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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Oct 1978, p. 8

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,• PAGE h- PI.A1NDK Al.LR - U K Legal Notice NOTK'fc TO ItlDDKKS I 'f lizard of Education of the McHenry Community High School I)i st net No 15ft. McHenry. Illinois hereinafter referred to as the Owner- will receive sealed bids "for the Art and Art Storage Room Remodeling until 2 00 p m , local time, on Monday, the 30th dav of October. 19TB. at the \dministration Center. 3926 West Main Street McHenry. Illinois 60050. at which time fhev will l>e publicly opened and read In general, the Project consists <•1 remodeling and additions to exhaust ventilation system The Contract Documents are on file at the office of (he Ar chitects During the bidding period Drawings and Project Manuals will also be on file at rfc- office of P V\ D>»dge Cor (5>ration. 230 West Monroe yeet. Chicago. Illinois 'Hiree <:i'i sets of Drawings and (voject Manuals may be ob twined at the office of the Ar (jhitects O Donnell W icklund Bgozzi Architects. Inc 523V %nold Lane Northhrook. Binois 60062. after 2 mi p m . (Jtober 16. 1978. by a deposit of 85 .00 in the form of a check Tjie amount of the above ffheduled deposit will be rtiunded only to each party (kat actually submits a bid and jiho returns the Drawings and Project Manuals in good Condition within ten ' 10» days Offer bid opening unless arrangements are made with the Architect a minimum of 24 tir>urs In-fore bid opening Additional sets of Contract ONESDAY. OCTORKK IS. 1»7? Itccumerits may be obtained at a cost of $5 00 per set. no? refundable however. such sets must be returned to the Ar chitect Deposits for refundable sets of Drawings and Project Manuals will not Ik* returned until such purchased sets are returned In addition. $5 00 will he charged for mailing Deposit -checks shall be made Payable to O'Donnell Wicklund igozzi Architects. Inc All bids must be accompanied bv a Bid Securitv in the form of a Certified Check or a Bid Bond • Written on AIA Porm A310i in the amount of 5 percent of the Base Bid made payable to The McHenry Community High School District No 156 All bidders are required to visit the site Contact Mr Greg l^Plante at <815> 385-7077 for appointment Tne Qwi > ner reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any informalities in bidding or accept the bid that, in his opinion, wilt «*rve his best interests 0 DONNELL WICKLUND PIGOZZI ARCHITECTS INC Bv l^eonard A Peterson < Pub. Oct 18. 19781 Legal Notice ANNOUNCEMENT OP INTENT TO PERFORM PLODD ELEVATION STUDY The Federal Insurance Ad­ ministration of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development announced today that under authority of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 'PL 90-448). as amended, and the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 iP O. 93-234). it will fund a detailed study of the flood hazard areas in the Village of McHenry Shores. McHenry County. Illinois The study will be performed for the Federal Insurance Ad­ ministration by Alfred Benesch 4 Company, 233 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. 60601. The purpose of this study is to examine and evaluate the flood hazard areas in the community which are developed or which are likely to be developed and to determine flood elevations for those areas. Flood elevations will be used by the community to carry out the flood plain management ob lectives of the National Flood Insurance Program They will also be used as the basis for determining the appropriate flood insurance premium rates applicable for new buildings and iheir contents, as well as determining thesrates to be used for tne second layer of insurance on existing buildings and contents This announcement is intended to notify all interested persons of the commencement of this study so that they may have an opportunity to bring any relevant facts and technical data concerning local flood hazards to the attention of the Federal Insurance Ad­ ministration for consideration in the course of this study Such information should be fur­ nished to Ms Rose Lillegard. Village President. Village of McHenry Shores. 3215 West Beach Drive. McHenry Shores. Illinois 60050, the Chief Executive Officer of the LB . . . . L B Incl Fries & Cole Slow « » « i EA McHIWRY'S FMISTMSH MARKET 43' \% t \ i / 199 235 # 1 99 Ujf 1 rj) 1.09 GULF COAST FLOUNDER )'f'. FRESH SEA SCALLOPS DEEP FRIED OCEAN PERCH DINNER TENDER SANDWICH STEAK JUICY RUMP ROAST HEARTY STEW MEAT FROM THE DELI LEAN | PROVOLONE KRAKUS J 50 L8 LB HAM LB CHEESE LB V, LB PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT. It THRU OCT. 27. 1*7S to serve you Bcrrnt f , ttAd n YQUt SPECIAL »OAT I *SH MENUS Lossmann's Meats, fish 1 Deli oOURS: DAILY *-*:30 FRI. »-•, SUNDAY »-2. CLOSED TUES. 5000 W. ROUTE 120. McHENRY community, for forwarding to FIA (Pub Oct. II, 13, 18, 20. 25, 19781 Legal Notice ANNOUNCEMENT OF INTENTTO PERFORM FLOOD ELEVATION STUDY The Federal Insurance Ad­ ministration of the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development announced today that under authority of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (P L. 90-448). as amended, and the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 <PO 93 2341. it will fund a detailed study of the flood hazard areas in the Village of Oakwood Hills. McHenry County, Illinois The studv will be performed for the Federal Insurance Ad­ ministration by Alfred Benesch & Company. 233 North Michigan Avenue. Chicago. Illinois. 60601 The purpose of this study is to examine and evaluate the flood hazard areas in the community which are developed or which are likely to be developed and to determine flood elevations for those areas Flood elevations will be used by the community to carry out the flood plain management ob­ jectives of the National Flood Insurance Program They will also be used as the basis for determining the appropriate flood insurance premium rates applicable for new buildings and their contents, as well as determining the rates to be used for the second layer of insurance on existing buildings and contents This announcement is intended to notify all interested persons of the commencement of this study so that they may have an opportunity to bring any relevant facts and technical data concerning local flood hazards to the attention of the Federal Insurance Ad­ ministration for consideration in the course of this study Such information should be fur­ nished to Mr John Lakey. Village President, Village of Oakwood Hills, c-o Lois Martin. Village Clerk, 202 Woodv Way. Oakwood Hills. Cary. Illinois 60(113, the Chief Executive Officer of the community, for forwarding to FIA < Pub Oct 11. 13. 18. 20. 25. 1978' **** * tf» Mr', am mi <*•»•«•** s» pMm Good Will Industries k! Truck In Area Oct. 27 SPEAKS TO LEGION-Mcllenry County Clerk Vernon W. Kays and American Legion mcllenry County Council Commander Dway ne E. Raney are shown at the Sept. 28 county legion meeting held in Marengo. Kays spoke on "Giving Assistance to Indigent Veterans and Their Families"'. His remarks were shared with the county l egion's post bogardus fund chairman and post service officers. Kays is retiring soon from many years of service and was gi\ en a standing ovation as he left the meeting. , Photo bv Gordon G. Gabel The Goodwill Industries truck will be in this area <McHenry). Friday, Oct. 27 to collect donations of clothing, shoes, toys, small appliances and housewares, according to Agnes Adams local representative. For pick-up service and information call 3854)663. "Many people picture Goodwill Industries as a collection point for old clothes, toys and housewares, which is inaccurate and very vague", Mrs. Adams reported. Goodwill has been in the business of helping handicapped to help themselves since 1939 in this area. Goodwill provides specialized programs of training and work experiences for men and women with physical, mental emotional and social handicap®. "The services include modern , profess iona l techniques in areas like vocational testing and eva luat ion , counse l ing , guidance, skill training, work experience and job placement assistance. The handicapped individual who completes the rehabilitation process becomes a self-supporting, productive member of the community, and perhaps most important, a fellow human being who regains his or her self-respect," Mrs, Adams said. Goodwill is able to help handicapped only as long as it has the public support in the form of donations and contributions. ' EXPLAINS WORK-Ed Weilbacher. McHenry County Soil Conservationist, explains that work on a pond constructed for conservation or recreational purposes continues after the pond is built. Weilbacher told participants in the McHenry County Soil and Water Conservation District annual meeting tour that SCS can supply engineering help and guidance but no funds are available for construction assistance. (Don Peasley Photography) Complete K Of C Retarded Campaign For Lead Poison AW ARD DEGREES Degrees were awarded to more than 1.600 candidates in Southern Illinois University- Carbondale's summer graduation ceremonies in the SIU-C arena Among the class of some 600 candidates were' George J Cadotte, Jr . BS; Joseph S Greco. MS; Peter Paul Krawczyk. BS. I>awrence Bates McCrary, BS; Michael Salerno. BS; and Kathy Jean Tessendore. BS. all of McHenry Pediatric lead poisoning testing just completed in southern Illinois again proves that this child crippler is not found only in large urban en­ vironments Preliminary testing per­ formed in the Cairo area by the Illinois Association for Retarded Citizens under the sponsorship of the Knights of \ Columbus uncovered thirty-one suspected lead poisoning victims Follow up blood tests are to be performed within a week to further define the health status of the affected youngsters In tests performed just before the Cairo project. several cases were detected in the Madison County area A potential case was found in Highland where a local council of Knights had helped MRC in the screening effort Additional cases were isolated in the river-side communities of Alton, Granite City, Madison ^nd Venice, UL As the public is now learning, lead poisoning 1s ah important cause of mental retardation, blindness, hearing loss, kidney damage, and other illnesses While lead poisoning is usually found among children who live in homes built before 1950, especially where paint and plaster is chipping or peeling, the health hazard is not restricted to the poorest areas of large cities but to rural areas as well Periodic testing among children one through five is the key to detecting this problem Pregnant, NEED HELP? CALL WmW ̂ BIRTHRIGHT OFFICl OPtN FROM 9 To 11 A M AND FROM 7 To 1 P V MON thru F» Z4 MM* MSKttM SUVICt 815-385-2999 #• Seeing is Believing...this Fabulous FAMILY SHOE SALE OUR ENTIRE SELECTION MEN'S, WOMENS' & CHILDRENS' SHOES AAO/ a.d BOOTS 20 ̂ OFF Featuring New Fall and Winter Styles from: • FRYE • DEXTER • CONNIE • ROSITA • MIA • ENNA JETTICKS • JARMAN • NUNN-BUSH • HUSH PUPPIES • CLARKS • TIMBERLAND • CONVERSE • BUSTER BROWN • JUMPING-JACKS I loadstones 1219N.GREEN ST. McHENRY PHONE 815 385 0182 ..... . OPEN A GLADSTONE'S CHARGE AND TAKE THEM HOME TODAY! HOURS: MON.-THURS. 9-6 SAT. 9-5:30 FRI. 9-9 SUN. 9-1 ALL SALES FINAL Since lead poisoning does not often given observable symp toms until damage already has occurred, only special blood tests are considered to be an effective means of attacking the problems. The Illinois Knights of Columbus have contributed more than S1Q0.000 the past four years to underwrite the cost of a « leadmobile. a laboratory on wheels traveling around Illinois that detects dangerous levels of lead in a youngter's system The funds for the leadmobile donated by the Knights come from the fraternal society's annual Mentally Retarded campaign to be held this year throughout Illinois on Nov. 3-4. More than 240 local councils or lodges will be soliciting funds in their towns and communiites during this two- day drive. Ten percent of the gross collections are placed in a special state fund to underwrite projects such as the IARC lead testing program Since the K of C Mentally Retarded programs was started by the Knights in 1970, gross receipts have topped $4 million An average of 77 cents of every dollar collected was returned to the community by the local councils. the beneficiaries being community sheltered workshops, schools and organizations that care for the special youngters Political Corner Lampe Heads Percy Effort In McHenry County «« John F Lampe of Woodstock has been named McHenry county coordinator for the reelection campaign of Senator C h a r l e s H P e r c y (R-I l l . ) Lampe. a graduate of tbe College of William and Mljry and the University of Wisconain Law school, has been activeIh a number of professional lq01 committees He also serves as president of the McHenry Jaycees and is a member of tbe McHenry area Chambery'ff Commerce "I am quite pleased that John has accepted this responsible role in our campaign," Percy said "I know his efforts in McHenry county will be in­ valuable and I look forward to w o r k i n g c l o s e l y w i t h him throughout the campaign," said Percy Anyone interested in volunteering for Citizens for Percy should contact Lampe at 815-459-8440 Name Janice NotI Area Coordlnatof| For Gov. Thompson Volunteer Chairman Phillip Grant of Crystal Lake has named Mrs Janice Notz as the McHenry Area Coordinator for the Reelection Campaign of Governor James R Thompson Grant said, "In McHenry county we are trying to raise not only voter awareness but voter participation as well We are very pleased to have Mrs Notz playing a key role in this effort " Mrs Notz indicated each volunteer will be asked to do three specific jobs, including: recruiting twelve uncommitted voters to vote for Governor Thompson, spend at lea?! one day calling voters, and working on election day Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Mrs Notz at 815-385-4806 or Republican Headquarters at 815-459-8185 "EARLY-BIRD" DISCOUNT 20% OFF ON ALL CHRISTMAS CARDS DURING OCTOBER ONLY Choose from the AREA'S LARGEST SELECTION NU ART .• MCPHERSON S • MASTERPIECE STUDIOS CENTURY •GRANT • CARLSON CRAFT FAST SERVICE ON ALL ORDERS ^ - JS The Holiday Season Is Just Around the Corner ORDER NOW...AND SAVE! -0PEN- 9-5 DAILY - SATURDAY- 9-1:30 MCHENRY (m) PRINTING SERVICES 3909 W. MAIN ST. / 385-7600

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