I, PAGE 14 - PLAIN DEALFR - WFDNI SDAY. OCTOBER 18,1978 .-•mixr «. ¥W"" 'OW % ST, Ml-1200 ' N o t t FOREST HILLS 4*M«; W No cash refunds on prepaid ods Cords of Thanks In Mengoriom Situation Wanted Wanted to Rent Wonted to Buy and Garage Soles MUST be paid in advance The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in classified ads after the first insertion Check your ad after the first mser tion ond coll our attention to any mistokes OFFICE HOURS: MON.-Ftl. 1:30 A.M. to 5:00 P M SATURDAY 1-12PJK. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER--MONDAY 4P.M. FRIDAY PAPER--WEDNESDAY 4P.M. PHONE 385-0170 ufvt « CO. 421 CttrMSPBIM t*.>. Hew* ifi Av/n BOOKKEE •t»n 11 if* UH MIX •WEB KiBnw^FTOEMCV WARRINGTON * A|cu M V tf UH MAIDS--A » • te fl^ci IE *35 U*' *U f HELP WANTED AUTOS 1972 Chevy Impala, V8, air conditioned power steering power brakes.CBAM-FM new paint and tires, mint condition $1800.00 or best offer 815-385- 5585 after 5pm 10-18-10-20c 1977 BUICK LIMITED. 4 door, padded top, full power, many extras 815-385-1061 after 5:00 $6,000 10-13-10-20c AUTOS Must sell, 1975 Monte Carlo. Loaded $3,350.00 CA11 815-385- 7854 10-18-10-20c Pickup Truck. 1965 Chevy, 6eyl., stick shift, new exhaust, current sticker, good runner, best offer After 5 pm. Call 815- 653-9782 10-18-10-20C 1969 Ranchero, 302, V8, runs good, $200 653-9242 10-13-10-18 0USMESS SERVICES WAKE UP SERVICE Ask About Our Rate* 385-8020 1977 Volare wagon, good economy, 6 cyl., 4 speed, with overdrive, power steering, power brakes, luggage rack, rear defroster, much more 815- 385-9288 10-18-10-20C 1973 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER fully equipped $1300 385-1783 10-18-10-20c BUSINESS SERUKES RUSSELL RMOTON SEPTIC SERVICE • PUMPING • REPAIRS • ELECTRIC •SEWER RODDING Installttiofi of new septies 815-385-6445 I EXPERTISE BUILDERS J? * New Home Construction jg * Remodeling of Older P Homes (Any Type) ^ We also do those small |0bs (cutting fr coo's, replace windows etc ) We are in Business to Satisfy ourselves tiv satisfying our Customers 312-497-3190 QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Remodel ing o f O lder Homes K i tchen bo th w indow & door rep loccment WE BUILD •Garag** •Room Additions Patio D*cks ft •Construction of N«w Hom»» No Job Too B ig or Too Smal l WE AIM TO PLEASE FREE ESTIMATES 815-385-4937 Al te r 5 pm and weekends TIMBER TREE SERVICE Expert Tree Work at Low Prices. Free Estimates. 385-2352 LEOPOLD CONSTRUCTION * NEW HOMES * ROOM ADDITIONS * ANYTHING YOU WANT DONE IN CARPENTRY 497-3990 WM^^IGHLAND^ HEATING PROBLEMS? CALL 815-344-1008 And receive same day service repairs from the trained professionals at FOUR SEASONS HEATING SERVICE 24H0UR EMERGENCY REPAIRS We re small and so are our prices *21.00 Service Charge Save this ad for easy reference PIONEER BLACKTOP PAYING Residential-Commercial-Residential "Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands of satisfied customers." • Machine Laid # New Drives • Resurfacing * Parking Lots • Seal Coating All work guaranteed Free Estimates ^ 312-546-5600 Grayslake, I I I . IBB 1974 Charger SE, black, good condition, must sell, best offer 815-385-2890 • , 10-18-10-20c 68 CI'DA - rebuilt 340 engine and transmission $650; also 318 engine $40; 360 engine good condition $150 312-587-6515 10- 18-10-20C 1970 model 500 Ford sedan excellent condition including snow tires $850.00. 815-385-9668 10-18-10-20c 72 MONTEGO, good second car $500,385-2405 after 5pm 10-18- 10-20c 1976 Camaro 350 power steering, power brakes, automatic, Radials, white walls, only 10,000 miles, ex cellent condition $4,000.00 815- 728-0231 10-18-10-20C 1972 FORD Pinto Station wagon, new brakes, paint job & muffler. Reaonably priced 815- 344-1087 10-18-10-20C 1973 Pontiac Catalina, two door, power brakes, power steering, air conditioning, very good condition, uses no oil. Approximately 59.000 miles $1525 or best offer Phone 815- 385-5980 604 S. Emerald Drive. McHenry . * 10-18-10-20C 1971 TOYOTA reliable, new tires plus 2 snows, amateur body and paint job. $500 00 385- 3328 10 IB-10 20c 1972 Chevy Wagon. P S P B . Air , Good condition $750.00 after 5:00 385-4356 10-18 10-20c Modern Chimney Sweeping Prevent Chimney Fires 815-459-3702 10 >8-11 'Tfi "BOEOECKER "J UPHOLSTERING 1 •EXPERT WORKMANSHIP •MR6E SELECTION Of FABRICS •FREE ESTIMATES PImm 815-385-5478 L" Sommk FOR SALE: 1976 Jeep CJ-5, excellent condition, low mileage, the perfect vehicle for the upcoming winter. Call 385- 6054 anytime after 6pm. Very reasonable 10-11-tfc 1977 Dodge power wagon 150, short bed 440,4 barrel, sun roof, 4 wheel drive, shift kit, bucket seats, AM-FM, low mileage, excellent condition $5900.00. 497 4032 10-13-10-18 1945 Jeep, good running con- diton, needs body. $300.00. 815- 385-0922 10-11-10-20c 1976 GRAND PRIX loaded, $5,000. Call after 5;00 385-0298. 10-6tfc 1976 Firebird Formula loaded 385-0298. After 5:00p.m. 10-6tfc 1977 LTD. 2 door. 25.000 miles, stereo, tape deck, continental trunk, black and silver, $4250.00 or best offer 385-0081 10-11-10- 20c HAPPy BIRTHDAY LOW MILEAGE. 1972 Volkswagon Beetle, excellent condition 54,000 miles, $1,550.00 or best offer 815-344-3623 after 5pm 10-18-10-20C BUSINESS SMUICCS HOUSE & GARAGE PAINTING DONE. Good references & reasonable prices. Call 344-2963 or 385-5564 1Q_lg. SAVE 20-30 percent on labor repairs of typewriters, adders, office machines Retired Service Engineer needs sup plement income. Phone 414-279 5576 10-4-10-27c ROOFING PROBLEMS" Let me solve them, excellent quality and competitive prices .Just Rite Roofing. !44 ir>48 10- 4tfc FREE PICK I P M NK CAJtS' and trucks, dav <ir night 815-459- 1X181 # ' 10-41 fc J & S Gl'NSMITHING Jim Grutzmacher. Gunsmith Call 815-344-0566 IO-4I fc •DON'T LIKE TO IRON. I ' l l do it Prefer Mens' shirts 385 4505 10-18 10 20c C & E WE-HAUL Pulverized top soil , gravel for driveways, pea gravel, sand, etc 815-653- 4616 9-20-10-20c r ™ IGH™ AUUN6™ "jj ! D & D • MATERIAL! I 'DECORATIVE STONE, ETC. | * BLACK DIRT *SAND 'GRAVEL Call after 4:00 P.M. 815-385-1970 • • •••••• HB HH •• 10 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllljs CUNAT BROTHERS I GENERAL CONSTRUCTION * RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL * AGRICULTURAL = IServing McHenry County Area 3 Quality work at reotonabl* prices. 815-385-6513 J ^llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll? FRAN'S I JUNK HAULING | YOU N A M E IT-- WE'LL HAUL IT I XI I 15M-7944 FRKK ESTIMATES. CAI-L ANYTIME. 10-6-10-27 HAPPY 20th NETTIE! Love, Us 10-18 CAftO Of THANKS We wish to thank the McHenry Rescue Squad, the neighbors. Fathers Baumhofer and Balog and all the doctors and nurses of the McHenry hospital and Carestoel and all those who offered Masses and sent flowers Sisters & Brothers of JOHN KENNEBECK 10-18 NOTICE NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 12-6 I ) O L L H O U S E S . M I N I A T l ' R E S , AC CESSORIES, MANY UNIQUE ITEMS FOR THE MINIATURE COLLECTOR. MUCH FOR THE BEGINNER CLASSES TO BEGIN IN J A N U A R Y C A T H I E S COUNTRY CREATIONS ANI) CHILDREN'S CLOSET/2701 Stateline ltd Hebron, IL 815 6 4 8 - 2 8 3 9 F E A T U R I N G MINIATURE BOOKS UNDER 1 inch, completely readable Hours 10-5 daily except closed Wed Other t imes by ap pointment 10-18-10-20-c: "IF IT IS TO BE IT IS UP TO ME" Success is a journey from where you are today to where you want to be in the future The Dynamics of Goal Set ting provides the road map Write to- information pertaining this 8 lesson course to Superior Products P.O. Box 46 Woodstock, II. 60098 Vou may include your telephone num ber along with your address 1973 BUICK ESTATE WAGON 6 pass., P.S., P.B., windows, locks 60-40 power seat, A C., positraction, - radials, low mileage, New Jersey car. Best offer. 344 3763. 10-18-10-20C 1962 Chev. Impala Sport Sedan, V8, color red. In very good condition. 497-3626. 10-18 1975 Red Vega, stick, clean, 33,000 miles, cheap tran sportation, snow tires and trailer hitch. $1,600. After 5pm. 587-7082 10-18-10-27C 1973 Ford truck with cap, power steering, power brakes, 3 speed, excellent running condition, $1950. 815-653-5276 after 5pm. 10-18-10-20c 1977 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM all available power equipment and ac cessories. not a scratch. 12,000 miles $9,300. 815-344-2954. 10- 13-10-18 PET COLUMN WANTED PUPPIES 6-8 weeks old. good homes guaranteed. Also we buy Poodle or Schnauzer mixed pups. 815-385- 7897 10-4tfc GIVE AWAY TO GOOD HOME One year old female '2 Shepherd Collie, medium size dog Beautiful markings. Gentle and good with children, but good watch dog 815-455- 0452. ... 10-13t f GIVEAWAY 5 adorable kittens, 5 weeks old. 815-385-8406 10-18 PETS fjff SAU DALMATION AND LAB puppies, 2 male, 6 weeks old $10,385-1321. 10-18-10-20c A K C R E G I S T E R E D SIBERIAN HUSKY, 1 yr old After 4pm 385 2298 10-18 10- 20c DOBERMAN PUPPIES AKC blacks and reds, parents on premises 459-6475 10-13-10-20C AKC Golden Retrievers, field champion sired Both parents O F A. pups have shots and are started on birds 815-943-7124 To 18 IO?OC GERMAN SHORTHAIR 2 yr old field champion sired, male Family dog, ready to take hunting 385-3289 10-18-10-20C LOST LOST: boys eyeglasses, black case lost October 4th, Coventry area 815-459-4854 10 18 FOUND FOUND set of ti keys, near Prem Corporation. Johnsburg 815-385-6221 10-18 UACANT PROPERTY One acre plus, heavily wooded lot, McHenry $35,000 or best offer 815-385-7789 10 4tfc ^ NOTICE NOTICE Itoquest for Bids L L P . O A i s s e e k i n g b i d s from interested parties to replace all the windows in the community with insulated gloss block Interested par ties ore asked to coll association president John Gacek 385-3777 after 7 p m to arrange lor access to the community house to prepare their bids 10 is 10 30 LIQUIDATION SALE BY THE MOTHER LODE 815-338-0211 FRII)AY-S\n RDAY-SIJNIMY October 20-21-22 9:<)0 to 4:00 pm 221 So. Mttdinon Si.. II. Sfllinj; oni entire content* of a 100 yr. old hon»e. EVERYTHING MUST GO! \ ictoriun furniture, square grand piano. Zenith eolor i\. 1971 Ford Laluxie. low mileage and load* of eolleelibleM. 10-11 Special Education District of McHonry County (SEDOM) is sooking oidos to work in SEDOM classrooms in tho McHonry aroa. Excollont fringo benefits; salary commensurate with training and experience. Please contact: ^ Mr. Tim Kelly Special Education District of McHenry County 1200 Dane Street Woodstock, Illinois 60098 Phone: 815-338-3622 10 1110/23 1 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Brake Parts Company has the opportunity for you. Due to in creased production, we are currently in need of: •Production Machine Operators •Stock Persons •Inspectors •Set-up Operators WE OFFER: •Fork Lift Operators Job Security, Good Wages, Advancement Opportunities, Friendly People. Credit Union, Stock Purchase Plan, Educational Assistan ce Program and More Stop in and fill out an application 815-385-7000 BRAKE PARTS COMPANY 1600N Industrial Drive McHenry. Illinois Equol opportunity employer M/F 1018 10 FULL OR PART TIME Openings are now available in our new, air con ditioned plant. You will enjoy: •Light clean bench work •Poid vacation and holidays •Merit reviews •Production bonuses Experience not necessary, we will train. Apply in person only LENCO ELECTRONICS INC. 13)0 B«Mmi StrMl, Mclbnry So. of McHenry, on Rte. 31 to Dayton St, then Dayton to Balden 4 miles North of Rte. 176 ' 10/1810 ?0 BROWN & SHARPE For Set Up only and Set Up and Operate. Also Set Up and Operate Hand Screw Machines. Days or Nights. Punch Press S.U. for Automatic, Progressive, Compound, and Combination Dies. Night Shift • 11 Paid Holidays • X mas week off •Free life and hospital insurance • Pension Plan • Tuition refund and more Apply to Personnel Dept OAK Industries Inc. South Main Street, Crystal Lake, III. An Equal Opportunity Employer OTK •rmMkV /OTKV . INDUSTRIAL NURSE Attractive opening for R.N. who enjoys a variety of duties. Will\^be responsible for all First Aid operations, including supplies. Also handle all record keeping (OSHA, Etc.) and insurance claims. Excellent salary and fringe package. Apply or Call 2-IUTERMATIC I N C O R P O R A T E D Intermatic Plaza - Rte. 12 & Winn Rd. Spring Grove, IL 815-675-2321 An equal opportunity employer io is io ?o RECEPTION AND BILLING SPECIALIST HAVE WE COT A JOB FOR YOU: Our office needs a sharp person who con handle both routine and complex assignments with equol ease in a modern small office environment working 4'/, days per week Good office skills (typing, calculator ond clerical work) are o must. Speed and accuracy are important in typing invoices, reports, and correspondence Familiar with accounting routines would be helpful. Poise, maturity and the ability to work well with people with a minimum of supervision, complete the win ning combination for this challenging job. Outstanding salary and benefit program Take time to stop in ond apply at our Personnel Office you II be glad you did. 5801 W. Route 120 MCHENRY, ILL. 815-3S5-3500 C O M O M . ' I O t Equal Opportunity Employment 10 1} 10 30 AMBITIOUS DEPENDABLE YOUNG MAN Foe wort in tire retreading plant Must have truck tire e« perience. Apply in person. JEPSEN TIRE CO. 3314WT. Elm Si PERMANENT PART TIME OPENINGS To deliver the Chicago Tribune 2 to 3 hours per day. Early morning 7 days per week. Routes now available starting at $75 to $125. Call Collect 385-3643 9-22TF s p u r g e o n * FULL TIME OFFICE 40 Hrs./Week Monday Thru Saturday •Paid Vocations •Paid Sick Days •Store Discount •Hospitalization •Profit Shoring »Paid Molidoyt See Mr. Glacomln in Person 10/ It 10 18 lO 'ZO MED/TECH FULLTIME Me will train you tor our Cytotoxic Allergy Testing Program, touted in our Crystal Lake facility. Proficient use of microscope a must Excellent opportunity, good salary, and fringe benefits. Call or apply McHenry Medical Group 1209 N. Green Si McHenry, IL 815-385-1050 i o 13 i o t a STOP LOOKING - START WORKING •Assembly •Factory Production Help •General Labor •Inventory •Maintenance •Material Handling •Shipping/Receiving If you re looking for work we have t number of interesting temporary positions Good wages fringe benefits Call Us MANPOWER TEMPORARY SERVICES 385-6600 10 I* t« (V MANAGEMENT TRAINEE $15 $25,000 | Management position now | open. Excellent earnings op- Iportunity while learning. Whei> qualified, you will attond | Management Training School j and will receive $50/day salary | I expenses during limited j schooling period. Sales Reps, j also available. Write: Box 0C2 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 3112«». Elm St McHonry, IL 60050 L lOUAl IMPlOVMiNt OPPORTUNITY t« 11 10 «