HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTEO FOR RENT PAGE 15 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 1,1978 m SALE DIESEL MECHANIC Experience required. Klrfcpotrick Trucking 5 Mites north of Hanrard on Highway 14 815-943-6649 943-5839 Y0UN6 MAN T§ Help Building Contractor. FULL TIME Call After 5:00 PM - 815-455-1255 Experienced mature woman to babysit in my home 3 days a week. 815-385-4902 after 6pm. 114rll-3c MALE, 18 years or older. Manufacturers helper. One conscientious individual needed to grow with a growing com pany. f3.00 plus an hour. 312- 398-5409 11-1-11-3C Help Wanted, carpentry and concrete. experienced preferred, must have car. 815- 385-0050. • 10-27-11*1 WONDER LAKE AREA, Babysitter wanted 1 week, 7:30 am to 3:30 pm, then part time afternoons, references required. 815-653-3526. 11-1-11- 3c 11/1-11/3 J. D. STREETT & CO. INC. Accepting applications for manager position, at self-service gasoline station, located in McHenry. (McHenry Zephyr, Rte. 120). 21 years or older. Male or female. Competitive salary. Life and hospitalization insurance. Call collect after 6:00 PM. Monday through Friday and anytime Saturday or Sunday. 815-895-6276 TEK AMBULANCE SERVICE A mobile intensive cor* unit, is now accepting resumes for full time/part time em ployment. send: %Tek, inc. P.O. Box 144 McHenry, IL Attention: Mr. Randy Hupke «•»«.« fo*y.Tf/i BUS DRIVER 4 HOURS DAILY Monday thru Friday Excellent benefits Pioneer Center for the Exceptional Please call Gerrie Witz, 385-3310 ii/I.Ii/9 CHANGE ORDER CLERK Rapidly expanding manufacturer of fractional HP motors, has an immediate opening in our modern engineering office, working days, 40 hours per week. This newly created position offers challenging job assignments relating to engineering change orders, computer loading, and some mechanical drawing changes. Poise, maturity and the ability to work well with people, with a minimum of supervision, complete the winning combination. Outstanding salary and benefit program. Apply in parson. You'll ba glad you did. 5801W. Route 120 McHenry, III. CORMlATioii 11/1-11/ AVOI low Is A Good Time To Make Extra Money i"it's the time of year when you/ need extra money for 1001 things. It's also an ideal time] i to become an Avon Represen- , tative. Business is good and< . you choose your own hours. Over 18, Call Mrs. Bauer 3B5-53B6 today, ii/i n/3i SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST Full Time Shorthand and typing required. McHenry County CETA Office Call for appointment 338-2040 Ext. 136 Ask for Mrs. Matrisciano to t»wt 0W--% Cwplnn 10/N-TF GENERAL OFFICE We are looking for an ex perienced and responsible person, to do inventory con trol and order processing. Good typing is a must. Personnel Protection, Inc. 3911 Dayton St. McHcnry, H 815-385 5735 HELP WANTED [Bedmakers to work part time 18:30 am to 1:00 pm. For in- : formation on available [ positions in Environmental Services Department. Contact 1SANDIJUSTEN at Carestoel of McHenry 344-2600 10/2711/1 Gould, Inc. a Fortune 200 Company, has openings at its St. Louis location for personnel experienced in finishing brakes, both disk and drum. Prior set-up knowledge of ver tical spindal lathes, roughers or finishers, a plus. .Starting salary commensurate with individual's background. Plus excellent benefits including: Dental insurance, prescription drugs, orthodontic program, profit sharing, ten paid holidays Full relocation expenses plus much more Interested applicants may submit resumes including salary history to: PERSONNEL MANAGER GOULD, INC. 3700 Forest Park, * St Loth, MO 63110 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F BROWN & SHARPF. Automatic Screw Machine Tenders, also Sat up and Operate Hand Screw Machines. Days or Nights. Punch Prass S.U. for Automatic, Progressive Compound, and Combination Dial Night Shift Eyeletten. Riveters, Assemblers Days: 7:30 AM-4:00 PM Nights 5:00 PM 1:30 AM • 11 Paid Holidays • X-mas week off •Free life and hospital insurance • Pension Plan • Tuition refund and more Apply to Personnel DepL OAK Industries Inc. South Main Street, Crystal Laka, III. An Equal Opportunity Employer ROOFERS Shingle or Hot Steady year round work, with a progressive and growing company. Good pay, many fringe benefits. LAWRENCE BROS. CONSTRUCTION CO. 271 E. Highway 176 Crystal Lake, II. 815-459-6792 WAITRESS No experience necessary, over 21 years. 385-6454 10 27 11/1 [•••••••" EXPERIENCED SEMI-DRIVER J. PEASE 815-675-2582 MEDICAL Off ICE ASSISTANT For M. D. - Woodstock. Secretarial experience required. Medical office ex perience helpful. Good pay and benefits. 40 hour week Call In resume to: 815-338-7950 10, 27-11/1 1 1 / 1 - 1 PROCESS & MANUFACTURING Wa arw a major manufacturer of haat transfer equipment. We need an. individual with a proven record in process and manufacturing engineering. To be considered, you should have a B.S. degree or its equivalent in job related experience. A strong tooling background desired along with some draf ting ability. We offer a good salary and excellent company paid benefits in return for your hard work. If this sounds like what you've been looking for, to arrange an Interview, call personnel 815-385-3964 or tend resume with salary history to: Modine Manufacturing Co. P.O. Box 458 McHenry. IL 60050 Heavy machinery. Wiring knowledge, experience with hand and power tools. Start at $5.28 per hour with automatic increases to $5 92 per hour Company Paid Benefits Include: • Hospitalization and Surgical • $25,000 Major Medical • $10,000 Life Insurance • 11 Holidays • Weekly Accidents & Sickness Benefits • Vacation Apply 7:30 AM to 5 PM Monday thru Friday THE GRIEVE CORPORATION 11-1- 11-3 Opportunities Now with the World's Leading Coffee and Donut Chain Full time or part time positions. Day or evening. No experience necessary.. .we give you training with full pay. Immediate oppor tunities for Counter person and Donut People. Apply between 10tf0 am to 3:00 pm. 4505 W. It*. 120 »»-«« || mcnenry, INDUSTHiAl 8, IABQRATCMV OVINS& FURNACES 500 HART WOAOe HQut Q LAKE III 60073 «.312i IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Due to rapid expansion we are currently seeking qualified individuals for several positions. •ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN •JR. TOOL DESIGNER •LAYOUT DRAFTSMAN •MACHINE OPERATORS •ASSEMBLERS We offer food starting salaries, complete benefits and opportunity for advancement Apply in person or call: GEARMASTER DIVISION EMERSON ELECTRIC 1809 S. Rte.31 McHenry, IL 60050 (815)385-7020w'v^ G E A R M A S T E R L DATATR0NIC, INC. 360-370, RPGII, Cobol Programmer Minimum 3 years experience Salary open. Mail resume to: DATATR0NIC, INC. ' ; t.0.ta5M McHenry, IL Or cad for interview • 385-6627 Help Wanted part time for light housecleaning. Must have own car, good pay. 815-385-0283 Top To Bottom Cleaning Service, L11.1 Ho » Inc. 10-20-11-10C REAL ESTATE SALES Associates now needed In one of McHenry's newest offices, excellent commission splits, insurance program, estab lished farm leads, and above all, experienced management people who care. Don't get lost in the shuffle of a large of fice, join an aggressive small company with big ideas. Come to Realty USA. For a confiden tial interview, coll 815-944- 1244 - ask for Mr. Parlti. • IMTF WELDER Manufacturer of Industrial Ovens needs experienced welder who con read blueprints. Precision Quincy Corp. 220 N. Madison St Woodstock, II. 338-2675 MEDICAL RECORDS CLERK We have an excellent oppor tunity for an individual to work full time in our medical recor ds department Excellent fringe benefits and salary. Call or apply. McHenry Medical Group 1209 N. Green SL McHenry, IL 815-385-1050 2 11/1-11/3 \ ^ 4 SALES | Women or Men jj Age 21 to 69. kecorded Message. 800-327-9696! #S A m n/i-ii/3 < FOft RENT for rent, storage space. Boats Furniture, etc. 338-6874. io-27tfc FOR RENT, one bedroom furnished, all utilities paid, light cooking, private entrance, $175. per month. Elderly gentleman preferred. Near Burtons Bridge. 815-459-8414. 11-1-11-3C MC HENRY, McCullom Lake Beach front, 4-5 bedroom house, wants 3 to 5 male-female housemates. Prefer college age $100. per month. Own room. Call Steve 312-286-7181 or 312- 564-8488. 11-1-11-3C FOR RENT: Large, airy one bedroom apartment in Rich mond. 815-648-2356 or 815-648- 2800. M 11-1-11-lOc Young man wishes to share house in Richmond $150.00 month and Vfe utilities. 815-678- 4178 11-1-11-3C ROOMS FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms for working people with kitchen privilages, $30 per week. 385-6633. 11-1-11-lOc For Rent, HORSEMEN, Box Stalls, indoor and outdoor arenas, $40.00 per horse, do your own chores 815-653-9595 11-1-11-lOc House for rent, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, basement $265.00 month plus utilities. 312-782-1760 11-1- ll-3c OFFICES FOR RENT IN JOHNSBURG Beautiful air conditioned of fices, private bath, all utilities, ample parking Reasonable Rentals Call Bill Wallin Assoc. 815-385-5093 vmcymcmx rnxsmml IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILH r OFFICE OR RETAIL i . = Located on Route 120-Newer solid S •brick building with 1000 sq It full 2 lbasement. excellent parking space S |Immediate possession _ $700/month Realty World Durbin-Stovall ( 4213 W. Route 120, McHenry I UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, V F W. Clubhouse and Hall for rent, seating capacity for 400 Call 385-9860 9 to 12 weekdays or after 6 pm. 11-ltfc WAREHOUSE or factory space from 5,000 to 15,000 ft 385-1079. 11-ltfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROO^JS daily or weekly 815-385-0266 or 815-385-8905. 11-ltfc 11/1-11/3 COUPLE I Wife to take cut of large A property near Cham 0 Lakes State Park on a part time basis In return for your service, we wMI provide 9N with a free separate apt Woman ifcMW ba able to do some li|ht homework-helpful if husband is able to do lifht maintenance work, but not Mcessary Cal Satwae* Saw ta 5p» 312-597-0107 tl/l-l1/3 Two like new Remington model 870 T.B. Grade 12 gauge shot guns. Useful for both field and trap. $195.00 each. Phone 815- 675-2268 after 6pm ask for Jim. 11-1-I1-3C 1975 5th WHEEL 21 Ft., Wilderness Camper trailer, fully contained, Must see. Make offer . 815-385-6998 11-1-11-lOc REGULATION SLATE TOP pool table and accessories, like new $1000.00 or best. Call weekends or anytime after 6:00 p.m 385-6138 11-1-11-lOc PANASONIC AM FM 8 ^rack stereo with Gerrard turntable $100.00 or best offer. Excellent condition Call after 4 00 385- 2414 11-1-11 -3c BEAUTIFUL established aquariums make nice gifts. 2 setups each with 20 gal & 10 gal. tanks on wrought iron * stands. Some breeders. Must sell Reasonable After 5. 815- 653-9255 11-1-11-3C 815-385-8060 UlX-X f m SALE STORAGE SPACE, boats, furniture etc 815-338-6874 11- ltfc LARGE LUXURIOUS Duplex on water, two bedrooms, double vanity bath, living room, dining area, kitchen with breakfast area Washer, dryer and garage. In town 4 block to Shopping 815-385-3493. 11-ltfc For rent, large 3 bedroom apartment, Greenwood Area. $300.00 per month. 815-385-2410 after 5pm ll-l-l l-3c SPACIOUS 3 bedroom, 24 bath Ranch home with large family room. Many extras $425.00 plus utilities and security deposit. 815-385-4694 11-1-11-3C For rent, Unfurnished two bedroom apartments available 815-385-4827 or 385-1263 4014 Kane Ave. McHenry. ll-l-ll-3c ROOMS FOR RENT, at 3914 West Main St., McHenry 11-1- ll-3c 1100 Sq. Ft. for rent, side en trance and overhead door. Crystal Lake Newspaper, 404 Virginia St., Crystal Lake, IL 815-4591456 ll-l-ll-3c For Rent, Short Term, 3 bedroom house, furnished, forced air heat, utilities paid $900.00 month 312-383-3287 11-1- 11-Sc For rent, one bedroom funished apartment 815-385-0266 or 385 8905 11-1-11 -3c For Rent, one bedroom condo, Vacation Village, Fox Lake Call Diane 11am to 7pm. 312- 230-0400 10-27-11-3 Order your dollhouse for Xmas now and save 10 percent with this ad until November 15th. Cathies Country Creations, 12701 Stateline Rd Hebron, IL 815-648-2839 11-1-11-3C WONDER HORSE like new: Maple bed with the works and 23 Channel CB with dual an tenna. 653-9980 11-1-11-3c 1977 Surveyor, 22 ft. Fully equipped, sleeps 7, bath, TV rotor, CB set, refrigerator, air $11,500 00.815-653-3021 11-1-11 3c Wagner front end loader for 8N or 9N Ford tractor $200 00. 815- 338-4761 11-1-11 -3c Sears Kenmore washer and dryer combination unit, one full size unit does both washing and drying $200.00 . 312-526-6109 or 815-344-3232 11-1-11 3c 1966 FORD 34 ton Pick-up and camper with heavy duty suspension. 4 speed-6cyl $1200.00 firm Call 815-653-9610 between 8am and 12 11-1- ll-3c More Merchandise . Added This Week To Candyman's ClothesOuts The Toddler Shop 3430 W. Elm St McHenry, IL 385-0746 n/ian/8 lUllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllll FOR SALE 2 Twin beds complete; Oak wood table with 6 chairs; 20" 4 burner gas stove hot water tank with glass lining, bathroom outfit-tub, toilet & sink, floor lamp; 2 large rugs with padding, elec trie lawnmower with 100 ft cord; combination storms & screens, snow shovels A hand snow plow. 3 bedroom doors, 2 aluminum awnings 1 electric hedge trimmer. 1 work bench vice, 100 ft. garden hose oak buffet with heavy glass top. Too much to mention 7509 NORTH DR. 111/113 BRAND NEW never used 6x9 triaxial speakers $35 385-0552 after 5 ll-l-ll-3c WURLITZER ORGAN Fun- maker Supersprite, 2 Keyboards, built in recording cassette, auto rhythm plus dancing chords 385-7950 after 4:00pm $400.00or best. 11-1-11- 3c Now is the time to find that special hand made gift in time for Christmas. Stained glass lamps, hand quilted full size quilts Afghans from $28.00 to $42.00, collector dolls, baby sweater sets, wooden towel racks, thread holder and coat racks Pine cone wreaths, macrame wreaths, and many C h r i s t m a s o r n a m e n t s . C A T H I E S C O U N T R Y C R E A T I O N S A N D CHILDRENS CLOSET 12701 Stateline Rd Hebron, IL 815- 648-2839 New Hours 10-5 daily, Closed Wed Sundays 12-6 other times by appointment. 11-1-11- 3c Like new 16x7 garage door complete with hardware Call after 6; 30 pm 815-385-4010 11- ltfc AM LEAVING THE FAR^' Have 3 cars at rest for 4 yrs 1946 Dodge, 4 Dr.; 1957 Chevy, 2 Dr. Post; 1961 Impala, 4 dr.; 6 cyl. auto, p.s., will accept highest offer by 11-9 for removal by 11-15. 385-5323. 11-1- 11-3c CHILDRENS AND MATER NITY CLOTHES IN GREAT SHAPE FOR RESALE WE TAKE YOUR GOOD CON DITION CLOTHES ON CONSIGNMENT LOOKING F O R C O A T S A N D S N O W S U I T S C A T H I E S COUNTRY CREATIONS AND CHILDRENS CLOSET 12701 Stateline Rd. Hebron, IL 815- 648-2839 11 -1-11 -3c SMALL PART TIME business Afternoon hours Two days week Approx 26 hrs month $400 plus gross monthly. Ser vicing existing customers. Asking $2000 00 Includes Auto and Equipment Call 815-653- 9610 between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. Due to health ll-l-ll-3c FIREPLACE WOOD for sale $45 per ton delivered $40 picked up For delivery or pick up call Saturday & Sunday before noon only. McHenry Fence Co 815- 385-1469 10-18 11 17c Oak kitchen cabinetry, all sizes, in stock, 50 percent discount off list 344-1180 11- ltfc New & used R R ties, bulk grass seed We deliver Woodstock Lawn & Farm Center 815-338-4200 11-ltfc CAMPER - 1976 Starcraft swinger, sleeps 6. furnace, stove, icebox, sink $1800 815- 653-6806 10-20-11-3c 12 STRING GUITAR. 2 dressers, set of headers for 1972 Ford, T V B& W 19", 9x12 Oval Royal Blue rug (815)653-5906 after 5:00 10-20-11 lc Electric Dryer $40 00 815-344- 1549 after 4pm 11-1 25" console color television; toaster; Polaroid camera golf shoes, spread, curtains and much misc 4406 Sussex Dr , Whispering Oaks 11-1 FOR SALE 40" White gas range. Good condition $35 Call 385-2190 11-1-11 -3c Tel-Star TV game used very little $35 ; Call after 5:30 815- 385-2403 or 385-1969 Cash only 11-1-11-3c APF Stereo AM-FM radio and 8 track with speakers used 6 months, like new, $80.00. Call after 5:30 pm 815-385-2403 or 385-1969 cash only 11-1-11-3C 16 ft Mallard Travel trailer, fully equipped used only twice. Must sell .815-459-4393 11-1-11 3c KITCHEN CABINETS plus built in oven and stove top. good condition, reasonable 312-639- 3966. 11-1-11-3c Travel Trailer. 24 ft one bedroom, toilet, shower, refrigerator, csink, stove, gas furnace, $190i) Near Burtons Bridge 815-459-8414 11-1-11 3c LITE UP YOUR LIFE with Lamps (made out of odds and ends of anything i easy to wire with my detailed instruction book $3.00. D Burrell. 720-20 St. Andrew, Crystal Lake. IL 60014 10-25-11-3c Washer $65 00; electric dryer $50.00; bunk beds. $25 00; weekends-after 3 pm weekdays 815-728-0745 11111 -3c WANTED TO RENT r i i i i • WANTED TO RENT I I I I I I I Farm Land for Cash Rent. Building Unnecessary. Call : 1-312-365-6562 9-22-11-30 SNOWMOBILES 1972 Chapperal 340 Firebird Snowmobile, Good condition. $295.00 or best offer 385-5910 l l i n : 3 c 1973 SNOWMOBILES Ont Scorpion 440, One Scorpion 340 $500 each Leave message >r recorder. 385-7577 11 -1 -11 -3c 1 KAWASAKI SNOWMOBILE HEADQUARTERS *Clothing * Accessories •Trailer •Financing GOOD TIMES CYCLERY Rte. 14, West of 31 Crystal Lake 459-1631 Sun. 10-2 Tues. thru Fri. 10 7 Sat. 10-5 OARAGE SALE 5 F A M I L Y , f u r n i t u r e , a p pliances, toys, antiques, tools, clothes Nov 2, 9am 5pm ,Nov 3, Noon-5pm; Nov 4. 9am Noon; 5306 W Shore. Lakeland Park ^ 11-1 GARAGE SALE. 4821 West Crystal Lake Rd , McHenry, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 9am to 5pm, jewelry, ceramics. Christmas decorations, desk dresser, mini bike, misc 11-1 11-3c GARAGE SALE. November 4th and 5th. from 10 :00 a m to 4:00 p m Johnsburg area, Pistakee Terrace, 1008 Oakleaf Watch for signs 11-1-11 -3c Garage Sale. November 3rd and 4th, 10am to 4pm 104 W Hilltop Drive, Pistakee Highlands. Trailer hitch, skis, crib, new afghans, books, exercise bike. snow blower,(needs work) and misc items 11-111 -3c HAW BIRTH0AV White double kitchen sink with faucets $25.00 Call after 5:30 815-385-2403 or 385-1969 Cash only 11-1-11 3c * HAPPV 23rd ANDREA T. Single traverse rod holds drapes to 120" $7 00; small crystal chandelier, $*35 ; Call after 5:30 815 385-2403 or 385- 1969 Cash only ll-l-ll-3c DINING ROOM TABLE and 6 chairs, table lamps, tloor lamps, two twin beds, sectional sofa "ndtaMos 815-385-2879. 11-1-11 -3c » 1 10VE, WK