Three "Mini-Clubs" Within Newcomers Will Continue HOSPITAL NOTES At the September monthly meeting of the Town and Country Newcomers club which took place last week at St. Paul's Episcopal church in McHenry, it was decided that three of the "mini-clubs" within the Newcomers group will continue to be active. The gourmet group recently celebrated their French cuisine dinners; and chairman Nancy John has announced tentative plans for a Chinese menu theme for the next dinners. Saturday, Nov. 4, 1978. Mrs Loughan, bridge chairman, reported an organizational bridge session at her home on Monday, Sept. 25, at 7:30 p.m Tennis buffs should contact Paula Ekstrom for more in formation on the weekly sport sessions. Program vice president Elizabeth Loughan introduced • Mr. Rourke and Mr. Diehl from a well-known Chicago area wallcovering company. Both men gave an informative presentation on do-it-yourself wallpapering. After an in teresting film, Mr. Diehl aided Mrs Loughan in giving a practical demonstration After the demonstration. Social chairman Marilyn Bisiewicz reported on several upcoming club activities The next Tea, Talk, and Sew, a morning get-acquainted session, will take place Thursday, Sept 21 at 9 30 a m. at the home of Mrs Keith Sonnichsen in McHenry Shores The previously cancelled August hayride with the McHenry Jaycees has been rescheduled for Friday, Oct 6 at 7 p.m. at the Lazy C stables on Rt 120 east of McHenry A wiener roast will follow the wagon ride Those attending are asked to bring a dish to pass Ways and Means co- DIVORCES WINN PHILLIPS CARt-4-MAMS W« at C»ntury 21 Car# iaal Ettat* Inc. or* pl«at»d to pratant you with our wookly toriot of imformatlvo Rool Eitot* ArticUt. Now that Century 21 ha* boon promoting on TV, rodio. and in newspaper ads how important it it for sales associates to be properly trained in all phases of real estate, it is interesting to note the number of firms now using the word Professional There is only one way to be sure Have the Associate sit down and show you his or her credentials They should in elude Years experience Real estate schools and courses attended Positive training programs that include the awarding of certificates and or diplomas And their trock record to dote You can be sure with a Neighborhood Professional "™ We care." Phone 344-1013 "WE RE HERE FOR YOU • t ' " CARE REAL ESTATE INC. PHONE 115 344 1033 3717 W. 11m (AcreuJrom Jewel) McHenry. II. lech oHiced Independently chairman Sue Olson asked members to approve a "shop 'n share" association with a local retail food store tentatively set for a Tuesday and Wednesday in November. Membership chairman Judie Wilcox reminded members to bring extra canned goods for a food cabinet for F.I.S.H Finally, Mrs. Loughan an nounced that the next Newcomers' monthly meeting will be a wine and cheese tasting demonstration from a local liquor store to be held on Tuesday, Oct. 10, at 7:30 p.m. Members and guests and their husbands are asked to attend. For further details on any club activity, or information about joining the club, contact Mrs. Joseph Wilcox or any club member. Any residents new to the area are always welcome to attend club meetings and functions. There's An Answer | l>\ Noriiuin \ inc<'iil IVnle hihI HiiiIi Stafford IValf} Decrees and judgments of dissolutions of marriage recently granted by the 19th Judicial Circuit Court include: Donna Jean Murphy and Joseph Wesley Murphy; Alice A Witt and Albert A Witt Lina Louise Van Duyn and John Robert Van Duyn Jody Ann Ellison and Kerry Richard Ellison. Royce Copley and Charles Copley ; Margaret M McCullough and Terrance J McCul lough Susan Ann Anderson and Ricky I^ee Anderson; Sandra R Rohde and Thomas M Roh- de . Connie L Schock and Jacob Schock Janie Young and Dan M Young; Deborah L Beiers and Bruce M Beiers. Mary A Kuemmel and Raymond A Kuemmel, Bonnie S Glaves and John W Glaves It's about time for mothers to conclude they're glad the "dear little things" are back in school. 'This Feeling is Driving Me Foolish' Q. This man I have been in love with from my high school days is troubling my mind. We went together in high school and broke off. - Later on I married and it didn't work out. I got a divorce. Years later this high school boy friend was back in my hometown, and we ran into each other. Every time he was in town he would come over. The feeling I had for him was still there. I was in love with him. The problem is he has lately gotten married, and I can't get him,out of my mind and heart. I'm trying. What else is there to do? This feeling is driving me foolish. A. Better get rid of your feeling for your old high school friend or it will do more than drive you foolish. It will get you into a lot of trouble. He is married. He is another woman's husband and you have no right to entertain ideas about him. So if you want to make sense out of your life, put him out of your mind; and you can do that if you have a mind to. Perhaps you might find help in our booklet, What To Do When, which is free to any reader of this column. Write to us at Box 500, Pawling, NY 12564. A Hurt That Won't Leave Q. Before he died my husband told me all about the women he went with. He said he had to tell me. He ran around on me for 34 years. I thought he did, but I loved him so much and didn't want to mess up my children's home. I do know my husband died with a guilty conscience. He let me know that lots of times before he died. Please tell me how I can get over a hurt that won't leave me. A. Your husband used you as a confessor. His guilt, he felt, had to come out and he laid it on you. While this may be considered weakness on his part, it also is a great compliment to you that in his mind, only you could absolve him from sin. He is now in eternity and in the hands of God. If you forgive him you will find comfort and the hurt will pass away. Shy And Without Confidence Q. I'm a girl with a problem of worrying constantly and thinking the worst is going to happen. It's very hard for me to talk to people, and I have few friends. I want to get a job in a store, but I'm chicken because I'm shy and have no confidence. I believe in God, but I don't understand why there is disease and unhappiness on this earth that God made So I am fearful. Do you think you can help? A. The only way to get over your worry and anxiety feelings is to cultivate the opposite mental attitude, which, of course, is positive thinking and faith. This won't come easy, but it is possible to change your thought pattern. Whenever a worry thought comes, be it small or large, cancel it out by a positive thought. Affirm, and do it strongly, that the worst is not going to happen, but the best is going to take place. You will have to think and to practice your way out of your trouble. But take heart, many others have done it successfully. If there is something you would like to ask Dr. and Mrs. Peale to discuss in this column, write to them in care of Box 500, Pawling, NY 12564 If you would like to talk directly with a Prayer Partner, call Prayer Line (212 ) 532-2700. Reduced long-distance rates are in effect nights and weekends SECOND CHILD „ Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. Johnson, 4820 W. route 120, McHenry, welcomed a baby girl, Aubra Lynn, their second child, on Sept 6, at Lake Forest hospital. Bruce, 15, is the baby girl's brother. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William F. Philip, 1175 Viewmont drive, Escon- dido, Ca. Mrs. Luise Johnson of Aurora is the paternal grand mother. BIRTHS:three McHenry Couples, Mr and Mrs. Louis Harper, a boy; Mr. and Mrs Andrew Babchak, a girl; and Mr and Mrs Dave Robel, a girl. Three Wonder Lake couples. Mr and Mrs. Douglas Se'lek, a boy; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Leuscher. a girl; and Mr. and Mrs. Scot Solare. a boy. • • • • Without police protec tion there would be com paratively little civiliza tion. ADMISSIONS: Nancy elpedio, Walter Loan, and M( HENRY Ellenor M Foerster. all of McHenry; Patti Basham .and Mary Ramp of Wonder Lake; Ruth A Schmid of Sffring Grove; and Arnold DeLoach of Wauconda WOODSTOCK ADMISSIONS: Donald Campbell, Robert Justen. Mrs Delta Lunkenheimer, Mrs. Eileen Robel, Bruce Wardell, Christopher Zank. and Miss Catherine Getner, all of McHenry; and Paul Germain[ of Wonder lake Safety Tips Listed For Taking Medicine N V\V Today s fashion in one word. Boots Today s designer Dexter And it's not just good looks. It s rich leather built on a solid ieather sole, it s a stacked heel, it's distinctive styling Any way you look at it, Dexter makes the right shoe for both feet $6495 GIES SHOES AND SHOE REPAIR 1307 N. RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY, ILL. 385-2801 Deep Worry is a stream of fear, cutting a gorge through the weary mind. -Grit. Definition ' Courtship: The art of helping a man discover for himself that he's going to marry you. -Atlantic Reserve Fleet. There is a right way and a wrong way to do most things, including taking medicine. When medicine is taken cor rectly, the exact dose is taken at the proper t ime, under condi tions that insure against error The American Medical As sociation offers a few useful di rections for taking medicines-- Store medicines in a cabinet, preferably locked, away from the reach of chil dren. ;; * Keep only medicines cur rently in use. Destroy old prescriptions, because many drugs lose po tency or may he chemically changed hy time Read the label in a good light before opening the bottle or box. Read it again be tore taking the medicine. If you have more than one box of pil ls or capsules to take, be sure one is closed before opening the other. This avoids switching cov ers, and also labels. When pouring from a bottle. r/iut- 6 - rLrti \ucrtLhn - vvhU!\fcSUAJ , stf i r^.viniMv iu, i»'» It's" too easy to take an overdose if the medication is < accidentally repeated during the night while sleepy. * Keep medicines in the origi nal labeled container. If you carry pil ls in a pil l box. pastt5- a small label inside the l id . * Avoid using medicine lor* children whi^h is disguised as candy. The child may find the medicine and takt; the whole bottle « Exclusive men's shops are showing genuine leather blazers in beautiful mahogany for the well dressed man. keep the label up so that any dripping will not soil the label and make it hard to read. Never take medicines in the dark. If i t 's late at night, turn on the l ight It >ou wear glasses tot reading, put them on. Keep medicines away from the bedside table Make it necessary to get up and cross the room to get them Dressing boys and girls fof' school has been made easier for mothers because store# carry full lines of classic knit shirts with companion twill pants. * Mother Knows "Dad, what is an inscru* table smile?" "It's the kind, my son, your mother had on her fa this morning when I told her that business might keep rne late tonight." spurgeon's Save Big This week! New Home Brighteners ». Is! Hi II Save $3.99 Pair! Our Airy Open Weave Drapery is Lined 48x63" $HQ size IO Reg. $16.99 Light poly/cotton/rayon with privacy of a sheer lining! Brown, gold, green. Special order multiple widths 20% off! 48x84" size, reg. $17.99 pair $14 Extra wide seeded voile panels of perma-press Dacron* poly/cotton\White, eggshell, rust, coffee, gold. \ 60x63" size, reg. $4.49 panel 3.47 60x81" size, reg. $4.99 panel 3.87 Save $3.99 Pair! Our Beautiful ."x Jacquard Drapery Insulates While You Decorate 48x63" $"iO size 1^ Reg. $15.99 Elegance to keep your rooms warm in winter, cool 'n summer1 Heavyweight cotton/acetate with foam backing. Washable, of course! Oyster, brown, maize, blue. Special orders in mult iple widths 20% off this week only! 48x48" size, reg $16.99 - pair $13 Chiffon ninon panels of 100% Dacron" polyester with 5 hems. Lovely in white, gold, eggshell, blue, melon. 40x63" size, reg $2 59 panel 1.97 40x81" size, reg. $2.99 panel 2.27 We carry the complete line of Kirsch drapery hardware A $2,36 Value! 4 Wash Cloths pack S1 A four-pack of thirsty cotton terry washcloths in assorted solid colors. Great for at-home or away at school Can't have too many at this pin- money price1 11V2X12" size. Save! Vinyl Lace Tablecloths YOUR r\ 5^ CHOICE ^ for \J Reg. $3.99 and $4 99 each Linen look cloth with an ancient . world lace design. Machine wash, machine dry, never iron! White, green, gold. 54x72", 60x90 ' oblong and oval, 70" round. Save! Dacron" Poly Prints | 99 Reg $3.99 yd. Sew, save on smart fall fashions' 70 denier, Dacron" poly mock interlock prints Green, brown, black Choose coordinate solids in same colors, Reg $2.99 1.50 yd- > A, % /' "N & Save $2.12! 5-Pc. Dacron Bath Ensemble -- 8 Colors! Reg. $10 49 837 OuPont Dacron" polyester set con sists of 21x30' bath rug, 21x20 contour rug, l id cover tank cover, tank top Rust, gold, green, straw brown, l ight blue, pink, yel low Beauty Saion 385-4520 Store Hours: Mon., Tues.„ Wed., Thurs. & Fri. McHenry Market Place 9-9; Sat. 9-6; Sun. 10-5