orco OSC 0" DRUG select from a variety of quality appliances PAGE U - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. NOVE 40-8-L MBER 1. 1978 Prices effective Wed., Nov. 1 through Saturday, November 4,1?7i ittMiiiMia *" osco DRUG 3720 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. OSCO CO Kodak Colorburst 100 Instant Camera Easy to use camera with continuous focus, automatic exposure control, neck strap OSCO We Guarantee Your Satiafactlon Wa want you to be pleated with everything you buy at Osco if it an t all you expected it to be. return it to any Osco Drugstore for a complete refund, exchange or adjustment to your satisfaction We re in business tmfy - the" we re not doing /jTlQp our |Oto *" ' w ~ UO WNHM M ( | ((.(fell € S Northern Heating Pad AM/FM AC/DC Portable Radio With rotary on/off volume control, 3" speaker, telescopic FM antenna #2260 Osco Sale Price L.E.D. Digital Clock Radio AM/FM radio with 24-hour "set and forget" alarm and 60-minute sleep-to-music timer #J230. Osco Sale Price FM/AM/TV Band Pocket Radio G.E. radio with TV sound, convenient controls and 2 antennas #7-2927. Osco Sale Price Has 3-position heat slide 2-year warranty #812 Osco Sale Price G.E. Instant Weather Radio Portable FM/AM radio with automatic AC/DC switching or battery power. 3" dynamic speaker. #7-2841. Osco Sale Price 16" 29 99 19" 24" Vicks VapoSteam* Vicks Liquid additive for steam vaporizes helps relieve congestion 4-ounces •119 Osco Sale Price I Formula 44 Effective strength cough mixture 8 ounces 039 Osco Sale Price 12 I -OUR RELtr Contac Cold Capsules Pack of 10 cap sules Each one gives 12 hours relief QQc Osco Sale Price 99 Osco Nite-A-Rest A night-time cold medication 6-ounce liquid Osco Sale Price Boxed Christmas Cards Choose from many designs 20 cards per box By Grand Award or Metropolitan Osco Sale Price Osco liquor specials Liquor available at llcenaed Chicago and suburban Osco and Case 'n Bottle stores only. Prices subject to state and local taxes, It any. . / AnA/i* Taylor Lake Country Wines Bed. Pink, White or Gold 1 5 liters each (50 7-ounces Osco Sale ^ Price tor TAYLOR BACARD Christian Brothers Brandy Quart (32 ounces) Osco Sale Price ^.ky (knstmnBrotfcn Paisa.no Gallo Paisano Wine One gallon Osco Sale Price WOMS IcUTTYS »«DU _ fZ) Seagram's Planters Tavern Nuts , v.o. „ Ca/U»iaw irrnlS* Light ly sugared tor thai great snack anyt ime 1 11 ?-ounce can TAVERN. NUTS® super toy savings Old Milwaukee Beer Pack of 6, 12-ounce cans. Osco -139 UZZY pumper SRR,U, Bacardi Rum Light or dark 750 ML (25 4 ounces) Early Times Bourbon 750 ML (25 4 ounces) Kessler Blend Whiskey 750 ML (25 4 ounces) Your Choice 99 Gordon's Vodka 1 75 l i ters ( 59 2 ounces I IS' "749 Price a Cutty Sark Scotch 1750 ML (25 4ouncesl p,° C99 Seagram's V O. Canadian . 750 ML <25 4 nunc esl 599 Kenner Play-Doh Fuzzy Pumper Barber Shop Han r.nsin fun with Play-Doh For ages 3 to 7 Osco Sale Pric, y 88 Q . ia Schaper Max Machine A U Dri II to, with Teieson.c remote control Oscc Age 5 nnd up Sr i le Price 1 0 " Fisher Price Sesame/ Street Clubhouse Magical p layground ful l of surpr ises For ages 2 to 6 Osco Sale Price 11 99 OSC Mattel Dancerella She dances l ike a 3 •s Osco Sale Price 12 99 CO m if W1 ~3ti BLip. | E Tomy Blip 7 9 9 /* * A V & ^ Mego Micronaut Time Traveler osc;i Osco „ _ _ Sale -129 Price I OSC gather up these great Osco buys Prices effective Thursday. November 2 through Saturday. November 4, 1978 Mo nonseme Easy to be me Protein *u net 'M(| • liW» VANIll FLAVt mL n Node \\ tides In - Dlrt'jOut XI WlNTIH f. JuMMUt WND&MIClD WAidfcH MJTi FREEZE SOt */lWT Aqua Net Hair Spray By Faberge' 10-ounce spray in choice of holding formulas. Osco Sale Price P.V.M. Protein Powder 16-ounce chocolate or vanilla protein formula for weight reduction. Osco Sale Price Dove Bath Soap Pack of two 4.75- ounce bars Price includes 8c oft label "Easy To Be Me" Panty Hose No Nonsense hose have reinforced toe. Air-Knit panties with cotton crotch 2 sizes. Osco c"'_ r-rice I Osco Sale Price Tide Detergent King size. 84-ounce box Price includes 25c oft label Osco Sale Price 66 99 -.39 09 Limit 1 Windshield Washer Solvent Gallon of Pre-Mix solvent -- guaranteed protection to 20 below. Osco Sale Price 69c OSCO OSC photo processing special Color Prints 12-exposure Color Prints 20-exposure 73 your Halloween memories mean a lot to us too! SAVE £ Coupon good thru Sat , Nov 11,1978 "Color Print Processing Save 70c off our regular price on developing any roM of Kodacoior. Fu» f olomit OAF Focal o> 3M color print Mm. up lo 30 eipoauraa 0»co Rag %2 S»# »7 SS with coupon oicoecoecdScSi ZMSofcoecSec Coupon good thru Sat Nov 1 i 1978 Color Print Processing Save 70c oM Our regular price on developing any roll of Kodacoior pfmt film up to 36 e«posure* °££ Ltmif one i oil per one mu»f personal care buys Intensive Care Osco Nail Polish Remover 6 ounce lemon R(.\ A Lotion I i IK I >(• H[ i I IMA l l«f X8T« «l« l«UII»l« 1 5 ounces of ' Vcisehne s Strength lot io Oscn Sale Price Excedrin Analgesic Vaseline xmditioi n Sure Anti-Perspirant Clairol Condition II Johnson's Baby Shampoo 1 l ou Price Includes 20c off label 3 9 Osco Sale Price Pepsodent Toothbrush Adult s._ ' l mediun 1 br ist les. O Q Osco Sale Price Osco Foaming Bath Oil Choict 32 ounces ^C Osco Sale Price Gleem Fluoride Toothpaste Osco S<i r«EM Kodacoior II 35mm Print Film 24 exposure Color pr int t i i r r for 35mm C135-24 Osco Sale Price Anacin Pain Reliever Wisk Laundry Detergent 32 ounce heavy duty liquid detergt Osco Sale Pnct Bolt i 100 t Osco Sale Price « ISCO;! OS! SCO take good care of yourself save the (6scd) way A «