r-4 SAVI Blf Beys' iwrirtl Jackal Mm'I Brass Skirls Salt 4r': Reg.16.94 lominotod nylon flight satin with zip and button front. Foko fur trim on hood, four pockots and hoavy polyostor quilt j lining. SizosB-IB. Reg.10.96 Man'* qiana long slaava dross shirts in solids and stripos. Thoy'ro wrlnklo- froo, aasy to wash and dry and coma In lots of booutiful colors. Sizos S- M-L-XL. Men's Lightweight HmM Switihlrtii NT a°/< kf* '* Reg. 55.90 1 Coma and soo our man's 3 pc. suits. Now Visa wovon polyostor. Looks and fools Ilka wool, wrinklo- Jrosistant fabric, so chooso from thrao solid colors: Navy, Brown and Carnal. And throo wool-JIko colors: Cray, Brown and Bluo. All places sold separatoly so buy as you want. However, SAVE 11.BO If you buy comploto suit NOW f Sizes 96-30. Men's Quilted Insulated Vests SAVE Reg. 6.94 Choose from large selection of men's hooded, pullover sweat shirts. Cotton and acrylic fabric in assarted colors. Sizes S-M-L- XL. wtn Teddlers' Fleece V u . 10* Famous Dr. Danton footed sleepers. Solid color fleece In sizes S-M-L-XL. BUY NOW -- IOC iSALE. •Mus»m.tun® are tnere®y ir^wcaw^^p "^e s.y*u® yowll find. Style and iiw« vary from to •tor*. If Rag. 4.93 20% Nylon quiltad f iberf ill vests Are a lightweight easy way to keep your fella warm this winter. Choose from Navy or Rpd In S-M- L-XL sizes. Ladles' Fleece • BKmmLAB CKaanap neu^ooB^B^Fu wvw^FgF^Fa ...; > Reg.11.97 Famous Dr. Denton solid color ladies' lounger-sleeper. Footed style fleece wormors to keep that speciol someone snug end cozy. THESE HPRNSBY'S FAMILY CENTERS OPEN 1 to 9 DAtTr & 10 to 6 SUNDAY 34 & 47 Yorkvitie ill 1 1 0 W a x e r l y Morris II! Route *36 Havana Ml 6 f 8 . I 1 6 Pont iac 111 US 6 & R' 76 Pr in t eT&f 'U Market Ctr McHenry, III i?o«iT* 4 7 Woodvtoc k in 4 5 9 K e n n e d y D BrocM» y HI 1 liMMUMBMMf 'wtsw.v. WVJVAV,'.WWiVft