PAGE 4 • PLAINDFAI.KR - WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 18,1978 s p u r g e o n s Save This Week! Pick a Lineup f Easy Loo" i*3> I •/fs Vr > ;; 1 Save 30% This Week! Spark Your Wardrobe with Brilliant Basics 350 \ 455a„, 5 Reg. $5.00, $6,50 and $7.50 Top off the season with long sleeve pullovers of soft acrylic knit in 18 gauge or fine 1x1 rib knit! The neatest news in crew necks, V-necks, turtlenecks ... and convertible cowl hoods. Beautiful in knockout colors from camel to bold barn red. Great under jackets, over skirts and pants. Scoop-up a ward robe at savings now in sizes S-M-L. Harry! ! Save 20% This Week! It's Our Fall Pant Set Spectacular! 128o 2392 Reg. $16 to $29.90 Famous name pant sets. . . 2-3 and 4-pc. styles! Terrific tops and pants sheltered with vests and tunics. Spicy stripes and soft tone solids in smooth and ribby acrylic knits. Sizes for juniors 5-13, misses 10-18, women 141/2-241/2. Now! Johnsburg Mary L. Gunderson 385-3052 Boosters Milting At Johnsburg High To Poll By-lows Oct. M, 7:90 p.m. at John sburg high school, will be the next meeting of this very active and productive organisation the Boosters' club. Come to the main entrance of the school and follow the signs. Main purpose of the meeting is to pass the by laws. Sincere thanks to the volunteers who helped man the concession's stand at the Homecoming games. Please join us again on Oct. 28 for the games at McCracken field, West campus, McHenry high school, and bring along a friend. We are hoping for a good turnout at both the above. Do your best to come. Show your interest and give an example to your boys and girls. Besides, you should relax a little! FOOTBALL JOHNSBURG K.S. We are justly proud of our teams and the good record they have in their games. Keep up the good work, gentlemen. You enjoy playing and you are happy to win for your school. And believe me, you are learning many valuable lessons for your future life every minute. HOME AND HOSPITAL Continue remembering out sick and handicapped friends and neighbors every day, especially Diane Murgatroyd, Frank Freund, Mrs. Sophia Sobol, Bonnie Meehan and Jarleth Roche. May God keep them in His care. CONGRATULATIONS Charles Logan, Jr., son of sJane H. and Charles L. Logan, Sr., Johnsburg road, who completed nine-weeks of training at the Marine Corps Recruit depot in San Diego. He joined the Marine Corps in May, 1978. PACK 494 Good news! Cub Scout pack 494 haa a leader and assistant, and an assistant scout master. However, they are still in need of a scout master and scouting coordinator. Thank you for joining with this most com mendable group. Progress is being made and committee members are carrying on quite well otherwise. Pack meeting, Wednesday, Oct. 29, 7:30 p.m., multi purpose room of J.C. Bush school. Graduation of Cub Scouts to Webelos will take place, and achievement awards will be given. It should be a big night. Thanks to all the fathers and mothers who have offered their services, and here's looking forward to hearing from some of the fathers who are so badly needed to be Scout master and Scouting coordinator. We do not have to remind you how quickly your sons grow into men. Enjoy them now! "Use what talents you possess. The woods would be very silent if no birds sang there, except those that sang best." Henry VanDyke. Our bake sale will be Oct. 21 at Hornsbys. Come and visit us for tasty delights! Sure, Scouts are good bakers and cooks, too. N C S.F. Pancake breakfast and Bake sale, Oct. 29, Johnsburg community club, from 7 a.m. to I p.m., far the benefit of St. John's restoration fund. Come to breakfast before or after Maes, and take home some baked goods. P.T.O. DANCE "Harvest Fling" is Oct. 21, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., at the Johnsburg community club. The music will keep your feet dancing and the buffet (from about 11 p.m.) will tickle your taste buds. This is strictly a social event, and a good opportunity to get to know the other parents If you would like to bring a dish to pass such as salad, rolls, or dessert, or prefer to make a monetary offering toward the main dish, please call Mrs. Wayne (Pat) Hiller, or Mrs. Michael (Dee) DeWolfe, and advise someone of your preference. Tickets will be available at the door and through Mrs. J. (Sharon) Kaplan, or Chairman, Jim Meyers, 389-6307. ALUMNI Last Saturday, I had the privilege of meeting some of our graduating class of 1921 from Providence high school, Chicago (VanBuren and Albany avenues). It was truly delightful. It made me wonder if it were possible thst some of our girls would be living here in Johnsburg, or nearby. Would certainly be happy to hear from you, just to know that you are here, whether from the class of 1921 or other years. Please call Mary Gunderson. This is just for the pleasure of hearing from each other. Here's hoping! JUNIORS-N.C.S.F. Halloween party and meeting, Monday, Oct. 23, from 6 to 8:30 p.m., in the Johnsburg community club. Pre-schoolers are also invited. There will be a Spook house, apple game and others, and refreshments, of course! How are you coming with your costume? Be sure to come in costume. See you there. ST JOHN'S SCHOOL Institute day for teachers, originally set for Oct. 27, has been changed to Oct. 30; so there will be no school on Oct. 90. FIFTY-FIVE YEARS Oct. 17, will mark the fifty- fifth wedding anniversary of John and Agatha Thelen. They were married at St. John the Baptist church, Johnsburg, Oct. 17, 1923, at 9 a.m. nuptial Mass, by Father Nick Schmitt from Oklahoma, assisted by an uncle, Monsignor John F. Sch mitt, Aurora, and Father William Weber, pastor. (No wonder it lasted fifty-five years!) They enjoyed the day with their family, grandchildren and great-grandchild, and a member of the wedding party, a niece, Mrs. Leo Poss from Aurora. Many more anniversaries, Agatha and John! JOHNSBURG FOLKS Remember to call me at the above phone number with in formation regarding any of your groups' activities, coming up or recently enjoyed, bir thday parties, anniversaries, trips you have *9hade, in teresting incidents that hap pened in your family. We will be happy to share them with you. DATES TO REMEMBER Oct. 21 - Harvest Fling dance, Johnsburg P.T.O. 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Johnsburg community club. Oct. 21 - Bake sale - Cub Scout pack 454, Saturday, Market Place, McHenry. Oct. 23 - N.C.S.F. Juniors - Halloween party and meeting, Johnsburg community club. Oct. 24 - Johnsburg Booster club meeting 7:30 p.m. Johnsburg high school, main entrance of school., 7:30 p.m. Oct. 28 - Football games at noon and 2 p.m., Johnsburg high school at McCracken field, West campus McHenry high school. Oct. 29 - Pancake Breakfast and Bake sale, Johnsburg community club 7 a.m.-l p.m., N.C.S.F. Nov. 18 - Annual Turkey-Trot dance, Johnsburg community club. Benefit-St. John's restoration fund. Dec. 6 - Annual Salad Lun cheon and Fashion show -11:30 a.m., Johnsburg community club. St. John's Home & School association. The McHenry Plaindealer Established 1S7S 3S12 West Elm Streat Phone 3*5-0170 8 AAcHanry. Illinois 40050 Published Evsry Wednesday 8 Friday at McHenry Illinois j-j; Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois :•:• •Y MCHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY McHemy fWiiMx. Mil W. din St., McHenry. III. M0S0. A deduction of on* month from J ;j;j ttiroufh tfco Pott OWko Dof rtmiwt. Alumni Association At Marian Holds Reunion j:j! Larry E. Lund-Publisher Adele Froehlich-Editor $: T978 -e! NATIONAL NEWSPAPER moCIHIM BBH 1H» Sj NNA SUSTAINING M MEMBER-1978 •x Imr SUBSCRIPTION RATES SI2.IMI I War In McHenry and Lake County *17.00 Outside McHenry and Lake County The Marian Central Catholic high school Alumni association, headed by Reverend Michael Tierney of Marian, officially "kicked-off" on Saturday, Oct. 7, with a special post-game reunion at the Woodstock Inn. Refreshments were provided and Father Tierney announced that several Marian alumni have already agreed to work as chairpersons for the association. Father Tierney, along with the help of interested alumni, plans to publish an up-to-date mailing list of alumni ad dresses in addition to the already-existing altkmni news letter begun last year. The association is to be alumni- controlled, according to Father Tierney, through represen tatives for each five-year period of both Marian's and St. Mary's high schools. The newsletter is printed at several key times during the year to keep Marian alumni posted on various special school func tions. Pork Inspection By law, all pork must be in spected for whoiesomeness be fore it can be sold to consu mers. Both the hog and the carcass are examined by spe cially trained and experienced government inspectors, accord ing to the National Live Stock and Meat Board. v l A M M , !»* • « Beauty Salon - Phono 385-4520 Storo Hours: Mon.-Frl. 9 to 9, Sat. 9 to 6, Sun. 10 to 5 McHonry Markot Place Discover BEN FRANKLIN We bring variety to life! EVERYTHING 1250 N. Green SL 3854)806 HOURS: Open Fri. Nito tH S:3U Mon. thru Sit 9 til 5:30 Btttlastftr 6al*eticfl Cottumes 259 Offctr CttfuiMS 259 Ml TEETH • • ten &- 59! Masks of tha devil, witch, to wort, vampire. mummy ghoul, heartwarming favoriteol 84a. Nafkla BASKET s. 79! -- 99* .WfcanplMtfi W V ss. a. mmi NNCMrnr ST.M! onwr E5 X5BC •Low Lips oGlew Goop •Black Tooth Wax •Witch Hats •FonWip •NoioA Specs •Hobo Dtsquisas •Mustaches We Alto Carry A Complete Line Of Halloween Party Goods And Decorations • Shop Early I INMU' J R$ pRACH 16 •?! toMNH rr89i Many Other Trick or Treats Available At Reasonable Prices
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