I *' PAGE 10 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3,1978 and at that time will be publicly opened and read 2. Proposals shall be submitted on forms furnished by the City which may be obtained al the office of Baxter & Woodman, I n c . , E n v i r o n m e n t a l Engineers, 8678 Ridgefield Road, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014. and shall be enclosed in an envelope addressed "City of McHenry, Illinois. Elevated Tank Repainting, Proposal of (insert company name)". 3. The City of McHenry reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive technicalities The successful bidder will be required to Legal Notice CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS ELEVATED TANK REPAINTING NOTICE OF LETTING 1 Sealed proposals for repainting an existing 500,000- gauon steel elevated Tank will be received at the office of the Superintendent of Public Works of the City of McHenry. McHenry County, Illinois, at the City Hall, 1111 North Green Street, McHenry, Illinois, until 2 00 P.M.. November 29, 1978, furnish at the time of the execution of the contract, a surety bond in the full amount of the lump sum bid from a corporate surety company approved by the City Council 4. Not less than the prevailing minimum rate of wages as found by the City of McHenry or the Department of Labor, or determined by the court on review shall be paid to all laborers, workmen and mechanics performing work under this contract Dated at McHenry, Illinois this 3rd day of November, 1978 Joseph B Stanek Mayor SATURDAY-SUNDAY OR MONDAY PRIME RIB of BEEF AU JUS Special $695 Includes: Our famous Salad Bar, Choica of Potato. Soup or Tomato Juica, Mini loaf of Braad and Buttar. LUNCHEON FASHION SHOW STARTING j SEPT. 6th-EVERY WED. 12:30 TO 2:30 10NGMN "IS!! H0U5E <£ Route 120 • 2Vj Miles East of McHenry - 385-9869^^^ Barbara E. Gilpin City Clerk (Pub. 11-3-78) Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on October 13th, A.D. 1978, a supplemental certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County. Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, con ducting and transacting the business known as LOSSMANN'S MEATS, located at 5000 West Route 120, McHenry, Illinois 60050 Dated this 13th day of Oct. tober. A.D 1978 Vernon W. Kays County Clerk | Pub Oct 20. 27. Nov. 3, 1978) Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on October 27. A.D. 1978. a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenr setti post *v County, Illinois, ing forth the names and -office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as AuAMS BROS. RADIATOR SERVICE, located at 3006 West Route 120, McHenry. IL., 60050 Dated this 27th day of Oc tober, A.D. 1978 Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub. Nov. 3,10,17.1978) Tourist: "What are those church bells ringing for, my lad?" Urchin: "Cos somebody's pulling 'em!" Wins Theatre Award hav« a nict WMk«nd. Doctor-Jones, your wife doesn't look right to me. Jones--To me neither, but close your eyes and taste her cooking. The Secwrt Is (hrt "I wonder why Scotsmen are so good at golf." "They realize that the few er times they strike the ball the longer h will last." STOP and say HELLO " I: Sprite 8-16 oz. Bottles (SALE NOV. 2 -NOV. 7) ----„ -- ^ m mm m t MOt, Aik'i» ' ̂ SOFT • WATER RENTAL No installation charge NEW fully automatic softeners TWO year option to buy with FULL rental fee deducted ONE phone call can answer any questions per month RENT A---- PHONE 312-259-3393 SOFT Rent-a-Soft, a division of the Arlington Soft Water Company. Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 Serving McHenry Area VJ e'̂ c0, £.*.#• tes* \ If you're presently em ployed .and not cov ered under a pension plan, we've got great news for you. We'll add over $59,000 in accumulated interest to your tax-free IRA account over the next 25 years. Here's what you do. Visit any of our three convenient of f ices and open a IRA (INDIVIDUAL RE TIREMENT ACCOUNT) account. You mav set aside as much as 15% of vour annual earnings, up to $1,500 (Contribu tory IRA) or $1,750 (Spouse's IRA) per vear. And you can add that amount in Here's an example of how quickly your money can grow in an IRA account with a contribution of $1,000 (made at the beginning of each year) earning 8°o per annum with interest compounded daily * 1 xample Deposit of $1,000 Per Year Accumulated Principal Accumulated Interest Iotal Accumulated in IRA Account 5 YEARS $ 5,000 $ 1,419.32 $ 6,419.32 10 YEARS $10,000 $ 6,048.74 $16,048.74 15 YEARS $15,000 $15,493.53 $30,493.53 20 YEARS $20,000 $32,161.69 $52,161.69 25 YEARS $25,000 $59,665.41 $84,665.41 regular savings or in a lump sum payment as you prefer. The monev you pay into your IRA account, and the interest you earn will not be taxed during vour work ing years. So, if vou put aside $1,000 per vear in vour IRA savings account earning 8% interest per annum with interest com pounded dailv over a 25 year period, the interest accumulated will come to $59,665.41. (See the chart for a more detailed breakdown.) THE KEOGH PLAN If you're a self-emploved professional such as a farmer, doctor, lawyer etc., vou may be eligible for the Keogh plan. If vou qualify, you mav set aside as much as f5% of your annual income up to $7,5(X) per year. Your savings will be tax exempt (both principal and accumulated interest) until you retire. So any way vou add it up, whether you're employed without a pen sion plan, self emploved without a retire ment program, single or married, you get the most tor your monev when vou save at McHenrv County's oldest and fargest sav ings and loan. ntis MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS and loan association . MARENGO: 200 E. Grant Highway • 815/568-7258 • McHENRY: 4400 IM. Route 120 • 815/344-1900 ' WOODSTOCK: 11* CMS Street • 815/338-2900 no fat fn»m Y«»ur IRA. vou must k»vp v. >ur munrv in vour .u n<unt <it Ir. i s t unt i l th t .i^r o. t l .nv, be subject to s t i f f penal t ies Kind-- v\ i thdrau n pr ior t i i N O I M Anna Marie Cina of McHenry receives the Mr. Thespes award from P.M. & L. theatre of Antioch at the annual awards dinner held at Andre's Steak House recently. It was presented for her outstanding performances throughout the 1977-78 season. those they played with in Boston. The committee dis missed their protest, pointing out that each ball was clearly stamped "Regulation." The committee won the argu ment; the players lost the match This incident led to the formation of the United States Tennis Association THEN: In 1880, two Bos ton tennis champs about to compete in a Staten Island tournament were stunned to find the balls to be used were only two-thirds the size of FORMAL WEAR RENTALS for ALL OCCASIONS ilmjjM.mat 1214 V (>rrrn Si.. McHfnry NOW As a result, "regula tions" are now standard everywhere The USTA, a nationwide, not for profit membership organization de voted to the development of le i iuu u a means of recres tion and physical fitness, supports both amateur and professional play For a list of publications on virtually every aspect of the game, from' improving your back hand to ways to finance com munity tennis programs, send a self addressed, stamped envelope to USTA, K & R Center, 729 Alexander Rd , Princeton, N .J . 08540 EVERYONE l ikes to vote for the guy who is going to win. so HERE IS YOUR CHANCE ELECT HARRY ROSTKOWSKI McHENRY COUNTY BOARD, DIST. 2 01 LETIZIA FINANCIAL CORP. REALTORS 7402 HANCOCK, WONDER LAKE CAU815-728-0404 WONDER LAKE Young couples & singles Star ter home thot needs some lowing tender care Beach & Lake rights |ust two blocks away. Owner will consider all offers! And possible land controct with 10% down Asking *22.900 McHENRY 5 3 acres! A well cared for home with ) 100 sq ft. Possible commercial zoning on Rte. 3) Asking $ 105,000 WOODSTOCK Located in mature area near by Clay Street School Wood- burning fireploce Home shows nicely Asking s 51,900 *49.900 McHENRY • Super huge lot! '/» block from the Fq * River This well cored for home offers you a woodburmng fireplace Asking $52. S00 %