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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Oct 1978, p. 2

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4 PAGE 2 • PLAINDEALER • WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 18,1978 JELECTS OFFICERS - A new slate of officers was elected for St. John's Home and School association recently. From Ifet to right are Sister Viola Koenigsfeld, principal of St. John's school; Linda Kowalski, president; Jan Tvaroh, vice-president. Back row: Rosalie Davis, treasurer; JSiancy Majercik, secretary; and Dorothy Hughes, chairlady for the spring dance. The organization ;was formed to promote ideals of Catholic education, and to raise funds for the school. Parents are involved in an active pa rent-teacher aide program, a hot lunch program, and supervision of the playground. The first meeting of the Home and School asociation will be held at St. John's school Oct. 24 at 8 p.m. A discussion of the recent dual enrollment study will be on the agenda. Reception Held At Aeit' Home Of Bridal Pair - Mr and Mrs. Larry Frank Vitek entertained 50 guests for 9 luncheon reception in their newly-built home, following their wedding Oct 14. in St Patrick's church. • In a warm addition to the usua* tradition. the bride, the forfr.e- Miry Margaret Pierce. *as escorted to the altar by both of her parents. Mr and Mrs Willard Pierce. 810 west Barbara lane McHenry Mr and Mrs (ieorge Vitek. 3901 Burton trail Crystal I^ake, parents of the groom, escorted their son to meet his bride The church was decorated with net bows set among fall leaves and pine boughs from northern Wisconsin, as Father Edmund Petit officiated at the lu a m Mass Michael and Willard II brothers of the bride served the Mass. and the bride s father performed the scripture readings The bride's attire was a xeplica of her mother's wed- Tting gown, made for her by her •mother in traditional bridal .satin The chiffon veil was ^adorned with a flower wreath made by the bride She carried -a nosegay of white roses, daisies and baby's breath * Sisters of the bride. Ann Tiffany <>t Lake Tomahawk, Wise . and Kuth Pierce of McHenrv were attendants Their attire was fashioned by the mother of the bride, and featured fitted bodices and long, flowered skirts, with matching shawls and purses. Robert Vitek of Crystal Lake, brother of the groom, was his best man, and Thomas Pierce of McHenry, brother of the bride, was the groomsman. The mother of the bride wore a long flowing, colorful A-line jacket dress, while the choice of the groom 's mother was a beige two-piece dress with chocheted neckline The couple graduated from Northern Illinois university with bachelors degrees in elementary education, and both teach sixth grade at Coventry school in Crystal Lake. Senior Walk-In Center Location: Moose Lodge, route 120. Time: 10 a.m. to 4 Monday through Friday. p.m., October 18 Craft day and Painters with Fred Turek and Ruth Boz- mansky October 19 Open Activity Work Bazaar items on ••Friends In Service Here" McHenry Chapter BABY NEEDS BED A larger bed. 6-year crib and mattress, is needed for a 7- month young citizen, who has outgrown his present sleeping quarters Arrangements can be made to pick up these items Please call Susan at 385-7859 You may have one of these items available, or maybe you know of someone w ho does You will feel good to have helped God bless you' Wherever there is a human being there is a chance for kindness M G October 20 Annual Meeting of the McHenry county Senior Citizen's council, with election of officers at 1 p.m. A roast beef dinner will be served at 11 45 a.m. Be sure to get your reservations in early, as a large crowd is expected. October 23 Veterans Day-Introduction of all veterans October 24 The McHenry Senior citizens group has been invited to join the Crystal Lake Walk-In center at its dance, sponsored by the Crystal Lake Junior Chamber of Commerce, and being held at the Center in Crystal Lake on Williams street WNTeR* # GIES SHOES AND SHOE REPAIR 1307 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, IL Phone 385-2801 Day Of Recollection For Joyce Kilmer CDA Hie day of recollection for Joyce Kilmer court 573, C.D. of A., has been scheduled for Nov. 8 at St. Mary's church, McHenry. At a recent meeting it was mentioned that the retreat, which starts with 10 a.m. Mass, will be conducted by retreat master, Father Walter John­ son, who was recently ap­ pointed by Bishop O'Neil to be director of Centro San Jose, McHenry county ai apostolate for the Spanish- speaking. A new calendar of local events was also distributed by regent Mary Agnes Hartmann at this meeting, and members were invited to attend Mass on All Souls day, Nov. 2, being offered for deceased members at 8 a.m., at Christ the King church in Wonder Lake. , the irfea The business meeting was followed by birthday updates for past and present months, and by mention of Helping Hand projects. The Oct. 4 visit to .the Veterans hospital was made by Gara Slegar, Cecelia Oakford, Bert ilia Freund, and Oleva Clucas. Elizabeth Thompson, who visits faithfully, was hospitalized due to an accident. Emma Foy and Ann Buschek served refreshments, and the attendance prize was diverted to the Veterans cause. More information on future events will be given at the Oct. 19 meeting, with Mary Freund or Mary Agnes Hartmann, chairladies. This is the an- niversarey of Joyce Kilmer court and will honor charter members, hosted by Mildred Dempsey. National Health Care Topic Of DAR Program Kishwaukee Trail Chapter of DAR will meet Monday, Oct. 23, at the home of Mrs. George Stock, 13218 Davis Road, Woodstock. Her co-hostess will be Mrs. Bert Boerner. The meeting begins at 11 a.m. and luncheon at 12:30. Mrs. Lisle Bassett, Mrs. Richard Gardner and Miss Amy Brink attended the Fourth Division meet on Oct. 13 hosted by the Glencoe chapter in Skokie. Reports of this meeting will be given by those who attended. Mrs. Donald Williams will give the program which will start at 1:30 p.m., on "National Health Care". Anyone interested in the DAR or ones who wish to attend any of our meeting are invited to contact any member, Mrs. Andrews or the Regent, Mrs. L. Bassett. Self-Exam Method For Breast Cancer Shown Thursday, Oct. 19at 7:30 p.m. at Nativity Lutheran church, 3506 E. Wonder Lake road, the Women's club of Wonder Lake will - present Mrs. Mary Hinkler, who will speak on how to do a self-examination for breast cancer - a life saving concern. The program includes the film "Something Special", plus a "Betsy demonstration", using a breast facsimile with tumors. Everyone will have the opportunity to examine it. We cordially invite the women, men and teen-age girls in the area to participate in this vital program. High Country Cooking When cooking at higher altitudes, remember: air pressure is lower which allows baked foods to rise (and collapse) faster; the atmosphere is drier causing flour to absorb more liquid; and, water boils at 202 degrees which results in food taking longer to cook Mt. Hope Women I n v i t e L o c a l U M W For Joint Meeting The UMW Mission team (executive committee) and nominating committee of the United Methodist women of the First United Methodist church of McHenry met for a combined meeting in October, at which members were reminded of the invitation from the Mt Hope Methodist women to attend SILK SCREENED I | I ! ! i $ Christmas Cards "FOR THAT PERSONAL TOUCH" ALL CARDS HAND SCREENED AT THE Pioneer Center for the Exceptional SELECTION 0E 17 EXTERIOR DIFFERENT DESIGNS TO COORDINATE WITH THE INTERIOR VERSE OF YOUR CHOICE IMPRINTING SERVICES ALSO AVAILABLE TO PERSONALIZE YOUR CARDS FOR SLIGHT ADDITIONAL CHARGE Reasonable Prices! Samples available at: 5005 W. McCullom Lk. Rd McHenry (815)385-3310 6521 Commercial Rd. Crystal lake (815)455-1110 4 WORKSHOP HOURS 8:30 AM to 4PM Monday thru Friday > I I I f I ! their meeting and luncheon on Thursday, Oct. 5 at noon. The annual Fall Bazaar and Luncheon on Thursday, Oct. 19 was discussed, and everything is under control and ready to go. The Nov. 16 general meeting will feature "China" as its theme, and there will also be a film on China. The Ruth circle will be hostesses, and the meeting and luncheon begins at noon The nominating committee has the slate of nominees completed, and ready to be presented to the U M.W membership for approval. Since there will be no general meeting in December, the new officers will be installed at the January meeting, which will also be a Communion brunch The next meeting of the UMW Mission team will be on Tuesday. Nov. 7 at 8:45 a.m. at the church. • • • * Real leaders are not concerned with being pop­ ular. Community Calendar play-"Harvey' '-West auditorium-8 p.m. campus SHOW GIFTS -Diane and Michael Berg, of Crystal Lake, and Kathy Lundquist of McHenry show some of the storehouse of goodies awaiting those attending the Mental Health Resource league fashion show and luncheon. Country Couture. Oct. 24, at Turn berry country club, Crystal Lake. Every corner will be filled with hand-crafted Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations, stocking staffers, and one-of-a-kind gift items, such as an exquisite Irish-knit afghan. Guests are invited to the boutique at'j0;30 a.m. Lunch will be at 11:45 a.m.. after which fashions will be shown and hair styling will be done. The donation is being used for scholarships to graduate students in mental health-related fields. For ticket reservations, call 338-4254, or 459-0035. OCTOBER 18 Foxridge Women's club-8 p.m.-St. Paul's Episcopal church. Whispering Oaks Women's club-1 p.m.-meeting and program Family service and Com­ munity Mental Health center regular monthly board of directors meeting-7:30 p.m.- Crystal Lake area office-6207 Commercial drive. Hilltop PTO Book Fair-7:30 p.m.-gym. Lily Lake conservation club meeting-8 p.m.-440 Wegner road-Fritsche industrial park, Lakemoor-"Lake Savers" welcome OCTOBER 19 Annual fall bazaar and luncheon-First United Methodist church-luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.- bazaar from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Anniversary of Joyce Kilmer court, CD of A-meeting-7:30 p.m. at K of C hall. Valley View PTO Book Fair- 7:30 p.m. Newcomers Gub-"Tea,Talk, and Sew" OCTOBER 20 St. Margaret chapter of NAIM-meeting-Oak room-St. Mary's school-7:30 p.m. Newcomers club-"Frank N' Stein "party-details-contact Mrs. Ron Bisiewicz. Northland Area Art League program-Art Depart­ ment McHenry county college-8 p.m. OCTOBER 21 Moose members Halloween party. Johnsburg PTO Fall dance-9 p.m.-community club. "Harvest Fling "Johnsburg PTO ddance-9 p.m. to 1 a.m- Johnsburg community club. Bake sale-Cub pack 454- McHenry Market Place. OCTOBER 22 NAIM Diocesan Mass-4 p.m - St. Gall's, Elburn. "4-H Is More Than Cows And Cookin' "-Faith Presbyterian church-Chapel hill and Lincoln roads-by Lincoln Cloverleafs. OCTOBER 23 Al-A-Non family group meeting-8:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church. McHenry senior citizens' club meeting-7;30 p.m.-West campus cafeteria-program: book review-"Blue Parade"-by the Rev. Herbert Duenow. , St. Gara court 659-Juvenile Girl Foresters Halloween party-7 to 8:30 p.m.-Mary hall- Montini middle school. Families Anonymous-First Congregational church, 461 Pierson street, Crystal Lake. Halloween party-NCSF Juniors-Johnsburg community club-6 to 8:30 p.m. OCTOBER 24 Order of the Eastern Star- McHenry chapter-Acacia hall- initiation. McHenry high school fall play-Senior citizens per- formance-8 p m.-west campus auditorium. N e w c o m e r s C l u b - Babysitters' cooperative meeting-8 p.m.-Home of Mrs. Robert Aleckson Johnsburg high school Booster club meeting-7:30 p.m.-Johnsburg high school- main entrance. OCTOBER 25 St. Patrick's Ladies' Guild public card party-7:30 p.m.-St. Patrick's hall. Retired Teachers of McHenry county-Fall lun­ cheon-Branded Steak House- 12:30 p.m.-program-Mr. Poge of Rockford-Legislation, and Mr. Richard Huber-Lightening and Its Effects. St. Peter's Halloween Card Party and Luncheon-11 a.m.-St. Peter's hall-Spring Grove. OCTOBER 26 McHenry senior citizens' club-bus, dinner, theater trip to Fireside restaurant and theater, Fort Atkinson, Wise - buses leave McHenry State Bank parking lot-4:30 p.m. Girl Scout neighborhood meeting-9:15 a.m.-St. Patrick's <church hall. McHenry high school fall play-West campus auditorium- 8 p.m. OCTOBER 27 McHenry high school fall ^0 No Charge T» Oar Swart... Money Orders McHenry Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 1209N. CrMn St. McHenry 385-3000 10520 Main St. Richmond 678-2061 fNhvtpiople tUpity OCTOBER 28 Women of the Moose- members'children's Halloween party-2 to 4 p.m. St. Margaret chapter of NAIM-cards-Oak room-St. Mary's school-7:30 p.m. FoxRidge Women's club- children's Halloween party-11 a.m. to 1 p.m.-Faith Presbyterian church. McHenry high school fall play-"Harvey"-West campus auditorium-8 p.m. Book sale-McHenry-Nunda library district, Lily Lake road and Columbus drive-385-6303. OCTOBER 29 McHenry county Historical Museum -program -Marlys Talidis of the Mink Barn. McHenry American Legion auxiliary-Semi-annual chicken dinner-Legion post home- Ringwood roaddserving noon to 4 p.m.-public invited. St. Agatha court NCSF- pancake breakfast and bake sale-Johnsburg community club hall-starts 7 a.m. McHenry high school fall play-"Harvey"-West campus auditorium-8 p.m. Pancake Breakfast and bake sale-NCSF- Johnsburg com­ munity club-7 a.m. to 1 p.m. OCTOBER 30 Al-A-Non family group meeting-8:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church. McHenry Women's club board meeting-city hall-10 a.m. NOVEMBER 1 McHenry BPW-book review by Martha Hopkins-at Faith Presbyterian church, 2107 west Lincoln road-refreshments- proceeds to scholarship fund- for tickets call 385-0258, or purchase at door. NOVEMBER 2 Mass for deceased members of CD of A-Christ the King church, Wonder Lake-8 a.m. Woodstock-McHenry League of Women Voters-board meeting-St Paul's Episcopal church-9 a m NOVEMBER 3 Northland Area Art League- Winter Dimensions Arts and Crafts fair-Nature center- Veterans acres. Crystal Lake. NOVEMBER 4 Women of the Moose Christmas bazaar-space available for crafts-10 a.m. to 4 p.m. FoxRidge Women's club- progressive dinner-7 p.m. Sixth Holiday Hills Women's club Christmas bazaar-VFW hall east of river on 120-9 a.m. Northland Area Art League- Winter Dimensions Arts and Crafts fair-nature center- Veterans acres, Crystal Lake. NOVEMBER 5 Northland Area Art League- Winter Dimensions Arts and Crafts fair-Nature center- Veterans Acres, Crystal Lake. NOVEMBER 6 McHenry Senior citizens club executive meeting-3:30 p.m - Landmark school. Al-A-Non family group meeting-8:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church. NOVEMBER 7 Whispering Oaks bus to Chicago Loop-leaves com­ munity center 8:45 a.m.-Rides available for senior citizens and residents-call 385-8518 by No,. 3. UMW Mission Team- executive committee meeting- 8:45 a.m.-First United Methodist Church. Koinonia group meeting-10 a.m.-parlor, First United Methodist church-every Tuesday. Bible study-U a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor-every Tuesday. Marcia Mary Ball circle rneeting-noon-First United Methodist church-Lonah Wendlandt. hostess. "Holiday Boutique" demonstration-l:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church-Circle members, friends, guests welcome. Free blood pressure screening-First United Methodist church-7 p.m. Johnsburg PTO-executive board meeting-Bush learning center-8 p.m. NOVEMBER 8 Day of Recollection-Joyce Kilmer court CD of A-Mass at St. Mary's church-10 a m NOVEMBER 9 Lakeland Park Women's club meeting-7:30 p.m-Lakeland Park community house-1717 north Sunset avenue. NOVEMBER 10 Woodstock-McHenry League of Women voters-monthly meeting-topic-McHenry county college-9 a.m.-St. Paul's episcopal church. NOVEMBER 11 Friendship club pot-luck dinner and meeting-6 p.m.- First United Methodist church dining room. Annual Roast Beef Dinner and bazaar at Ringwood church. St. Paul's episcopal church- Annual Bazaar-9 a.m. to 4 p.m. NOVEMBER 13 McHenry Senior Citizens club meeting-7:30 p.m>west campus cafeteria-Program- McHenry Choral club. Al-A-Non family group meeting-8:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church. NOVEMBER 14 Newcomers club-monthly meeting-"Silent Auction "7:30 p.m.-St. Paul's Episcopal church. NOVEMBER 15 McHenry Senior Citizens club bus trip to Ice Follies-buses leave the McHenry State bank parking lot at 5 p.m. NOVEMBER 16 Mt. Hope Methodist church, Pistakee Highlands, annual Christmas bazaar and lun­ cheon-noon to 3 p.m. United Methodist women- general meeting-noon-First United Methodist church. Meeting of Joyce Kilmer court CD of A-K of C hall-7:30 p.m. NOVEMBER 18 Veterans of Foreign Wars post 4600 and ladies Auxiliary- annual membership kickoff dinner-7:30 p.m -cocktails-6:30 p.m. Annual Turkey Trot dance- Johnsburg community club- benefit of St. John's restoration fund. Mount Hope Methodist church-Pistakee Highlands- annual bake sale, bazaar, and rummage sale-noon to 3 p.m. Newcomers Plan "Frank W Stein 99 Over thirty members and guests of the Town and Country Newcomers club heard final plans discussed for the "Frank n' Stein" party to be held on Friday, Oct. 20, and then en­ joyed a wine-tasting and comparison evening sponsored by a local liquor establishment, at the monthly meeting at St. Paul's Episcopal church. President Shari Weakman presided over the business portion of the evening Club members were reminded of the next "Tea, Talk, and Sew."' on Oct 19 at 9:30 a m at the home of Mrs. Donald Zutaut, and the babysitting cooperative meeting at 8 p.m on Tuesday, Oct 24 For further information about the Newcomers club or its activities, please contact Mrs. Joseph Wilcox or Mrs. Richard DeVries "Outfitters" Speak To PWP Representatives of Northern Prairie Outfitters will speak on cross-country skiing at the next general meeting of Parents Without Partners No. 189.The meeting will be held at 8:30 p.m on Friday, Oct 20, at the American Legion hall on Oak and Woodstock streets in Crystal Lake. All first time guests are urged to attend the orientation meeting which begins at 8 p.m. Food, con­ versation and dancing will follow the meeting. •Activities planned for the next few weeks are a theater party, a discussion on E.S.P., and a Halloween Party. To be eligible for mem­ bership in P.W.P., a person must be the parent of one or more living children, and single by reason of death, divorce, separated or unmarried. Custody of the children is not a requirement for membership. Those interested may call 459- 5262 or 579-7543 for more in­ formation, or write to Parents Without Partners, P.O. Box 165, Crystal Lake, 111. 60014 Turkey Talk Turkey is high in protein and rich in two body-building B vitamins -- riboflavin and niacin. For weight control, eat turkey and cut down on saturated fats. Dark meat turkey contains just 203 calories per 31* ounce serv­ ing CLEANING SERVICE INC PROFESSIONAL Small Office & Household CLEANING CONTRACT •tight Housekeeping •Carpet Cleaning SPECIALS *lnside Windows •N®w Homes 'WeeHly-Bi monthly •Model Homes Mon,h,y XHAS GIFTS •Apartments CALL 385-0283 TODAY /

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