»V»W, V uE& toimiXM •** #M|§a Mill K»'-. i •"** 'T% '£> M% ¥ I S e p a r a t e l y . . . Coot 29.93 v Vest 11.93 Pants 13.94 Con* In end see ovr fine line of men's *- pc. Mellly www Vise polyester. Per- StltiT ftffiMJiliBM #*_ ewe fi •vpiii| • • • no till IT9 inQBVf reelsts wrinkles. Choose from 9 colors .. Mevy or Brown. SAVI SlO.BO H eM 3 nieces. If boueht Men's SAVI M to *11. Moti'i lob#l iwosters -- ce overs, knits. Fine selection' MM'S Bret* Port* SAVf $4. All of our 12.94 men's dress pants on solo I All stylos, colors, sizes. While they lost. Man'sMekfcP TwflJaam SAVE S3. Olcklo Brand men's |eons. Flare or Boot Cut. All colors and sixes. (Cotton/Polyester.) Blf B*yt' Halt SMrts SAVE 7.54. Big boys' long sleeve knit sport shirts. Famous brand label. Slses B-1B. Beautiful stripes. MM'S Cher* Sieves SAVE 40< on men's golden brown work gloves. While they lost BAVI UP TO M% - 13*4 P"*' S32 to tSt *ee»ee etflee reel Wed. Ityla. vary (real tfar* to Mara. 31% R*g. ii.ee 17% OPT r*s is.ee St% OPP 14.SO 3B%OPP 1.24 fi J 2B% OPP MM'S Werk C*e Complete assortment of men's 1 work' fops. Denim, engineer Alt Afebi A Ilea's & Beys' lies »* ••• selection of the m BTylwl O* »"•" I efc DOyi Tlwl ^wwvfvwoy s riisT ono bqv«i MM'S 4 Beys' Bells '1 i/ Shop Hornsby's first for a wide • selection of men's end boys' belts. - Big Veluel ITT rA! 13" R*g. 18fi SAVE $S on (lion's polyostor-flll bulky, down-look |ackot. Zip- porod and snap closuro. Stand-up collar* Nylon quilt. Navy or Royal. S-M-L- XL. Mti'rflMMl SMrtt mi SAVI I.ft. Mm's Nssssl shirts en Selel Made IslMA ts% r y- ' 1.9? WMft_ K.,jyi£id! THESE HORNSBYS FAMILY CENTERS OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY & 10 to 6 SUNDAY HDH9 4 S 9 K e n n e d y O r B r o d l e y I I I