I LABOR ! I HELP WANTED EOft SALE fOft SALE PAGE IS-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18,1978 m RENT --' m HCNT Ip with harvMting and i-- or coll. NlUvtew Forms | >714 N. Rout. 12 Richmond, IL | 815-678-2861 I HI-ll-TT I I TOY COUNSaORS WANTED Idool for houtowivo* A mothort. j Ployhout* Toy 8 Gift Company J ho» opening for demonstrators. J Work now til Docombor. Wo I train you. Mutt bo 21. Details I without obligation. Cill Miry loo Es«o*d 414-279-3419 I0/4H | NEW BRANCH OPENING Prestige firm opening new of fice. Seeking two represen tatives with energy...ambition... & intelligence. No ceiling on your earnings. Incen tives-benefits. CALL ^444)557 ̂EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY ̂ HOTPOINT ELECTRIC RANGE with exhaust hood $50, avacado 385-3289 10-18-10-20C 1976 WILDERNESS TRAVEL TRAILER, self-contained, electric and gas refrigerator, range, toilet, 12 volt Or 110 volt hookup. Excellent condition, asking $2600 or best offer. 815- 459-0700 10-18-10-20C _SH0P 4 YARD LABORERS f Male & Female I Applications accepted Call | Mr. Coleman General Manager OF (LL INC. * 459-5580 equal opportunity employer ion BARTENDERS & WAITRESSES FUU OR PART TINE Apply in person bet ween 1:30 & 4:00 PM. Sir Report's Inn 4912 Northwest Hwy. Crystal Lake Ask for Evelyn iwwiitwiniwiiiiiwNiiiiiiifiipy^ MAINTENANCE MAN Jert^porary position. "Must have knowledge ^of Electrical, Plumbing •^Boilers, etc. 385-9233 385-6916 COMPUTER OPERATOR For full time employment in local of fice Previous experience helpful but will train capable person with ability to learn State full particulars in first let ter c/o McHenry Plaindealer Box No. 0C No. 5 3812 Elm St, McHenry, II. 60050 10/18 10/20 CARETAKER Couple needed to supervise and maintain Velsicol Chemical Corp. Lodge with controlled hunting area and adjacent property. One must be able to operate and do minor maintenance on farm equipment. Must live on property. House furnished. Attractive salary plus fringe ^benefits. Send letter or resume detailing work experience and qualifications to Personnel Manager , ! - « V U S K M C H E M I C A L C M P . V-: Ml E. MO*SI. Chlcaa*. 8. Mill •quol opportunity employer m/» 10 11/10 18 TO WORK 4Va iAYS/WK ilicidoflit fof m oiponoiKod Dfittsptfioii with on oftoctfo-oioclioiiicol bidipoiiR '̂ 13 yttu of trjwiinj Dutws i^lll ^ r^^or 4otoAo4 trtv4M08y ^ KOW^O^fO Of fOflrtAf tfltoil O^Ot 0 • VHRRH pW Up^pulniij TP I opto (v*l itvimiHi w mo iigni pfiwn. www vvvw in* APPLY IN PERSON OR SEND RESUME TO 5801 W Rio. 120 McHonry Ill 60050 An equol opportunity emplo.er 10/lg l0/?0 r O M O M T l O N * Mat * ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLERS Heavy machinery. Wiring knowledge, experience with hand and power tools. Start at $5.28 per hour with automatic increases to $5.92 per hour. Company Paid Benefits Include: • Hospitalization and Surgical • $25,000 Major Medical • $10,000 Life Insurance • 11 Holidays • Weekly Accidents ft Sickness Benefits e Vacation Apply 7:30 AM to 5 PM Monday thru Friday THE GRIEVE CORPORATION 'INDUSTRIAL & LABORATGHV OVENS & FURNACES _ SOO HART RQAOA ROUF'D LAKE >LL 6QQ73 O 312' 5*64226 10/1810 ?0 ' HOW HIRIHft Qualified Mechanics and i Apprentice Mechanics To trouble shoot and repair electric motors and related equipment. t Group Insurance Paid Holidays Vacation and More Call or Write McHENRY ELECTRIC CO 4012 W. Main SL McHenry, II. 60050 815-385-5530 10*10 27 TEACHER NEEDED IMMEDIATELY COMPREHENSIVE INDUSTRIAL ARTS No experience necessary. Hold Illinois High School teaching certificate. B.A. Starting salary, $10,300.00 pro-rated per year. Qualified to teach one or more subject areas in Industrial Arts. For fur ther information call: Mrs. Biggins 815-385-7077 McHenry Community High School West Campus WAITRESSES RUSTIC HARBOR RESTAURANT 217 Front St (Rte. 31) McHenry, IL Apply in Person. to 18-10 20 REAL ESTATE SALES Associates now needed in one of AAcHenry's newest offices, excellent commission splits, insurance program, estab lished farm leads, and above all, experienced management people who care. Don't get lost in the shuffle of a large of fice, join an aggressive small company with big ideas. Come to Realty USA. For a confiden tial interview, call 815-344- 1244 - ask for AAr. Paris). 1U 4-tf f HELP WANTED! | ^Reliable siding applicators and| laborers with or without • equipment. Also need gutter | i I 653-9720 J i o / i 8 i f J r ^applicators and laborers. • 385-9427 (53-9720 Avon AVON GIVES YOU THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS )Heres a part time opportunity that! *#on't interfere with your family life ( [The earnings are good and you choose, ) your own hours Over 18 For more' ^details. call Mrs. Bauer 385-5385 10/18 10/20 EXPERIENCED Waitresses Needed For Daytime and Evening Hours CHAPEL HILL GOLF CLUB 2500 N. Chapel Hill Rd. McHenry, II. OAK FIREWOOD, split and delivered. Face cord $40; Full cord $80. 385-1321 10-18-10-20C Tel-Star TV game used very little $35.00; Call after 5:30 815^ 385-2403 or 385-1969 Cash only 10-18-10-20C White double kitchen sink with faucets $25.00. Call after 5:3C 815-385-2403 or 385-1969. Cash o n l y . 1 0 - 1 8 - 1 0 - 2 0 C HAMMOND ORGAN, PIPER with rhythm section, casette tape player and recorder, bench, head phones, and mike, A-l condition. $800. or best, must sell after 6:00 815-728-0652 or weekends. 10-18-10-20c Single traverse rod holds drapes to 120", $7.00; small crystal chandelier $35. Call after 5:30 815-385-2403 or 385- 1969 Cash only 10-18-10-20C HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: Church secretary, 8 hours a week, flexible hours, pay negotiable. Call Faith Presbyterian Church. 815-385-5388 or 385-8460. 10-11-10-20C Mature woman to care for 9 year old girl. Friday & Saturday Nights. Must have own transportation. 815-385- 6344. 10-13-10-20C GRANDMOTHERS, HOUSEWIVES. High School students. Pleasant telephone work from our office. 2 shifts available: 9am to 3:45 or 4- 8:30pm Apply 3106 W. Hwy. 120 just across the Fox River Bridge. Next to Zephyr Service Station Sign on building reads JAYCEES 10-18 EXPERIENCED SEWER & WATER FOREAAAN Union Pay Plus i. PEASE CONSTRUCTION 815-675-2582 wwvmwwww I0-IJ/1070 ACCOUNTANT Experienced in all phases of accoun ting for varied, challenging position in local office Some ta* experience helpful State full particulars in first letter Send to: Box 0C 4 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, II. 60050 McHenry County CETA Help wanted on-the-job training Job Developer. 4 year college degree necessary. BA or BS. Apply Room 107 McHenry County Courthouse. A resume required. An CfMl OppMtewly £•»'•>>' 10 13 10 30 Need babysitter to sit at my house for a 6 month old baby. Friday 8:00 am to 6:00pm and Saturday, 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. 815-385-3229. 10-18-10-20C Help wanted: 16-21 years old. Full time for lawn care. Call Dean Smith Lawn Care. 815- 385-7434 after 5pm 10-18 SALESPERSONS NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY SELLING NEW HOMES 385-8700 10 18 10 20 HELP WANTED Bartender and day Waitress CA11 815-653- 9081 10-18 Siding applicators, must have truck and equipment, top pay 497-4328, Pistakee Highlands 10-6-10-18C WANTED: Mature woman to babysit in my home, 5 days per week References Wonder Lake area. 815-728-1068 10-18- 10-20c 10 18-10 77 LEARN THE FIREPLACE :i i AT CASUAL FURNITURE:: BUSINESS Full Tim Position Near Open At FL0WERN000 ate. 14 4 176 Crista) Lake Ask for Jim Wilcox io is >o JO SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS For ladies blouses and spor tswear. Experienced or we will train. Excellent working con ditions. All benefits. No lay-offs McHenry Mfg. Co. 3011W. Rte. 120 McHenry, IL 385*3711 1013 io i* APF Stereo AM-FM radio and 8 track with speakers used 6 months, like new, $80.00. Call after 5:30 pm. 815-385-2403 or 385-1969 Cash only. 10-18-10-20C CASUAL GOLD AND WHITE velvet chair, imitation fur womans coat, Size 8, 12 place setting of silver plate. Call after 5:30385-1374 10-18-10-20C FIREPLACE WOOD for sale $45 per ton delivered $40 picked up. For delivery or pick up call Saturday & Sunday before noon only. McHenry Fence Co. 815- 385-1469 10-18-11-17C Now is the time to find that special hand made gift in time for Christmas. Stained glass lamps, hand quilted full size quilts Afghans from $28.00 to $42.00, collector dolls, baby sweater sets, wooden towel racks, thread holder and coat racks. Pine cone wreaths, macrame wreaths, and many C h r i s t m a s o r n a m e n t s . C A T H I E S C O U N T R Y CREATION AND CHILDRENS CLOSET 12701 Stateline Rd, Hebron, IL 815-648-2839 New Hours 10-5 daily, Closed Wed. Sundays 12-6 other times by appointment. 10-18-10-20c C O M E C E L E B R A T E CHRISTMAS DECORATING WITH US. OCT. 29, 1978 from 12-7. Free cookies and coffee while we decorate our tree. 20 per cent descount on E V E R Y T H I N G e x c e p t miniature piano and harp sichords. Cathie's Country Creations and Childrens' Closet 12701 Stateline Rd. Hebron. IL 60034 815-648-2839 10-18-10-27C 25" Tappan Avacado double door refrigerator $450; bedroom set $75 00; Living room set $450.00 ; 30x60 wood desk $65.00; misc. lamps $5.00 & up 815-385-8170 10-18-10-20C CHILDRENS AND MATER NITY CLOTHES IN GREAT SHAPE FOR RESALE WE TAKE YOUR GOOD CON DITION CLOTHES ON CONSIGNMENT LOOKING F O R C O A T S A N D S N O W S U I T S . C A T H I E S COUNTRY CREATIONS AND CHILDRENS CLOSET 12701 Stateline Rd Hebron, IL. 815- 648-2839 10-18-10-20C For Sale or trade one bedroom house trailer 10x60 ft. good condition will trade for tractor, horse trailer, etc. 815-338-8553 10-18-10-20c AKC Samoyed puppy, male $100. also washer and dryer Speed Queen heavy duty, one year old $350 00 for matching set (gold color) see at 2001 N. Sunset. Lakeland Park 10-18- 10-20c HELP WANTED Part Timo Supervisor Sunday only.3:00ain to *00am 15.00 per hour. Must have CHIMNEY BLOCKS, also patio stone, 24" x 24" thru 8 x 16" round and square. We - manufacture. Richmond Cement Product, at traffic light on 12 in Richmond, Illinois 815- 678-6561 10-11-10-20C LIQUIDATING OFFICE machines. Adder, hand $15; electric, $35; print calculator $50; IBM typewriter $225; electronic desk calculators $40- $90; check protector $60. Phone 414-279-6706. 10-4-10-Z7C STORAGE SPACE, boats, furniture etc. 815-338-6874. 10- 4tfc U N D E R N E W M ANAGEMENT. V.F.W. Clubhouse and Hall for rent, seating capacity for 400. Call 385-9860 9 to 12 weekdays or - after 6 pm l0-4tfc SLEEPING ROOMS FOR ? working people, kitchen *'* privileges. $30.00 per week. 385 £ 6633 , 10-13-10-20c I' Junior. Senior or Junior College for lawn maintenance service 815-385-8672 10-18-10-20C RECEPTIONIST Mornings for Veterinary Hospital. Mature, reliable per son needed with office ex perience. Apply McHenry Animal Hospital RAILROAD TIES like new $7.50 delivered, installation available 815-385-4182. 10-4tfc Oak kitchen cabinetry, all sizes, in stock, 50 percent discountoff list. 344-1180. 10- 4tfc WHITE WOODEN STORM windows, Some 55x28 and some 55x24. Call 344-1078. 10-13-10-18 FOR SALE DELICIOUS bushel. 801 McHenry $4.50 a yard. 10 yard minimum. <15475-2582 S1MK-3M3 • 27Tf 0M (1) 20* i 4C moMo clanroom Electric boot/air conditioning, chalk boorl MM boon mod at a Omar Training Simulator classroom. WW Contact Michael Kelly Business Manager McHenry Community High Schorl District No. 156 ¥-Henry, III. 60050 Phone: 815-385-7900 Good quality mixed alfalfa hay, 1st & 2nd cutting, no rain. 125 bale minimum. $1.50 per bale delivered. 608-924-4803 or 608- 924-4805. 10-6-10-18C FIREWOOD (OAK) Split, delivered and stacked-$40. per face cord. Call 815-344-0450 after 4pm. Weekdays, all day weekends. 10H1-10-20C DODGE 67, $150.; 2 man Skeeter Ice Boat, $300 ; Queen Size Bed, $75.; Dresser & Mirror, $75.; 2-350Hondas, $300 for both. 815-728-1050. 10-13-10- 20c New & used R R ties, bulk grass seed We deliver Woodstock Lawn & Farm Center. 815-338-4200 10-4tfc Like new 16x7 garage door complete with hardware. Call after 6:30 pm 815-385-4010. 10- 4tfc JONATHON & apples $7.00 N Green St 10-18-10-20c HOTPOINT WASHER AND DRYER combination unit. $75. 385-1319. 10-13-10-20c Combination wood burning natural gas stove $75 ; small refrigerator; antique com bination wardrobe with drawers and shelves. 6'8"x5'22" depth 815-385-0442 or 385-6264. 10-18 Walnut dining room set. table, 6 chairs and buffet $250.00 . 815- 385-7609 after 7:30pm 10-18-10- 20c For Sale one bedroom house trailer 10x60 ft. good condition $2400 or best offer Must be moved 815-338-8553 10-18-10-20C ANTIQUE OVAL GLASS china cabinet $275 00 , 9 pc dining room set blonde. $125.00, Blonde telephone stand $40.00. 2H78 by 14 Snow tires, mounted on malibu wheels $40 00 815-385- 7766 10-18-10-20c 4 BAR STOOLS orange upholstery, chrome legs, $12 each. Various lamps & misc items 385-1021 call before 10am or after 4pm 10-18-10-20c 1965 FORD U ton Pick-up and camper $1200 00 firm 1969 Ford Van 6 cyl , automatic $400.00 firm 653 9610 10-18-10- 20C LARGE LUXURIOUS Duplex on water, two bedrooms, double vanity bath, living room, dining area, Kitchen with breakfast area. Washer, dryer and garage. In town '•> block to shopping 815-385-3493 10-lltfc WAREHOUSE or factory space from 5,000 to 15.000 ft 385-1079 10-4tfc WIG TRADE IN MONTH, Reed's Hut Wig Shop C L Plaza, (Hwy 14 ) 815-459-5250 10-4-10-27c I. PEASE BLACK DIRT ANTIQUE DISPLAY^ CASES Antique glass display case with 40 apothecary drawers $400; Antique glass display case with lighted interior $200. 815-455-1110 10/13 10 30 REAL ESTATE CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS daily or weekly 815-385-0266 or 815-385-8905 10-4tfc One bedroom Condo $260 00 furnished, call Diane Franzese 312-259-6400 between 11am & 6pm 10-18-10-20c For rent: Fox Lake, two bedroom house with l1 - baths, family and living room, close to train and shopping $298.00 . 815- 344-1692 10-18-10-20C Large spacious upstairs apartment, located 1'2 miles north of McHenry Deposit, references 815-385-4349 after 5 pm or weekends 10-13-10-20c For Rent, small house, stove, refrigerator, single or couple. No pets. Security deposit. 815- 385-4398 10-18-10-20C For rent, 6 ROOM HOUSE, ATTACHED garage, enclosed porch, immediate possession. Call 385-8090 10-18-10-20c 2 APARTMENTS on Fox River. 1 bedroom apartment-pay own electric $230 month; 2 bedroom upstairs apartment, utilities included $230. Security deposit. No pets. Available November 1st. 385-4711 10-18tfc For rent, one bedroom apart m e n t , a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g , i n cluding heat, stove and refigerator $195.00 Call 815-385- 3490 10-18-10-20C ^FOR RENT OR SALE Throe bedroom home with 5 car at tached garage. 20 minutes from McHenry. Zoned Commercial. Owners will rent or soil cash or contract Call Bob Popovich, 344-1033 Century 21 Care Real Estate, Inc. 10/10 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT: School teacher and carpenter need I- house in Crystal Lake, r* McHenry, or Richmond. 497 < 3115 10-18-10-20^ •' WANTED TO RENT Small . house, duplex or apartment Somewhere between Richmond a n d M c H e n r y . P r e f e r f u r nished, reasonable rent Have pets and excellent references. Linda 459-7626 evenings. 10-18- 10-20C WANTED TO RENT: Fur- , nished efficency apt Nov 1st, Warm building, smoking permitted Female Senior , Citizen-Limited income Call 815-344-0768 Keep trying. 10-13- 10-20c WANTED TO RENT Farm Land for Cash Rent. _ Building | Unnecessary. Call: | I 1-312-365-6562 I !• Trombone excellent condition. Only used one year in McHenry Junior high band program $135.00 or best offer. 815-385- 1509 10-lltfc ANTIQUE SET 1, table, 5 chairs, and 1 arm chair, 385- 6153 10-18 2- 13" like new snow tires on rims Professional hair dryer $15 00 344-2477. 10-18-10-20C HOLLYWOOD bed and spread, good condition and reasonable. 653-6816. 10-18-10- 20c 10" radial saw, with stand, dust collector, drill chuck, blades and set of books $265 .00 815-653- 5276. 10-18-10-20c 1955 WD 45 diesel, for parts, $750 or best offer 815-344-3364. 10-18-10-20C MOVING OUT OF STATE, 5 rooms of new furniture Couches & love seat unused, popular black and white decorator stripes, $200 ; 6 oak chairs & long table, custom made. $200. 312-381-7319. 10-18- 10-20C BLONDE DINING ROOM SET w-dropleaf table and buffet, and ladder back chairs. Ex cellent condition Blonde glass top corner table 1 upholstered cox well chair, 4 oak kitchen chairs 385-2223 10-18-10-20C 9 PC ANTIQUE DINING room set $500 385-6561 after 6pm. 10- 18-10-20c CAftAGE SALE BICENTENNIAL DANCE THEATER tARACE & BAKE SALE Oct. 19, 20, 21 Tim: 9:00 to 5:00 760 Country Club Road. Crystal Lake Across from the Country Club PLEASE COME REAL ESTATE For Sale by owner :,4 acre, h i g h w a y , c o m m e r c i a l a n d residential frontage, on Rt. 120 b e t w e e n G r a y s l a k e a n d Hainesville 312-546-5600 bet ween 8am & 4 30pm 10-4tfc VACANT. one plus acres zoned l i g h t i n d u s t r y A r t h u r T Mcintosh & Co 312-372-2040 ext. C. 10-4tfc LOTS: 5 large heavily wooded l o t s , s e w e r a n d w a t e r i n McHenry for sale or built to suit. Starting at $18,500 Countryside Builders 312-438- 4443 9-29tfc For Sale by owner, 3-4 bedroom home in McHenry's most p r e s t i g i o u s s u b d i v i s i o n . A d jacent to McHenry Country club with access to golf course just across the street. Central air, fireplace, 24 car garage, 3 baths, 2 patios, family room, f o r m a l d i n i n g r o o m , i m maculate landscaping 815-385- 6125 10-18-10-20C GARAGE AND FURNITURE SALE. Oct 19, 20. 21st, 10-5, ] Refrigerator, wheelbarrel, antique chairs, davenport and misc articles. 1902 Oak Drive, Lakeland Park. McHenry. IL 10-18-10-20c MOVING SALE. Thursday & Friday, 9am to 4pm. Saturday. 9am to 2pm Lakewood Sub division, 4512 Lakewood,. McCullom Lake, Antiques,*, good clothes especially Prom dresses and clothes sizes 5 & 7,- Good Warrior jacket size 42,' dirt bike tire. Motorcycle carrier. Dirt Bike Silencer. 4- man tent, L-60 Mag tires and much more' 10-18-10-20C GARAGE SALE - 1008 N River Rd Thursday-Friday 9 til 4. Many Goodies 10-18 LOTS FOR SALE McHenry Area Private Owner ^ to 1 acre plus lots in prestigious residential area Boating (Access to Chain-O-lakes) pool and horse facility Restrictions $16 900 00 and up Call 815-385-1304 815-344-0787 10/18 10 ?0 i I l l I I I I v DEVELOPER/BUILDER! SPECIAL SALE Prime 19 Acres Woodstock, 111. Zoned for 268 Units DAVID M. KAUFMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. 312-346-4000 „ Garage Sale, October 19 & * 20TH, 9AM TO 5PM. 4319 ^ Crystal Lake Rd . McHenry ! New clothing, household items \ and misc 10-18 • MOVING SALE Oct. 21 & 22nd. J 9 to 5, stove, ref dining room furniture and many misc items 3317 W Pearl 10-18-1(K 20c : G A R A G E S A L E , T h u r s d a y , * Friday & Saturday 9am to T pm, 4821 W Crystal Lake Rd, McHenry Wood desk, metal- desk, jewelry, knick-knacks, Christmas items, misc 10 18-: 10-20c PORCH SALE, pony and horse' saddles; new in box 12' x 36"; pool; ice skates toys; sweet 16- Browning automatic; ice" fishing tent; new 26" bike;* trike: baby furniture; October* 20 & October 21st 3702 W. James Street, McHenry 10-18-1 10 20c I I I I I MOVING SALE October 21 V 22nd. 9am to 5pm. clothes an«C; coats, ladies size 10-12; meiri medium 42-44 girls 26" bik&*i black and white TV; Couc@£ 20" gas stove; gas dryer; cheK? freezer; small appliances- portable humidifier; bed&| dressers; mirrors, table4j£ guitar H O train: games idC- skates; motorcycle. dishefS" b o o k s ; w h e e l b a r r o w , s a horses, tires much misc Cafl£! o n l y 9 1 8 R o y a l D r i v e . Whispering Oaks 10-18-10-2^$^ . - JK V