? I OR $ A ASIA Of FALL FABRICS!I Bo drossod for fall in this luxurious fabric from Burlington. In colors of Primroso, Nutmog, Cranborry, Wlntor Whito and Lush Groan. 40" wido, 100% Dacron Polyostar. Yd. Rag. 4.44 Yd Choosa from thoso small brushod florals for tho now look of fall. Challls typo fabric In polyostar cotton blond for oasy caro. 45" wido. MHIRCEN VISA LANTANA FABMC Choosa from Brown, Black, Navy, Barry Windowpano, Hounds- tooth Chocks -- In oasy»caro Visa. 60" wido. For pants, tops, drossos -- coordinatos with Ponto Do Roma. 1 77 Yd Rag. 2.54 Yd 1 ¥7 Yd Rag. 2.94 45% Dacron Polyostar -- 35% Cotton -- All now fall solid colors. Porfoct for panto, suits, childron's woar and sportowoar. • colors to choosa from. 45" wido. 1 57 Yd *•«. 2.44 Yd SPRHKMAIO SHEEK A LOVELY CRKHAM FLORAL FABRIC SPRMOMAIi SHEER A LOVELY OmOHAM FLORAL 00R.IB FABRK 1 2 17 Yd. 27 Yd. Rag 1.00 Yd - «*0 3.47 Yd Choosa thoso two coordinating fabrics for fashion in clothos or in docorating. Pink, bluo or yollow gingham chocks with coordinating, small floral prints. 45% polyostar/35% cotton. Both 45" wido. Wondar Art Afghan Choosa from Ripplo, Flos to, Navafo, Pinwhool or Cranny doslfpts. All kits havo comploto in structions, yarn to finish a 45" x 40" afghan. 100% DuPont 2-ply afghan yarn for woightloss warmth. 64 Rag.10.B7 Wondar Art latch Hook Rag Kits 100% DuPont acrylic cut yarn and canvas to comploto a 20" x 27" latch hook rug. All in s t ruc t ions inc ludod . Choosa f rom many dosigns. Rag.12.54 Assortod Woador Noodlowork Choosa from 5" x 7" naadlopoint kits -- Booutlful camoo stitch kits or vary usoful naadlopoint pin cushions. All yarn and in structions Includod. Rag. 1.14 THESE HORNSBY'S FAMILY CENTERS OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY & 10 to 6 SUNDAY R o u t e 1 3 6 H a v a n a I I I 66 & 116 P o n t i a c I I I M a r k e t C t r W c H e n r y I I Roi /U 4 7 W o o d s t o c k I I I 4 5 9 K e n n e d y D r B ' o d l e y I I I Y o r k y i l l e