/ • .. SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER - PAGE 20 Discover collectors' items in scenic Glass Country, U.S.A. Vacationers wil l f ind the picturesque fal l scenery of G l a s s C o u n t r y . U S A . matched only by the myriad of f ine handcrafted American glass pieces available here. A collector 's paradise, this beautiful region in the hil ls of West Virginia, western Pennsylvania and Ohio is the home of ten glass-producing factories. In a visi t to Glass Country, you can witness the wonders of the glass makers ' age-old craft and discover a wealth of classic favori tes such as milk, sat in, coin and slag glass, as well as contempo rary glass pieces. Factory lours Free guided tours during glassmakers ' working hours are given at nine of the 10 glass factories. Visi tors have a unique opportunity to watch glassblowers shaping delicate objects from molten glass and skil led craftsmen who make handpressed pat terns from molds, some dat ing back to the eighteenth century. The remarkable glass- making procedures in use today have been handed down by generations of art i sans since the founding of America 's f irst glass house in lf>08. Tour-goers who are also collectors of f ine American glassware will be dazzled by the wide selection of pieces available at each plant . The 10 factories, al l members of the Glass Crafts of America Associat ion, have gift shops MADE IN CLASS COUNTRY--Take a fall trip to Glass Country, U.S.A., and watch craftsmen in 10 glass houses, members of the Class Crafts of America Associ ation, create beautiful glass designs. Pictured are examples of pieces created in Class Country (clock wise, from top right): covered jar; milk can eannister; milk glass pitcher; basket; and torte plate. where you can purchase beautiful handblown or handpressed objects l ike those which are fashioned before your eyes. A c o m p l i m e n t a r y brochure, "Welcome to Glass Country, U.S.A." ' fea tures a map showing factory locations, driving routes. TRAILERS ARE OUR SPECIALTY! 4 1+ See McHenry's Trailer Specialists For All Types Of Trailers And Trailer Accessories... ADAMS ENTERPRISES i#cLVS.,2# (815)385-5970 -FRIDAY. OCTOBER 6,1978 tour and gift shop hours, plus pictures of some of the hand crafted pieces visi tors can see made from start to finish. Free copies can be ob tained by writ ing to Glass Crafts of America. Box 117, Suite 5700. 600 Grant Street , Pit tsburgh, PA 15219. (Felting there Glass Country is easy to reach by car from any direc t ion, and Pit tsburgh makes an ideal s tarl ing point for a tour. East of the ci ty is Grapevil le, home of West moreland Glass, famous for f loral designs handprinted on crystal and milk glass. Traveling southwest , you reach Mount Pleasant , home of Lenox Crystal . There is no factory tour here. 'but you can visi t the gif t shop for handblown lead crystal . L.E. Smith Glass Com pany, known for i ts hand- pressed pieces l ike punch bowls and goblets in the century-old moon and star pattern, is also in Mount Pleasant . Continuing south into Weston, West Virginia, vis i tors can watch glass blowers at work at the West Virginia Special ty Company, featur ing handblown barware and gift pieces. Handblown oversized bot t les, vases and intr icately de signed paperweights are made at Blenko Glass, southwest , in Milton. Viking Glass Company, located in Huntington, west of Milton, is noted for hand- blown bott les and pitchers in ruby and "krackle" glass. More contemporary i tems such as decanters and food containers are made at Pil grim Glass Corporation, in C e r e d o n e a r t h e Kentucky-West Virginia b o r d e r . A n i m a l s a n d Figurines are also formed by hand by the skil led glass- makers here. Bordering the Ohio River is Will iamstown. where Fen ton Art Glass creates the sat in, milk and rose Burmese glass prized by collectors. North of here is New Martinsvil le , where another Viking factory features handpressed baskets and del icately etched crystal as well as an assortment of decora t ive designs in colorful finishes. The last s top on the Glass Country tour is Imperial Glass in Bellaire, Ohio. Here you will f ind Colored hand- pressed glass and authentic early American repro ductions. Local flavor Travelers can find reason a b l e a c c o m m o d a t i o n s throughout the Glass Coun try area, in historic inns or modern hotels . The area also offers sev eral local museums which give visi tors a taste of the rich history of this popular sec t ion of the country. A FAIRYTALE COME TRUE! Malaysia, a land where Sultans still reign beneath swaying palms, delicately curving arches, fantastic oriental tracery. According to top travel agent, Corinne Edwards, this beautiful, exotic and unspoiled country is the destination to head for, before it is discovered by hordes of mwy travelers. Photo courtesy Malaysia Tourist Development Center. 3003 JUIY'77 M.r. 2 We'll Do A Smooth Job! If your car is worth saving ... see usl Our specialists do "like new" auto body repair work . . . a l l m a k e s a n d m o d e l s . Complete paint jobs. Free Estimates 1701 W. ROUTE 120 McHENRY