1979 MUSTANG 2 DOOR SEDAN SOQQn 4 cylinder 4 speed, whitewall tires. Stock #79-9 1979 FAIRMONT 2 DOOR $ jjjg 4 cylinder. 4 speed, whitewall tires, exterior accent group. Stock #79 23 1979 FORD LTD 2 DOOR V8 engine, power steering, whitewall tires, bumper guards, accent group. Stock #79 18 BETTER IDEAS FROM FORD BUILT FORD TOUGH This Styteside F100 pickup has a 6 cylinder. 3-speed transmission and an 8 foot box Stock #T 912. EUROPEAN DESIGN PHILOSOPHY AT AMERICAN PRICES This new Capri 3-door is equipped with a 4 cylinder engine, automatic. RS option, TRX radial tires, console, and aluminum TRX wheels. Stock #79 16 *5150 I would personally like to invite each and everyone to come out and take part in our premiere showing of the 1979 Fords and Mercurys this weekend. We feel this is going to be an exciting year with the introduction of some new designs, styles and options. Our goal is to make this year, 1979, the best year yet. FORD HAS THE Mike Woodward President of Woodward Ford And Mercury Meet the professionals. The professional sales staff at Woodward Ford stands ready and waiting. From left Jim Brasel, Bob Hlckey, Ken Moran, Walt Nickels, Mark Ruck, Larry Miller and Bob Butler. WINNERS FOR'79