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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Oct 1978, p. 19

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BUICORtOR Applications for marriage icenses at the McHenry County lerk's office were recently made by: Chester W. Griffin and Margaret L. Brown, both of Cary; Eugene Wilson Pinder, Hoffman Estates, and Paulette Renee Salcedo, Fox River Grove; Roland Mitchell Avery and Debbie Anderson, both of Crystal Lake. Eric K.M. Takeyama and Sally L. Johnson, both of Bloomington; Billy R. Lemay and Glenda L. Thompson, both of Capron; Mark G. Reichenberger. Delavan, Wis., and Roberta S. Murdock, East Troy, Wis. Michael Robert Becker, Arlington Heights, and Karen Suzzane Bunda, Cary ; John Gaines Dye and Dolores Kerczewski, both of Cary; Melvin C. Thomas Jr. and Vicky Ann Japhet, both of Addison. Daniel Norman Madsen and Millie! Friedel, both of Wood­ stock; Richard James Phan- nenstill, Cudahy, Wis., and Mary E. Neis, Crystal Lake; Phillip E. Dorsch and Elizabeth L. Benson, both of Woodstock. Lawrence S. Godfrey and Margaret R. Weyna, both of Crystal Lake; Richard Stephen Nienstedt and Kelli Ann Shanahan, both of Crystal Lake; Ronald M Bergman, Loves Park, and Carole J Rasmussen, Crystal Lake. Joseph M. D'Angelo and Gerianne Armon, both of McHenry; Edward R McGehee, McHenry, and Annette M. Adenau, Spring Grove; Max Eugene Canady and Sonja Gail Baker, both of McHenry. Mark Allen Schultz and Debra Ann Freund, both of McHenry; Kristopher M Struck, Schaumburg, and Adelia W. McComb, Wonder Lake; Anthony P Bogus and Mildred E. Murphy, both of Wonder Lake. Steven Michael King. McHenry, and Cynthia Ruth Gill. Crystal Lake; William J Brogan III and Deborah J Wisniewski, both of McHenry; Warren Raymond Litka and Pamela A Messel, both of McHenry; Randy W Boley, Marengo, and Annamarie T Karpiel, Crystal Lake. Extend Choral Deadline Although special assign­ ments will be made this week, the McHenry Choral club has extended membership only in the chorus through Monday, Oct. 9. Because of the school holiday, this practice will be held at Faith Presbyterian church at the corner of Lincoln and Chapel Hill roads, at 8 p m John M Johnson was elected to head the thirty-eight-year- old singing club for another year and Mary Ann Wegener was elected vice-president for the second time Other officers are Michelle Reining, treasurer; and Carol Jean Smith of McHenry. Sandra Garske of Crystal Lake and Gail Nelson and Loretta Sment of Richmond, secretaries Patricia Mayer is librarian Theme of the holiday program, to be presented Dec 2 and 3, is "Christmas Magic". milt • fiiltiii IDEAS N A T U R A L F E N C E S A good hedge against infla­ tion is a good hedge. Natural hedges of spiny shrubs, prickly trees or other thorny plants make the most economical, effective and attractive yard enclosures, say many home­ owners without straddling the fence. goal has had to be almost triple that amount. The challenge to this campaign's volunteers is staggering, but there is an air of optimism on everyone's part. This year, the door to door solicitation in residential areas be eliminated and greater placed on payroll for individual giving. Teams of volunteers will also call on industry, small business, retail outlets and members of the professional community. McHenry county residents, no matter in what location they may be employed, have the privilege of designating their contributions be returned to the McHenry County United Way Jpr distribution to local agencies. This is very im­ portant to the local campaing goal, for thousands of dollars that could be added to McHenry county's fund are lost to the county unless the contributor OPfN 9 to 9 Mon thru Sat 9 to •> S u n I Q t o b Dfot OPIN 8 lo "> Mon thru Sit specifies the pledge where the gift should go. The United Way has sur­ passed its goal for the last five years The program provides a great outpouring of compassion for those less fortunate It is a study in volunteerism. hun­ dreds of concerned individuals selflessly giving of their time and talents to raise funds so that eighteen health, welfare and character building agencies mighrl carry on their vitally needed work for another year <4 Last year, contributors pushed the fund beyond the $115,000 goal set This year the need is as great, or greater than ever and the responsibility for meeting this need is everyone's. United Way leaders feel the $315 . (KM) goal can be met if McHenry county residents once recognize the need and do their share in meeting that need HEAD HOMECOMING PL^S-Ten students at the new Johnsburg high school are spearheading plans for the first homecoming scheduled Oct. 6-7. The organization committee includes, front row sitting, \largo Lund, Kim Sutherland, Shelly VonBruenchenhein, Judy Vyduna and Lynn Lupo; standing, from left, Kim Reese, Wayne Besserud, Barb Ansel), Linda Schaefer and Scott Young. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD RATHER I [ASF THAN Bi t* Patti Doherty, Pioneer center representative to the United Way of McHenry county, looks on as Mayor Joseph Stanek sign* proclamation naming Oct. 1 through Oct. 31 as United Way campaign month in McHenry. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD The first fund raising cam­ paign of a county-wide United Way is in progress throughout McHenry county Volunteers have marshalled their forces for an all encompassing county drive that seeks to reach a goal of $315,000. When the drive was confined to Crystal Lake only for twelve years, the highest goal set, that of 1977, was $115,000. This year, to eliminate many drives by eighteen United Way agencies in each town in the county, the County Easter Seal Elects New Officers SEE THE 19T9'SON DISPLAY THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY. OCTOBER 5-6-7-8! William Morefield, recently elected president of the Easter Seal society for McHenry County, accepts the president'^ gavel from Cheryl VanZandt, executive director. William M Morefield of Woodstock, administrator of Valley Hi nursing home, was elected president of the Easter Seal Society for McHenry County at the society's annual dinner meeting held at the Crystal Lake County club late this month Other officers include Di­ li B Neuchiller, Woodstock, vice president. Mrs. Bonnie Cornue, Woodstock, secretary; and Mrs Margaret Kistler, Harvard, secretary Cal Hexton and Don Bruns of Crystal Lake and Betty Hamilton Smith of Woodstock were also elected to the executive board Other members of the nine-member board are > Fred Mann of Wonder Lake and Mrs Kay Button of Woodstock The Easter Seal Therapy center serves all residents of McHenry county by providing speech and physical therapy to children and adults and maintaining an equipment loan pool and an information and referral program The Therapy center is located at 708 Washington street, Woodstock There will be ENTERTAINMENT! REFRESHMENTS will be served! EVERYDAY IS DISCOUNT DAY AT C0N10N-C0LLINS FORD! BUY YOUR NEW 1979 FORO AT HUGE SAVINGS! FACTORY INVOICE IS WHAT YOU PAY ON HUNDREDS OF NEW 1978 FORDS & TRUCKS! OVER 75 1978 DEMONSTRATORS WILL DE SOLD FAR BELOW COST Listed here are special discounted prices on hundreds of new 1978 Fords and trucks that no other dealer will meet much less beat. They include tull factory equipment and are ready for immediate delivery. FIESTA •3873 FAIRMONT WAGON . . '3818 GRANADA 4 DOOR . '4043 PINTO PONY %3144 LTD lis 2 DOOR . . . '4337 BRONCO '6134 PINTO 3 DOOR •3575 LTD li s 4 DOOR '4408 E100 CARGO VAN '4258 PINTO WAGON '3824 LTD li s 2 DOOR . '4591 E 250 CARGO VAN '4673 MUSTANG HARDTOP '3607 LTD 4 DOOR . '4709 RANCHERO '4796 MUSTANG 2-1-2 '3850 LTD WAGON '5025 F100 PICKUP '3891 FAIRMONT 2 DOOR '3433 T BIRO . '5076 ; i' '4111 FAIRMONT 4 DOOR '3498 GRANADA 2 DOOR . . . '3936 F150 PICKUP ; i • ***•' h*v» '4111 F 250 PICKUP 1 J ! B4V 1 0 E100 CLUB WAGON 504P. *> . 1 R*w n* * E150 CLUB WAGON 5?2<! E150 CLUB WAGON 5351 \ PlSWngf M R>»» |M'/ E 250 CLUB WAGON •tin; MAINS -- BIMC YOUR TITLES - YOUR USED CAR IN TRAM WILL NEVER RE WORTN MONSI WE WILL SELL OVER 200 A-1 USED CARS DURING THE MONTH BY DISCOUNTING THEM AT WHOLESALE AUCTION PRICES USING THE CURRENT ILLINOIS WHOLESALE BLACK BOOK AS YOUR GUIDE B U S H Y B A R R I E R S o f natural plants lave money a n d p r o t e c t p r o p e r t y . Climbing through or over a natural hedge barrier is usually too much trouble or too time-consuming for children, trespassers or even neighborhood pets. Penetra­ ting a good natural barrier is often more difficult than get­ ting through a chain link fence, a feat that can be accomplished by snipping away the links with a strong wire cutter. Natural hedge fences are leas costly to install than other fence types, according to the American Association of Nurserymen. Hedges also last longer and require no painting, and little or no maintenance. Besides being •conomical and obviously beautiful, hedges create a good sound buffer. 8 o m e t i m e s a t h o r n y problem requires a thorny solution. Catholic Education To Benefit By Fund Raiser The Reverend Andrew M. Greeley will be featured speaker when the first fund raising dinner for the McHenry County Catholic Education foundation is held Saturday night, Oct. 21 at Turnberry Country club, Crystal Lake. Tickets for "An Evening in October" are available from committee members including Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Donahue and Mr and Mrs. John Strohm, Woodstock. The McHenry County Catholic Education foundation distributes income from the foundation investments to support both parochial and CCD programs in McHenry county. An evening of dancing will follow the dinner and talk. Father Greeley, one of the most popular of modern Catholic writers, is also one of the most sought after lecturers in the country. He is a sociologist and Roman Catholic priest, is the author of forty books, syndicated newspaper columnist, program director for the National Opinion Research center at the University of Chicago, and director of the Center for Study of American Pluralism. He was joint recipient of the 1972 Thomas More award for "the most distinguished contribution to Catholic literature." Father Greeley has conducted massive studies on American Catholicism and has written such books as "Catholic Schools in a Declining Church," and "The Education of Catholic Americans." .ft Time magazine has called Greeley "an informational machine gun who can fire off an article on Jesus to the New York Times, on ethnic groups to the Antioch Review, or on war to Dissent." 1976 NOVA l2995 ? <Jr 6 auto po*e< siee' ig 1976 PONT GRAMO LeMANS '3850 4 (Ji V8 auto steering frames ano A-1US1D CARS 1978 ZEPHYR WAGON .... *4495 Automatic and an 1977 Oatsim 710 Wagon . . '3775 4 nxt<i 1977 T BIRD l6475 Hoc loot *ir 1977 LTO WAGON '6395 COUWTKt SQUIIU 1977 110 *3550 2 fl' ItKdtoe VI automat* pew*' ««enn| I tMikn 1976 VEGA 2 d' into *rx] tn '1995 1975 MUSTANG '2750 1976 DODGE V2 TON '3550 1974 P 250 SUPER CAB ? Oooi standard tfjns powfi ste*t>n| g tulo power *8 auto st«"ri| and b<aM>> 1975 PLYMOUTH WAGON M950 1976 F150 SUPER CAB . '4975 1974 DODGE VAN *8 iuto arxj »" g iut0 vtetf.n| brakes and an F ipiore' SPORTSMAN WiNDO* 1975 VOLKSWAGEN DASHER '2375 1976 GREMLIN '2195 6 cyi standard transmission pot»e ,tee g 1976 OLDS STARFIRE '2550 ?dooi standa'd transmrsjiofi 1976 TRIUMPH TR 7 '3750 4 speed an t>owe' «.tee< ^g am f M 1975 MERCURY MONT '2150 4doo< *8 auto steer ng , »r>c s 1975 PONTIAC TRANS AM '3875 It auto powt> vt**' n( 1975 AMC SPORTABOUT '2225 *8 auti and powe- <.tee • «ng 1974 CHEVY NOVA '2560 6 ptwe-stee ng julomaf* 1972 MAVERICK '925 TRUCKS 1978 FORD COURIER '3775 4 :ft 4 ,^ee<3 K INCIALS At IS AND SHOWN NO MONK Y DOWN 10 DOWN 1972 PINTO SQUIRE lan Stock »14901b *600 Jt> pe*«r»e«t\ I) NO KONI* DOWN 1972 FORO GALAX IE 4 dr brown Stocfc '*50 ?4 #» || 7 19/2 FORD PINTO >500 CONLON-COLLINS CAR CITY LARRtST CAR R1ALBR IN MtNINIT COUNTY A N D S U R R O U N D I N G A R K A S * R O U T K 1 4 O N K M I L K o r C R Y S T A L L A K K * S 1 S 4 S « * OVER *S,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS ...THERE MUST DE A REASON! PAGE 19 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, OCTOBER G. 1978 MARRIAGE LICENSES Open United Way Fund Campaign

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