SUPPLEMENT TO McHENHY PLAIN DEALER - PAGE 8 -FRIDAY. OCTOBER «. 1*78 Self-serve motorists: PER SET OF 4 ON SUP-R-BELT TIRES Remember the basic car care checklist 4 FOR $ftQ Blackwall ™ Blackwall Plus $1.71 F.E.T. per tire and 4 old tires. Whitewall add $4.75 par lira. DOUBLE BELTED DELUXE CHAMPION Slie* B7S-14, C7« U E78-14 4FOR'111 FOR Blackwall. Plus $1 92 to $2 19 F E T per tire and 4 old tires 60 Sixes H7B-14, C78-15 4 FOR *133 20 Black walls. Plus $2 55 to $2 70 F E T per tire and 4 old tires 4005 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, III. 385-2323 4 FOR *154M Plus $3.05 F.E.T. per tire and 4 old tires OFFER EXPIRES 10/31/78 •wo Ms Slie* F78-14, 15; G7S-14. E78-15 4 FOR$12600 Blockwalls. Plus $2.31 to $2.47 F.E.T. per tire and 4 old tires. Sixes H78-IS, J78-15 00 4 FOR *144 Blockwalls. Plus $2.77 to $2.96 F.E.T. per tire and 4 old tires. "DEAL WITH THE PRO S' McHENRY FIRESTONE, INC. If you've gotten into the pump-it-yourself routine, commonly known as "self- serve," do yourself and your car a favor. Either patronize a full service facility every few fill-ups for a preventive check-up. or do the checking yourself. According to a report from the American Petroleum In stitute, self-service stations now account for 50% of retail sales of gasoline, luring some 40% of all motorists to pump their own gas. While this can save motorists an average of 2.5* per gallon, avoiding or sim ply forgetting about mainte nance can eal up those sav ings in repair hills. "People tend to forget about the bene fits of car care with self- serve," according to one oil company official. "At the time it seems like a good idea, but careless repetition of the practice can mean disaster in the long run. " With the advent of self- serve, the consumer now has a choice which wasn't previ ously available -- to opt for lower gas prices or pay a little more for service. If you elect to "gas and go," then take charge of the preventive care your car needs to keep it run ning properly. "Longer motor oil drain intervals, maintenance-free batteries and the like are all indications that a new bal ance in operations (self and full service) is being found," We have the best C.B. Antennas Weather Alert Sounds an alarm when the weather is alarming! Modal TA-3 SPECIAL SALE! You've heard the rest NOW GET THE BEST!! PIONEER TP-727. The Supertuner family-look in an under-dash deluxe 8 track with audio features. Solid chrome look. Solid gold sound. Separate bass and treble controls. Loudness switch. Fast forward. Repeat switch. Automatic and manual program change. says one API official. Expect from full-service A motorist pulling into a full-serve station should ex pect the following: -- clean and wash windshield -- check motor oil level -- check battery fluid* level -- check coolant level in radiator (only if the engine is cold or check coolant over- f I o w t a n k , i f equipped) -- check tire pressure In addition, a dealer should make a quick visual check of fan belts, radiator and heater hoses, and tires for wear. A regular customer of a full-serve station additionally should expect the following to be checked: -- power steering fluid -- battery cable condi tion -- fan belt tension -- windshield wipers -- washer fluid level If you're a do-it yourselfer, you should be performing all of the above on a regular basis, with weekly check of motor oil, power steering fluid, windshield washer fluid, tires and lights, plus a monthly check of coolant, transmission, brake and bat tery fluids, battery cables, wiper blades and drive belts and hoses. Other tips Other tips worth remem bering: 1. Carry a clean cloth in the trunk for checking engine and transmission dip sticks. 2. Do NOT remove your radiator pressure cap when the engine is hot It is dangerous. 3. Don't wait until a heavy rain to check condition of your wiper blades. If yours are the type that are hidden beneath the cowl, move them into position by turning on the ignition and the wiper switch Then turn the ignition off when the wipers are ac cessible. 4. Carry a good tire gauge They cost only a few dollars and it's the best in vestment you can make to extend tire life WATCH TIRES Undennflated tires -- that is. below the manufacturer's s p e c i f i c a t i o n s -- c a n d e crease gas mileage VVVWVWWVVVVUWWVM hiWGou>tn mights; AIRBORNE U S IM IWTF KMATIOJAL P*EAC*UTLW<I COUTE^TS, TEECTHITLI WOW TXC PAW AM CUP PARA^HUTlWfo OVER |tO PAgAFSCM Tew COUWTOM .' Retail Ca 815 31 * 129 The Electronics Center m »vMf FIRST \*OMAw"ia<XP£W KMtfrMT" CHf&H. STEARUS IS TWS WOUfcW* MATI0NAU PARACHUTIhifr CHAMftoN WiTH MC CE THAW XZOO FALL$. AL+O A WIUMB-K OF THf ACCURACY LAWP/MG Recoec, S-HE TOOK THE JITLS THf SCVICT UKllON /