become a successful Avon Represen tative call Mr*. Bauer _ 8^385j5385j jo HELP WANTED APPLICATORS S38 PER SQUARE All Local Work 385-6889 9-ltf FULL OR PARI TIME RECEPTIONIST AND GENERAL OFFICE WORK Matu re pe rson w i th accu ra te t yp ing sk i l l s and p leasan t t e lephone vo ice Some weekend work P lease ca l l M. BAKER 815-385-2720 Closed Mondays y-itf For Sale by owner U acre. Highway, commercial and residential Frontage, on Rt. 120 between Grayslake and Hainesville 312-546-5600 bet ween 8am & 4:30pm. , 9-15tfc HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER, 2 yrs. old Includes 2 bdrms, bath, laundry room, stove included Wonder Lake Area 728-0597 or 653-9075 9-20- 9-29C ADD TO YOUR INCOME and eh joy crafts at the same time Be a Better Homes and Garden craft Counselor Hours flexible Call Sue. 815-459-5526 9-20-9-22c 1ILE AND CERAMIC Installer Wanted.- Full or Part Time Thomas Carpets. 325 Virginia Street. Crystal Lake. Illinois 815-459-3211 9-20-9-22c SECRETARY part time to factory rep 815-385-6989 9-20-9- 22c BARTENDER I r { y Apply in person S( weer 1 30 to 4 00 y Sir Robert s Inn Sf 4912 Northwest Hwy. Crystal Lak*f IL Ask for Ev»lyn PART TIME HELP WANTED Apply in Person BiiF VILLA 3709 W. Elm St McHenry, II. BY OWNER 2 bedrooms large living room dining room combmat»on carpeted tbruout large corner fireplace in living room beautiful landscaping Many trees and barbeque pit in back yard Home m e* cellent condition S5S.900 00 385-8571 LOTS FOR SALE MeNmry Area Pr iva te Owner '.•to 1 acre plus lot in prestigious residential area Boating) Access to Cboin-O- Lake) pool and horse facility Restrictions S16 900 00 ond up co» 815-385-1304 or 815-344-0787 9 15 9 Tl j j BY OWNER j j Edfebrook Heights McHenry. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, enclosed 11 porch, fireplace in rec room, ! | central air, 2 car garage. J [ Shown by appointment 385-3374 9-20-9-22 RICHMOND New 3 bedroom ranch. 2 ceramic baths, oak kitchen with eat around counter Full basement. 2 car garage, main tenance free exterior, on 5 acres in estate area of fine new homes School bus to door Horses welcome Builder will give carpet appliance and light fixture allowance $90,000. 815-648-2772 Evenings 9 JO 9 72 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE By owner , :•! bedr(Kim 2 ba ths formal d in ing rooom. fu l l basement wi th* , l a rge two car garage redwood deck 1 1 years o ld $65,whi fa l l 815 344 2879 9 1 t fc VACANT one plus acres zoned l ight indus t ry Ar thur T Mcintosh & Co 312 372 2040 ext ( ' 9-1 t fc IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 bedroom ra i sed ranch f i r eplace large corner lot top condition Johnsburg schoo ls *66,900 con 815-459-9071 Boardwalk Realty, Inc. > 9 20 9 22 McHENRY AREA New bi level ranch 4 carpeted bedrooms carpeted living and di.iing room carpeted rec room 1'? baths Kitchen includes gas range and outside wood deck Utility room tor washer and d'yer ? car gaiage Wooded lot water Mghts Available >ept 15th J4">0 per month References and security deposit tequired Call 'or appointment after 6 pm weekdays o» anjtime on weekends I 9 15 9 n All Musical and Electronic In struments Brand New. 30% off regular price. Call 815-385-5251 £ "1J« "H » Brand new Mecca quick mount cassette player, separate volume and tone controls. FF- rewind. still in. box with warranty $37.00, Also 6x9 3-way Coxial speakers. $35. 815-385 0552. 9-20-9-22c KENMORE 3 cycle electric dryer Very good condition $85 Call 815-338-8161 9-20-9-22C CAMPER TOP for light weight pickup 815-338-0575 9-20-9-22C FOR SALE. - 5 pc Antique white dining room set $200 00; walnut coffee table $25.00 385- 6416 9-20-9-22c HANDMADE ITEMS, from area craftsmen Including a new selection of har.d quilted quilts. .Macrame, wooden items. ceramics. dolls, afghans. clocks and much more Cathie's Country Creations and Children's Closet, 12701 State Line Road, Hebron. IL 815-648-2839 9-20-9- 22c For Sale 1977 Cruise air motorhome, 25 ft 2700 miles, air. AM FM 8 track stereo, generator, refrigerator, stove, TV aerial, rear bath, sleeps 6-8 $16.000 00 815-385-9185 9-20-9-22C Spartan single snowmobile trailer, mint condition. $100.00. 815-385-3853 9-20-9-22C 7 pc drum set with sticks, brushes, music and stand. Sparkle blue Asking $250.00 815-338-7957 9-20-9-22c Used Gibson washer and gas dryer 815-338-6721 9-20-9-22: c STEREO and 2 guitars. Call between 3 & 5PM 815-385-9144 or 385-4360 9-20-9-22C EXTRA FIRM queen size bed $75; antique library table $100; desk $50; lined drapes $20; electric room heater $30; commode $25 815-728-0995 9-20- 9-22c Saddles and tack, English and Western, new and used Reasonable prices 2719 South Country Club Road, yVoodstock 815-338-2433 or 815-455-4036 9-8- 10-6c MISC USED BRICK for sale. 3000 used common bricks 05 cents a piece Misc building stone. (815) 385-6079 9-15tfc SWIM POOLS Warehouse inventory closeout Must sell brand new huge luxury above ground pools complete with sun deck, filter, fencing and full installation Asking $639 Full financing avail Call Ronny toll free 800-942-8144 8-'30-9-29c f ix 12 FT TRAMPOLINE, good for k ids . $40.00 Also sewing machine Edison wi th z ig zag s t i tch in cabinet $25 00 . 2 c la r ine ts . 1 for beginners S35 00. 1 for more advanced Students $45 (Ml 678-6231 Cal l a f te r 12 (Kl 9 -20-9-22C MOVING SALE a i r con ditioner . 6,000 BTU. 19 in TV, s te reo , end tables , coffee tab le lamps , sewing machine , and a t tachments Excel lent condi tion Best offer Must Sell 815 585-4720 9-20-9-22C in in GAS RANGE Rot issar ie In excel lent con di ton . - Secur i ty yard l ight wi th 2 bulbs 385-4931 9-20-9-22c H P JOHNSON OUT BOARD motor forward and reverse , inc ludes 6 ga l fue l tank low hours $250 00 f i rm 653-9492 9-20-9-22C COATS 1() 10 TIRE MACHINE good condi t ion . $225 00 Craf tsman 9 drawer bot tom cabinet and 10 drawer top wi th comple te se t of mechanics tools $550 0*^85 7637 9 20 9-22c ELECTRIC RANGE AND HOOD $35 no Works good 815 iK5 888H Roger 9-20 9 22C 1970 ARISTOCRAT TRAVEL t ra i le r fu l ly conta ined, a l l accessor ies , la rge mens c lo thes 815-338-2486 y 20 9 22c COLOR T V Dining room se t u i th 6 chai rs ca lcula tor and work bench Each bes t of fer 144-2863 9-20-9 22c ETHAN ALLEN ANTIQUE Pine furni ture Like new condi t ion Cog Wheel Coffee Table $2(M) 00 , Secre tary $375 00. Se t of 4 t ray tables $145 00. Serving car t $185 00. Combinat ion f loor and table $175 (Mi Moving out of s ta te 8151385 2137 a f te r 6 (M^ J^M PAVING BRICKS. 100 years old. beautiful 50 cents each, free dlivery 815 495-9240 Evenings 8-25-9-29C "RAILROAD TIES like new $7 50 delivered, installation available 815-385-4182 9-ltfc Velvet chairs CHEAP' 815-728- 1077 9-20-9-22c Bicycles for sale. 16" with training wheels; 24" boys 5 speed; 26" girls; 28" bovs 10 speed; 815-385-5451 after 4 PM 9-20 12 FT OVAL EARLY AMERICAN woven rug. brown, orange and white $25.00 . 385- 1463 9-20 i. PEASE BLACK DIRT $4.50 a yard. 10 yard) minimum. 815-675-2582 1975 YAMAHA RD. 125 street with tork induction and oil injection. Show room new. 2500 miles, sacrifice $375.00 815-653- 9481 9-20-9-22c MOTORCYCLE, 175 Kawasaki 1974 $300 or best offer 459- 9081 After 6:00. 9-20-10-6C 1976 CR 125, Elsinor, tricked out $400 or best offer. Call after 5 pm 815-385-6758 . 9-20-9-22C 1973 Suzuki T.S 400. Excellent Condition 344-3046. $300 00 9- 20-9-22C MOTORCYCLE. 1975 Title CL 350 Honda $500.00 815-385-5876 9-20-9-22C GARAGE SALE PROFESSIONAL HOME CARE Company Coming7 Fussy Relatives or prospective buyers We will compliment your shining household. Call for appointment. ANNY'S IMPORTED SCANDINAVIAN SERVICES 385-8354 »<»» • GARAGE SALE Sept, 21 & 22, 9-5 Bed & Dresser, table, sofa bed. misc. furniture, dishes, clothing and nutered yearling goat . 4719 Rte 31 Ringwood 9- 20 BLACK. BROWN STRIPED tiger cat, limps with rear left leg. reward. Area of railroad depot. 385-0356. 9-20-9-22C LOST Cat, black with brown tiger stripes, walks with a limp Area of John Street & Rt. 31. Lost about one week ago. 815- 385-0356. 9-15 Lost: Ring of several keys lost in vicinity of Osco 9-9-78. Send replies to SE-2, c-oMcHenry Plaindealer, 3812 Elm St. McHenry, IL 60050 9-20 WANTED TO 6UV ANTIQUES WANTED: Buying odd items including furniture, china. Wicker, glass etc. What have you? Wondermere 815- 653-7497 9-ltfc 2 BEDROOM APT. 14 baths, all appliances furnished. Swimming pool, adults only, no pets 385-0848 9-20-9-22C WONDER LAKE On the Lake. Modern 3 BR. 2 BA... Hse completely furnished, incl. washer-dryer. 20 ft. screened porch overlooking Lake. Oct. to June. No pets. $485. mo. 312-676- 3277 evenings & weekends 9- 20-9-22C HOUSE for rent in Hebron. 3 bedrooms, living, family and finished basement $310. month Upper floor extra rent. Call 815- 648-2972. Evenings. 9-20-9-22C WAREHOUSE of factory space from 5.000 to 15.000 ft 385-1079 9-ltfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS daily or weekly 815-385-0266 or 815 385 8905 9-ltfc 5 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Rain or shine. Tools, fishing & boaL, equipment. saddles, skil saw. snow blower IH cub, ping pong table, organ, stereo, gas range, vanity, sump pump, boat. cages, antiques, aquarium, typewriter, toys, dolls. Lots of clothes, and much more Thurs. & Fri 9-5, Sat, 9-1, 714 Lincoln Rd., 14 miles east McHenry Outdoor Theater 9- 20 OAftAOE SALE GARAGE SALE, Clothing, household, misc. tools. 4105 Westwood Dr., Sunrise Ridge. Wonder Lake, Friday & Saturday 9am to 5pm 9-20-9- 22c Oak kitchen cabinetry, all sizes, in stock, 50 percent discount off list 344-1180 9-ltfc New & used R R Ties, bulk grass seed We deliver Woodstock Lawn & Farm Center 815-338-4200 9-ltfc Like new 16x7 garage door complete with hardware Call after 6 30pm 815-385-4010 9-ltfc For Sale Rabbit and hutch, typewriter girls bike, hanging lamp 815 385-8294 after 4 pm 9- 13-9-22 MOVING SALE deluxe 48" roll a way bed knotty pine bar both like new $55 each 385- <>277 9-i5-9-20 1977 Star Craft camper trailer, range, furnace and most op tions Must see to appreciate Call for appointment 815-653- 9209 9 15-920 90 in TUXEDO SOFA with slipcover $75 , l lounge chair, $35 Very old dressing table w glass top $50 approx 55 sq yds of avacado carpeting $75 815-653-9593 9 20-9-22C SCAMPER POP UP CAMPER has stove oven furnace, sink, porta potty, sleeps 7 refrigerator and awning $1200 344-0574 9-20-9-22c 19 ZENITH and 17" Admiral black and white T V s Ex cellent condition 653-3871 9-20- 9 22c g2 SNOW TIRES mounted on •wheels 78x15 Call 497 3913 9 20-9 22c TANDEM TRAILER FOR MERLY 2 horse trailer $200 312-763-4370 9-20-9-22C SEPT 22 and 23rd. from 9 to 5 at 4325 East Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Lake, household items and collectables. large B B Q card table, and chairs, glassware, much misc 9-20-9- 22c ESTATE SALE, contents of Grandma's house. 58 yrs of collecting, depression glass, quilts. Victorian furniture, etc 9 to 5 Sept 23, 24 4310 River dale, Johnsburg 815-344-1512 The Country Girls. Mgrs 9-20- 9-22c Moving Sale All types of bar equipment, kitchen set. much more misc 3012 Riverside Dr .385-0767 9-20-9-22C GARAGE SALE -Friday Saturday-Sunday. 8 til 4, Kane Ave Apts next to Althoffs. j Toys, clothes, much misc 9-20 9-22c RUMMAGE SALE American l^egion -4117 E Wonder Lake Rd Wonder Lake Fr iday Saturday-Sunday, 22-23-24 9-2<i 9-22c GARAGE SALE Everyth ing must go . mowers recondi t ioned. books , puzzles , g i f t s Something for Everyone 7212 Algonquin . Wonder Lake . Thursday thru Sunday 9 20 9 22c FURNITURE SALE Must Sel l . like new lively 89" Striped gold-green-rust crushed velvet sofa. 2 matching gold crushed velvet chairs, print green & gold velvet lounge chair hi back green velvet chair. 2 walnut end tables , lamp, rus t Berkliner Recliner. attractive dinette table, 42x48 with 2 leaves & 5 chairs 11,500 BIT Air cond , 11 Wood Storms & Screens, etc 1319 N Mil lstream Dr , Sat . & Sun Sept 23 & 24th , 10 AM to 5 PM 9 20 9 22c HOUSEHOLD SALE. Sept 22 and 23rd Solid pecan formal dining room set, $1,000 00 Stereo console, gold velvet sofa, new 24" vanity base, new- medicine cabinet, 2 white twin headboards, pole lamp, lamps, misc items, clothes, 17 cu ft upright freezer Johnsburg Road to Ringwood road and left to signs 9:00 AM to 5 00 PM 9 20-9 22c GARAGE SALE Riding mowers, swing accordian , lamps, old rocker, exerc izer , much misc Wed thru Sat 8 to ' ' 4507 East Lake Shore I i r ive Wonder Lake 9 20 4 FAMILY s tereo , refrigerator. pool tab le , assorted jewelry, clo th ing , shutters , furniture, plants Sept 22 & 23 10-3 at 1502 West Sunset Drive, No early sales 9-20-9 22c Garage Sale , Thursday 21st. Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd Rain or shine 9 am to 4 pm 1900 River Terrace Drive. McHenry 9-20 4606 WILLOW. LAKELAND PARK, 19" Black & White T V. Girls 10 & 12 clothes. Much more Thursday, Friday and Sat Sept 21. 22, & 23. 9-20-9-22C Oriental rugs wanted, we pay top dollar for your old Oriental rugs, call anytime , 312 884-6444 9-ltfc SITUATION WANTED CHILD CARE. LICENSED. McHenry Shores. Prefer new born or over 2'2. 815-344-2928. Hot meals. 9-20-9-22C Medical Assistant with eight years experience can do EKG's. stress tests, draw blood, injections, various office duties, seeking part of full time employment . 815-728-0086 9-13- 9-20 MOTHER BABYSITS AT HOME, 8 ^yrs. experience Excellent references McHenry Shores 344-3309. 9-13-9-22C CONDO. two bedrooms. 112 baths, pool, washer, dryer, draperies, no pets. $320. month. 815-385-3117. 9-20-9-22C STORAGE SPACE, boats, furniture etc 338-6874 . 9-20-tfc. ALGONQUIN - 5 bedroom house on farm Basement, garage. Kids, pets okay $375. 312-249-1212 CW Rentals Fee 9- 20-9-22c FURNISHED 1 bedroom house trailer on Arabian horse farm Ingleside area Prefer responsible young woman with horse or experience with horse*. Rent and board negotiable. 312- 587-1340 9-20-9-22C LARGE LUXURIOUS Duplex on water, two bedrooms, double vanity bath, living room, dining area. Kitchen with breakfast area Washer, dryer and garage. In town 'l- block to shopping 815-385-3493 9-ltfc LANDLORDS Rent your vacancy fast at no charge to you We're free advertising at our expense CW' Rentals 312- 249-0015 9-20-9-22C Storage space to accommodate any size RV (boats, campers, etc ) Inside or outside Private party Call evenings 815-385- 5481 ask for Eric or Maryann 9- 15-9 29c ORCHARD HEIGHTS AREA, brand new home never Oc cupied, 3 bdrm, 1'2 baths, full basement, appliances, close to river $420.00 per mo. Call Mike (312)526-8821 or 526-7932. 9 15- 10-6C WIDOWED EXECUTIVE WITH ADULT children desires 3 or more bedrm house. Year around lease Rent to $600.00 mo. 815-728-0955 9-15-9-22c MCHENRY, 2 homes available both 2 bedrooms with garage $275-$325. 312-249-1212 CW Rentals Fee 9-20-9-22c For Rent: Wonder Lake, brand new 3 bedroom, 1'- bath, 2'l- car attached garage, stove and refrigerator and drapes $450 month Also raised ranch $500 815-728-0125 9-20-9-22C GARAGE SALE Thursday 1-5. Friday 9-5. Saturday 9-5. Baby items, chairs, curling iron, toys much more 2403 Edgewood Lane McHenry 1 Set t lers Woods > 9-20-9-22C LOVING MOTHER has one opening for child two years old or under in my licensed home Weekdays BONNIE (312) 497- 3381 ! 9-20 GARAGE SALE CRYSTAL LAKE 2 bedroom carpeted home with garage Kids okay only $260 312-249- 1212 CW Rentals Fee 9-20-9-22c estate Liquidation sale By The Woodstock Settlers September 22 and 23 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. 319 W. Calhoun Street Woodstock, II. 9/20-9 n STORAGE SPACE all sizes, inside or out. monthly rental. The Keep Mini Warehouse. 815 455-0095 9-ltfc WONDER LAKE furnished 6 room lakefront home, fireplace, double garage $325; also two executive 3 bedroom ranches available 312-249 1212 CW Rentals Fee 9-20-9-22c UNDER NEW M A N A G E M E N T V F W . Clubhouse and Hall for rent, seating capacity for 400 Call 385-9860 9 to 12 weekdays or after 6pm 9-ltfc FOX LAKE 1 bedroom apt $210.; 2 bedroom house with possible option $235; Lakefront 2 bedroom big sundeck $275. 312-249 1212 CW' Rentals Fee 9- 20-9-22C HARVARD 2 bedroom home on farm Newlv decorated, carpeted, vard for pet $250.00 312-249-1212 CW Rentals Fee 9-20-9 22c FOR RENT In McHenry. 3 bedroom house, fireplace, formal living & dining room, large rooms 312-564-1972 9-20- 9-22c For rent in McHenry Huge storage space in very good condition. 312-564 1972 9 20-9 22c 3 BEDROOMS, basement, garage, in McHenry. $385 00 per month plus security deposit No pets Available 10-1- 78 Call Barbara McKinley at 385-6900 9-20-9-22c For rent, two bedroom home in McHenry, fenced yard, stove, refrigerator, double garage, two children welcome $340 00 month, plus security deposit Available Oct 1st 815-385-7951 after 1pm 9-20-9 22c JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE • 1EWEL CATALOG OUTLET S'u JBWBL A DIVISON OF JEWEL DIFECT MARKETING 301 W. Virginia St. 815-455-0333 CRYSTAL LAKE / A MnciMMSf TSuMMHCi CIIIIHI Mon. , Too* . 9 a .m . • 5 p .m . Wed . , Thurs . , F r i . 9 a .m . 8 p .m . Sa t . 9 a .m . 5 p .m . Sun . 10 a .m . - 3 p . i ' end of surWmer w i r i : I S ) i o / l \ l ) SALE DAYS - WED. SEPT. 20th THRU. TUES SEPT. 26th WHILE QUANTITIES LAST POP-OVER TUNIC TOP WITH WING COLAR AND PLACKET FRONT MCC REG. $5.69 NOW BLUE TEXTURIZED SPORT COAT ALL BLAZERS SPORT COATS LEISURE JACKETS OFF OUR REG. STORE PRICE FITTED BLAZER NUBBY TEXTURED SHIRT JACKET WITH MOCK POCKET FLAPS CUFFED LONG SLEEVES MCC REG. $5.69 NOW 3 quality bar stools. $120 also outside privy {38-6874 9 20-9 22c Boys hockey equipment 815 385 3338 '• 9 20-9-22c Large capacity tricolator coffee maker with spicket, great for business $20 , 6 burner 30" white gas stove and bronze double oven and broiler $35 each 815 728-0832 call after 2 pm 9-20-9-22C HOWELL ESTATE SALE Antique organ, complete kit chen items and books, stereo, furniture, clothes and toys. 1105 W. Northeast Shore Drive Griswotd Lake SAT & SUN 10 5 100% cotton, brushed-sateen patch pocket, back belt LEISURE JACKET WESTERN STYLED Polyes ter cot ton European s ty l ing 4-snap front 2-side entry pockets MCC KK< $11.99 MCC REG $11.99 MCC REG! $23.99 NOW $479 $479 ^ ^ ^ $ 9 5 9 isn NOW CHILD SOLID STATE PHONO Plays 45 and 33^ RPM RECORDS Colorful Carry Case MCC REG $14 99 FLATWARE SETS ROYAL BALLAD" "COLONIAL BOUTIQUE" Service for 8 - 50 Piece Set MCC REG. 111.97 $749 $599 CRYSTAL IAKE ONLY ^ {CATALOG OUTLET STORE JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE -